San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

K, so I had a little inspiration so changed the whole pic… I thought it was too far away to do it any justice and I wanted some interaction between the two.

Here’s the new concept after about an hour of screwing around.

I will have a lot more time tomorrow to really work on their faces. Right now just trying to get the bodies correct. Left is Apollo and right is Ares.

I wanted to have Apollos’ hand be the one with the nails showing so I could make them long, pointed and more like claws since I get the feeling he is more primal then Ares but it did not work out that way so that idea is out.



Bumping for vamps. The fantasy is so good i’d just play that race to play that race.

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Hello everybody, Ladies and Gents, Boys and Girls, and all of you other Beautiful People here in this thread! My question of the day for you is:

Should the San’layn be:
A.) Their own Allied Race
B.) Customization options for Blood Elves
C.) Customization options for Forsaken/Undead

Ideally, San’layn would be their own race slot on the character creation screen. I’ve talked about it multiple times before, so I’ll try to do an abridged version as best as I can.

They’re different enough, both culturally and in terms of aesthetics, that it would work a lot better for them to be their own race as opposed to being slapped onto Blood Elves as a customization race. They’re capable of having their own racials, storylines, and racial hub to warrant being their own race as well.

Being a customization race is worrying for a number of reasons. Playable races in any form should have a storyline presence and be able to have their own identity. While this is possible, so far seeing what they’ve done with Wildhammers, who are just slapped onto Bronzebeard Dwarves, hasn’t given me a lot of confidence that any future customization races will get better treatment.

Speaking of, we have Sand Trolls in the Horde somehow without any explanation. The only Sand Troll tribes that exist hate the Horde, so it’s weird to see them just suddenly part of the Horde without any explanation. Are they part of any fo the existing Sand Troll tribes? A new tribe? Are they just Darkspear Trolls with a different skin tone? No idea! There was a potential talk of an explanation coming “soon,” but I don’t like the idea of just putting a race in and giving the explanation later. Maybe. Probably.

This is why I want San’layn as their own race. I don’t want to see Blizzard go “SHAZAM! Blood Elves have San’layn customization options!” and not have any story to go with it. How did the Horde accept San’layn? Where did they come from? What is their backstory? How are San’layn Paladins a thing? Do we get anything other than Blood Elves LARPing as San’layn?

I guess I’m one of the weird players in that I love world building and storylines, and customization races can work…if effort is put into them. I want playable San’layn, but I’d like to have some love and care put in to add to the world. Not just slapped onto a race with little to no fanfare and no recognition of it in the game.

I could go on and on, but the important point to me is that San’layn would be best as their own race. Lots of storyline possibilities and neat gameplay designs can go with them that I think would go best as their own race. Use the Blood Elve models if you have to in their creation, but let them be their own thing.

Any race that becomes playable should get love and care. It doesn’t have to take a huge amount of resources. Customization races can work, but I want them with their own identity and having a presence in the game. Not just slapped onto an existing race without much thought about it otherwise. It just feels flat otherwise and detracts from the game.

Just my personal opinion, of course. :bat:


I messed around with their heads for about an hour today just to see which direction to take them. Had to reference cowboy hats and so tired of looking at cowboys now.


Tomorrow I hope to change Apollos’ face to be more elf like. His ears are too big now but I did just take the ones from the bat in my female San’layn pic. so that explains it. You did say his were more bat like so I tried them out. :laughing: His right arm also looks a little too big for him and he appears to be hunched though if I am going to go more primal then it could work. I do like the hat though I’d personally like the front to be more curved/beaked but I am not going to screwy with it.

I also free-hand traced that pic of Ares you posted just to get a basic shape/idea of how he should look. I will alter it tomorrow hopefully. He appears to be too jacked now though. Needs to lay off the the Super Saiyan blood imo. :laughing:



I’m posting here today, just to bump us up a bit. Love you all ((although most of you hate us tree-hugging Night Elves!))

Basically what he said. Summed up my thoughts perfectly. I specifically want San’layn as an Allied Race, it’s what I’ve always wanted. If they can pull void elves out of nowhere and make them an Allied Race, then San’layn, which have far more lore backing them with a lot of potential too (not to put down void elves, but… come on now. A ton of people only care about them to remove the unique elements from them as well and turn them into ‘high elves’. There hasn’t even been void options added to them.)

And I know everyone obsessed over the ‘flavor of the month’, but I truly love the lore they establish and don’t want them abandoning it just because a wave of people like the hot new thing. I don’t even like the new lore they’re adding. At all. Most people absolutely adore it, and that’s great. I’m just one player that cares about old lore though, so I don’t think my voice really matters in the grand scheme of things. But I’ll speak anyway. Because why not.

Haha yeah, the arm does look far too buff for him as a character. Interesting positioning though! I have a WIP I did after work of him. I used a lot of references after organizing it this time.

I have a full work week so will get to coloring. Eventually. Next up I’m working on my discipline priest, she’ll be good for hair practice. I’m moving away from fill tool for color and going to strictly use paint brush and blending. It certainly is a learning experience, as I had none before this journey.

Not me! I enjoy Night Elves! In fact, story-wise, my characters and guild saved many of them from Teldrassil and offered sanctuary in our city. I also have a night elf druid! Love the new half-mohawk hairstyle.


These days I think it’s blizzard who hates us.

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Come now. They pulled us out of the Void, obviously. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There hasn’t been an AR pass yet, not counting the skins and eyes for void elves, and a few options other ARs got from their parent races.


Yeah, I’m hoping they add void options to void elves personally to make them a bit more unique myself. But if they can be an AR, so can San’layn, especially with the curse being a mutagen; who knows what options can be added to make them more bat like or beastly. My argument is mostly pointed at those who claim they’re not unique enough for an addition.

Besides, void elves have a joke directly pointed at San’layn. The setup is perfect for a come back (“No I don’t embrace the void, that’s Ren’dorei, the other emo elf”) and it would be a shame to not have that!


If they give us a skin of bandages over pure Void, we’d basically get Ethereals as an addon to void elves. That could be cool. I made a mockup for it.


I thought about doing a priest but haven’t even started one yet. And wish I could use a fill tool, lol. I have to hand paint every pixel because my program just fills the entire canvas. :confounded:

I do like that WIP BTW but something I noticed off the bat is his right shoulder, the one to our left if looking at it, needs to stop at about the bottom of his spiked collar. You have it sloping to high imo but everything looks really good. :+1:

And I found a reference I can use for Ares. It’s the singer of Motionless In White. He has a vamp type of look and resembles Ares though not as elfie/pretty.

EDIT: BTW I will be listening to Motionless in White tomorrow while working on that pic. I normally draw in quiet but I think some music might help. :man_dancing:


Ah! Thanks for pointing that out! I’ll fix that tonight :slight_smile: I appreciate that so much because I can’t notice things like that well. And now I can apply that to the future. I think it’s a common mistake I make, so now I need to be more mindful. MIW I like Chris a lot :smirk: not sure if that’s who you mean though. He’s in one of my favorite songs too, the music video, by Maria Brink (In this moment). I can’t share it here because it’s “rated M” per say. Including the song name.

Edit: Here is the finished piece, did the fixes & colors/shading tonight.


Yup, it’s Chris I was talking about. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Nice work on the pic.! Really like the chains in the back and the shine on the hair. Hair looks really good imo. I think you’ll do great with your priest.

EDIT: Love that song BTW. I’ve never heard of In the Moment but I just can’t get enough of that song now, lol. I love it. Thanks for introducing me to the group. It would’ve been a shame to miss out on a group/song I love but never heard.

Had a couple hours before I had to do somethings so here’s what I got so far.

Still needs a lot of work but it is starting to take shape so I’m somewhat happy. Will try to clean it up later and make both a little more pretty since they appear rather pretty in the pics I’ve seen of them. And Ares still appears to be way to buff. :frowning: Not very good at drawing thinner bodies, lol, so will have to try harder.

EDIT: Ran across Chris saying F Twilight, lol. Here’s the vid just skip to 1:52. I like him even more now. :metal:

I made it so you have to go to the page so it isn’t on the forums. :wink:


Here you go!

It looks interesting; I think what throws me off is the lines on the face, unless those are guides for shading, because it makes them look very old, if that makes sense. Could be just a style thing though!

Yeah I can’t stand Twilight, it’s so annoying how anything ‘vampire’ brings up Twilight. I always just roll my eyes and do this:

Because Castlevania on Netflix is definitely among my favorite vampire media right now, and it is GORY/heavy with action. Punches are not held back.

As for the songs, yeah In This Moment is my favorite band. How’d you find what I was talking about? I suppose it’s their only song with an explicit name so it can’t be too hard to find. That music video makes me question things about myself, certainly. Another one I love by them is “Sick like me” and “Adrenalize”. Once again, not songs appropriate to share here, though, so I won’t link them. (and of course, certain parties beyond Blizzard would get oh so offended for me actually liking content like that, because oh no, I have a life. Yes, this is yet another jab at a certain someone.)

…Good vampire music though in some cases (“Big Bad Wolf” and “Blood”) though if you like metal. I do enjoy MiW quite a bit, I’ll have to do a look-see and find some of my favorites by them again. Death March comes to mind.


The lines on the face are so I know where their cheeks and curves are. If I erase them then I’ll probably put them somewhere weird, lol. They will get erased after I get a basic, working shape to each of their faces. Probably going to change Apollo again. :frowning: He looks a little too focused on the hand grab. LMAO.

I noticed that when I put lines on faces it makes the characters look old. I did that to my vampire elf and she looked old so I erased them. I have to find a way to add them but without it aging the character. I removed the outline on my vampire elf and noticed that if I did a little touching up I could get the same look but with just shades and highlights which is what I am working toward in my art. Just not there yet. Also need to start blending colors.

I really should watch Castlevania since I grew up on the games but I know I’ll be really critical of parts that weren’t in the games since that is where I draw my Castlevania knowledge from which is wrong.

I actually like that song you referred me to the most out of all of theirs I heard. I did like The In-Between and Fighter. Fighter since I like music that has soft and hard parts mixed. It’s not the best as far as that mixture goes but I still like it. Evanescence does the soft parts well but I like the hard parts to be straight up yelling/screaming and then the soft parts to be just beautiful vocals. Hard to find and very rare to get a great mix that I just love. Even better if their is a female singer imo.

If I like metal? Lol, did I tell you that I rust when it rains? I prefer emotion music or the type that just lets you vent most of the time. I’m into just about any music except country and Spanish though I can deal with raggeton.

I use to play guitar and I still have one stored away the past couple years. Worst thing I ever did in a relationship was sell my original four 12" speakers/amp setup and 6 guitars, one was a 7 string Korn style, to help out my girlfriend at the time whom incidentally was not my type and cheated on me. Man I miss my guitars. :sob:


Yeah it’s what I do with ab lines, I erase my ab lines after shading. I’m slowly getting better/learning male anatomy, and female anatomy too, in that regard. It’s going slow, but it’s a learning process. I do have references so when I work on my priest, my figure should be better, since I’ll have it right in front of me and can hopefully correct things. My learning has advanced enough so that I can at least follow references better.

I never played the games (shocking I know), so I went into watching it as a blank slate. Coming from someone who’s never seen the franchise, nor knows about it, I enjoyed it a huge amount. To me, it brought the much-needed bite back to vampires. Like Hellsing Ultamite (though see that anime isn’t as well known as Castlevania, now). I really hope Castlevania on Netflix grows and becomes more mainstream, because pushing Twilight out even just a little bit would be nice.

I don’t fault the fans of Twilight even if I hate the series personally. But the thing that bothers me the most is people calling me a fan of it as an insult. Like, leave me be with that nonsense, there are different types of vampires and just because I like ones that are aesthetically pleasing doesn’t mean I like Twilight (heck, I don’t think the vampires in that series looked even REMOTELY interesting either. They didn’t even have fangs in the movie. At all.) Just because I dislike Nosferatu doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a monster behind he mask of beauty. That’s why I like Toreador from Vampire the Masquerade so much. Again, the trapdoor spider concept. You can lure in prey very easily in that sense. Monster-vampires I appreciate but only when they look bat-like, not just… aesthetically unpleasing.

This song I do like a lot, mostly due to the lyrics. The song I referred to though I do adore, and it is extremely empowering as well. Most would see it as just a ‘dirty’ song, but to me it’s far more than that. Not like some people would get it past their nonsense, though.

Fair :stuck_out_tongue: I figured you did, my statement was more general. I’m extremely picky with my music, but I listen to a ton of covers lately. Which is fun.

Awww no sorry to hear that :frowning: Sounds like a horrible person, ugh. I hate people who pull that nonsense. Of course I have to censor language here, but there’s a variety of colorful words I could use to describe how much I can’t stand people like that.


I didn’t get to work on the art anymore today. It started with me listening to a lot of In This Moment music and then other groups I ran across during that search and their went a good hour or more. Then I shot some hoops and my hip started to act up. :angry: Rested it with a heat pack and read a book. Then had to start dinner and then did some work after.

Your art is improving so you should be proud. Your anatomy is getting better. Just find something you need to work on and fix that then when you can do it in your sleep you move on to something else and so on and so forth. Art is always going to be evolving . Your style, my style, everyone else’s style. All artist should be forever trying to improve upon their art imo.

I’ll have to check out Hellsing Ultamite along with Castlevania. Can always watch them when just relaxing.

I’m not as picky on my music but I think that is because I tend to go for a beat more so then the vocals/words and a lot of styles have good beats. The really good stuff though is both beats and how the vocals and beat create this amazing, almost goose bump, kind of feeling when listening to it. That stuff I love. Hands down the best music and it isn’t all metal either. The slower/acoustic stuff can be just as amazing as the heavy.

Nothing to see here, past relationship drama

I’ve only ever dated two women and I regret both of them. Sad but true. The first one is the one I sold my stuff to help out and she was a couple years older then me. She had three kids and was always yelling at them. She even accused me of abusing her when she wanted to fight with me and trapped me in the fridge door when I was grabbing a drink. I moved her to the side, not violently or rough, and went outside and she said I abused her when I moved her. :confused:

The second one was almost 10 years younger and other people were thinking I was the one for her but she didn’t see it that way. I even had some weird sixth sense about when she was in trouble and she noticed it also. I was always there, no matter what it was and I did stuff for her like giving her flowers and poems that other guys I guess never did. I even spent hours in the ER with her because of the physical troubles she had from and ex just beating her up.

But there were rumors that she was seeing other dudes and there were too many red flags going up. She was coming off of using drugs and she said she didn’t know how to handle a nice guy like me. Short story long, she dumped me 6 weeks later and I saw her with her ex within that week.

I took both hard even though I knew they were wrong for me. I can’t trust my own judgement when it comes to women so I just stay single. My heart can’t take crap like that again. I even told both of them when we were dating that if they ever wanted to be with someone else just tell me and we can go our separate ways. They both said O.K. and they both still did what they did. :confused:

All I ever wanted since I was in kindergarten is just one woman to share life with. I’m not into threesomes or looking at other women while in a relationship. I find being with the same person to be extremely sexy, hot, exciting. You both learn and grow together but that is rare and it is even rarer still to find the other half that wants the same thing.

My :heart: goes out to any one that has that. Hope they live long and happy lives together.

Thought about erasing my life’s story I just wrote above, lol, but figured I’ll just leave it. It was a spur of the moment writing. It is what it is.

EDIT: @Fallynn - Not sure I’m going to finish the art piece I was working on. I want to change the poses of both characters again because the way both are standing just irks me. I uninstalled the launcher/game a while ago so am not completely sure when my time is up but I think it’s the 20th.