San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This is true. Not that it would stop me from creating a tuskarr monk named Blubberfist, of course.


This is the worst part of the forums.

I have to say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or fiddlesticks and it triggers me.

Tbf I don’t give a flying fiddlestick doesn’t sound that bad


I have to censor myself so much on these forums. I’m sure people think I talk much more formally than I do in reality. Because certain words are what I enjoy using, and I definitely can’t use them here. :stuck_out_tongue:

In regard to Alliance getting stuff, still think Sethrak would be a cool pairing to San’layn, that one would be well-liked. If you think about it: Alliance would get a desert race, and Horde would get an arctic one (since San’layn originate in Northrend and the cold doesn’t bother them anyway.)

Or the dward variants from Northrend might be interesting too. (then I guess ‘too many dwarves’ would be the joke.)

Or Arakkoa (though Arakkoa & Ogres also seem appropriate for some reason.)

Furbolg has been a suggestion, as in a death related and life related race.


I talk mostly the same, I just have to drop the fun parts.

There’s a semi secret way you can bypass the filter without doing cheap methods like mispelling or using spaces and the temptation to use it for a word that won’t get me flagged or to edit it out quickly always hangs over me.

You can do multiple line

line spaces with the same method.

Methinks vrykul, partially because I’m going to fume for years if sethrak go Alliance only.

That doesn’t exist.

I think they’re best paired with ice trolls or taunka.

Both races from Draenor.

I think ogres would’ve been best paired with high elves.


Happy Holidays, all! Hope everyone is having a good time no matter what you celebrate or not!

:snake: :bat:


Wishing everyone a happy Winter’s Veil and a merry Batmas:



Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!


I had been doing some thinking regarding the San’layn and their vampyr curse, along with the Venthyr, and was beginning to wonder if the Venthyr might not be behind it at all.

The following is based on my understanding of several things, so please feel free to correct me as needed.

The denizens of the Shadowlands have a role to play in the grand scheme of the life/death cycle. The idea of undead in any form seem to put a bit of a stop to that life/death cycle in several ways, given that there are several varieties of undead. Since the Venthyr are suppose to judge souls and either turn them into Venthyr or send them to other parts of the afterlife, I don’t see what they would have to gain by making a version of undead back on Azeroth.

Another thing I pondered over was that undead in general, usually a school of necromancy, is created and utilized by beings in the living world (of…well, different forms of media along with Warcraft!). The most known undead group in Warcraft is the Scourge.

Based on my under standing, the Scourge were created by the Burning Legion:

Among the Scourge is of course…the San’layn.

Which makes me wonder if the Vampyr curse could have come either from beings within the Scourge, since spell research is something I see them doing since going BLARG and DEATH TO THE LIVING only goes so far as a pastime, or was something that the Burning Legion came up with at some point.

Since the San’layn were part of the Scourge at one point, and they didn’t really exist much before Arthas became the Lich King, it might have been something that came from within the Scourge. Whether they researched it and came up with it on their own, or it came from some artifact or old spellbook is unknown.

Somehow, Arthas came into power to have the ability to make San’layn specifically:

“Lana’thel says: Arthas shattered our forces and took the most powerful of us into his service as the San’layn.”

Horde version:

Alliance version:

Part of this quest chain:'Delar_quest_chain

Now, when we inevitably deal with Arthas in some fashion, I doubt he’ll tell us how he came into it. If anything, Kael’thas and any San’layn in the vicinity would want to drop kick him back into the Maw if anything.

Not to mention all the rumors of Dreadlords in Shadowlands could provide something interesting. Whether they specifically would have anything to do with the vampyr curse or not would be unclear, but something worth noting, IMO.

As I mentioned before, maybe we wouldn’t find anything in the Shadowlands because…undead wouldn’t have any practical use to anyone in the Shadowlands and as I said, it goes against the whole life/death cycle. There is a difference between Maldraxxus utilizing bodies for spirits to fight in and raising undead, possibly taking souls from the Shadowlands and stuffing them into those rotting bodies, back on the living world.

This is something I wanted to ramble on as it was something on my mind as I go through Shadowlands content. As I said, please feel free to correct me on anything I have gotten wrong. I’ll continue this train of thought as I think on it more.

Seems like if anything, maybe Azeroth would be more likely to hold clues of the vampyr curse as opposed to the afterlife. :bat:


Correction! The vampyr curse is ancient, as we learned from the Stormheim “Vampirates” questline. It does predate the scourge, and to the Vry’kul themselves. Arthas used this ancient magic to create the San’layn, which are vampyr like the lead Vry’kul from Stormheim that made those vampirates.

I would agree, but the curse itself is indeed stated to be ancient and predates the scourge–meaning it could come from anywhere. Its origin is definitely not scourge-related–they stole it!

" Most Fascinating! It would appear that we’re dealing with our very own vrykul vampyr! All we have encountered have been of blood elven descent, but it has long been theorized that the vrykul have suffered the curse as well. It’s too bad he’s awake - I would dearly like a subject to study. Oh well, guess there’s nothing for it. Take this stake and put it through the old chap’s heart. I’m pretty sure that should do the trick."
When we see Lana’thel here (timestamped), you hear: “And the dark, ancient powers you’ve enslaved”!


Yeah we have 2 or three type of undead that predate the Scourge/modern necromancy.



… whatever the [expletive] Galakrond and whatever he gnawed on were.


Appreciate the corrections! Obviously, I need to do better with my fact checking before I post. x- x

Also to be clear, I wouldn’t discredit the idea of the vampyr curse coming from the afterlife. It’s moreso me just wondering if it would be more likely to come from some necromancy magic practices in the living world, since the covenants in the afterlife are fulfilling a role in the life/death cycle and undeath goes a bit against what should actually be occurring in the grand scheme of things.

As I said, just me wondering aloud. I’m still keeping an eye out for anything of interest in the Shadowlands. :bat:


Makes sense! My guess is that it came from the Dreadlords, since those were the original vampires. Now it’s theorized those are from the land of the dead, but have been doing a bunch of mischief. I hope they actually make connections someday!


What’d I miss? What happened last time?

If it was some trolls then forget those fools that want to harp on your art. Art is subjective like most things in life. If people can’t give constructive feedback and just want to rag on you, or others, then don’t give any weight to what they say. It will drag you down and it is not worth it. Only give weight to those that want to inspire or help you get better, which trolls do not do.

I like the smokie background, her cool looking halo, her shoulders, her arms look really good especially her left arm, her face shape looks rather good, her overall body shape is nice and so do her hands and her rather proportional breasts. :smirk:

Only thing I am not into, and this is just my own preference, is her hips are too straight. That is probably how she is suppose to look but I personally like curvy hips on women so not into narrow hips. Just a subjective rant, lol, nothing to take seriously or make you change it. Nice work overall. +1

I haven’t played WoW in about a week. Been testing out new games and settled on BDO which I was originally going to play back when it launched a while ago but decided not to. I am enjoying it and love the skills the classes have. Very fun which I wish WoW did a LOT better. :frowning:

My sub is up last day of January and then I won’t be on the forums anymore because I am done with WoW and I don’t have that cool bug where you can post on the forums without being subbed. :frowning:

So I decided to start working on my UE4 game (soon to be UE5 since it will transfer up :slight_smile: ) , that I had started but stopped a while ago, come this new year. And I am also upping my art work and going to be drawing 5 days a week.

I will be making my very first class called the Dreamer/Imaginator. I did a very basic sketch of just the character but can’t get their dream shield to look right. When I have a basic overall scene done I will post, which hopefully is before my sub is up and most likely the first week of January.

Hoping to share and see others art work shared before I leave the forums.

Happy holidays all! May you all get the playable race you all want. :slight_smile:

To each their own.


Sorry, was 2 times ago. And yes I know I shouldn’t let someone that won’t ever be as accomplished as I am even (and is just a forum bully) in their dreams bring me down (yes, that’s a not-so-subtle jab at said person.) It’s just difficult sometimes, I know I should do the whole ‘sticks and stones’, but words to ping every so often. Luckily, I just get annoyed, sit there a bit, and move on to eventually work on the project later. Which I did ^^

Nope, you’re right, that might be an artist error on my part–you see, big time, I am still learning body shape. This applies to both male and female characters. Being a woman myself, you’d think I’d notice these things. But I don’t notice things as well, being so new, so pointing this out does help. I’m having a hard time grasping just the shape of bodies in general, be it making the torso/abdomen too long, or what have you.

Makes sense! Yeah my lover tried BDO and enjoyed it a bit ago. I have a hard time leaving WoW because I established my RP community with my guild. When I stopped playing for a bit in BfA, I just focused on writing. Or fooling around watching videos, or something.

Thanks for all that you contributed though :slight_smile: You’re welcome in the discord, though it’s been quiet as of late. Not much to talk about to be honest.

Looking forward to it! Hope you have a good time in the other games, and if you ever return, we’ll see you when you get back. Chances are… we’ll be here still. :stuck_out_tongue: But, maybe not. Who knows!


Still supporting San’layn to be included. I was wondering how well the Venthyr plate helm would look with my paladin’s transmog, the one I posted earlier in this thread. Well, I’d say it fits pretty well.

Now I’m picturing how it would look with a San’layn character.


I’d really like to see Vrykul paired with Ogres.
Both sides getting the progenitor giant races.

Then another grouping of Broken and Mok’nathal, as survivors of broken worlds. Which would also finish out the small>med>large we’d have going with humans and orcs and their variants.

Used to be that the Ner’zhul was imprisoned in the Helm/armor by Kil’jaeden, armor being made by Nathrezim.
Now that’s been expanded to Zovaal being behind the armor and Nathrezim placing it in the hands of the Legion at his behest, and the Scourge is basically the Azerothian expression of the power of Maldraxxus.
I’m curious to see if it’s explained why Zovaal could tap into Maldraxxus via the helm, or it’s just the helm tapping into the shadowlands.

I’ve not yet really seen any blood magic being done in the shadowlands as the Venthyr are more about anima and sin.

I think they tie more to the Nathrezim than the San’layn. I’ve not seen anything about blood magic in Maldraxxus yet either, but I’m still exploring that and trying to get my character leveled that’ll join that covenant.

I saw some pointing out that an interesting note about death knights and their specs is they’re sorta represented in 3 of the Eternal Ones/Covenants
Denathrius/Blood, Winter Queen/Frost, and Primus/Unholy.
More visual since there’s not really a blood theme to the Venthyr.

I do kinda wonder, it’s likely we could be visiting up to 4 additional realms over the course of the expansion. Could one of those tie more into the blood curse?

I liked seeing it linked back to the Vry’kul in a way, as the original plan was to have the Vry’kul to all be vampires, hence their name.

I’m thinking they’re just gonna turn out to originally be Venthyr and they just slurped some fel and became the form we now call dreadlords in the same manner that night elves become a very similar looking form.
That’s what I was referring to back when you were saying you felt the Venthyr were a bit too elven looking, and I was saying I was thinking it might be intentional. We’ve already got a similar transformation.

Looks great.


Don’t fume too hard Zuro. Just having Sethrak added as an playable race would make this poor girl so happy. :rofl:


Support for San’layn!


me too! more elves always better for game

Today starts the Venthyr covenant campaign quest chain where we first deal with Kael’thas. It’s going to be interesting to see what is done with him as we continue in the expansion. Gotta admit, he is one of the reasons I chose Venthyr (especially for potential San’layn related stuff). Even without him, Venthyr so far have been my favorite of the covenants (granted I still much prefer San’layn over them), although eventually I will take some alts through the other covenant campaigns to see for myself how they are.

I didn’t see too much of interest in terms of San’layn stuff seeing the Venthyr covenant campaign as a whole, but I’ll still keep an eye out for anything of interest. :bat: