San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

always game to slay her again!

Don’t know why this doesn’t play here, so I’ll put it as a link instead:

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I mean, I’m not going to argue against that one, I think it’d be epic as heck :stuck_out_tongue: There’d need to be lore for it but like… a couple quests and boom: “Your worgen curse has been mutated, drink some anima to activate it” (Which wouldn’t cost anything, but like, you’d visit the Revendreth order hall to ‘activate it’ and then could toggle on and off at the barber, kinda like druid forms? If that makes sense. Huh.

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They’re pretty cool, would be fun haha.


Also think a san’layn demon hunter with the the stoneborn as their transformation would be pretty neat.


For all the “there must always be a Lich King!” hooplah and how they have to keep the scourge in check warnings, there doesn’t seem to be very much going on in Azeroth.

I could understand not having swarms of undead everywhere killing everything, as it’d be hard to level at the lower level ranges with undead slaughtering everything and everyone, but there doesn’t seem to be much of any undead threat anywhere. Orgrimmar and Stormwind, despite the prepatch events, seem to be just standing by merrily as the world (of Warcraft!) is being threatened. Not sure if I’m missing something here.

Of all the areas I figured would be most affected would be Silvermoon, since they’ve been besieged by undead several times. If anything, I imagine they would be on edge because of it and may be one of the Horde capitals at the most risk, though in theory all capital cities would be at risk in general.

I had the idea of occasionally checking in on Silvermoon, Eversong Forest, and the Ghostlands occasionally in case something was added in future patches. Imagine if San’layn where hiding and checking on how things were going on in Silvermoon, maybe hanging around in the dark alleyways in bat form, or doing something to keep tabs on their fellow kin. It would make for some great hints of them becoming playable in some fashion if they were around.

Realistically, I don’t really expect much of anything to really change or be added on the main continents, let alone Silvermoon and its two nearby areas. Still, it’s worth a shot to check in on those areas as we go through Shadowlands just in case. You never know what could happen.

I’m still keeping hope and rooting for playable Horde San’layn. :bat:



Gods I wish. I so badly want to return to Azeroth and do something. Yeah, we’re fixing the afterlife, but the scourge are rampaging across Azeroth. It’d be nice to have a force on Azeroth, and possibly a patch or something, to address this, for goodness sakes. It’d make things feel more… engaging.

As I said, the covenant stuff just feels a bit hollow, in my case. Like my characters don’t belong. We’re going to fix someone else’s problems once again because no one in the Shadowlands could apparently open their eyes enough to stomp the jailer out before he could get this way, and just locked him up without apparently checking whether or not he was under control.

Not to mention this nonsense Sylvanas story that I still dislike. I just don’t like the feeling of abandoning Azeroth while there’s (a) still the scourge, now worse than ever, and (b) the planet is still bleeding because the sword is still there, and I highly doubt the void threat ended with N’zoth.

It’d be pretty useful to have tacticians, those that have extreme inside knowledge, to start helping dismantle the scourge… you know, like the top dogs, the San’layn. Who were sent specifically as tacticians for the Lich King. Highly intelligent, and as we know, looking for a home. They can 100% start helping Silvermoon and the Horde right now as the scourge are a threat.

If, of course, Blizzard would address the going-ons on Azeroth itself as well. But chances are, when we get to 9.1 & 9.2, we’re just going to go to another part of Shadowlands, and… meh. Personally, I really wish more on Azeroth got expanded, especially the races of Azeroth. At least with Argus, we were still on the living plane. (Shoulda also gotten Broken that people were asking for, prolly.)

Alas, just like borrowed power, they do this with lore. Many leap on the hot new thing and aren’t interested in the old. Such is life. Can’t hide the fact that I’m frustrated with it. I can only hope they don’t just abandon lore they’d been building up and establishing for… this stuff. (Which I don’t need to extensively share my opinions on, I personally am not interested. Fae and Mald are the only interesting story elements to me, and even then, in their OWN REALM.)


It’s hard for me to imagine going back to Azeroth during Shadowlands, considering what our characters are busy doing. It could be a last patch thing, similar to BfA, where certain areas are under heavy attack because either:

A. The Jailer is the big bad and is in total power and wants to dominate the living world (of Warcraft!) now.

B. Sylvanas is the big bad and has gone el pollo loco while attacking stuff for reasons and causing general mayhem while also causing massive ire on the forums.

C. The true villain of the expansion appears out of nowhere and twirls their mustache as they attack Azeroth because they’re TEH ULTIMATE EBILS!

It does disappoint me that what is going on back in the living world (of Warcraft!) seems to be downplayed and not really mentioned at all. I don’t even recall it being mentioned much, and I did read the quest text from the beginning through getting to Oribos. Having the occasional mention of it as you’re in the Shadowlands would’ve added to the tension and seriousness of the situation.

It’s like how in Ultima VIII: Pagen, your character is taken by the villain and tossed to a whole different world, where you’re in a bit of a rush to get back to the world of Ultima, which is being attacked and people are getting slaughtered, all while the villain taunts you occasionally with phrases like “At this very moment, Britannia burns!” or “Hark! Is that the sweet sound of lamentation to my ears?” Stuff like that really adds to the gameplay if done right.

It’s a bit of a reason I got a bit miffed when I saw that I’d be getting to setup parties with the Venthyr. People back on Azeroth are suppose to be getting overrun with undead and getting slaughtered, and here I am serving the bloodwine before it’s time to aristocratic vampires, who again are not the vampires I’d personally want to party with. Do I really not have anything better to do in the Shadowlands than party? Even if I have to schmooze with them, it just doesn’t feel right when my home area and such are being burned to the ground by the undead.

The only instance I can really think of that shows what is suppose to be happening is through, if I recall correctly, one of the covenant campaigns that shows one of the villages in Redridge, I think, getting overrun by the undead. That’s about it, sadly, and is one of the many reasons I feel detached from this expansion. The direness of the situation back home isn’t conveyed as much as it should, in my opinion.

I seem to recall a mention by Blizzard somewhere that the sword would come into play in the future, I don’t remember what the quote was exactly or where it came from, though it seems like something that should’ve been addressed in BfA. Maybe if the ending wasn’t rushed, something would’ve been addressed. Seems like the Horde and Alliance just forgot all about it with that war that went on.

it’d be a great opportunity to reintroduce them into the story and earn favor with the Horde. I don’t see why some who are wanting to join the Horde still wouldn’t jump at the chance to help out their old home and earn brownie points in the process. Not to mention they would show their loyalty by helping against Sylvanas.

I honestly don’t know what to expect with this expansion, but I feel more dread than excitement. It makes the wait for Blizzconline feel really long, too.


Yep, I remember this. It’s Lakeshire. It happens in the Kyrian campaign.


Really? That’s interesting :hushed:


The Kyrian campaign is pretty good, from what little of it I’ve seen so far.

I’ve yet to experience any of the others yet sadly, other than the intro to Night Fae, but that’s because I’ve been focusing on herbing over anything else.


I need to finish the anima quest so I can do the next chapter of the Ardenweald campaign.

It has Bwonsamdi, therefore it will be the best chapter in the campaign.

And it’s finally something not night elf.


Lance and I were doing it on our druids, but they’re practically too weak to even do world quests (even with some AH blues), so we put them on hold. We’ll come back to it later.


I wouldn’t bother with dungeons for gearing too much tbh, I had to spam normal dungeons as a tank for 10 hours to get the ilvl to get ilvl 154 at which point I just bought a legendary piece after two hours of no upgrades so I could finally queue heroic.

I got 3 legendaries in the process, which would’ve been great if they weren’t for the 3 wrong specs.

tl;dr the RNG sucks especially if you’re getting unlucky


I’m personally more interested in what happened to Xal’atath. I’d really like to know her story but I’m guessing that Blizz is just going to either skim over it or abandon it completely. :confounded:

EDIT: The sword coming in to play could be the gateway for the Jailor to enter Azeroth. I think I saw that mentioned somewhere but can’t remember.


If you can stand them doing random BGs from 51-59 to stockpile honor is a great way to have gear waiting for you once you hit max, 148 here due to crafted and PvP (it’d be higher but trinkets and rings).

(Laeth btw!)


You know, I’ve been thinking. People have been defending that Shadowlands races can come onto Azeroth, which is fair… like the Mawsworn. We saw them do that in the Prepatch. So I wonder if the same would apply to Kael’thas? Or if the Mawsworn could only do it because they obtained a new form? But, well, it’s odd. Just something to consider. It feels weird to just auto-get-a-new-coherent-body when getting to the Shadowlands, but that almost seems to be the case for some characters and not others. (Draka is an example of this.)

Not even blood. Just anima. Venthyr have fangs, but they don’t bite. Another thing I dislike about them quite a bit.

I agree entirely, and it’s such a shame >< Not to mention… we’ve seen the Mawsworn, as I said, as able to literally ressurect old scourge members. I don’t believe they’d just stop. Plus… WHY were they doing that in the first place? For what purpose? We don’t know why on that end either. Maybe to get more souls or something? Seems likely, but an in depth explanation would be nice.

Yeah, major part of why I just HATED BfA myself.

Exactly. I can only hope they expand upon that lore for sure. Plus, they’d be helpful in the shadowlands–any undead would be, since they already walk that fine line.


My objection comes not from whether they can come to Azeroth or not, but more so why would they choose to go to Azeroth and live as mortals? It just seems odd.


Oh yes, I entirely agree. I think most people know I’m not all too supportive of the notion of the covenant races becoming playable. Kael’thas, however, I feel might be a special case, because he’s so tied to Silvermoon and the Blood Elves. So he might have a way in via that regard, and maybe even in one piece without the need of his body. We honestly don’t know how it all works, though.

The Brokers seem to be the only ones, lorewise, that make sense to be playable, as they’re not tied to the Shadowlands. Quite like Ethereals. Though… I feel like those that adore ethereals and their lore might be like me, and want the originals. However, the sentiment might not be as strong. Who knows.

Either way, yeah I’m with you there entirely, it just doesn’t make sense (in my personal opinion). Also why I’m hoping to see Azeroth/Draenor races added, even if not San’layn anytime soon.