San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I don’t do addons. Never did and never will but thank you for the suggestion.

And it’s not just the story it’s the entire zone including the first meetings with characters and first introduction into each zone. I want it to feel right and it feels wrong on all my toons except the ones I want to actually play those zones with. My hunter felt wrong in Bastion, right in Maldraxxus and wrong in Ardenweald and probably wrong in Revendreth. It’s just me. :confounded:

On an art note, I’m taking a break from drawing WoW art for now. I might try the art style challenge with my vampire elf or my original ogre just to try to improve my art and learn a little about other styles.

Have fun guys/gals.

EDIT: @Fallynn, your last pic was much improved. One of the things I thought was off about your characters was their jaws. I wasn’t sure if you were going anime style with the pointy look or if you just weren’t seeing it. The newest pic has a very nice jaw. :+1:

I also like the spider and the light coming from one side of the room. :+1: And I always like your hair. :+1:


Thanks a lot! Never feel afraid to point out where you see off-things about my art. I’m fine with it. I used a different reference this time, and don’t want jaws too pointed. I’m glad I’ve improved. I also noticed that my face structures are pointed the correct way. I used a light reference this time, which helped a lot for 'implied lines! Glad you like my hair better than I do hahaha

I’d enjoy Revendreth more most likely if people didn’t keep saying “you’re not getting your stupid vampire elves, be happy with the ugly ones”. Very hard to enjoy something when a lot of the effort you put into was for lore introduced in Wrath, and that’s seemingly shoved aside for something entirely new. Perfect example is that recent post I replied to. People can enjoy it all they want, that’s fine. I prefer if people don’t pull that nonsense on me, though, and stopped with the whole “we’re getting venthyr, stop asking for San’layn.”


My trip through Ardenweald just made me more unhappy that I had to experience it first with my hunter whom is not meant for Ardenweald. :frowning_face: The Ysera arc was my favorite and wish I could’ve experienced that for the first time with my druid instead. I also have to keep an :eye: on the Winter Queens leaves in the coming patches.

One thing I forgot about over the years is that one of the races I wanted playable was centaurs. Even hoped Horde and Alliance would split the Gelkis/Magram clans in Desolace with each getting one. One of the very first things I noticed about Ardenweald were the centaur looking creatures. :+1: Playable centaurs.

I’m now in Revendreth and I am loving that zone probably more then Maldraxxus. That is my type of atmosphere. Reminds me of where I grew up. And did you see the carriage that has been suggested as a racial mount? I would design the San’layn carriage differently though.

I also like the Venthyr look. I know some players don’t like them but I actually do. I personally would take them over San’layn since I’m not an elf fan but I don’t see why we can’t have both really. Hate to see any race, especially ones players have wanted for a while, be bumped for a newer version/race. Looks at Ogres and remembers Blood Elves, Pandarens, Nightborne, HM Tauren, Mag’har, Zandalari, and Vulpera coming before them

I even thought that they could add something new to some future races. Kind of how Worgen get to change into werewolves why couldn’t some new races be able to plains shift? For instance, why couldn’t San’layn be able to be a different form in the Shadowlands or other non-physical plain of existence. Kind of like their spectral/true form. Just an idea.

To each their own.

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I love him too! He’s the sweetest dealer of death I’ve ever met and he hugs you back when you emote hug at him. No one better hurt him or it’s murder rampage time for Balesong. Also slime kitties makes Maldraxxus unequivocally the best zone and covenant.


First of all, happy Turkey Massacre Day! :turkey:

I live with my parents, so I will be getting to munch on some delicious food. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

I also came across this fan-made animation of Kael’thas I wanted to share. It uses the voice-overs from Kael’thas’ HotS trailer, but the animation was done using Shadowlands stuff. Check it out here:

Some really neat concepts for San’layn inspiration here. :bat:


Cringe. No more fembois plz.

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Look in the mirror, demon hunter.

So sick of the nonsense, not gonna lie. If it’s not you’re thing, fine. Mute this.


I just wish your kind would quit ruining vampires.

You’ve done enough damage as it is.

I thought I’d like the undead covenant, but they were the most disappointing to me. It was just warrior undead horde guys who did dumb (to me) arena fights. I thought it be more like the forsaken and like tirisfal glades.

In fact, the vampire guys felt more like forsaken/tirisfal glades than the undead, and wasn’t initially a fan of the vampire covenant, didn’t like them. But because of that, that is the covenant I went with and turned out to be my favorite.


And I don’t care. I haven’t ruined vampires at all. People have different tastes. If you want to be rude, then go be rude someplace else. You’re fully capable of muting this thread. My characters/creations are just fine, and it’s rich that someone playing this game of all things is pulling that insult.

But what else is there to expect these days of GD.

Edit: “My kind”. Also rich. :roll_eyes:


Shhh just go watch your vampire diary reruns.

seems its launch day posters making their way to the thread. I noticed some other kinda rude comments when was reading yesterday. It probably be best to ignore them, but up to you I wouldn’t want my thread worked so hard on ruined either.


You’re right. And I apologize for not replying to what you said. I tunnel vision people who don’t deserve my attention. Think I’m done responding to the negativity and person who would just rather bully and show their true horrid colors than actually contribute in a nice fashion or mute the thread.

And this is someone who’d been supportive and fine with the whole concept up until very, very recently, so I don’t know what happened or why they’re pulling it.

Not a funny “joke” if it is one.

Edit: It isn’t. They’re being terrible on purpose. Figures. Whatever, not worth my time.

That’s fair, I enjoyed Mald probably the second most, before Night Fae, that is. Revendreth I enjoy the aesthetic, but not the lore so much for reasons I’ve pointed out. Looking forward to getting the saber bat mount though for sure. And I really love the covenant abilities of it.

Also yeah I saw, it looked interesting. They use the model added in Shadowlands of Kael’thas well.


What is wrong with being feminine?

What an awful take and attempt to put down and belittle San’layn fans by also generalizing and putting down another group of people.


It’s sad how vampires only attract a certain crowd now.

What happened…

I’m not really liking the insinuations being made in an attempt to attack San’layn fans. I hope you argue in good faith in the future.


I don’t like a lot of things. Yet here we are.

Indeed. I’ve been told they’re a known troll and not worth the effort of getting angry or upset at. If they want to be that way, that’s fine. We’ll continue doing exactly what we’re doing in here, and I’m not stopping or changing at all.

Those that want to insult can do so and be miserable. But I will try to remember not to feed the trolls.

Edit: Besides. My favorite vampire content is the Castlevania on Netflix. Gore galore, and it’s how I write too. It says a lot on them if the only thing they see is the fact that the vampyr aren’t ugly. Big oof.


Have to say that Revendreth is now my favorite covenant zone. 90% of my toons were going Maldraxxus because the transmogs, mounts, pets, etc. fit them but now the first alt I play is going to be my undead warlock that I had intended to take through Revendreth.

:+1: Blizz on Revendreth.


Yeah the “door of mirrors” works for my San’layn toons. As for what you said before, it’s fair, and I’m happy you found something to enjoy even if I don’t like them myself (the Venthyr). I think if we were able to get both, it’d be the best of both worlds, even if San’layn had to be just customization for Blood Elves (or other races that can be vampyr, like humans for example).

Granted–like we said before, it’d be very strange if these races became playable due to the whole ‘realm of death and tied to their duty’ thing, but perhaps if a “vampire” race is added, they can include a variety of looks, including those that look similar to the venthyr.

My favorite is definitely Night Fae, followed by Maldraxxas. Night Fae I enjoy the most because I love biology and nature, however Maldraxxas is raw battle and fighting. Plus, I don’t mine the aesthetics and think THAT is a zone where ‘ugly’ is entirely appropriate and cool. Sort of like how I love the Ur’zul mount and all, but that was from Legion.

Was trying to farm the war dog that drops from Theater of Pain with no luck quite yet, but I did get the hunter tome of taming undead! So I’m excited about that.

Edit: I do LOVE the Stoneborn. Still want San’layn but I’d actually play those gargoyles in a heartbeat. They run into that lore issue as well though.