San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Personally, I support either road, however, I do hope for an Allied Race above all, because I’d love to have:

  1. Specialized dances
  2. Unique voicelines
  3. Heritage armor
  4. Lore (this is the biggest one for me, but could technically be achieved via questline of sorts)

Cons of Allied Race: Aside from the ‘NO MORE ELF’ crew, which I do not agree with (personally), we would not have access to the hair styles of Blood Elves. Also, a customization would likely not be applied to things like humans(who can be vampyr as well). Though, seeing as some are against vampires on the Alliance at all, this would be a pro in some cases. (I’m neutral on that particular matter.)

However, I would also settle for customization done right. I’d want it done this way:

The Questline

  1. We’d learn the origin of the vampyr curse.
  2. We’d learn specifically how it mutates. We see Lana’thel with wings, and the Blood Princes with claws and bat-like ears. I wonder if there are different variants of the mutagen for the curse.
  3. We’d learn specifically how one is raised by the curse. Best assumption is a bite (Lana’thel fight), but there could be more to it.
  4. Social structure of San’layn, as in how does one go from a Neophyte to a Marquis/Marquess to a Prince/Princess

The Customization

  1. Proper fangs/claws for Blood Elves. This could be a toggle.
  2. New Eye colors: Amber, Red, Jet Black
  3. Access to deathly skins (though this could be accomplished via access to DK skins on Blood Elves).
  4. (Personal wish that likely won’t ever be given) Gothic tattoos, facial piercings, jewelry, to match the darker style.

I’d be more interested in racials tbh. As a reskin you wouldn’t get that but as a new race you also get new racials and I know you want that cloud of bats. :wink:


Oh yeah, your point is too compelling to pass up. Now I want them as an Allied Race even more. Well, fingers crossed for news eventually! There’s been great ideas in this thread, so hopefully they will come to fruition someday. Especially the cloud-of-bats racial.

SPEAKING OF BATS, I’m a SUPER happy camper today.

I got this drop! I know you can purchase this with currency, but I’ve been farming the rare and just saved a TON of resources that I can use toward other things.

I personally love the new bat models they added into the game, and have wanted the saber-bats for a while. This one happens to be my favorite model of them. It’s got beautiful crimson and wine colors!

Guess it’s an early Winter Veil present for Falls :slight_smile:


Had a dream last night I got the Necrotic Wake mount for having the tolerance to tank that place.

I woke up a very disappointed tank.


Yeah, being a San’layn and not getting something like that Venthyr blood teleport would kinda suck (pun totally intended).

Taunting dreams are the worst. My sympathies.


Congrats on the mount! I’m still trying for the Son of Galleon mount in Pandaria, myself. 619 attempts so far and no luck (no Rey Mysterio involved either, sadly).


Dredger: anxiety intensifies


nice bat mount Fallynn. I’ve been farming it every day to no avail. xD

I opened the Ember Court today for the first time in Sinfall and when it added the couples Venthyr dancing together up in the air by the ceiling grate it made me happy. Such a beautiful vampire cliche. :slight_smile:

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Would rather have Venthyr race but I’m not opposed to San’layn if they decide to resurrect it from beyond the grave and add it as an allied race.


Holy crap man! I gave up on Invincible when I was around 280+ but 600+ is insane for anything in-game imo. At least you don’t have to run a whole raid for a chance at the mount. :wink: I use to love ICC but I hate it so much now that I don’t think I’ll ever go back. :frowning: Didn’t even like seeing it in the new Dk intro or the Shadowlands intro I hate it that much now.

waves hands around and chants some gibberish

I just gave you some luck. Now, whether it’s good luck or bad luck I can’t tell. :stuck_out_tongue:


Rare footage of a wild Drede discovered


Hope you destroyed that Alliance scum. :wink: Even if they do support this page.


I hope he purged the horde filth that was spying on him.

For the alliance.

I was solo and he had 2 other people with him so I didn’t bother.

Also knew him from the forums so he got spared the most annoying thing in this game, pvp’ing against a guardian druid.

M8 I’m a druid and that’s in the Maw

He’d have to catch up before he could kill me

And GL with that


Every time I come here I’m impressed both that the conversation is still going and that this hasn’t happened yet.

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So YOU where that moose that was watching me!

I was expecting you to switch to cat form and stealth and attack because a rogue just sniped me.

I was out of CDs and there was just this moose staring at me so I went to the first people I could find.



They are easier to beat then prot pallies. Ya just gotta know how to skin them right :stuck_out_tongue:

They make good rugs too.

/hires a kyrian sub rogue.