San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I always thought anima was life energy. And I thought the San’layn fed off of anima. Guess I was wrong. Anima was going to be either part of my unlock quest chain and/or a racial but that is now out. Nice catch, as always.

Here is something from that same interview that WoWhead posted - “Death had influence in Azeroth long before Ner’zhul became the Lich King. Perhaps one day we will learn more about the Nerubians and their origins.”. Would go perfect with my scenario where San’layn and Nerubians are paired AR’s. :smile:

Another post was - “Characters that die and are revived long thereafter, like Derek Proudmoore or Thoras Trollbane, do not retain their memories from what transpassed in the Shadowlands for them.”. Which ruins my idea that the San’layn would be able to communicate with Kael in the Shadowlands or be able to go back and forth between Azeroth and the Shadowlands.


Hm it says that when revived they don’t have memories, however not that the dead still there can’t be communicated with. Still, those wanting to bring Kael back, that kinda throws a wrench in things unless an exception is made.


This is interesting to me.

Nerubians were among the insect races that were “made” by the Old Gods and meant to be their servants. Its canon before now that the Nerubians had found a way to resist the Old gods and we know Death and the Void are vehemently opposed to one another. I wonder if they stumbled into the powers of Death and built their new society around it using the same architecture they saw peering into that world and then later when the lich King defeated them he incorporated that.

A nice way to tie up that little loophole.


Technically, the playable Highborne, are Night Elf Mages, made playable in Cataclysm. There’s very little physical difference between a Highborne and a Night Elf.

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I would be interested to see how Nerubians factor into the equation in Shadowlands. I like your thoughts.

If you look at Ice Crown Citadel and the raid wings, the zones are based of the 3 wings. Even Ardenwield via Dreamwalker. It would be nice to See Nerubians wandering the shadowlands and them getting architecture hints off of them. We also see in Drustvar many similar Shadowlands architecture pillars!

Also we got like 3 days till Shadowlands!

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So I’m only
19 Days late to this, but in my defense I did respond to it soon after it was posted, but my sub just expired.

Blizzard has added to old dungeons a few times before but it’s pretty rare, off the top of my head they’ve added to Gnomergan sort of twice, first to add a secret boss at the end, and sort of added to it by making the previously useless computers a part of the lucid nightmare puzzles. If you ever leveled during Legion and you did Gnomergan, you might remember that one part where the a ton of mobs would randomly pull and 9/10 times would wipe the group, and that’s because Blizzard broke something in the dungeon after adding that secret boss.


Yeah exactly, and with secrets they never add in any significant lore relevant to the expansion or hinting at possible customization. I love the secrets, don’t get me wrong, but in the context of here and what we’re pushing, they’re pretty useless. As a collector, yes, they’re wonderful. As someone looking for more lore for vampyr and playable San’layn, I doubt they’d ever be of value.

Could I be proven wrong? Yes. Who knows what direction secrets will go. But thus far, they haven’t really been anything valuable when it comes to additional lore aside from fragments of specific side stories (draeni child).


Well tomorrow is the big day. Shadowlands finally comes out after a long, long wait.

I’ve been doing some thinking, and I’m leaning towards waiting to actually try Shadowlands. I do have a few reasons for holding off:

First, I’m close to finishing this Business Finance class. It has been more difficult than needed (8 week online class, fun times), so these last two chapters I’m trying to focus on a lot to finish it for good. I’ve been able to maintain an A, so I’m trying to work hard to keep it if at all possible. -insert epic battle music here-

Second, I imagine there is going to be a lot of chaos when Shadowlands launches. Much as I hope it goes smoothly, I imagine unexpected bugs will pop up, server queues will occur, and something may blow up (and I don’t mean the forums) or become sentient and attempt a Borg-like invasion. I feel like keeping busy with other things for a bit may be a good idea until things calm down in-game and stuff gets patched.

Third and last, in all honesty, I’m really not that excited for Shadowlands. I was feeling a bit better seeing prepatch stuff, but I’ve honestly been feeling more apathetic towards Shadowlands as we get closer to its launch. A number of things about it just really don’t interest me, especially the setting of being in the afterlife, and my attempts to get hyped just end with a damp squib. I hope I’m wrong and that when I actually play through it, I’ll enjoy it more, which is why I want to keep an open mind, but I really can’t get excited for it. The story direction also just leaves me with dread as opposed to intrigue. I will play it at some point, but I don’t know when I’ll actually get around to it.

Anyway, don’t mind me being a grumpy stick-in-the-mud. I hope everyone enjoys the expansion and it does well. I’ll still be on the forums of course, as someone has to keep up the Ogre/Saurok support, and I’ll keep an eye out for anything potentially San’layn related to report back here.

Let’s hope for the best as we investigate for Horde-friendly San’layn clues. :bat:


Good luck! You’ve got this! Yeah real life is far more important than the game anyway. My focus has been anywhere but WoW lately myself, what with writing and art practice (now I’m doing some book readings/audio work too, so it’s a lot). Hopefully you keep maintaining that A, you’ve got this!

Probably a clever plan, it’s been smooth for the past few years but it seems like there’s always bugs that slip through. I don’t have work that night so will be playing a bit, but then I do for the next couple days, so that’ll cut into leveling time, and I’m taking it slowly anyway with hopes to not rush my first time through and read stuff.

Yeah same, the more I think about it, the more it feels a bit off. I really dislike the whole “perma-death” thing, learning that tidbit really disappointed me. It’s just not a concept I’ve ever liked, could be due to personal beliefs though (before anyone asks, my beliefs are not shared commonly, am not monotheistic nor athiest). So it just… eh. I mean, how do people expect us to justify deleting things from utter existence by killing it when it dies in the afterlife now? It… yikes.

Also same, yeah. I just wish they’d actually go back and pay respect to the old lore people have fallen in love with as opposed to just pulling things out of a hat. There’s so much we could have done or be doing on Azeroth, but now we have to clean up a mess in the afterlife. I really hope we come help Azeroth itself, and not in a “LOL HORDE V. ALLIANCE WHILE IGNORING ACTUAL ISSUES” way like BfA did. Maybe in the later patches, because I think the scourge will still be a threat.

Yeah, never know. Could be in hidden side quests or what have you. I guess not all quests are uncovered in beta, so there’s that. I don’t know how frequent that happens, where it’s a surprise until you get it live, though, for things like lore and story. We shall see. The patch schedule is apparently not impacted though, so we might be getting news on 9.1 in like a month or so. Who knows.


I’ve had discussions before on why I’m not too keen on the setting, though I’ve been thinking on it a lot more as to why it generally bothers me.

What follows is that of my own personal opinion based on what we know before Shadowlands launches.

I think ultimately, it boils down to definitively defining the afterlife in such a way that it appears that the covenants more-or-less rule the entirety of it.

In something like a single player game or in Greek mythology, where the afterlife is defined, it’s run as a natural progression of the life cycle. People go into Hades, get judged, and go from there and it doesn’t feel like it’s in the way of the living world.

With Shadowlands, as far as I can tell, the afterlife is composed of several covenants with their own politics that, I assume, squabble with each other over different aspects. This begs the question of “Is this what I get to look forward to when I die?” for characters.

Keep in mind, all the races on Azeroth have their own beliefs and customs of death, and seeing one definitive afterlife…seems to render most of them moot. It seems like if I’m a jerk in the living world, I get tossed into the maw after getting judged by whoever, but otherwise I get judged by individual covenants based on…some criteria. If I’m somehow viewed vain, then I get to go to the Venthyr, who potentially could milk me (Bagzak brand 1% Lowfat Anima: Now with 30% less GMO!) for all eternally. If not that, I get to be forcefully inducted intho the Kyrian order, turning into one of them and losing my identity while being forced to fight for their own political beliefs and gains and so on.

I want to say there is more to this afterlife than this, but from what I can gather, this seems to be the focus. Death to me shouldn’t be something this defined. Even Greek mythology had its afterlife defined to a point with some things left to find when you actually die (even if Hades had a revolving door that mortals seem to come and go as they please.)

I feel like Shadowlands just downplays the whole life cycle. Before, you had spirits that managed to even avoid going to the afterlife, much how a named Troll you kill in one of the desert areas (Thousand Needles I think) that comes back to haunt you until res him. There wasn’t an understanding of how it worked for some spirits. Here, it’s just a place I get to tra-la-la with its own ecosystem and so on. The mystique just feels…gone…and it also downplays danger if someone can die, go to the Shadowlands, and somehow come back as a Kyrian or something.

Gone also is that of the dillema of the Forsaken and even the San’layn. Becoming undead while still having free will has a huge impact on character, where some beings want to pass on somehow while others are scared for what aways them. Now they get to walk in, look around the Shadowlands, and go “Yup, I think I’ll just die and hang out here -urk-” or just “Nope!” their way out of there. Kind of kills a lot of their character in more ways than one, in my opinion.

As I said, it could be more than all I’ve stated here, but this is a big chunk of why I’m not too fond of the afterlife as a setting. I just feel like the way it is defined just really downplays the life cycle as well as removes what makes the Forsaken, San’layn, and other undead creatures with free will who they are.

Again, all my personal opinion. I’ll see if I still feel the same way when I go through Shadowlands.


It’s for sure grown on me but I feel the same way. It’s still really cool and exciting, but we just got done with 3 expansions which all had some of my favorite themes. First orcs, then demons, and then one which was partially troll themed Horde side.

Also really like old gods and void but BfA botched that so hard, I loved Nazjatar but it really did feel like they wasted its potential with 8.2, when it realistically could’ve been an entire continent.

Expansion launches are always my favorite part of an expansion so I’m still excited, but ready to be disappointed with all the lag and disconnects I’ve experienced over BfA and in my 2 days playing the prepatch.

BfA’s launch was incredibly smooth for me, no DCs and very little lag. The only thing I experienced that I remember was the raptor feeding quest in Zuldazar which was bugged until the next day. But again, considering the lag throughout the expansion after launch and in the prepatch I’m not so optimistic.

I’ll never forget hating my life leveling in Vol’dun and loving every second of Zuldazar when I first went through them.

I have mixed feelings on the story. I’m excited for most things but other things not so much.

I’ve seen some basic stuff about the introductory quests and I already know I’m going to hate them, full opinion inc once I do them.


It’s almost time to play Land of the Dead on loop.

Hope everyone has a good time!


Hey guys!

I’m on day 83 of learning digital art and I did one of my San’layn again :slight_smile: I’ve prolly shared this guy a few times, but I’m improving slightly so there’s that.

And so, without further ado, I bring you Salder.

He’s my grumpy void priest. I worked very hard on getting shading right here and will be studying that quite a bit as I go. I wanted to showcase his bat-like ears, along with the fact that they are ripped. Also, as I draw my characters frequently like this, he has a mouth full of sharp teeth with elongated fangs, which I think would be a cool option (not holding my breath but hey, cool suggestion nonetheless!)

Edit: Before we get more ‘lovely people’ in here, I’ll add a reminder that I’m extremely new to art and am not great yet, so yes I’m well aware I need to improve. To those that understand that and don’t stoop to rudeness, thanks!


cringe cringe cringe cringe

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Now werewolves in hats are giving us bumps and using outdated terminology to describe themselves, who would have thought. Why are you self-insulting, anyway?

Anyone else see the irony here, or is it just me?


It is odd that they’re calling themselves out like that.


I see most aren’t real keen on the afterlife theme but I for one actually like it but that could be because I haven’t invested too much in the story telling since Blizz falls short there. Hope they wrap up the Xal’atath story and not just make it disappear.

I’ve always had a love for death themes. I use to watch my father cremate people and thought it was rather cool. The liquid that comes out is black from the heat. Most people don’t experience that and most will, and have, called me weird, lol. I just love death, skulls and dragons. Always have and always will.

Anyway, back on topic. I am looking forward to the Venthyr and Necrolords most of all. I really like those zones and the transmogs. I think I have 1 or 2 toons going Kyrian (paladin and priest if I ever level one to max), 2 going Venthyr (both Locks) and 2 going Night Fae (both druids).

I realized I am not enjoying WoW and games should be about enjoyment and fun so most of my toons are going Necrolords because I decided to play WoW for fun, since this might be my last go round, and the Necrolords either fit them transmogwise or because Draka is there.

Just started playing Genshin Impact and even though it has its faults it is fun to me. Exploring, secrets, increasing difficulty in enemies, needing some thought to take on certain enemies, a huge open world, upgrading characters, weapons and items. Only downside is it really isn’t much in way of co-op.

WoW use to hold the same enjoyment for me but over the years I think they’ve gotten away from the adventure, the overall journey to the endgame and focused more on the end result. Most games do that now. I’m one who loves the journey to endgame and not really the end result. Because I expect the journey to always be changing but I want the end result to just be me building upon what I’ve accomplished not basically starting over every xpac.

Hope everyone enjoys the Shadowlands. You all deserve it. :smile:


It’s not that I’m against the idea at all, no worries there! I’ve wanted a death expansion for a while. It’s just after Battle for Azeroth, a bad taste is left in my mouth, and I feel like Blizzard just doesn’t listen to the community, especially when it comes to lore. Although it seems like lately that’s slowly starting to shift, so I suppose we shall see in the long run.

So yeah, trust me I do love the death theme! I just know it’s a complex thing, and multiple things about it have me offput from what I know already. I’m looking forward to the Night Fae and Maldraxxas the most. Not Venthyr (for obvious reasons) aside from the aethetics.

All good, as someone who’s an aspiring biologist with a degree, I’ve worked with preserved corpses of animals and dissections. Stuff of that nature. So I’m not offput by it by any means. My lover was a gravedigger, so I ask him many questions from time to time for curiosity sake.

It’s funny because I also love life themes and nature (I feel Night Fae will become one of my favorites), and think there’s so much beauty in life and how our biological machines (our bodies) function.

That’s very fair! My WoW Experiences have shifted more toward storywriting and crafting character development, which is a lot of fun in serious roleplay. Lots of battle events, for example. The journey never ends in that case! But yeah I think I feel you there. BfA was the big ‘yikes’ point for me, unfortunately. Maybe Shadowlands can kindle some of that umph I used to have for the game.

Thanks, you do as well for sure :slight_smile: Won’t be long now. 7 hours from me posting it, roughly, is it? Neat. I’m glad I have work off for most of the week, aside from tomorrow and Wed.


Wowhead has a few links of interest for those looking to play the expansion’s launch.

A global launch time can be found here:

An expansion survival guide for some useful information:

Hoping the expansion launch goes smoothly for anyone attempting to leap into the chaos today. :bat:


I felt a bit betrayed by Blizz for what appeared to be a good old faction war but instead turned into an inner faction war. And Baine, whom I don’t like but loved his father, was in a lot of it. :-1:

I feel that if I could be any WoW class in real life I’d be a druid. I love being away from society and the concrete jungle but I don’t do it nearly enough.

And Night Fae is where my 2 druids are going. Someone asked about monk in another thread and as I looked at all the covenant themes I picked Night Fae for her also. Not really a monk looking armor set anywhere but Night Fae is close and I like their backpack for my monk. Weapons though, not a monk looking weapon anywhere imo but Night Fae has both fists and staff so +1 again.

Everyone likes something different in WoW but that is part of the appeal I think. So many things to do in it. Unfortunately, I think they are going a direction I don’t want to go in my gaming life.

Classes are rather boring to me. I miss hybrids and classes giving players more options to mess with their skills/talents. Cookie cutter builds suck imo. I like trying out new combos as far as skills and talents go and just love to theme my talents with my class theme but the way classes are now just limits that in a major way.

And I think I’m one of the few that liked Azerite traits. I loved Tidal Surge for my mage and shaman because it made my class feel more like an actual mage or shaman. And Rezan’s Fury was awesome for my hunter because it was one more animal theme going off during a battle. Plus, the elf or two I have, was awesome to have the speed trait because to me elves are quicker then other races. It’s the little things as far as spells go that make it more fun for me. R.I.P. fun themed Azerite traits.

Fun > balance imo

Thanks. I’m not all that excited for Shadowlands. Might try to get on 3 - 4 hours after launch but not really feeling excited.