San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Legacy of the Sleeper legendary gives me 30 seconds of CC immunity and increases my damage and leech.

Rogues don’t scare me.

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I don’t play in War Mode, but I see people from time to time in passing on my server. Someone said hello once which was cool. Course, I’m a Blood Death Knight so when I did toggle on War Mode, I rarely died. :stuck_out_tongue: But in the Maw, I feel it’s not worth it at all, in my case. I just wanna farm up the abilities in peace. Almost to Cordial or whatever, which will be nice. Can already do floor 8 of Torghast with my lover (Balance Druid) so it works out. Soon I’ll be working on getting to normal raiding, but that’ll be a while. I just don’t have the time to game anymore.

As for San’layn and the conversation still going, yeah. The idea-flow has reduced quite a bit, but my muse and ideas are low lately. I’ve returned to roleplaying with my guild at least, so there’s that. I just wish there were small ‘scourge events’ or something to emphasize the problem on Azeroth. Ah well, maybe next patch. I’m wondering if we’ll get some starting information in January for patch 9.1. They did say the patch cycle wasn’t thrown off despite the delayed expansion. I don’t know how true that one is, though.


Yeah , with the nature of the Maw I actually prefer being able to help people. Just wandering around (yes I just like exploring in the Maw) as my Hunter and see an assassin or abductor pop up, cue this scene.

(yes, you can use Harpoon on flying targets now :3)



Isn’t the whole theme of sanlayn somewhat like Worgen. (Like it’s a curse caused through bites) They could literally be the opposite allied race from them and alliance could get a really unique creature model like the Tuskarr because the alliance needs something truly different from the humans or vampires or anything like that. A nomadic race would be great addition to ally. Werewolf and vampires on opposite side makes sense to me :blush:


Yes, the Alliance having puppers is even more reason for us to have San’layn.

They have werewoofs and we get vamps, we need that delicious symmetry.


Hmmm… maybe if alliance gets Frankensteins. Horde does have zombies…

No vampires today. But I drew my paladin.

One of my blood elves, because I do have quite a few. Just figured I’d share. I know not everyone is a fan of beginner artist art, but I’m trying. I’ve been down in the dumps for a few weeks now, and managed to do this piece today. Sort of like a Winter Veil present for myself, if you catch what I mean. I’ll be learning art and being on this journey for a long while. This is day 85 of said journey (AKA 85 days of art from baseline at no experience.) I think a break did me well.

This is relevant though because of body typing; I’d love different body types, like the ability to have female blood elves that have more muscle to them. I tried to show definition here on mine, as she’s got quite a bit of it in character.

Anyway, Happy Holidays to all, and if you celebrate, Merry Christmas.


This character, for context!


Are you trying to start a new mechagnome v. vulpera forum war?

Because this is how you get a mechagnome v. vulpera forum war.


I like this idea of sharing your blood elf alt.

Yes please, female blood elves are skinnier than IRL me which is quite a feat.

I’m curious how my pally waltzes around in plate armor all day and using a 2 hander and is maintaining that body.

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Or how my orc warlock looks like Ronnie Coleman despite the fact that he’s a warlock.


Yes! This so much! :heart:

If they’re unwilling to go as far as shape, at least texture would be nice. Demon Hunters can have abs. Why can’t the rest of us?


offers hugs

Your art is getting better and better ^w^


Thanks so much! I was hesitant to share here since last time… well, think it bothered me more than I thought it did. But this rekindled my enjoyment for working on it, and practice makes perfect. Eventually I’ll be able to share the concepts I have for here better too, which is what I’m hoping. Might draw a bat monsters in the future as well, which would be fun.

Hope everyone’s day is going well so far! Looking forward to the gifts from Father Winter.






Lol no! I actually like the mechagnomes more than the Vulpera. Mechagnomes are sort of terrifying tbh, I’m glad they are on our side. :scream:

In fact I think their warlocks should improve their demons… like freaking laser beams on imps heads.

Just talked myself into needing to unlock those guys.


Mechademon skins for warlock demon pets when?


Oh I absolutely agree! I just also acknowledge that my love for those beautiful little cyborgs is… at least ostensibly within the minority opinion. I feel like if Alliance got tuskarr while Horde got literal vampires there would be Forum Wars III!

Do it! Rolling a mechagnome mage alt was one of the best decisions I made!

Also; Merry Christmas to everyone in this thread!!!


People would be screeching for eons about how they were another Kul Tiran while Horde got a Zandalari again.


I so want to link Theory of a Death Knight wants to play a Tuskarr right now, but it’s probably not safe to link here because of the swearing.