San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m planning to level my blood elven death knight, who I’d quickly make san’layn were the option available, and go Venthyr and check out the campaign and such.

Sorry, but I would rather have the Venthyr than another elf race. San’layn are just undead blood elves. Venthyrs are true vampires with a better lore then them. Plus, if the Horde’s blood elves get those customizations, then the crybabies Alliance would be whining for them too for the Void Elves.

I am going to respectfully 100% disagree with the Venthyr lore bit here. Personally, I hate the Venthyr lore, and have no interest in them. They also aren’t true vampires, and drink soul energy. Their ugly faces paired with fangs are rather useless–they don’t use them to bite anything.

We all have our preferences though, but I think I’ve made it clear that the Venthyr lore, to me, isn’t captivating at all. San’layn are far more than just undead blood elves. But if that’s all you see them as, that’s fine.

I wish you luck in pushing Venthyr, while I hope to never see them playable, I won’t ever put down people who want them. I also don’t care about what the Alliance want in that regard, to be honest. The Horde shouldn’t cater to the Alliance and not ask for things we want because they would ‘cry about it’. :roll_eyes:


I took a few fun screenshots of Kael’thas as I did the covenant quest line.

First, whenever you mount, he rides a ghost hawkstrider:

It was hard to take this pose since he only does this when he follows you and isn’t on a leash.

This is a better angle in his other outfit:

I also took this neat screenshot of Kael’thas in front of his sinstone:

Just a few neat screenshots I wanted to share. :bat:


Man those things need remodels badly. But I think that or a skeletal hawkstrider actually could look really interesting as a mount itself. With touching up. There is one Hawkstrider I do like, and it’s the PvP one. They made the bald striders look halfway decent–so I’m sure they could dothe same with the feathered ones.


It’s possible it looks like that because I keep the graphics low usually when I play WoW on my laptop. I have a desktop that is more powerful, but sometimes being able to play on my laptop in a more comfortable area is worth it. This laptop has served me well for years, but as we get through expansions, it can sound like an industrial vacuum cleaner sometimes with WoW, regardless of how low I have the settings. Maybe Sylvanas is trying to attack it or or something as part of her evil plan. Who knows?

Something that did occur to me is that when we get to unlock flying, Kael’thas would need a flying mount at that point. I’m curious if Kael’thas will ride a ghost dragonhawk around then. Might be something I check out on an alt in the future. :bat:


I wonder if there’s a bar where they and Kalec and the other low polygon peeps that are still used in current expansions like to hang out.


Right along with the foxes too (still salty that they were there in Legion and BfA and got no updates XD). The hyenas got updates! But not the foxes! I know there’s the Vulpin in Shadowlands now, but I want Azeroth foxes to be updated too. I wish they used the Legion fox mount as the fox pet models. The Cata models look so ugly.

It’s amazing that they went from this:

To this:

And while Tallstriders might not be my cup of tea, the updated ones actually look rather fierce and cool. I bet I could like Hawkstriders more if they had the same treatment. The ones right now just look like silly chickens ><

Hm… in fact, an update to all racial mounts would be pretty sweet, not going to lie. They look so terrible compared to the new updated stuff. I never did get the ‘nostalgia feel’ argument when it comes to resisting the changes. I mean…



It boggles my mind :stuck_out_tongue: I bet poor Kalec is sitting there thinking the same thing for sure, hahaha



Oof I few old now (the same when I see both my Alterac Valley mounts side by side), but that does give me an idea.

What if Kalec is just flat out horrible at the whole disguise yourself as a human thing and we get a quest someday to update his appearance, gotta go around collecting tips from other dragons.


Been walking around with my best buddy on a chain.

I even took him to my Ember Court party. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love his ghost chocobo.


Have to admit, this made me chuckle out loud :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I found the chain thing to be funny. Still think he’d make a good leader for the San’layn. Was stated in Battle for Azeroth that they need a home yet still (first post screenshot). Kael’thas still has strong desire to aid his people. The San’layn are his people, they need guidance and ‘have no home’ as stated. They were very loyal followers to Kael, prior to his snap to being power-hungry (granted, for the sake of his people, so there’s that).

I would be extremely disappointed if he just… became a venthyr. Ugh. Hope that doesn’t happen, personally.



While I know we’re dealing with hopes the fact that we’ve had San’layn show up in the past two expansions (and technically this one of you count the prepatch) and Kael show up in this and keep his appearance, which looks a LOT like San’layn more than the Venthyr, it’s just too much of a coincidence to me. They’re leading to something … but what?


Also, random, but what are the odds that the “super blood orb” that Lana used to revive the princes in Icecrown wasn’t just a blood orb but a Venthyr Anima orb thingy?


Yeah, that’s why I’m pretty negative on here sometimes (you’ll see me go onto a tangent more than once, I’m sure. Can’t help it.) I try to hold hope for it because yeah, they have shown up the past two expansions and he looks very 'layn-like, but you’re right, it seems too perfect of a setup. Meaning it’s likely not going to be what people who want San’layn added want at all.

With BfA, I got so much hope when they said that the San’layn were looking for a home, and the Horde could give it to them, if they listened. Dreven had an attitude, yeah, and then everything went downhill, especially when he drank from forsaken (which people throw in my face to this day, and say he ‘represents every single San’layn, meaning they’ll never be added’.) It was classic carrot-on-a-stick.

Then there’s the ‘compromise with Venthyr’ thing people throw, which we’ve seen me respond to time and again, so I don’t need to get into my thoughts on that one :stuck_out_tongue:

But, in the end, you’re right. Getting hopes up for that sort of thing is one thing, but keeping it rational is another. The best thing we can do is share ideas and give hopes for an outcome.

As for what Kael might be leading to? …Who knows. I don’t have a guess, aside from the two scenarios I shared.

There’s the odd possibility of him… returning to Silvermoon and the Blood Elves themselves? But… Huh. I think that scenario seems too odd to be plausible. We know the Sin’dorei are still extremely bitter after what happened.

There’s also Uther. I wonder what will happen to him as well. I bet a lot of questions will be answered in 9.1. Only like 1-2 more months to wait, in that regard. :stuck_out_tongue: Get your waiting hats and ideas flowing in the meantime!

(Like how I really want a red or black version of the masquerade moggable mask. My model has it on at the time of this post. And it looks lovely. But… black or red version, please!)

That’s an interesting thought. I haven’t thought of that one before. Like how if the origin of the vampyr curse is from the Venthyr, which would also be interesting (and make sense in the long run, the whole ‘ancient curse’ thing).

All of this is interesting (man I say that a lot), because then they were brought back AGAIN. (EXCEPT VALANAR! Why?! They didn’t feel like it? Thought there’d be too many bosses? Or could he be missing? I could be looking too far into this one though. But he was kinda depicted as the primary blood prince. So I just found it odd.) Lana’thel and two of them were brought back, fully functional, by magic from the Shadowlands…

…so it would make sense therefore that the same sort of magic variant was used to bring them back for the raid.

Edit: OH GODS I’m sorry for the text wall, I do that sometimes!


This is my first time checking this thread out and I am impressed. Well done hope to see this a thing one day :+1:

P.S and not on purpose for not checking it out sooner! sometimes I get carried away in discussion on other threads :confounded:


offers hugs

And text wall good. Text wall friend :3

Going back to this, while I would adore having San’layn as an Allied Race, I’m keeping my expectations on what to expect and not simply on wants I could see them having a cosmetic unlock quest for Blood Elves similar to the Night Warrior eyes for Night Elves or something.

Even if Kael’thas returns to Azeroth I don’t foresee him returning to Silvermoon, lots of people in-setting would not be comfortable with it (helping the Forsaken rebuild Undercity into a Lordearon city would be cool but that’s me hoping more than anything). Just imagine.

Spooky fancy gothic buttress city full of friendly undead.

For Uther, I fully expect him to sacrifice himself to save Arthas or something.


Thanks a lot! Appreciate it! And no worries at all ^^

This would be fine to me, to be honest. I’d love to have unlockable fangs, claws, eyecolors, and such. Ripped/bat-like ears would be cool too, they do have different ear options now they’re doing with elves, which is neat. We would also get lore, which would be great. I love what they did with Night Warrior. Short, sweet, gave some solid lore, and customization. I really hope they do more with that. While yeah, no doubt I want an Allied Race, this would be a fine compromise.

Edit: Also relevant, the warlock greenfire quest. More spellskins would be so neat x.x

This would be amazing. I really hope Forsaken get their city back, or a new one. Same with Night Elves. I get losing a city for the sake of pushing lore, yeah, but… I dunno. I like those hubs and areas. I was so sad that the Nightborne city didn’t have a version where NPCs were friendly. Would have been an awesome hangout or RP spot.



Rebuild a city on top of Undercity. Rebuild Brill into a city. Rebuild Stratholme. Lots of possibilities.

I have… lots and lots of salt over most things from BFA but even keeping it narrow to the visuals I despise the destruction of Teldrassil, Tirisfal, and the Undercity.

They destroyed my favourite two cities.

Friendly Surumar city would have been awesome. I love the mana kitty lady from the Arcway.


I was doing the same until I found out that since my desktop had an nvidia card, I could stream my desktop to my laptop in the other room. Runs considerably better. I even do it now to play on my phone.

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