San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Me too, though I don’t really have any particularly strong wishes for future playable races beyond ogres and some kind of undead elf for the Horde. I’d take the undead elves as belf customization or an undead model toggle though, if that was the best I could hope for.

So I guess atm my only strong wish for a race slot is ogres (or Mok’nathal, either would do for me probably).

I don’t have any specific desires for future races as far as the Alliance goes atm.


Makes sense! I really hope for vampyr curse lore to be expanded, and while I naturally prefer an Allied Race, something like a Night Warrior questline or toggle for customization would be fine for San’layn. I just really hope, if we get it, for fangs & claws. Night elves have fangs, and so does Alleria in her cinematics. So Thalassian elves do too. Demon Hunters have claws. Please Blizzard :stuck_out_tongue: Could be a separate toggle from eyes (amber, jet black, red) which would make both Dark Ranger & San’layn options.


Somehow I never noticed this until you pointed it out.


Yeah exactly! It gets me so irrationally angry because I’m like “UH WHY CAN’T WE?!” :stuck_out_tongue: It takes maybe a few pixels. And it bugs me that the venthyr have exactly the fangs I’d love on the San’layn, where you’d have two longer fangs and the rest of your teeth sharp.

ALTHOUGH Fang OPTIONS would also be very nice nudge nudge blizzard

My favorites, as I’ve said before, have to be Brujah fang types and Nagaraja. Love the brutality behind them.


Both pls


The races I feel the most strongly about are Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn for the Horde. There are other races I wouldn’t mind seeing playable in some fashion as well, but at the moment those three are my most wanted playable races and what I focus on primarily for playable support.

It’s hard to know what is possible and what isn’t, given inconsistencies and such.

Kael’thas is under the control of the Venthyr currently, so for him to be able to leave and go back would have to be something within the power of the Venthyr.

It’s why I brought up the idea of him being raised as a San’layn via the Venthyr. We know he’s still gung-ho about Silvermoon and his people, so the idea of him getting raised as a San’layn is to avoid giving Venthyr the ability to raise people back to life (something none of the Covenants should have the ability to do IMO) and at the same time, have Silvermoon determine whether he is redeemed or not.

In such a scenario, Kael’thas is very vocal about his people, much to the chagrin to the Venthyr, and knowing what the afterlife is like, he could likely be on better behavior on a path to redemption so he doesn’t wind up in the Maw eventually or getting tortured by the Venthyr again. Not to mention that the idea of him working for forgiveness from Silvermoon who could redeem him ultimately makes for an interesting story. Moreso when the majority of San’layn were followers of Kael’thas, so leading them as a San’layn can be fitting and be part of his redemption in a way.

We’ll have to see what gets done with Kael’thas as we go through patches. I’m sure there are ways to get him back to the living if the devs really wanted him there.

This I also agree with. There are just many questions and issues I see with covenant races joining the Alliance/Horde, especially given that they all have some form of duty to managing aspects of the life cycle.

Kyrians are suppose to be impartial as they ferry souls to different parts of the afterlife. Let’s say they fight for the Alliance for some reason, die, then wind back in Bastion as Kyrians still, and then that Orc that killed you and your friends mercilessly winds up needing to be transported to Bastion to also become a Kyrian. How do they even remain impartial to do their duty?

Same with Venthyr. Let’s say some join the Horde, die and wind back at Revendreth, and then have to eventually judge souls of Horde members they knew. What is stopping them from treating some people they knew and possibly fought along with better than others?

I honestly keep finding more and more issues with playable covenant races the more I think about it. Could something be written to make it make sense? Possibly, but it’s a huge headache for me to think about in all honesty.

Just my personal opinion, of course.


I am such a person that adores the Ethereals and loathes the Brokers. Hell, I don’t even like looking at the Brokers.


I’m honestly surprised there’s no megathread for these folk quite yet. I know I’ve seen many people wanting Furbolg.

Yeah, I feel like getting the San’layn through the Venthyr would be great. We could get blood curse lore, and find out where Dreven was raised, and possibly where the missing blood princes are. It’d be the connection to Azeroth.

Now time to reverse what people told me, too. Ahem … “What if they gave us ugly options for the San’layn should they be given a race?” Make them look very similar to the Venthyr. There ya go, there’s your ugly nosferatu vampires, and people would have the option to play beautiful ones as well. Win win for those who would like either one, while giving lore to the Azeroth race. People like to say “well aesthetics on them” but I’ll flip the coin this time >:P

One that I 100% share too. People can advocate all they’d like, and people can freely disagree, also. I feel we’ve been going about it maturely and saying our thoughts. I’d never put down those who want them, but I myself do not think it’s viable lorewise and would far rather see Azeroth/Draenor races made playable myself. Which could happen through the covenants. That would be lovely.

Yeah, see I’m the same way with the Venthyr as someone who adores San’layn. So I can 100% emphathize. I feel it’s frustrating as someone who absolutely loves lore already established, and wants it to be expanded, only to have something out of the blue with the same theme showing up. Feels like a very similar case for the Brokers v. Ethereal debacle, and I’m sorry about that one too x.x


Well, presumably they’d just get their memories axed again before they resumed their duties. But, to begin with, it’d be like, why are you shirking your duties to go fight wars on Azeroth?


Maybe the remnents of the malsworn will be the ones playable. They where not willing to let go of their memories anyways.

Wonder when we’ll know stuff for 9.1. Most likely February, but eh. The more Shadowlands goes on, the less I feel engaged. The recent gameplay changes just make it even harder to even bother want to play, especially as someone who works and does other things. I guess not being able to dedicate 5-6+ hours a day on grinding current content makes you unable to do a lot in the game. I’m trying my best though, I suppose.

It sucks because even roleplay I sincerely am struggling to enjoy, when usually I could find something to do with it. I just, again, feel hollow, the Shadowlands area is means to an end, as is this stupid borrowed power stuff. Lots of the appearances are locked behind covenant stuff. Seems like what my characters do in the Shadowlands is entirely pointless, and there’s even less of a point to have hang out or fun roleplay since every aspect of Shadowlands is meant to be frontline. Why would any living character there bother to ‘have fun’ or anything?

Plus, again, the dread that they’re just going to abandon Azeroth lore I adore is there, meaning I can’t enjoy the story in the slightest. I submitted an in game suggestion for some ideas we have on here, because I’m seriously starting to doubt they even bother looking at the forums much of the time. When was the last time we even saw a blue responding to any sort of suggestion? So.

But, I learned how to submit the in game suggestions even though they changed it somewhat again, so who knows! I actually am unsure how impactful that box is, but you never know. Also tagged devs on Twitter with my suggestion.


I can’t, for the life of me, get into Shadowlands. The zones seem rather small and not much to do in any of the zones.

I think having to go through ALL the zones with your very first toon ruined the entire experience for me. I would’ve preferred to pick my covenant and then gone and did the story while doing WQ’s and what not. I could’ve experienced each zone with the appropriate toon, as in the toon I have themed for each zone.

Right now the zones are way to small for me to believe that all the dead are contained there. And if there are more zones then I think they should’ve added them to begin with and not at a later date. The whole Shadowlands doesn’t feel like the realm of death to me. Doesn’t feel final and doesn’t present any peril, which I think it should being that I am a mortal in the realm of the dead. The whole thing is off to me.

Right now I just log in, do my table and maybe do my daily covenant quest. Most of the time I do my table and log out. I think this is my final ride. Not enjoying WoW at all at the moment.

Weird thing is I am enjoying Trove for some reason, lol. I never really played it that much in the past but now I spend an hour or two in it a day and so far it is fun. No clue why but fun > anything else to me in games so I’m all for it.

Also tried Cyberpunk 2077 and liked it and the many ways you can build your character but the lack of keys available to map made me get a refund from Steam. Hope they fix it because I love having a lot of different builds to a character. Melee only, ranged/melee hybrid, stealth/hacker, etc.

That is part of the reason which WoW has lost me over the years. They have reduced the many ways I can play my classes to only a couple and most are boring imo. No more hybrids which were fun. No more building it my way it is more like building it the funneled down meta way which blows. Need more character/class options to allow uniqueness.

Fun > anything else

Character uniqueness 2nd > anything else

To each their own.

EDIT: I was also playing Genshin Impact but got tired of the limited multiplayer so waiting on Blue Protocal. Also played Dead by Daylight and I am suppose to join my nephews in a couple games but haven’t gotten around to it. It’s a nice little horror game with some well known movie killers like Freddie, Leatherface and the Saw woman in the pigs mask. I always play as a survivor. :wink:


Likely, Blizzconline in February. Wouldn’t surprise me if it were more of an announcement, with it coming much later though.

I did notice with the new suggestion submission window, it mentions that all submissions would be looked at in some fashion. Whether they actually look and consider it or if they just read it and move on is up in the air, but I still at least once a month submit a suggestion for the races I want playable while referring to the megathreads on here for more information.

I want to keep some hope of things being considered, as falling into despair isn’t fun at all. It is hard to know if they consider anything, since they’ve stated that they plan expansions two past the current one. At the very least, giving it a try would give a higher chance of happening than just silently hoping. Just how I see it.

I’ve thought about doing this occasionally with my Ogre/Saurok support. Not really sure how effective it would be, and I don’t really want to bug the devs directly, but it is something for me to consider.

Same here. I’m mainly logging in to work on Renown, since it’ll be part of unlocking flying, with the occasional WQ run for rep and anima (good to do while watching YouTube videos) and Torghast for any mission table adventurers you can get through it. At some point, however, I feel like I’m going to check out of this expansion unless there is an incentive for me to play through it.

To be clear, it’s not a matter of not getting races I want playable, but moreso just the theme of the expansion that I just don’t care for. It’s hard to get invested with the afterlife of all things that will have little impact to do with the world (of Wacraft!) after we’re done with it. Also seeing the shoot interview with Ion mentioning that the Maw will be part of the story in the long run has me wanting to NOPE out.

On the bright side, there is still older content I wanted to explore and check out. I was even thinking of getting back into WoW Classic to check out Dustwallow Marsh so I can see what Blizzard did with the Stonemaul Ogres during Vanilla. Likely not a lot to discover, but still something worth checking out IMO.

Still, I hope the next expansion comes sooner than later and takes place back on Azeroth. If we at least get San’layn out of Shadowlands somehow, it might have been worth it. We’ll have to see where the story takes us, which I dread more than look forward to if I’m being honest.

Sorry again to be negative. Just my personal opinion, of course.


Aw man, I just learned that pretty much every single covenant cloak hides two handed weapons. Including the blade-wings .-. And since Falls uses the Arcanite Ripper… I refused to have that one hidden. How disappointing. I guess that’s a transmog that I won’t bother going for, which I was excited for since, well. The wing cloaks looked neat, and all. The blades also would have been really cool for mog purposes, but not hiding two handers.

Just one disappointment after another at this point, argh. Now I’m wondering if I should bother going for the bone wings on one of my other San’layn, because he also is a Blood Death Knight and having the axe slung across his back is kinda a big thing for any death knight or two-hand weapon wielder.

Edit: Bright side is that I have nothing of value to work for I guess so am waiting on pretty much nothing when it comes to renown since I hate the Revendreth ugly bears and won’t ever use them either. So there’s that. Downside: Nothing to work for.

I’ll work on current content and collecting non covenant mounts.


Me on week 4 of the Venthyr campaign…



I still don’t entirely know where we leave off on Kael’thas; like, after the raid. Is he just chilling there in the hall and it’s a “wait for more in the next patch” situation or is there a conclusion to his story?


I dunno what’s actually going to happen, but my prediction for the end of the expansion is:

Following the events of Shadowlands, the Shadowlands are going to decide that, with everything that’s happened, they need to be more involved/attentive to the goings on in the world of the living.

To that end, each of the Covenants is going to appoint someone to be an emissary to the world of the living. Whether that means actually bringing them back to life, or simply a dead person in the living world(like when Draka was sent on missions).

As for who is going to be sent, I think it’s going to be the Lore characters that each of the Covenant campaigns centers around. So:
Uther for the Kyrian
Kael’thas for the Venthyr
Draka for the Necrolords
Ysera for the Night Fae(or possibly Tyrande if she ends up dying before the end of SLs)

Now, their purpose is to just “keep and eye on things in the mortal world, so that when this crap starts happening again, we actually know about it BEFORE it ends up in Shadowlands.”

As for what they DO in the meantime, that’s probably up to the emissaries, and however they want to spend their time in the mortal world, as long as they are reporting back to their masters in the Covenant. And will likely be different for each character.

Best case scenario for Kael’thas? He becomes leader of the San’layn and join the Horde! Maybe Uther rejoins the Alliance. Does Draka go live move in with her daughter-in-law? Who knows! The future is wide open!


I dunno about keal’s scenaro with this. The blood elves of silvermoon isn’t so keen on welcoming him back. But we will see.

I just know for sure he won’t be their leader at any point soon, or close to it.

Going off the scuttlebutt and what I’ve read off Wowhead (going off what was in Beta and what was datamined) it’s very likely he’ll factor into


a possible Maldraxxus Raid involving Kel’thuzad and Byraz.