San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I was really hoping they’d use the AR platform and faction war to bring in all of the old unplayable races in both factions, I can think of 5 on Horde and 6 on Alliance I’d love to have. There’s more races they introduced or expanded on in BfA that I would’ve loved to see too.

Also the warfronts, I really enjoyed the zone updates and gear from them so I was hoping for more (imagine if we got a warfront for each of those 5 unplayable races /cry). I get why people didn’t like warfronts and why that would have been a lot of dev time subjectively wasted, so if they just updated the zones and added rares on a weekly loot reset that drops the gear sets I would’ve been fine with that too.

Oh and more to your point, the faction war as a story this time sucked.

I’d probably be a mage or shaman.


I think all of us on this particular thread. Have our doubts. Once the theme park is over with, what will the players have? They haven’t really mentioned that.

So far it’s looking like more champion tables and (insert new matrix).

There’s already so many people!

Have fun on launch everyone.

It looks way more populated in game


I have to take my sunglasses off to level in Shadowlands because I cannot mog them yet :frowning:

Fallynn: Removes sunglasses, puts on flower crown TIME TO GET SERIOUS.


Get on this, Blizzard!

Red sunglasses moggable!

Make it happen!



I’m just gonna try keeping Spirebreaker Harness on when I get around to leveling Somand. I’ll only change if I really need to.


Have to say, not a fan of Kyrian so far aside from the Stewards. Like at all. Some of the aesthetics are cool though, but the lore? Eeeeh… excited for Mald though, am getting there now. No sign of hidden lore yet.

Edit: Barely into Mald and I love it.


I loved it at first. By the end I absolutely abhorred that place.

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Loved the Kyrian Area aesthetic and dig the angel look, doing Maldraxxus now, Plague doctors are cool >.<

We all very much have different tastes :stuck_out_tongue: I finished Mald and LOVED every moment of it, was a lot of fun. I despised Kyrian story. The owls were adorable and I liked them a lot though, along with the aesthetics to some degree. But Kyrian story? No way. Maldraxxas looked both spooky/cool and had an enjoyable story and pace for me.

Night Fae though has to be my ultimate favorite, as someone who loves animals and nature. Man if Revendreth aesthetic and ability didn’t fit this toon so well, she’d be night fae in a heartbeat. I love everything about that zone.

All in all I’m enjoying my leveling experience so far (once I got done with the Kyrian nonsense.)


Mald for me was I loved it at first, then it got pretty boring with the rune fetch quests then the end got really really good.

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I’m not liking Bastion at all. The toon I am taking through there is meant for Maldraxxus like almost all of my toons are, 90% ish of my toons.

I thought it was going to be like BFA and I’d get to pick the covenant I play through. :frowning_face: Really not liking that I am stuck with covenants I don’t want to play with certain toons tbh. The story is good though but I am trying to rush through and skipping side quests because no interest in any covenant except Maldraxxus at this point.

Still stuck in Bastion, btw, because I don’t like that place except for my paladin and priest if I ever level one. I find I get annoyed talking to the NPC’s there and those owl things are not my speed. The lion mount was kind of cool.

As is, this will be the slowest leveling I’ve ever done in an xpac. I can’t make myself play through Bastion for too long. I really do feel like I’ve died and gone to Hades. Bastion is just hell to play through imo. :laughing:

EDIT: Not getting out of Bastion for a long time. Just found out I have to be a higher level to continue the quests. I’m 52 3/4 and I guess I need to be 53 to continue. SMH, why did Blizz make it so the story quests would level you? Ugh, not liking Shadowlands as far as leveling goes.


Once you complete the leveling experience with one toon, subsequent toons will have a choice where they start the story.


I hope that is true because when pre-patch hit I can’t skip Legion intro anymore. I’ve gone through it at least 6 times. If I have to do this entire quest chain on even one other toon without choosing to I am giving Shadowlands an F.

Plus, the story quests don’t even level you enough to continue the story. Now I have to go back and find side quests to level. :confused: Bad leveling design imo. Story quests should be for leveling and side quests to level faster and extra loot. Especially since I’m going to be stuck in covenants I don’t want to play for such a long time.

To each their own.


That’s fair! I didn’t mind much of the quests for that but I was kinda just went cruising along.

Yeah my lover and I discovered this in Bastion yesterday, it absolutely sucked. But yeah like Fezzy said, you do get to skip next time around, and there’s like a way to level up with ‘world quest’ stuff too? Like skip story entirely for alts since you knew the first time? So I’ll be exploring that at 60. I have work today (ugh) so won’t be able to get there until later tonight or tomorrow.

Yeah I really hated Bastion. Not the aesthetics–those were very nice, along with the little owl people. But the story? Oh my gods, I felt like I was fighting for the wrong side the entire time.


The whole “You need to remove your memories and who you are to become a cog in the machine, for this “purppose”, and that’s the right way” is shoved down our throats so hard. I just hate it so much. I hope there’s some sort of massive twist. Aside from working with the Maw, the Forsworn have my support. And most don’t even know of the maw part.

As I said, went through Mald, loved pretty much most of it. Night Fae is definitely my all time favorite though, that sort of thing has always hooked me considering I love nature and got a degree in biology. So to aid nature in need makes me happy.

I’ll get to Revendreth soon and have a feeling I’ll enjoy the aesthetic but not the story due to my bias. I sincerely, truly hope they do not just shove aside the vampyr lore they established in Wrath, and have been adding to over the next few expansions (Legion vampirates, BfA Alliance campaign), for this new nonsense. It’s why I can’t see myself enjoying it so much. If I eventually see lore that adds onto what they established in the past, I’ll be a bit happier, but I don’t know. It’s another game of ‘wait and see’.


Mald was okay, but it sent me to the maw and oh my god I hate that place. On the stealth quest my pet ended up breaking my stealth and getting me killed which pissed me off because I wanted to hit 60 without a death and I had to repeat the quest when I just wanted to be out of there.

I really enjoyed Bastion and the Kyrians grew on me.

Revendreth was okay, I enjoyed the aesthetic.

Ardenweald was good but not quite as good as Bastion imo.

Oh my god though, there is so much dialogue you have to sit through to level, if they had even half the dialogue I would have enjoyed leveling way more. Was trying to go fast without being a speedrunner and that no mounts in the maw rule is terrible and it’s even more godawful as a warlock with my mobility and the dialogue felt like it took eons.

Edit: Maldraxxus intro was amazing tho, and has my fave aesthetic.


Well, I cheated and watched the Ysera cinematic and that gave me chills. I wasn’t going to watch any cinematics unless I unlocked them myself in-game but I am going to be stuck in Bastion forever I believe. :sob:

I think the Night Fae might equal or top Maldraxxus now just because of all the beauty and the story with the possiblity of wiping out well known characters like Ursoc. :frowning_face: I am liking that souls that have gone to Ardenweald might not survive. Makes me want to explore every place and see if there isn’t some Easter eggs.


I’ve been watching cinematics and cutscenes, mostly from the beta. Without spoiling anything specific, it seems like the way the afterlife works relates to how Sylvanas mentions the world being a prison. I recall she did die briefly at one point or twice (as psycho zombie elf lady I mean), possibly saw her fate which could be debated whether she deserved wherever she went, and could be trying to change the system of it.

…then again, seeing what all she has done, I really don’t see her getting redeemed, and certainly shouldn’t be IMO. Ah well, I’ll keep a shiny pike handy reserved for her head just in case I get the chance.

One positive I will say is that I do like the personality of some of the Venthyr. They seem a bit like how I wrote San’layn personality in my writings from before, though my writings leaned more towards the snark part…come to think of it, I’m long overdue for doing writings for this megathread. I’ve had some ideas bouncing in my head, so maybe I’ll do something once I get done with this class.

Also in my personal opinion, from best that I can tell from the cut scenes, it seems more and more unlikely to me that the covenant races could ever become playable. They seem really entwined in the different parts of the afterlife, so it’s hard for me to see them giving up that job to instead fight for the Horde or Alliance in the living world for…the lawlz or fresh baked cookies or something, I dunno. That said, I don’t think the chances of them becoming playable are 0%, but it is close in my personal opinion. Still, we have a ways to go, so we’ll see what happens.

And to be clear, it’s not just because I want San’layn that I don’t see the covenant races becoming playable. It’s specifically just them being entities in an afterlife that I type the above as my opinion. There is nothing wrong with people who would want any of them playable, and I would never attack, insult, or harass anyone wanting them playable.

Anyway, we got about a couple years for this expansion, so who knows where the story will take us? Dunno when I’ll get around to starting. Right now, I’m fighting this epic battle of “Cost of Capital” and then the ultimate boss following it called “The Capital Budgeting Decisions.” Truly a battle to be told by generations to come by bards at taverns and such!

As always, still hopeful for Horde-friendly San’layn stuff to appear, and I’ll still keep an eye out for anything of interest to report back here. :bat:


That’s a good point that I never caught. Any dealings I had with her on Azeroth did seem like she felt like she was screwed over by everyone.

And she did die at least a couple times which means she could’ve seen her future, though I read that no one that goes to the Shadowlands remembers what they saw. So unless she has some power that allows her to do that I’m not sure that happened.

Here’s the quote :“Characters that die and are revived long thereafter, like Derek Proudmoore or Thoras Trollbane, do not retain their memories from what transpassed in the Shadowlands for them.”

Are they stuck-up snobs? That’s how I picture them. Walking around with a glass of anima. Sipping it as the low class Venthyr give every last ounce of anima that they can.


Okay, still off-topic, but on the quest where they ask what world you’re from, I’d like to appreciate that Draenei can say Argus and orcs can say Draenor, it’s a really small but great touch.