San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Hope you feel better! Sounds rough ><

Aw thanks so much! I’m trying very hard to improve yeah, it’s going to be a long road. But the changes I’ve made and the attention I’ve paid should be golden for my improvement, and this next year I’ll be working on it even more. My journey started March 2020, and I worked on art about 80-ish days of that year span, so clearly I need to do more. However, my muse is a finicky thing. I think I’ll be able to do art after work now, I do feel more confident in doing so, so it’ll allow me to practice more.

Read this when posted! I don’t respond right away sometimes because either I get distracted, or need to think on it. I’m terribly sorry to hear what you went through. Sometimes it’s very cathartic to share something like that. I’ve dated very few in my life, and am happy with my lover right now. Think the song “Bad things” by Machine Gun Kelly sums it up. Regardless of the path you take, I hope you end up happy.

No worries at all! It’s sweet of you to even work on it either way ^^ And it’s wherever the muse goes, really. That’s what art is all about–the muse, and learning. Hope you enjoy your own art journey, you’re already doing a wonderful job. You’ve helped me improve my own art, too :slight_smile:

I’m Desastr#6423 on discord if you ever want to chat again out of forums.

Also good news everyone, I’ve captured Kael’thas.

Quick, let’s drag him off and make him our new Blood King! :rofl:
Also I’m definitely not suspicious…

I will admit, the campaign led to some fun screenshots.


The moment the quest where datamined I wondered how long it would take before you posted a picture of you ‘walking’ Kael’thas.


Well, as soon as we find his body and head, you can raise him as a San’layn. Then all we need to do is find other San’layn and get them into the Horde!

The Horde owes me several big favors, so I should be able to sweet talk them into it. Especially if they want me to do things for them in the Shadowlands, which I can conveniently talk them into how important the San’layn would be in helping us there. :bat:


I hope no one has any opposition to me nominating Bagzak for Warchief.


I’d support him and switch sides…


I was almost crippled, about 6 months ago, after waking up one morning. All I can attribute that to was possibly bad posture while on the PC for about 3 hrs. Felt like the lower half of my body wasn’t attached and I almost had to drag it around the house. Crutches made it worse because it felt like my lower body was just hanging there. Took about a month to recover enough to be able to pick up anything more then a gallon of milk.

And what made it worse was I had just finished a 3 month workout that got me almost back to the strength I had when I was 20 years younger. I was on my 1 week break from that and about to start up again and crush my max records. :angry:

F my life some times because this is the type of luck I have in everything I do. If nothing else I learned to get pissed and attack things when s#!@ like this happens. It becomes a wall and I just go head first and continue to bang my head till it crumbles. :laughing:

You’ve come a long way in so short a time. As the Rock says “Consistency”. I call it habit but consistency is better since a habit you have to actually get going for about a month before it actually becomes a habit while consistency is just doing something on a regular basis and sticking with it. And I always liked the way you shaded your abs BTW.

I hid it because I don’t feel my personal stuff should just be part of any forum discussion. I want it to be a choice to view if someone was curious.

I am extremely happy for you and your lover. Lol, every time I see you write lover I think of that song “Secret Lovers”.

I’m happy where I’m at. Some things have happened over the past year that kind of opened my eyes and showed me why it is better for me to be single. I am thankful that I had enough awareness to notice the signs. Thank you.

Thanks. Glad you feel that way because I feel like I went into it all wrong and was not doing your characters justice. I should’ve asked you some question that would’ve helped me possibly make the characters more along the line of what you think they should look like. The more info you give the closer I can come to how you want them to look . . . hopefully.

  • Gender
  • Height
  • Weight (thin, medium, fat, etc.)
  • Race
  • Class/profession
  • Body markings (tats, piercings, scars, etc. and location)
  • Age
  • Hair (facial hair, style, color, length, etc.)
  • Weapons (?)
  • Eye color and shape
  • Any living person that resembles them as a reference (could even be a certain characteristic like that persons smile, eyes, face shape, tats, build, hair, etc.)

Three covers, that I found yesterday, coming right up. :stuck_out_tongue:

In This Moment - Call Me (OFFICIAL VIDEO) HD - YouTube

Motionless In White - Somebody Told Me - YouTube

Motionless In White - Necessary Evil [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube

The HU - Sad But True (Official Music Video) - YouTube

EDIT: One of the covers I like from back in the day is this one.

Dope - You Spin Me Round - YouTube

One of my current favorite groups doing Mama Said Knock You Out. Just hate that they are going the Metallica route and trying to actually sing and ruining their original, awesome, sound. :frowning: Their 2020 album F8 sucks. Not one good song on it imo where as their first 2 - 3 albums had nothing but good songs.

Five Finger Death Punch - Mama Said Knock You Out (Official Audio) ft. Tech N9Ne - YouTube

EDIT: It might sound like I have a lot of drama but those instances are few and far in-between. Last girlfriend was back in 2008 and up until 6 months ago I was having no problems with my hip. I don’t get suicidal depression I just get bummed sometimes but I bounce back. It’s just life. I stopped hating life back when I was 11 years old and tried committing suicide. Glad I’m still around. :slight_smile:

EDIT#2: Had a little inspiration so worked on my vampire elf.


Orc Bard concept. Basic outline/sketch.



If elected Warchief, my first order of business will be to officially induct several races already within the Horde as official full members of the Horde (Stonemaul Ogres, Dark Rangers, Revantusk Forest Trolls, Forest Hozen, etc).

Then I would make a few races welcomed into the Horde and offer them official Horde membership. (San’layn, Saurok, Kelfin and the Unshackled in general, etc).

Then I would hold a huge party welcoming our new Horde members.

After that? Pretty much use my skills from the Sid Meier’s Civilization games to lead the Horde to great prosperity! :sunglasses:


For the Horde!


:+1: Bagzak for Warchief!


I agree with him being warchief! Would make a great character and ruler. Love how many good ideas he has. He’d lead the Horde to victory!!

:smiley: Also awesome art progress!

I’ve been very busy… but… I finally did it!

I know a ton have likely done this by now, but I dunno. It feels like an accomplishment to me, I put in quite a bit of work with my lover, and we got it tonight. So I’m thrilled! I hope they add more to Twisting, like cosmetic rewards, or even leveling. We’ve got a good start on it if they do >:D WHEW Though.

Floor 7 was worse than floor 8 for us due to having the eye boss, and that burned me soooo hard. Floor 8 boss was easy pie, but the trash… that HURT.


You put so much work into this thread, I feel a little bad saying this… but I hope they never add San’layn. Purely selfish reasons. I hate vampires and I hate vampire RPers.

Need San’layn! No Venthyr.


That’s alright, the hate is definitely mutual. My advice is to simply put us on ignore and not roleplay with us, as well as blacklist the guilds if you’d like to avoid roleplaying with those who enjoy vampyr. That’s entirely your decision, and while I won’t ever understand it myself, I suppose I can ‘empathize’ in my hatred for those who roleplay strictly stuck up nobility. I just don’t get along with people like that, or people considered ‘elitist’/‘lore police’.

Regardless, I wish you luck in your roleplay, and advise that you do put those of us you don’t want to RP with on ignore. Best of luck with your stories.


I don’t tell people what to roleplay. I just hate vampires. I’m with you on the stuck up nobility. I find many San’layn RPers are of the stuck up variety. I have no desire to ignore people who don’t deserve it. I will RP with people who are San’layn, I just don’t like it. Lol. Thankfully, my character was a veteran of the Northrend campaign, so I have a good reason for ol Fenny here to despise San’Layn IC.

Ah I see, that works. I don’t play with many others to be honest, the nobility kind… for that reason. But I dunno, I built the image of them to be like Death Knights as opposed to nobility in my mind, which I don’t think clicks as much. Darker plotlines with it and having to do with redemption arcs are fun. (Though, I’m a HUGE lover of the Ebon Blade, so I suppose my tendency to lean toward them in general makes the most sense.)

Thank you for not telling people what to roleplay, that’s a relief. I’ve heard some go out of their way to whisper to do so. But anyway, that’s a good backstory to hate them, yeah.

Well, if it’s worth anything, I hope you run into less roleplayers that tick you off in the way they play vampyr in the future, if a) they become playable, and b) more people begin playing them, because the ‘nobility and higher than anything’ bit is kind of annoying, yeah. And since you don’t put them on ignore and have to deal with that, doubly so.

Can make for good (negative?) IC interaction, I suppose, but not on a regular basis.


Orc Bard update.



Thanks for the post. You will get a much deserved rest since my sub is up in a day or two and I am not planning on coming back unless something epic like class fun is returning.

Update Orc Bard #2:


Just playing around with some lower body armor. I like the skulls but they don’t look right on his legs so they are probably out. Might have to go for some spiked kneepads. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Boots don’t look right either so have to change those to possibly ones like Grom wears.

The strings are too thick so will need to change those. Thankfully I have those on an entirely different layer so nothing gets ruined. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And Orcs head is either too big or body too small, lol.



I’ve been hit pretty hard by burnout myself. Only thing I’ve done this week is Kara for a shot at the mage Tier 4 helmet and the horse.


When I originally left I had burnout because WoW was like a second job back then. Now though, I barely played Shadowlands. I got one toon to max and basically stopped even trying to level anymore.

I don’t like the covenant powers and actually miss my HoA powers. More so because some of the skills themed extremely well with my classes. Like Tidal Surge for my mages and shamans and rezans child for my hunters. There is nothing really themey (?) about the covenant abilities. Even their hearthstones suck imo and not even worth getting.

I’ve spent so little time in WoW since Shadowlands launched that it would probably add up to about a weeks worth of the time I spent during BFA. I wasn’t wild about BFA but I enjoyed more in that Xpac then Shadowlands. My Enhancement shaman just feels wrong now and I am very tired of them killing that spec over and over.

Hope you find a game to fill the void if there is one. BDO was fun for a while but the mandatory PvP if you go above lvl 49 sucks. A lot of other stuff to do though fishing, sailing, trading, decorating your house or houses, making costumes, armor, and/or weapons, farming, breeding horses, cooking, alchemy, gaining knowledge on just about everything, building wagons, using wagons to trade faster, mining, smelting, drying, grinding, etc… A lot to do without going over 49 to be honest. Shai for lifers. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: And thankfully she is not a damn loli.

Best of luck to you if I don’t see you in the forums. :smiley: :hugs: