San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I agree. Small things like that add up.

I know most players didn’t like the Azerite traits but I really enjoyed Tidal Surge for my shaman and mage because it added to the theme of them and made them feel a little more magical to me. And Rezan’s Fury was awesome for my hunter because it was one more way to have a pet like animal attacking mobs.


I just looted these from a rare.
If you like the look they could possibly substitute wings.

And btw, they hide your staff and probably other weapons, which as a warlock who literally never uses his staff, I’m a fan of.


Whew! I did it. While Night Fae is definitely my favorite covenant and story, Revendreth aesthetic fits my San’layn the best. Especially the move itself. I actually use the move in character, as San’layn have been shown to teleport around–particularly Taladram in his dungeon, where he vanishes and appears. So somewhat teleport, somewhat not!

I’ve enjoyed my experience so far, now hoping the new way to level alts will be pleasant. It took me 2 days to get this character to 60, and I have a LOT of alts to do as well. Looks like characters have to go through the maw though regardless at first, I saw no skip. ‘Yay’. I don’t care about any major story character there, I will admit. Not phased by them, and not a fan of them, but eh. I know we’re supposed to ‘adore’ them, but I like not one :stuck_out_tongue: And I’m fine if Tyrande is never found, not a fan of her at all. Though I know some people love her, so I’ll let them find and save her.

As for the Venthyr in general, still not a fan of them, but as was said by Bagzak, it doesn’t seem like they’re viable for allied races. They do seem extremely tied to their covenants and jobs in the afterlife. It would feel very, very odd if they just suddenly abandoned this connection to all worlds and just… fought for Azeroth when the represent the entire universe. So who knows.

After going through the zone, it would make sense if the origin of the vampyr curse was from Revendreth itself. The Venthyr drink the souls of the dead, whereas the San’layn drink the life of the living. I hope that a connection is woven somehow to fill in that hole. I saw there was absolutely no reference to San’layn or the vampyr curse, but that was to be expected. Holding out hope for a connection for 9.1.

I did notice that Denathrius’s legs are demon-like. Which makes me consider Dreadlords as well. I wonder if San’layn & Dreadlords have something to do with this. I know demons aren’t really from Shadowlands though, but Dreadlords are WoW’s original vampires people say, then came San’layn with the vampyr curse. Perhaps there’s a connection with all three: Revendreth, the Dreadlords, and the Vampyr (San’layn, the Vry’kul, and the humans).

As I said, hoping something comes up for the vampyr that are from Azeroth. Now would be a perfect time to bring it up and expand on that lore, and give people that have been wanting them playable something, even if just through the night warrior questline.

I mean, the Prince guy had exactly the dentition I’d love to see added for the San’layn. They all had fangs, every tooth, with canines being longer. So I know it can be done. Also, Denathrius’s eyes are something I really want for my toons. As you all know, well, those who follow this thread, I depict my san’layn’s eyes to be that way if they happen to be Blood Princes. Here’s to hoping bigtime, for me.

If our characters are allowed covenant powers like the blood teleport, and other abilities centered in vampirism, which they are using for the good of Azeroth, then playable San’layn really should not be so much of a stretch. Especially if void elves (you know… major danger to life itself, but using those powers for the good of Azeroth) are a thing.

Edit: Does not say I’m level 60 yet, but I promise you I am :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit 2: Oh yeah, other instances of San’layn using a very suspiciously similar teleport seen with Blood Prince Dreven.
Argh, this got me so hyped when I saw it, still so upset that nothing came of it (yet. Technically. Sigh) But yeah it’s actually very similar to the Revendreth move we get with what he does there. Hm.

Edit 3: Also yes, I agree the small things add up to make immersion even better. I really like how they made it so that it’s not just a singular champion, it’s quite a few heroes of Azeroth fighting together. When you pick covenants, they say “EACH mortal”, not just “You”


I can’t wait to get to Maldraxxus, but due to a recently diagnosed heart condition (not really THAT serious, tachycardia) I’ve been really tired all the time and haven’t felt like playing. So I’m stuck in Bastion and while it’s pretty, it kind of creeps me out.


Take care of you first and then hop into WoW when you can.

And it sucks always being tired. I don’t have any heart conditions but I did go through a phase where I was maybe getting 3 hours of sleep a night and I was a zombie. I couldn’t think, didn’t feel like doing anything because I didn’t have the energy and I was always tired but couldn’t sleep.

:pray: & :heart: go out to you.


Yeah I hope you’ll be alright, am sorry to hear hear what you’re going through :frowning: And yeah, gods I hate Bastion. I’m on team Forsworn (but not the maw part). I really do hope there is some sort of twist.

Also looks like the forums are exploding again, my goodness. Glad we have this thread, I’m not wandering or posting in others because let me just say, the WoW community is, as usual, a big yikes.


My mood launch night says otherwise but at max level I’ve really been enjoying it so far. All that’s left for me now is grinding normal dungeons until I can do heroic and then grinding those until Mythic. I suppose I have a quest to get 1500 honor in BGs but I’m not in the mood, nor am I in the mood to grind rep and/or anima from world quests.

I’m excited to do De Other Side.


It took me a painful 9 hours but I don’t regret it, I’m loving 60.

I have to level Zuro now, and after that my Alliance warlock and my shaman, I’ll be getting to that soon hopefully.

Unless we’re talking my druid, this means only pain.

I’m fine with it at 60, but I like leveling quickly so I hate The Maw, unless I’m on my druid.

Happy to see Thrall again but seeing him being useless while the walking ball of pure deus ex machina energy we call Jaina doing basically all ofthe useful stuff sucks.

Besides that my favorite character so far is Plague Deviser Marileth from Maldraxxus, going to miss him at the end of SLs.

My profile updated super quickly, warlock displayed as 60 a few hours after hitting.

Also, just queued into De Other Side, RNG favors me this moment.


Just made it out of Maldraxxus and two things hit me. One, they say who the Jailor is and I like the twist. And two, the Maldraxxus hierarchy reminds me of the Horde a lot.

Still can’t make myself play more then an hour at a time though. I love playing my alts and right now I am stuck with one toon and one toon only until I finish the first part of my covenant campaign which ain’t happening for at least another 2 - 3 days. :frowning_face: Feels bad man, not to play my other toons. Real bad.


That’s fair, once the story quests are done it goes pretty smoothly. I tested out the Threads of Fate thing on my other DK (yes I know I’m silly for leveling another of the same class) and found it was pretty decent. I’ll be chipping away at my alts with it for sure. Probably will toss my hunter in next. I just hate having to repeat the intro quest, argh. But aside from that, the new leveling system is pretty neat, and I love picking covenant early.

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I think the thing is with Sylvanas, her deaths after she…erm…originally died is that they didn’t last too long. She retained memories of what she saw because of it.

I actually haven’t seen a lot of cutscenes from the Venthyr area. The youtube channel I was watching videos from beta went up to the beginning of the area there…and then started over with cutscenes from the beginning of live. Go figure. x- x

Stuff like this I really like in the game. It doesn’t have to lead to anything grand, but flavor text like this is really great for world-building and getting immersed as your character. I hope they do more of it in the future.

It’s really hard to see any of them become playable the more I see of it, especially when you consider what is going on in the Kyrian area.

My assumption is that at the end of Shadowlands, in the storyline, the path to the Shadowlands will close. I have a hard time seeing the Horde or Alliance pulling what the Horde did with the Mag’har, reopening the path to the Shadowlands, and getting them to join and fight for a cause in the living world when they’re dealing with souls of people who died in our world.

Not to mention that they would be able to join the other covenants, which wouldn’t really make much sense. Then again, WoW doesn’t make a lot of sense and could use Chromie Time to explain it, but it still fits less and less the more I think of it.

Still, a lot can happen, so who knows if something gets written to allow such a thing, so we’ll see what happens. My own personal opinion is still that they wouldn’t become playable and shouldn’t because of their role as beings in the afterlife.

I recall The Burning Legion was the reason the Scourge come into existence, so it wouldn’t surprise me to see Dreadlords involved. I’ve seen some rumors and discussions about it as well.

As I said before, I feel like I could write a thesis paper on the missed opportunities of BfA. <- <;

Something I want to ask for this is that when you utilize Threads of Fate for alts, is there a limit on what that alt can do in a day to gain exp?

Seems like with the story campaign, you’d keep going through it while doing side quests, eventually getting to 60. Through Threads of Fate, I know you have side quests still, but you only have so many world quests and bonus objectives (or whatever it is). Would that time gate your ability to get to 60, or would there be enough to do, in theory, to get to 60 in a day?

Nothing silly about it at all. I have multiple of classes in my army of alts, even on the same faction. I usually focus on one spec for each character. I have a BM Hunter on Horde and Alliance as well as a Marksman Hunter on both factions, for example.

From all I’ve seen so far in cut scene videos, I still like the Venthyr the most so far. It’s still the most likely covenant and area to have any San’layn stuff, so I’ll be on Team Venthyr when I get around to going through the new expansion.

I’m going to guess not much will be added to the game for awhile, and Blizzconline in February will be where we see what direction the expansion is heading. Still, it might be worth looking around the new areas, the Venthyr area in particular, in case something hiding appears somewhere. :bat:

Also, I want to wish everyone a happy and safe Turkey Massacre Day (US Thanksgiving)! Hope everyone celebrating it has fun and eats lots of food! As I said before in other places, I’ll have the appetite of an Ogre and unleash my inner Saurok tomorrow! :turkey:


I have tons of shamans, don’t sweat it too much.

Your armory background changes depending on convenant just found out.


Too lazy to dig others profs up rn.


Oh gosh I didn’t even think of that, yeah that would be so odd… Unless they said “oh well they’re not there in character because they joined after the events of SL” but they never did that before, see Chromie Time. Your character is adventuring in the past but they still are experiencing it.

I definitely agree. I think best of both worlds, in the case of San’layn and Venthyr, would be if we got playable “vampyr” with options to look like the Venthyr. That way people can have their ugly options, and we could have beautiful ones too. A good mixture. And the lore would make more sense as well. Can say the curse affects people differently, and if the origin is Venthyr? Twists some (not all) to look like them, depending. Just like how undeath in general affects people differently.

Yeah for sure, and you’re right. So I’m wondering if there’s connections here and all. That’s a ‘wait and see’ thing for sure. Hopefully they don’t just abandon these connections.

I’m not sure yet, I’ll be taking my hunter through right now actually! For a good few hours. So I’ll let you know my experience. There’s SO many bonus objectives and side quests in the zones that I think you’d be able to level up in one day to 60 if you dedicated to it. There’s also the dungeons too, I tried the night fae one on my main when leveling and it was fun. Different, and some mechanics were annoying, but fun. I was tanking though.

If you celebrate anything, hope your stuff goes well :slight_smile: I’ll be gaming. Playing it safe, plus I can’t currently travel (not that I would, what with you know what.) I’m thankful for my family, friends, and everyone kind to me :slight_smile:

That’s super neat, I like that! I’m going with aethetics above all (and lore for some), definitely not min-maxing because frankly I don’t care and will run my own groups. While night fae lore fits this toon the most, the powers are too perfect for San’layn when it comes to Venthyr.

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Will you conform with the Venthyrs?

No idea what that means, but if you’re asking if I’ll accept them, the answer is a big no :stuck_out_tongue:


Wish we could’ve done that from the very first toon we ran through Shadowlands. Because we have to go through all the covenants on one toon first ruined Shadowlands for me. I understand the story takes us through all the covenants, probably to get a test feel for their skills, zone and style, but I don’t want to play through any covenant with any toon except the ones I plan on taking through those zones. It ruins the zones for me.

It’s the same thing for when we got Zandalari trolls. I wanted to experience Zandalar for the first time with a Zandalari troll but couldn’t so it dropped my enjoyment of BFA for the entire xpac. Same thing is going to happen in Shadowlands. First impressions matter for me and not being able to run Ardenweald for the first time with my druid just ruined it now. :frowning_face:

Glad everyone else isn’t as picky as me, lol.

To each their own.


you know deep in your heart that there will be no third blood elf model race.

Enjoy the Venthyr.

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You can feel free to troll all you’d like, I’m not backing down from this. :woman_shrugging:

If you prefer Venthyr, good for you, and I wish you luck with pushing them. I have no issues with that. I just ask that people be respectful and not rude.

Me? I hate the venthyr, and am finished if venthyr added with no sign of the vampyr(San’layn) I enjoyed in Wrath, and that have been getting more lore for a bit now (Vampirates, Alliance War campaign).

If they’re abandoned for this entirely new out -of-the-blue and ugly(it’s my personal opinion. People who disagree are just fine, of course, but that’s my opinion) race I don’t like at all, that’s fine, I’m done.

And I’m fully aware most don’t care about my actions. I don’t want them to. Merely sharing my opinion on it.

I’ve said in my posts many, many times before what would be fine in terms of night warrior-added customization, or what have you, for San’layn lore and customization.


The bone wings from Maldraxxus are perfect for my warlock. Some demons have bone wings and the idea with my warlock is that excessive exposure to fel for years is slowly turning him into a demon.

Want more fel customization for locks and I guess DHs. Corrupted skin tones/scales, wings, horns, glowing red/green eyes, fel tattoos, hooves, fangs, and claws. DHs already have most of that but they’re missing a few things, only thing warlocks have is 2 armor sets that give us fel tattoos and one is unobtainable.


Yeah I’ll be using the bone wings for my other DK, which fits well since he’s also a San’layn. I wish we got bat wings from Revendreth though, but they dropped the ball there bigtime. Oh well. Not a fan of the tombstone bit. The knife wings are OK, I’ll probably use them for this character. Depends, really.

That would be awesome. I’d LOVE felblood elf customization for my elves. I think orcs could do for some fel orc customization too. And Draenei could become the eradar. Cool thoughts.

Could try “Azeroth auto pilot”! Makes it a lot faster, but you’d skip most of the story. Still, you could turn the addon off for story parts you care about.


These two races are special, felblood elves and fel orcs of other classes are a part of the Horde, no other race has that thing going on, so with current lore outside of orcs and blood elves fel customization should be restricted to warlocks and DHs, while fel orcs and felblood elves should be available to most classes (no paladins for elves and shamans for orcs, possibly no mages for either).