San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

For those who have Blanchy:

Pretty neat :slight_smile:

Here’s how to do it:

Hope the effect stays, I love how cool this looks, and it makes it unique. Love the look of this mount in general. I should probably get spectral peterrodax too at some point, that one looks nifty.

Figured I’d share because of the aesthetic.

Also I agree “pls blizz don’t fix”, hope it stays this way forever


Me too. But, you know the track record…


So far, I’ve found two Venthyr reps in the game. Even though they have nothing to do with San’layn, I figured I’d mention them in case getting exalted with either could serve as an unlock criteria if San’layn did become playable (especially with Kael’thas involved).

The first is the Court of Harvesters, which is the Venthyr rep, which you get from questing in general, world quests, and calling quests among other things.

The other is The Avowed:

Wowhead has a guide on how to get rep with them here:

As I said, nothing to do with San’layn, but you never know. I would guess if San’layn were to be introduced as an allied race, they’d come with their own rep. While other allied races have had their rep requirements removed, I can see newer ones still having a rep requirement for us to work on daily.

Anyway, just something potentially of interest I wanted to share. :bat:


As always, thanks for the information :slight_smile: Can get some neat mounts from that as well.

I played around a tad bit with the Blanchy effect. I used the Transmorpher beacon (WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO PICK THE BOSS, BLIZZARD) + Orb of Deception, then mounted on Blanchy, and turned off Orb. The effect applied to the morphed boss. Without further ado…
Found Kael’thas early, guys! :stuck_out_tongue: His orbs are still green though… :thinking:
Vry’kul still look derpy as heck on any mount :rofl: Because they’re too big. Something to do with how the model works.
This guy has no wing mechanics.
Found Kael’thas again! This time in his fel-crystal-punctured body…
Oh gosh, Elisande is back?! Yikes…

So yeah, those are the only notable bosses I got when going through my alt list.


It’s even better on donkey mounts.

Sky golem mounts look like those booster seats for toddlers because your feet stick out the bottom.

Junkheap drifter is a good one too because you click through the ground and through the top of the mount.


The spectral pterrordax probably shrinks you like the normal one does which is stupid and the reason I don’t use it. I haven’t even started on Blanchy and not sure I will. Not even really interested in Shadowlands for some reason. I was one of those that was looking forward to it but after I played through it I’m no longer into it. I leveled one toon to max when normally I’d have at least 3 or 4 by now but I just can’t make myself like it.

Very disappointed in my enhancement shaman. I get to use more skills then before but I burn through them all and get to watch my auto attack till something comes off CD. No more rockbiter filler. No more crazy stormstrike procs. Enhancement is slow now even with that totem and boring as ****. Even my BM seems underwhelming. Shadowlands = fail for class fun imo. Even the covenant skills are underwhelming.

I’ve said it before many times that Shadowlands is Blizz’s last chance to make classes fun and they failed imo. I can’t play boring classes any longer. I just used a 2 month game time card that I had from 2 years ago and then I am probably done with WoW. It’s the final countdown.

Europe - The Final Countdown (Official Video) - YouTube

Fun > then anything else in games.

Glad everyone else is having fun though. That is important imo. Happy for you guys. :smile:


Sorry you’re not having fun :frowning: It’s understandable though. I haven’t really been dipping into content much myself, I will admit, due to work.

As for ‘fun’… well, I’m collecting and just doing dailies. Story-wise though? What I like most in the game? It’s bigtime missing the mark for me. I’ve just… started to honestly not care or pay attention to the story at all. In fact, I’m taking a week off of roleplay entirely, something I rarely ever do, and never for this long.

I can’t get into the story of my characters or the mindset of roleplay. Admittedly this is due to just how much it seems like what I love lorewise in the game is being abandoned. I know I have to wait a while for news, like 9.1 or 9.2 for vampyr curse and San’layn lore if it’s even going to be added (Which at this point, I doubt). But it seems like most people have moved on and favor Venthyr over San’layn across both here and the community I run.

So. It’s just a me thing, and nothing really to do with anything aside from my own thoughts or feelings. But I truly wish I could get into and enjoy the story more. With how I feel on that matter… I can’t.

And it sucks.

I usually love and adore roleplay, but I’m feeling like “what even is the point of putting effort into my stories anymore, or roleplaying, when everyone’s moved on, and I’m going to eventually be bombarded with ‘why are you playing San’layn, play Venthyr’. Why even bother working on my character lore if it’s going to be walked away from for this shiny new stuff most can enjoy, while I cannot.”

So. I’ll think on it for a week and try to get back into storybuilding and plot building, for my guild’s sake over mine. But as much as people would think I’d be head over heels over this ‘vampire stuff’, I truly do not like it one bit(in fact, I’m starting to dislike it more and more), and it’s hindering my ability to enjoy the story at all. :confused:


Oddly, the mounts actually shrink on them. Mounts have different sizes on different races, and for whatever reason, the Vry’kul ones are especially tiny. Kinda like how mounts are extra large when Gnomes ride them, but in extreme reverse.


I added some paragraphs to the initial post, and cleaned it up some more. Most images are hidden behind “Details” people can explore if they desire. It’s less clunky, and shorter. I added these:

And this:

To better put my thoughts out there.

I sincerely, truly, do not want to see the lore I love abandoned. The post I wrote on it before puts into great detail my thoughts on this whole debacle. But when it comes down to it, and I’ve seen others say it before–I want to see the vampyr curse expanded, like they did with the “Vampirates” questline in Legion, and then the BfA Alliance war campaign (which people say is means to an end, but I disagree, and you can see that detailed in my FAQ. It’s fine to disagree with that, always is, but that post has my thoughts all coagulated together).

So yeah. I’m a broken record now. But please do not abandon lore for the shiny new thing, Blizzard. San’layn were vampyr on Azeroth, and character stories were built around that concept–not some lost soul thing. If people want Venthyr, fine, and I will never put people down for it even if I don’t see eye-to-eye.

But I just don’t want the concepts and stories brought up here abandoned in the process, and I don’t want people to constantly say to me and the few that think like me: “Give up, abandon what you want, go fawn over the other thing because it’s the new thing and what people want more now.”

I mean, I’ve been proposing these ideas for over 3 years now. So… yeah. I don’t think people can blame me for being hooked on the lore and not wanting to just ‘compromise’ when it comes to story, because this all goes way beyond just the looks (as I said, even if they added ‘pretty’ options to Venthyr, I would be very far from satisfied.)


As much as I try to remain positive, it’s been a bit hard to not be negative since I’m not especially fond of this expansion. I’ll go ahead and write some general thoughts since I’ve spent some time giving the expansion a chance.

I wouldn’t say I’m having fun. I’m mostly working towards unlocking flying in this expansion, as well as working on reps in case they mean anything in the future, so I’m at least focused on that even if I don’t care for the expansion as a whole. Forgetting that I am actually in the afterlife, which is easy to do outside of Bastion, improves the game for me.

I actually trudged through the story skipping most of it, which is something I don’t normally do. I read the Venthyr storyline for the most part and glanced through the storylines of the Necrolords and Night Fae for some potential things of interest I was keeping an eye on, but given the circumstances of where I am, I find that I just can’t get attached to the story at all. I feel like nothing means anything there. Eventually, I assume the link to the afterlife will close (in the story) and not much I do there is meaningful. It’s a bit like how I felt during WoD, only at least there it felt like Warcraft at least. I honestly don’t even know where to begin with the idea of a portal to the afterlife sitting in Orgrimmar and Stormwind, for that matter.

There is also the fact of there likely being roughly two years we’ll have to deal with this expansion, likely with long content droughts. I honestly dread seeing what could come for a few reasons.

The first is whatever they’ll do with Sylvanas. At this point, the only thing I want to do is parade around Orgrimmar with her head on a pike. Who knows if we’ll get to do that, if she’ll somehow get away, or if she gets redeemed or becomes an authority in the Shadowlands somehow. Whatever happens, I don’t see a satisfactory ending.

The second is, based on the BfA content patches, likely seeing even more systems being added on top of the pile of systems we already get to work with in the beginning of this expansion. Systems that will inevitably get either nerfed and forgotten or removed entirely, making all the resources going into them questionable IMO.

The third is the off chance that the covenant races become playable in some fashion. I’ve already shared my own personal opinion about the idea, and while I still don’t see it being a possibility, a part of my still has some worry about it. I could go more in depth of the issues with this, but for now I’ll mention that given the claim that every race with two legs was considered for allied race status in BfA, if they then decide to make new beings in the afterlife that deal with the life cycle playable over all other races in the living world, I wouldn’t be especially thrilled. It wouldn’t cause me to quit outright, but it would end up being a near-fatal blow to my interest in the game and its storyline. Again, my own personal opinion.

The fourth has me wonder about where the next expansion would even take us. I’d prefer being on Azeroth again, especially since there are plenty of storylines to work with there that have yet to be resolved, but if the comment I’ve seen involving exploring the cosmology of the universe (of…Warcraft?) is what the focus will be, my interest will continue to wane. Worlds like Outlands worked because Outlands had ties with Warcraft 3. It also worked because we were with units of our faction exploring the area, so there was some semblance of Warcraft in what we were doing. Sure, you can create such new areas and have it work well, but as it stands, I’d prefer to be staying on Azeroth than Star Trekking across the universe.

The fifth is, inevitably, we’ll see more dead famous individuals. In particular, I’d be surprised if we didn’t do anything with Arthas, since he is likely somewhere in the Maw. I don’t know whether he’ll get redeemed in some fashion, make me an errand boy where I have to do what he tells me do as quests to progress the story, or what, but I know I won’t really look forward to it. Honestly, if they were going to bring Arthas back, I thought it would be interesting if Sylvanas got his body (his body’s location has been a mystery since we killed him) and raised him.

Once flying is available to unlock, unless I have some incentive to play, I’m likely going to go back to exploring older content (which I already miss). I was actually giving serious thought to just skipping this expansion entirely until I saw that there were Saurok souls in Maldraxxus. I also wanted to help the race megathreads (this one especially) in general in keeping an eye out for stuff of interest.

For those having fun with the expansion, I’m happy for you. Don’t let a buzzkill fuddy duddy like me get in your way. As I said, all the above in my own personal opinion, and while I likely could go more into detail with things I haven’t mentioned, I need to take a break from all I’ve written so far.

Sorry for being so negative lately. it’s not fun to feel this way, I assure you. x- x


Saurok souls in Maldraxxus? Didn’t even notice but I’m not big into them tbh so it is easy to miss them in my case. Whether it was you or someone else that caught that. Nice catch. One of the few things I enjoy about SL’s are the Azeroth souls players are finding.

As for playable races I’ll give Blizz a pass on the next one since I think it should wrap up the AR’s with an undead reskin which by-the-way San’layn fit perfectly. But if Ogres aren’t the very next Horde race introduced I am quitting even if I somehow like whatever they might be doing whether it be with SL’s, the following Xpac or actually making classes fun again… I’d probably only make one or two ogres and not personally a favorite race of mine but they are a core Horde race that should’ve been in-game a long time ago. Shame on Blizz for that in a big way imo.

And finally, I am starting to see a redemption arc with Sylvanas since I think she is working behind the scenes especially after that convo with Anduin. I see her appearing to work with/for the Jailor so she can take him down. She is bringing the pieces closer together, i.e. other leaders into the Shadowlands, so as to destroy the Jailor and break here curse/cage and set her free from the undeath.

Unfortunately I think she will end up being killed off by either the action of breaking free, which would not allow her to live as an undead anymore, and just end up forfeiting her life or by Tyrande finally getting her revenge and also becoming something evil in the process. Tyrande will become Sylvanas 2.0.

EDIT: Would like to see blue and green fur colors for Vulpera and undead slime skeletons like in Maldraxxus for Forsaken in upcoming customizations. Both are probably not in lore and not going to happen but it would be cool/fun imo.


Yeah I’d been hinting at this as I wasn’t sure how spoilerish it was.
I’m basically thinking it’s implying the dread lords were Venthyr. They just imbided some fel in the same way Illidan did and then became more demonic.
Which was what I meant about the sorta elvish look to them.
It kinda ties in with the other elves we have like Blood Elves and Night Elves who messed with the fel and now have more demonic forms.

Hope it’s a storyline they plan to build on or maybe it’s something that’ll link into future expansions like all the demon hunter stuff added back in cataclysm.

Zovaal also reminds me a bit of a dread lord in the face, but dunno if there’s any link there.

Denathrius for sure.

He’s using the male Draenei animation rig. That’d be why.
Likely more fleshed out compared to the existing dreadlord rig.

In Bastion there’s npcs talking about how they’re free to go out and about into the universe and travel. So doesn’t seem to be anything restricting it.
We also see Draka go outside of the Shadowlands as well. It would seem the same would apply to Kael’thas. It’s convenient he already looks like a San’layn instead of something else like Uther.

Be cool if that was the default look when you mounted it.


I would love if Vulpera got all the Vulpin fur colors! Bunch of fox colors here.


The Vampire mirage from world of final fantasy was fun! If you like pokemon try world of final fantasy. Battle pets wise I am sad to see that their aren’t much undead battle pets in shadowlands… like really… we are in the land of the dead and beasts still are all the new pets lol.


Denathrius is essentially the prime (first) Dreadlord…even one of his titles is ‘Lord of Dread’. The Dreadlords we’re familiar with are the Nathrezim who were said to be one of the first species who joined the Burning Legion. According to this book though, the ones who joined the Legion were ones who willingly consumed fel to infiltrate (and indeed helped form the Legion via tricking Sargeras into turning against the other titans…). Others consumed other forces to infiltrate the ranks of the other cosmic forces (Light being one of the ones mentioned, which is a pretty blatant hint that Lothraxion is a fake convert) to weaken and eventually take them down.

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I am unsure if Denathrius is the first. If anything he may be just another covert that has infiltrated the realm of death. We may find out Dread lords are more ancient, or something or maybe coming from a past universe or something. Many plot lines they can take.

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O.K., this is pretty cool and I never noticed it, lol. Appears that there are characters with names for the KISS members along with Osbourne from Black Sabbath and a producer/stand in guitarist for Judas Priest. Not a fan of any of those bands but I do like some of their music so very cool imo.

Glam Metal Rock Band KISS Found at the Seat of the Primus in Maldraxxus - Wowhead News

:+1: Blizz for the metal band references

:+1: Blizz for all the old dead characters from WoW being found



O.K. I’m rather pissed now at Blizz. Just went to use my hunter pet Pterrordax and found out the slow fall skill got removed. So tired of them making classes and pets homogenized. I don’t want my pets all the same and I most definitely don’t want my classes all the same.

They ruined pets a while ago when they removed the cool individual skills a lot of them had and made them all basically the same. Now they’ve done it again. This is what I do not find fun.

:-1: Blizz ruining in-game fun. Fun detected must remove :frowning_face:


Ugh they keep going back and forth with it. I just wish they’d stick with keeping them unique and stop with the nonsense myself.

Also got my awesome mount! It hatches from an egg that’s a rare drop in Maldraxxas. The entire time while waiting for it, this was me:

Hahaha. But yeah, there’s a lot of mounts in Maldraxxas I enjoy. In fact, I might be meh about the story, but the collector side of me is pretty happy. I wonder what they will add for 450/500 mounts collected. I am just shy of 450 myself. Did not really participate in BfA enough to collect virtually at all.