San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Well Dreadlords certainly… Demon hunters just get their demonic features by literally eating a demon heart. As for Draenei, the playable race is a retcon. In the original lore Sargeras was corrupted by a race of demons called the Eredar. The only ‘draenei’ that existed were what we call broken today. Then along came the BC expansion and the plan for new playable races was blood elves for Horde and Pandaren for Alliance. Then a combination of Blizz deciding Pandaren didn’t fit the theme of the expansion (and the early models for Pandaren were terribad…) and so they changed lore to switch things around and said that Sargeras was the one who corrupted the Eredar into demons and the ones who refused and fled became the playable draenei.


There is but it’s locked behind renown levels rather than pathfinder.

Fortunately, I’ll be able to fly.

Unfortunately, I’ll no longer be able to spend all evening blowing Alliance off of the 5,000 different ledges in Revendreth with explosive trap and bursting shot because they’ll be flying.


It’s also said to tentatively be coming in the first major content patch for Shadowlands (9.1), if I understand correctly. Makes me think that areas in content patches past then may not have flying enabled, but we’ll see what happens when flying gets put in.


Only thing I want in 9.1 is an undead AR which hopefully is San’layn and not LF Forsaken.


Oh yeah. A die hard Horde would love Maldraxxus. Orc fans specifically. Also a lot of stuff there for Star Trek nerds too. I mean Maldraxxus could be a Klingon story too.

(My dad played football with Michael Dorn aka Worf so I have always had a fascination with Klingons)

It’s my favourite zone so far.


In the beginning of Revendreth’s questing area, it is stated that souls that arrive there can become Venthyr, though it didn’t go into details about it. It sounds like they might retain their memories, as opposed to the Kyrians, and I assume they then just get assimilated into society.

So it sounds like Venthyr are composed of sinners that were redeemed as well as original Venthyr that are there to deal with specific sinners. Sounds like it’s similar to the Kyrian issue that I mentioned before in terms of playability.

Honestly, the more I learn about the covenants, the more my perception is that their chances of becoming playable are very low. Had this been in the living world, it would be different, but as it stands, I really don’t see it happening at all in my opinion. Giving up your role in the life/death cycle of judging souls and delivering them somewhere in the afterlife, among other things, to get in the affairs of a living world’s faction kerfuffle doesn’t sound very practical and makes little sense to me.

I realize I’ve been a bit negative lately, so I’ll at least mention a few positives for Shadowlands:

The new character creation screen allowing more slots for races on both sides. Hopefully this means we’ll see races people have been asking for fill that space up.

New customization options for existing races. I really liked some of them, with some options letting me fix some things. I got my female Goblin Hunter previously to look great, but I had to contend with some nose jewelry I didn’t like, which I was able to take off from her and still retain her look I picked out. There are other little things like that which made me happy to work with designing my existing characters.

Being able to do everything on one character, such as being able to unlock flying. While I do have a character for each covenant, I don’t feel hard pressed to do everything on both a Horde and an Alliance main immediately. I worked as best as I could in BfA with one of each because of wanting to unlock allied races, and it was quite easy to burn out because of it. Well worth it to unlock allied races, however.

Anyway, I’m still going through Revendreth, so I’m trying to keep an open-mind regarding Shadowlands before I judge the initial release of it. :bat:


San’layn! San’layn! San’layn!

Come on blizz let’s do this! :smiling_imp:


Yeah once-mortal Venthyr retain the memories of their mortal lives (Hence Harriet/The Accuser retorting how she’d atoned for killing her daughter and was proud of her atonement). So far it’s only the Kyrian who give up the memories of their past lives.

If you’re redeemed in Revendreth you can either choose to stay and become a Venthyr and help redeem other wicked souls, or you can choose to go back before the Arbiter to be re-judged and sent to whatever afterlife suits you better.


So that is odd then. You can retain your memories if you go to the Shadowlands, unless you’re Kyrian, but you can’t keep your memories of being in the Shadowlands if you are revived.

Here’s a quote from an interview: “Characters that die and are revived long thereafter, like Derek Proudmoore or Thoras Trollbane, do not retain their memories from what transpassed in the Shadowlands for them.”

So sounds like if you’re in the Shadowlands because you died and can somehow leave like Draka did then you can retain your memories.

Anyone do all the quests in Bastion and can tell me if Uther has his memories? He didn’t appear to be a Kyrian but one of the corrupted versions so not sure if they can keep their memories.


Thanks for the support everyone <3 Wanted to say that since I’m not quote replying everyone in this :stuck_out_tongue: Also I do love Maldraxxas too, it’s my second favorite behind Night Fae.

I have some art to show to keep the hype up! I got a commission done of two book characters, one of them is a vampire (guy with a knife in his mouth), one of the is a shifter(lady with a Tasmanian Devil paw on her shirt):
Via: who’s an inspiration. Hoping to be as good as them someday with my own stuff ^^

I drew one of my characters today (art not NEARLY as good, but I like sharing because I’m working hard and haters can hate all they want, I’mma keep going >:D):
This is one of my San’layn based off of the “Bloody Mary” urban legend. She’s surprisingly an antihero, though she started off pretty evil. Did some hand practice with this one in terms of her holding her glass.

As usual, bat-like ears would be amazing for the San’layn. If we ever got wings, that’d be AMAZING. Scarring for blood elves (and anyone really) would as well.

NOTE: I am a beginner artist, just learning, so my art isn’t great yet! Please be polite when commenting, otherwise I will call you out for rudeness like the last folk that have been terrible. Thanks!

As for the memories thing, yeah that’s why I wonder if Kael’thas coming back as Blood King would be reasonable. I think he’d need to be an exception. Or maybe he’d keep his since everything is broken right now. :stuck_out_tongue:


Your fingers look pretty good. Only thing I see that could use a little work is the ring finger. It is way to flat and has no curve to it. A quick fix would be to cut and paste the pinky and then resize and rotate it. I would just cut the curve where the knuckle meets the hand since that is the part that is too flat on the ring finger.

Only other thing I noticed is the wings are not even on her back. Not sure if that is intentional or not. If it was my art it would drive me crazy because the only way I can draw uneven things is if for instance one wing was broken or something like that. If it was an oversight on your part I’d just mirror next time you want to have two even sides and then remove the mirror when the basic outline/shape was done to work individually on each to make them look different.

:+1: Fallynn art.

I haven’t done much art this past week though I’ll probably do some tomorrow. I started to do a 10 art challenge. For my first art challenge I’m attempting to turn my vampire elf into a Pokemon character. I don’t have to do her bat altered form but I’m thinking I will.

Here is a very, very basic sketch.


I’ve never attempted to draw a Pokemon character before so needs a lot of work and references. Her fingers are too much like my style and not enough like Pokemon style to begin with.


Well, I am officially a member of Team Venthyr. Of the four areas, it was the area I enjoyed the most, even if the terrain in Revendreth is a bit cumbersome to traverse. Necrolords did come a close second, though a lot of its leadership and areas felt a bit disjointed. Even if San’layn weren’t a thing, I’d likely still go with Venthyr.

I have been pondering some on Kael’thas and the idea of redemption, seeing as the Venthyr try to redeem souls that arrive there. For this rambling, I’m going to toy with the idea of Kael’thas becoming a San’layn.

In the grand scheme of things, assuming the Venthyr do redeem Kael’thas, would Kael’thas really be redeemed?

He would still be seen as a traitor and such by his people previously, in which there seems to be some semblance of Kael’thas still caring about Silvermoon. It’s hard for me to just see redemption come from the Venthyr going “Yup, you’re totally redeemed now! I decree it! Now become one of us or go get judged again!” and that being the end of it. I feel like for him to truly be redeemed, there is still work to be done on Azeroth to accomplish it.

The only way out of the Shadowlands at this point would be to become a San’layn (with some heavy Gorilla brand superglue or something for the head part) and walk a very, very long path of redemption. With the San’layn, there would be a curse of sorts to at least keep Kael’thas potentially humble in the living world.

It’s really hard to see the Blood Elves forgive him, but that would be the point of this form of redemption. It’s not something to just be resolved and forgiven in a manner of minutes, but instead should be a journey. It wouldn’t be the first bad guy in the Warcraft universe to be redeemed either, and in some ways, I do feel like Kael’thas becoming more or less a mustache-twirling loot piñata was a bit of a damp squib in his story (something a number of people agree on).

What would consist of such a journey for Kael’thas, I can’t really say, but if they’re playing with the idea of redeeming him, I don’t see it happening in the Shadowlands. He needs more than that to actually be redeemed. It would be an interesting journey if he did become San’layn, lead a coven, and with the Horde champion, worked to assist the Horde and Silvermoon by proxy.

So why San’layn specifically? Recall that a lot of San’layn were mentioned to be champions of Kael’thas specifically, according to Wowpedia:

“They used to be among Kael’thas Sunstrider’s greatest followers, until they were raised into undeath by Arthas following Illidan Stormrage’s failed assault on the Frozen Throne.”'layn

Part of Kael’thas’ redemption could be to gather the San’layn again, who died following him, and leading them for survival. They were previously Blood Elves, so by doing so, he’s helping them both to survive their fate and possibly even reconnect with Silvermoon. The other part would be to repent for his actions that branded him a traitor, and that would the main part of his journey.

This could lead him working with the Horde champion, who can speak for him, and the San’layn could gradually earn favor with the Horde overtime (making San’layn an allied race where they work to gain favor with the Horde as opposed to the other way around). Eventually, redemption could be granted, whether he earns it or the situation is dire enough to call for it, and he could be the leader of the playable San’layn faction.

Of course, I’m sure there are a lot of flaws with this line of thinking that could be argued. I speak generally just to float the idea out there, and the specifics are things that will require thinking. Still, I think this would give some great, meaningful storylines that could actually redeem a popular character and even give us playable San’layn.

As I said, just some ramblings I was thinking about if Kael’thas ever became a San’layn. If this did happen, I would hope he wouldn’t just be a one-note villain we crush to get loot and send him back to the Shadowlands, and likely the maw. I’d rather see a journey of redemption and humility, instead.

As I said, whether it’s Kael’thas, an existing Blood Prince, or a new San’layn character, the important thing is getting playable Horde San’layn. :bat:


I wonder if the Dark Animus would play a role in getting San’layn/Venthyr inspired customization for Blood Elves or even an allied race.


Yeah I’ve got a LOT of practice to do before I’m good at hands, but I’m glad this one came out better than previously. Thanks for the advice! I’ll try to keep in mind to not make the fingers too flat from now on. Probably because I use boxes on sketch, even though I used a ref, and sometimes my brain translates things wrong ><

Not intentional :stuck_out_tongue: I mirrored them in sketch phase, but it looks like my positioning ended up off. I’ll work on that in the future. This confused me for a second because I thought you meant “they aren’t on her back!” as opposed to the focus being even :rofl: oops. Yeah sometimes I don’t notice that sort of thing, so it’s good to point out. Oversight indeed! I can be very, very iffy when it comes to symmetry in which I sometimes don’t catch on by looking.

Here you go! I think this looks great, awesome anime style. I LOVE pokemon. Did you know there’s a bat dragon? This is what it looks like:

Noivern. I want this one so badly in pokemon go, they just released them so I’m hoping to nab one before that event ends. I bet this is one of them your trainer would have. But yeah you did a great job, I can see the style for sure!

Big yes, and some players here have mentioned that they would like to see Kael return.

Hmm, I wonder if he could just keep the body he has now? We’re in the spirit realm, yes, but consider me this. We can be punched in Shadowlands, and we can punch Shadowlands creatures. So perhaps if he were restored and morphed into an undead to fulfill the goal of actually helping his people, he could keep the same sort of body. Or, a more grisly route: … build one in Maldraxxas. So we’d have that Kael model, but as a vampyr and all stitched up. Would very much be unique, at least. (Now I want to draw that idea…)

Oh yeah, I’ve seen TONS say this, and that if Illidan can get redemption, Kael should too.

To me, what you said makes a lot of sense, though I am bias so :stuck_out_tongue: But yes, the original San’layn were very loyal to Kael and Silvermoon, back before he went off the rails. So it’d work hand in hand–he’d be able to actually help them, and the San’layn would get a home. San’layn would work very similar to the Ebon Blade (HECK I think it would be super cool if they were even a part of the Ebon Blade, but that’s what we could have vampyr DK for. I mean… if there are LICH that work with the Ebon Blade, San’layn of all things are not a stratch) in that they would want to fight for Azeroth and their people.


Oh don’t worry, going by the fan-art of Kael as a San’layn, the idea of him becoming one (preferably a new faction leader) is by far what a lot of us are hoping for (Blood King Kael’thas all the way for this girl personally). As you said…he can’t just come back to Azeroth (the body isn’t really a stumbling block since you could literally go any route and either say ‘he generated a new one via anima/magic/etc once he passed fully into the shadowlands’ or whatever hand-wave is needed) and resume leadership of the Blood Elves as a whole because the majority of them would still consider him a traitor (and there’s voice actor issues too if he were to become a full-on racial leader again). But the leader of an allied race/in-game faction? Far more doable (and he already has a nifty new red-eyed model).


Boxes? I’ve never heard of using boxes but I guess it makes sense to map out things in boxes and then draw into them. :+1:

LMAO! I didn’t even see it that way but I do now, lol. Um, that was a mistake in wording on my part that didn’t even occur to me and I normally am very aware of those things in my writing/words as well as others. :confounded:

WoW, thanks a million. I haven’t kept up on Pokemon in a long time so didn’t know about any new Pokemon. But Noivern is PERFECT for a reference imo. Thanks a lot for that and for linking my pic. :smile: Gotta catch 'em all.
:baseball: :pouting_cat: < - - That’s a Pokeball and Pikachu :laughing:


I still enjoy playing the games since I grew up with Red and Blue on the original GameBoy. The metagame in the competitive part of the games usually hurts my head, much as I would like to get into it. x- x

If it is explained very well, it could work as long as it’s a special exception of some kind. IMO, the only beings that should be able to leave the Shadowlands regularly, aside from those getting raised from the undead, should be higher powers of the Shadowlands (Bwonsamdi, for example).

I do think him returning to his body as a San’layn is fitting in a few ways. It’s a clever way of getting him out of the Shadowlands (whether he is allowed to to redeem himself in the living world or he does it just to escape), it bears a curse that he has to contend with (making him more humble in terms of character growth), and it would likely make other San’layn more likely to follow him if he were in a similar situation. Plus, it allows empathy for his people that got turned into San’layn following him.

It could also be a Magni situation ultimately, where he lets Silvermoon’s leader still lead while he and the San’layn stay nearby in the Ghostlands to help assist Silvermoon with anything needed.

Maybe in a way, Kael’thas could strike a deal of some sort with Bwonsamdi and then come back unexpectedly as a San’layn. I could imagine Bwonsamdi intentionally doing that as a “shoulda read da fine print” thing and snarking off to Kael’thas as he works on his redemption with Silvermoon.

It’s not out of the question, especially since it seems like Kael’thas still has a love for his people from what I’ve seen. Not to mention that if they’re going to try to redeem Sylvanas of all people, then Kael’thas would be a reasonable person to redeem…especially since the Venthyr are trying to accomplish that to begin with.

It seems like there is a lot of possibilities that could go with this, but we’ll see what happens during the Shadowlands. It’d be a long journey to redeem him with Silvermoon, but not entirely impossible. It seems like Blizzconline in February is when we may see where the story goes. I may ramble more as I think on it, as I may be getting some creative ideas.

Still hoping for the best for playable Horde San’layn. :bat:


I am just loving my abominable stitching. Wish I had luck with drops in any part of the game, especially Invincible which I gave up on trying to get. Can’t seem to get a 2nd abomination made. :frowning_face:

Off topic, I love this vid. I would so play a futuristic WoW like in the video. :smile:
World of Cyberpunk [WoW Machinima] - YouTube

EDIT: Torghast tip/FYI for hunters, do not take Frostbite Wand unless your main concern is adds or trash. It does 50% of an enemies health in damage but after 4 secs. they start to regen that missing health back over 10 secs. It destroys trash but higher health enemies become annoying because you, or at least I, can’t get an accurate judge on their health seeing as they are regenerating it as you fight them. Feels like the fight is longer when it actually isn’t.

The disengage adding perm speed each use in Torghast for the current run is great. It’s amazing on boss fights where they drop pools on the ground because you just barely move with that speed increase and you’re out of them.

Hope that helps any hunters. Mine’s a BM so I love some of those Torghast skills. I actually feel OP at times. :smile:


Was a neat video! If they kept the magic in it, sure, I’d play it too, in a heartbeat. I just hate the whole mentality of “Futuristic means no magic”. We saw the races there though of all sorts, so that was pretty neat. Hopefully there would be dragons too. I’ve always wanted an urban/futuristic fantasy MMO, but with heavy emphasis on the fantasy too. I am not a fan of scifi unless it is heavy handed with the fantasy (just a me personal thing).


When I saw that vid I was thinking along the lines of Bright where magic exists but is either outlawed or hidden. I like tech meets magic but never find a good game with the combo.

The game I was working on was kind of like the Shannara series where all races came from humans but some went underground and became dwarves and others hid away in tunnels and became gnomes (?). Where tech is found and is ancient to the inhabitants but holds great power to those that learn to use it. And magic came back into the world after the fall of technology.

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