San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I dunno how Blizzard manages to do it. But they always ruin a simple thing by adding more to it. Like the covenant set has all this ridiculous looking plating on the cuffs and hips. Their constant search for originality has become its own cliche. It’s like look what blizzard did. They added spikes and plating to cloth to make it look original. But we fully expected blizzard to add spikes and plating to a robe just cause. At this point with this game client, cliches would be a blessing.

I’ve been thinking more on Kael’thas, and was wondering how San’layn may feel about him. Assuming that the San’layn would gain the ability of free will again, which why they wouldn’t be able to I have no idea, would they still be fond of Kael’thas or look down upon him for what he did?

The San’layn became what they are from following Kael’thas, so it would be interesting to see any of them that retain who they were before becoming Darkfallen learn about what Kael’thas has done and what they think of him. Would they still want to follow him? Would they shun him at all?

Assuming they saw Kael’thas seek redemption, would they want to assist him still? It could prove to be useful in raising his body, where ever the head and body are, and turning him as a San’layn to have him lead them again. Potentially, assisting in his redemption and also the San’layn redemption to reconnect with Silvermoon.

Granted, such a move could end up turning Kael’thas back into a villanous raid boss again, which would be horrible for fans of him and the San’layn. A lot more potential would occur to have the San’layn join the Horde, with or without Kael’thas. It’s why I stress neat storylines and events for San’layn instead of turning them into mooks that are evil for the sake of it.

Even if Kael’thas isn’t the answer for San’layn getting into the Horde, there are plenty of NPC’s to work with, both existing and not, that could rally the San’layn together to help them survive in a world against them. However, I do wonder how the San’layn would feel about Kael’thas in general and him potentially becoming redeemed in some fashion.

Regardless, the San’layn have suffered a harsh life and unlife. The road to being welcomed back in Silvermoon is long and arduous, but it’s a road I hope the San’layn will be determined to travel.

Just some things I have been thinking about lately I wanted to share. :bat:


ow! my brain

(ninja gaiden)

Woot! My lover and I finished floor four of Twisting Corridors. I’m a Blood Death Knight, he’s a Balance druid. We struggle in the beginning, but by the end we are just ripping things to shreds. We might be able to actually finish floor 8, we did four of those floors today. Not sure, it’ll be a challenge, and we’re not like crazy-content pushers. So it feels like an accomplishment ^^
The toy and pet look neat. We’ll likely get the title next. It takes TONS of time though.

Also, I had all 4 horsemen in my adventure at one point :stuck_out_tongue:

I enjoy Torghast, to be honest. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, and I’m a Blood DK running with a Balance Druid, so we kinda have quite a bit of power :stuck_out_tongue: I’d love to be able to level with it.


Thanks for the Ninja Gaiden flashback. I love those old games I use to play and the music to those old games is epic in my mind.

@Fallynn - I am attempting an art piece as my farewell but not sure if it will be finished before my time is up and really not sure if it will even come close to what other commissioned artists have done. And not sure of what to put into the background if I do finish it in time.

` - first outline sketch

` - first attempt to clean it up



That’s very nice of you! I’m honored that my characters are interesting enough to give a go at in art ^^ I need to keep trying myself, I just haven’t in a long while because no muse. Been focused on other things and I’ll delve into it again soon I’m sure. Super neat though! Hope your journey goes well and hopefully they’ll finally add what we are looking for including and especially ogres for you someday.


It was more of a thank you for being rather nice to me when I first came in to this thread saying “I don’t like elves and don’t think we need more.”. I was an @$$. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This past week hasn’t been all that good for me since something is going on with my hips. I can’t sit for long so I can only do a little art at a time. Plus, like you, I’m not really feeling artsy. I started my Dreamer character but haven’t even finished a rough draft/outline. :frowning:

Here’s all I got done last week.

And any AR’s at this point could not bring me back, not even Mok’nathal. I need classes to be fun and they just aren’t imo. Tired of rented powers and gutting my class almost every Xpac. Just done at this point.

Hope you guys get San’layn though. I actually hope everyone that wants a specific AR gets it at some point in time. Everyone deserves it imo.

To each their own.


I’m actually a video game nerd, since it is one of my hobbies. Usually, I show off music that fits the mood or theme of my post for fun. :musical_note:

Glad you and your lover are kicking butt in Torghast. I like the concept of Torghast as a whole. I wouldn’t mind seeing it evolve with different locales and enemies. Hopefully, it doesn’t just stay in the afterlife.

There are really two issues I have with Torghast:

The first is that I wish I could save my progress so I could take breaks. It’s a bit hard to go through several floors, especially in Twisting Corridors, and have to do it in a several hour block. Not to mention the threat of disconnects from the game, like the internet having a hiccup.

The second is the bosses. When I got to the final floor of Twisting Corridors, I got a boss that two shots my pet and slaps me silly three ways from Sunday in half a second. It’d be one thing if there was a skill I had to interrupt, but it wasn’t really a matter of “git gud” but instead be lucky to get a boss that isn’t like that. Several hours down the drain as a result hasn’t gotten me to want to try it again anytime soon. x- x

I also finished the Venthyr covenant campaign. Seems like we’re heading to a potential raid or dungeon in the future. It’d be interesting if we saw the San’layn appear to help Kael’thas in getting revenge for Silvermoon against Kel’thuzad. We could see ones that are dead, like Dreven, or ones that came from the living plane that somehow go to the Shadowlands come and help out.

Speaking of Dreven, I do wonder if we might run into him. Preferably not as one of Sylvanas’ minions or as an enemy, of course. Dunno what to expect if he does show up, but maybe he could team up with Kael’thas to help get revenge for Silvermoon.

…wishful thinking, I know, but the story is something to keep an eye on to see where it goes in the near future. :bat:

I’ll always have hope for the races I want playable. So many good races that have so much potential and would love to be on that character creation screen.

I’ll always support my most wanted, and hopefully we’ll see races people have been asking for in general also! :bat: :japanese_ogre: :crocodile:


Tell him congrats for playing a good class.

I wish there was a version with all 140 floors so I could stack a ridiculous amount of powers.

Just thinking about the army of infernals my warlock would have makes me happy.

Stacking powers that make damaging me make mobs take damage as a druid is fun too, I killed one boss by aggroing and afk’ing.

Here’s the image! Looks super neat ^^ Your attention to detail is great.

To be fair, you really weren’t rude. If you’ve seen some people that come in here, there’s some that are BEYOND toxic that I’ve had to keep my temper in check for, because they know exactly what buttons to push. I’m perfectly fine if people don’t want San’layn and aren’t interested, or want ‘xyz’ more, or don’t want more elves. While I’ll disagree (I mean, naturally), if someone states this in a polite manner and isn’t rude/insulting to me or my community, than I appreciate that quite a bit.

Plus, there’s a way to do it now more confidently without needing an AR slot (though, naturally, it’s what I do want the most, due to racials, dances, and voice lines. I’d be over the moon if it happened). Next best thing would be a Night-warrior-like questline that gives some lore, and hopefully customization in the way which people have been asking for (not going halfsies on quality).

Yeah that’s very fair, and I agree there. I mainly roleplay so story might eventually push me to leave (I do not like Shadowlands story, to be honest, it just isn’t appealing to me and I could go into detail as to why, but eh, you’ve all heard it here before). It hasn’t pushed me to leave yet.

Gameplay-wise, yeah the borrowed power is just so annoying. I honestly hate it too. I wish we kept artifacts in Legion and just added to it. Could have collected appearances, or ‘transformed’ them based on player choice into a different kind of weapon, for more options, or something. It bugs me that when this expac is over, bye-bye powers. sigh

Plus, yeah, the reduced gear drop is just annoying. But that’s my own gripe with it, I’m not a high-end raider or anything (nor will I ever be) and so my voice ‘doesn’t matter’ in this regard, according to most on the forums. >.>

Yeah it’s a neat system I hope doesn’t just kinda vanish. Also, yeah, exactly, saved progress would be nice. It’s not timed, so like… why not? A stone to click on when you arrive at the next section, for example, on each section. Even every 3 sections, like the buy section, could be good.

Yeah that makes sense. I haven’t run into that because I primarily tank in the game, and my lover is the DPS. If an enemy touches him, he’s twoshot, but his damage is so high, they rarely ever do. I once built damage-blood-tank and was SQUISHY AS HECK. (The power that increases damage each floor but reduces max health. Even my health power stack didn’t counteract it). We managed though. But yeah it seems like a pocket tank is pretty much required.

Yeah, him and possible other missing blood princes would be interesting. Though I hope princes like Theraldis and Atherann aren’t in Shadowlands at all, because them being the source of the new San’layn we saw in BfA would make sense. Wishful thinking but good thinking nonetheless!

Hehe yeah Balance is insane right now. Also looks neat in Zandalari form.

It’d be very fun to see just how OP one could become in that case. I REALLY hope they add more cosmetics.

Like the drake for the arena mount, but unarmored. BEFORE SOMEONE SCREAMS AT ME, the gladiator mounts have NEVER been model-exclusive–the armor is what makes them special. So adding that mount as a PvE challenge reward is perfectly fair, and Torghast (like 8 more floors or something) would be a good spot for it.


Yeah, I miss the Legion artifacts tbh. One of the worst things about them was them restricting players to using certain weapon types, but your idea here fixes that issue entirely.

But a bunch of players in Legion whined because they couldn’t get weapon drops anymore. And now that we can, people are complaining about what a pain it is to get new weapon drops. What a surprise.

I remember how terrible it was to try and get a weapon upgrade in Wrath. From what I’m hearing, the loot scarcity this xpac basically makes weapons like they were in Wrath again. Joy…


Who Necro’d the two year old thread?

No one. It’s been going since March or April of 2018(old forums) and has been active the entire time. AKA I started it approx a month prior to San’layn datamined info in BfA beta. It carried to new forums.


Exactly what Fallynn said. I was one of her original people who’d post here on this thread in particular, almost every day.


By the way, Fallynn, my fellow Trust Level 3 Player, how exactly does Trust Level 3 work?


You can now post links, which is pretty nice; images as well. You’d post an image link by right-clicking and getting the image link or going into a new tab. Like this one is an image (well gif) link:


So didn’t get much done on the art since I haven’t been sleeping well with the hip annoyance and I have a runny nose that can wake me. Spent maybe an hour to an hour and a half cleaning some things up.

Here’s the updated pic.

I’m mainly going off of one pic for each of your characters so basically just winging it, lol. Apollos’ hat, ear and hand are going to be next priority. Followed by references for trench coats. Plus, Apollos’ nose and facial hair need to change and his eye is looking the wrong way imo. I think he should probably just be looking more down then straight. Finally their pants and boots will be last.

Thanks for the links. :wink:

EDIT: Also am not sure about Ares ear either. I did give both fangs but I don’t think they are in the pics so they are now San’layn if they weren’t already.



That’s fair :stuck_out_tongue: I have an imgur album for Ares ( with descriptions, but not Apollo. Apollo’s piece is pretty much the only art I have of him that I like (I have one other piece but there’s aspects I dislike about it, so Apollo has no album.)

As for teeth, yes, I’ll explain.

BELOW IS HEADCANON. It’s not in lore.

My San’layn are Blood Princes(well, those two), and in some instances with the vampyr curse, the mutagen is applied to every single tooth–meaning that they have a full jaw of fangs, as opposed to just two. This is because they are a carnivorous species and have no need of blunt teeth (think cats or serpents). This also indicates high power and status.

This is, of course, my story and lore applied to what San’layn lore we already have. We’ve never seen under the masks of the Blood Princes. So I’m going off of my own stories in some cases, because I roleplay and can. If lore comes out to change that, I might change mine, or I might not. In this case, we have seen the vampyr curse is a mutagen, so me applying this to teeth isn’t so much of a stretch, I reckon.

Blizzard is free to use that idea for San’layn, but they’ll likely use it for the new stuff they added as opposed to expanding lore from Wrath. (sigh)

Oh right, their ears are bat-like. Apollo’s far moreso than Ares, though. Ares has more normal-looking short ears because he also exists in the universe I built for my novel series, adapted for RP here in WoW (and WoW lore.)