San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The campaign tomorrow for Maldraxxus sounds like it’s going to be great

I’m hoping the effects are permanent it would be sick if they are

Yes, because it’s the best covenant


I think Maldraxxas and Night Fae are equal to me, because I LOVE the Mald aesthetic (unpopular apparently, I know :P) and the general look of the zone. And just… I dunno, the mentality of fighting, but also Draka saying: “We fight for those weaker than us” (That stuck in my mind when she said that, was very very admirable and something I adore).

But I also LOVE nature, and animals in general, and the whole fae aesthetic, so night fae has my heart too in terms of story. Not AS much for aesthetic, because I like going with the bloody/edgy stuff (at this point, you all know that one :P) but the mentality and beauty of it takes me away.


I’m maining a C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶i̶a̶n̶ ­­ tauren druid here so I kind of have to like it.
Arden is undoubtedly the most beautiful zone.

But Maldraxxus is still cooler and if you disagree you’re wrong because you don’t agree with me and my opinion is always the best.


Yeah, I was really annoyed with that also. However, feathermanes still have the slow fall ability:


I thought so too but it is the least popular covenant. Night Fae has 31.74% of the playerbase, Kyrian has 28.98% of the player base, Venthyr has 23.86% of the player base and Necrolords have a very low 15.42% of the player base.

I’m trying to play for fun this time around and not OP skills but I’m guessing Night Fae and their shapeshift is part of the appeal. I am not into that skill tbh.

Thanks for that. I always appreciate your links. But I don’t have one nor will I probably ever tbh. Very tired of pets getting changed so often I have to look them all over each xpac in order to know if they are useless or still good. Same goes with my classes the majority of the time.

I want a class I am familiar with and not always changing each xpac. Keep the skills and add more with each xpac but the rented powers making up a major part of our skill set or having a big impact on them is ridiculous imo. When the rented powers go bye bye so does our rotation and the way we play. Have to relearn how to play each class a different way each xpac. Just terrible.

For example: My enhancement shaman was in a very good place imo at the end of BFA. He was quick,was able to have both earthen shield and lightning shield and almost always had a skill to use with little to no downtime. Now starting in Shadowlands I have more skills to use but no filler because rockbiter is gone and Stormstrike procs half the time or less then it did in BFA. I go through all the skills I can pop and still I get to watch my auto attacks till my skills are off of CD. Even with that useless totem it is so . . .s . l . o . w.

I remember back at the end of WoD I was trying to get back into WoW because Legion looked good. They hit us with the pre-patch and my enahancement shaman went from feeling rather good to having survival issues with two mobs. I had to start taking mobs on one by one. It was terrible and I decided not to resub for Legion because my shaman felt so bad. This is a common thing each xpac and I’m tired of it.

Classes should feel the same going into a new xpac as they did at the end of the previous xpac. They should probably be better off coming out of an xpac then they went in. But each xpac we get the classes get stripped at the beginning of an xpac and then start to feel good at the end but it just turns out we just come back to a baseline that we should’ve had going in. Terrible and not fun.

So tired. So very, very tired of the constant changes. Too much change is never good. Some change is inevitable but the amount of change in each xpac is absurd imo. We should be building on what we started in the previous xpac or continue to build some things we’ve started in xpacs before that one. :confounded:

To each their own.


I fail to see the problem here. I’d be more than happy to march around in Orgrimmar with both their heads on a pike! Speaking of, when I do return from the Shadowlands, the Horde totally owes me big time for saving the world yet again, especially since I had to jump into the afterlife of all things this time.

I think allowing some new Horde members to join as my reward would be well worth having to be the awesome world savior champion dude mon, in my opinion! :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :bat:


Yup, didn’t Denathrius create the Venthyr in his image though?
I’ve not been through there yet, but think I’d read that before hand.
So Venthyr going out as agents and consuming fel to entrap Sargeras and work their sneaky plans makes a lot of sense within the new context.
They’re manipulating all the various powers toward their own goals, which might be to help Zovaal since I think I read Denathrius is in league with him?

Ozzy played at Blizzcon one year =]

but she’s already becoming Illidan =P
I laughed at a comment or post somewhere that was saying if he could see her now he’d be rather excited.


I don’t see her like Illidan personally. I liked Illidan I don’t like her. She is more like Maiev in her blind quest for vengeance. Illidan was trying to save people she is just trying to kill one person. No comparison.

If he could see her now I’m not sure what he would say. “The hunter/huntress is nothing without the hunt.”? If she was like this back when he was trying to save people I think they would’ve gotten along but now that he is with the Pantheon as Sargeras’ jailor I don’t see him doing anything but trying to save her and turn her from going down the path Maiev has traveled.

EDIT: With all the retcons going on I’m not sure what is cannon anymore and what is not so I could be in the past with some of those responses. :confused:


Oh! so we get to kill her! good!

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I know I wanted ghost kitten and stitched kitten battle pets (using the slime kitten as a base) and skeletal, stitched, or rotting cat hunter pets. Give us more undead beasts to tame that look like animals from Azeroth.


World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Becomes Fastest-Selling PC Game of All Time - Wowhead News

I’m going to guess that is because of the pandemic. And it is only the fastest selling not the most sold all-time, at least I hope. I think there are far better games that should’ve sold more all-time then Shadowlands will.

And appears D3 use to hold that title but I’m going to guess that is because of the long wait in between D2 and D3. Love the Diablo franchise but wasn’t wild about D3 and less interested in D4. D2 was my all-time favorite of that series followed by the original that had some very cool mechanics like being able to learn spells as a warrior by increasing your intellect (?) and reading the spell books. Or just dropping items in town or duping them. :smirk: Very cool imo.

EDIT: Also loved the cathedral that you got to descend deeper and deeper. Loved that the creatures got more dangerous the deeper you went and the succubus would start to appear. Hated the Butcher level, lol, which wasn’t that deep.

EDIT #2: Was upset D3 and now D4 aren’t a 3D dungeon crawling version of Diablo. Really want a 3D Diablo at some point. Tired of the 2.5D, click to move version.

EDIT #3: @Fallynn you said you like Pokemon have you tried Temtem? I want to play that so badly but I am not paying $40 for an early access game. I heard some questionable things about that game and will wait till it comes out of early release.

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I’m gonna be honest, in my life-time I seen so much of the phrase “fastest selling” or “top selling” games in my lifetime to not really believe that such phrases is anything more then just an advertisement to ignore lol.


I’ve heard of it but I’m one of those who’s a purist in that light XD As in “I’m not playing a pokemon rip off”. Yes I know, I know, I need to have more of an open mind. But I don’t know, like I pet battle in WoW but it is NOTHING compared to Pokemon, and the specific pokemon I love very much. Like Ninetales is my favorite. I also enjoy talking with my peers about favorite pokemon designs and all. Sorry to hear about the questionable stuff x.x


I’m kind of the same way. No other pet battle styled game holds the same appeal to me that Pokemon does.


Also yeah it’s sort of odd that there’s not as many undead pets added… and that includes, like, the tameable pets. My lover was looking for some pets for his hunter and found that many Shadowlands pets (even some that LOOK undead) are in fact “beasts”. No need for the undead tome thing. I do have it on my account now, though, so will likely go nab a skeletal devilsaur for one of my San’layn. I also adore the saber bats.

For battle pets, getting this fella is rather simple:

And he’s adorable. Very good pet for San’layn characters (or if people happen to play human vampyr as well for their choice.) Also, I guess you can have the gargoyle-imps as a pet too, which is interesting.

Which is neat. Even if I’m not interested myself, I know many want playable Venthyr, so that would be a good pet to go along with that idea.

If we do get more San’layn lore, it will be interesting to see how they interact with the Venthyr, come to think of it. And the Dreadlords, if that’s all connected (from our previous conversation). I’m shifting into less of my ‘negative nancy’ and just hoping for more lore. Starting to enjoy my characters again too. This is an expansion for expanded customization, so if the wish for San’layn ends up being customization (again hopefully with lore to go with it on the curse origin), then I’d be fine with it (done right). Could lead to interesting stories and interactions.


If they have any lore about the vampyr curse originating from Revendreth (like how necromantic energy comes from Maldraxxus), they could add vampyr options as customization options you get by choosing the Venthyr Covenant.

Covenant specific customization options could be a cool extra touch to the Covenant system.


I guess the question here is if there would be undead in the afterlife or would it be more…unliving in a sense.

I mean, something like Maldraxxus, even rotting corpses or skeletons have some sort of living component to it in the case of the afterlife, and undead as we think of is a state only achievable in the living world.

It’s a little complicated to explain, but I tried as best as I could. Maybe what we see as undead only really exists in the living world as opposed to whatever science/magic the afterlife follows.

On another note, I just finished my Business Finance class! Huzzah!

It’ll be a bit before I’ll be able to see my final grade, but I’m pretty sure I passed.

I’ll see if I can start contributing some San’layn stuff here, such as some writings I mentioned awhile ago. Got a few things in my head and am overdue for contributing to this megathread. :bat:


I really really really wish we can final get slimes as hunter pets. Especially those in Maldraxxus! My undead hunter would be very pleased.


Yeah this is a neat idea honestly, and I think it’s been proposed here before. It would sum things up nicely. Maybe even some flavor text for Blood Elf vampyr specifically, if they choose such a customization. I know people have mentioned that fangs/claws would be a toggle separate from eyes, which would work for Dark Rangers. I think it’s a neat idea myself.

One of the issues I see with this, however, are worgen vampyr–would they just be excluded? We don’t know yet, but it seems a lot like the vampyr curse is similar to Death Knights & Forsaken. NOW… Death Knight worgen are a thing, but that’s kinda special. So… I don’t know. Hm. Maybe it’d be restricted to certain races? But then fairness does play a factor. So I guess it comes down to how they’d do it, and for who.

Yeah this is the strange bit, and I was thinking and brought up to my lover: “What if, for Kael’thas, they constructed him a body that looks like him from Mald, then sent him on his merry way to redeem in Azeroth? We’d get a stitched model.”

But then he brought up the fact that Mald flesh/blood might still be ethereal/afterlife flesh and blood? Do they collect it from the living plane if not? And they implant spirits in there too, once more, it’s just a jumble of “How does this work?!”

Wow huge congrats! Must be a HUGE weight off of your shoulders.


It was more of a joke, I’ve seen people posting memes of her transformation and choice of weapons all being similar and it might have even been here on the forums of FB where someone was commenting about how Illidan would be “stiffer than a flag pole” if he could see her now, which was humorous.
Illidan had a pretty big goal of getting Sargeras as well. Don’t think he’d stayed behind to torture couabsorbghs him otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:
Curious to see if Tyrande changes more or if the power will be divided up like some others have commented or what.

I’m surprised Maiev kinda got the redemption she did, she was a psychotic nutjob there for a while. Tyrande still isn’t as bad as she got.

true enough haha

We already have once before :stuck_out_tongue:

Doesn’t it happen most expansion releases? I didn’t think this was a first.
Like it’s an ever moving goal post type thing.

So something odd…in some zones it sounds like when a denizen of the shadowlands dies, they find oblivion. In Ardenweald they return to the cycle…
It’d be neat if they thought they were just destroyed but actually reborn somewhere on the mortal plane to continue the cycle.
Wonder if that’ll be explained more.

instead you play as a stoneborn :stuck_out_tongue: