San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

If we are talking about Dark Rangers then I’d disagree that we have the model. All the Dark Ranger models I’ve seen are elves not human ( minus lame old Nathanos who I can’t wait to kill) and the forsaken are human. And the BE’s could’ve filled that void if we had gotten those skin colors and eyes that WoWhead leaked that turned out to be for NPC’s and not players. :frowning:

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Every undead hunter you’ve ever seen is a Dark Ranger. NPC. Player. Elf. Human.

They’re all Dark Rangers.

It’s like demanding Rangari skins. Just because a race has a special name for their hunter order doesn’t mean they’re a totally new class/race.

Let me use a picture. People want to play these:

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First of all, that’s a leather set.

Second of all, the black color isn’t available to players.

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You’re already playing that. Just lose the hood.

See the problem?

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Not really, that’s pretty much exactly the picture you’re pointing to with slightly different armor.

No I don’t. I don’t have the elf dark rangers yet. :smiley:

They have not let us have the model.

Since you say the Forsaken have the model, then I should be able to play the elf ones. Since that’s what I’m asking for.

Otherwise you’re just not understanding the request.


To clear up the confusion on Dark Rangers I’ve found a post that explains what they are.

“These cunning individuals, adept at manipulating opponents, are mainly composed of . . . forcibly raised Farstrider rangers of Quel’Thalas. . . .They now enjoy nothing more than sowing dissension and hatred within the enemy ranks.”

They mainly want undead elf rangers. Not forsaken rangers. Not BE rangers. They want undead elf rangers.


I am understanding the request. You think because the Forsaken have a special name for their hunter order that makes it a new and/or class race that we don’t have when we really do.

It’s just forsaken hunters.

Ignore him/her. He’s intentionally being obtuse and ignoring the fact that we want to play undead elves with red eyes that aren’t Death Knights. He/She knows what we want.


See you do not understand the request and contradict yourself.


Don’t care if they actually try to do this…but I want that armor transmog on the animated model!!!


Am feeling much better today for reasons I won’t mention (:rofl:), though the people I despise are on the forums in droves right now. Oh well!

In regard to the Dark Ranger fiasco: People know my stance, I support you guys getting true dark ranger models.

In regard to the transmog: I agree. And we got the fairy wings, so bat wings would be amazing.

Aw I’m glad you took the time to read the work we put in though, honestly I appreciate that! And for being kind about it even when you were against it, as opposed to coming in here and insulting us. Those jokes were a lot of fun to speculate and write :stuck_out_tongue: And we have a habit of collecting and sharing art, it’s something we have great joy in.

As for high elves, yeah I don’t have a horse in that race, they’re not something I personally have ever been interested in. That’s an argument for people to do in their own, very many threads. Though some bring up San’layn in those threads and I just sigh. I’m like “…I discourage high elf debate in mine, why are you debating that there?” because I simply… don’t care about high elves, the vampyr, Sethrak, Saurok, ogres (though I wouldn’t play one), and Arakkoa have my interest.


Since the San’layn have a bit of a hill to climb to become members of the Horde, as the Horde were dubious to them before and with Sylvanas going crazy-go-nuts it could cause even more suspicion, would it make sense for the San’layn to contact the Horde hero (That would be your character!) to work with them, possibly assisting in Shadowlands, and then putting in a good word for them to join up as members?

The San’layn need to get their foot in the door even more, and having the person who saved the world (of Warcraft!) multiple times speak for them would go a long way into getting them as members. They would of course do other things, such as assisting in the Shadowlands, helping to fight off Sylvanas, and so on. Some, like Talanji, would still need convincing, but it seems workable with the right storyline.

Let’s say in the Shadowlands, your character in a cutscene is all alone and gets knocked out by some creature or something, and the San’layn save them. Have them in the area by keeping tabs on Sylvanas and her actions and make a deal with the player, not a forced deal of course, of offering their outpost and help in the area for Horde members to deal with whatever is going on in the current storyline. This could work in a small area, similar to Mechagon, and a San’layn rep could appear and when you get exalted, proving your dedication to their cause, it could involve your character convincing the Horde to allow the San’layn in as members.

I see the Blood Elves and Nightborne likely being in favor of letting the San’layn help, since they were former Blood Elves and in a sense are in a similar situation both of those races were in. The Horde could use all the help they can in the area, and the San’layn could have a lot of potential to make them see the true meaning of Winter’s Veil and letting them join.

Given the San’layn’s situation with their vampiric curse, having the world against them, and needing to do something for survival, it makes sense for me to see an opportunity to be able to both live and even meet back up with previous friends and family. Doing it this way also lets them prove their dedication to the Horde.

Obviously, this idea needs to be fleshed out more, but I figured I’d float it out for some idea inspiration. I may think on it some more later when I have time to refine some of the ideas here. :bat:


Here is the pic. I’ve been working on with basic shading and highlight.


Was starting to get frustrated, in a minor way not throwing crap type way, because I noticed after almost completing the basic shading that my shadows appear to be coming from 2 different light sources and I only want one. :angry: Going to have to create a separate layer and draw the light source I want with its rays of lights and hopefully fix it in the more detailed portion.

Also with the shading, I have to refine my shadows because they don’t really have a shape to them but again, it is only the basic shading step so I need to accept it and move on.

The highlights are very subtle most of the time but it is suppose to be the basic highlighting part so I’m O.K. with that. Some look rather good while others need to be changed/removed.

Was also thinking of altering the females pose. Since I was having trouble with 2 light sources, which wasn’t intended, I thought about changing her right arm to be holding a glowing orb that would cast the light and then I could work off of that. Still might tbh plus might change the bats pose because I do not like having a mirror image on both sides. It’s fine to start out that way for basic shape but end product shouldn’t be mirrored imo.

Side note: I had a headache yesterday so was laying down watching T.V. and Twilight came on. I wasn’t going to watch it but nothing else was on so I switched to it and watched it off and on. I think I watched a total of 20 mins and never once saw a vampire or werewolf. It was seriously boring. That must be a movie for fans because I was so turned off be the droning of those two going back and forth. This can not possible be what goes for a vampire movie these days. Can it?


Really nice picture, Warsnarl


Thanks for the link and the compliment.

I personally don’t like some of the shadows and highlights. And I am leaning toward changing her pose to holding a globe that illuminates the both of them and us that as the source of light. And also thinking of changing the bats pose to one like when vampires throw both arms out to the side and have their cape drape down.

None of the versions I have done so far got deleted though they just go on another layer and I hide them as I work on the newest version. Never know when one of the old poses might come in handy or work better in the future.

Thanks again. :slight_smile:

EDIT: This pic. was originally suppose to be like an 8 hour attempt @ digital art and at a San’layn but has turned into an epic 40+ hour piece of art that I am learning so much on. And of all things to spend that much time on and it’s an elf, which I’ve said many times before “Am not a fan of”, lol. Karma’s a b!tc$.


Yeah I read and enjoyed that quite a bit! We likely wouldn’t even need an exalted reputation to get the allied race. No one knows for sure, but hopefully it’s a removed requirement going forward. Rather, some fleshed out questlines and story for what you said there will work very well. On that note, with what you mentioned, we could definitely learn more about the vampyr curse in general.

I do think the Blood Elves and Nightborne, probably more Nightborne, would think that the San’layn joining the Horde is a solid idea–along with the Forsaken. The Blood Elves might be a bit on edge about it, though, since they were Kael’thas loyalists. But… we’ll be learning more about Kael in Shadowlands, so I wonder if attitudes will shift, even if a little bit.

I think contacting the horde hero for this is a neat idea. The Horde hero doesn’t even know what happened with Dreven, you only see that on the Alliance side. Plus, they could do fill-ins–from the San’layn’s perspective.

I still think something like this would make sense:

Sylvanas: “This is imperative. If you are cornered, do ALL that you can to keep the attention of the Alliance hero. Your allowance into the Horde is counting on it.”

Dreven: “But my lady, attacking your forsaken would be–”

Sylvanas: “This is for the greater good of the Horde. As I said–do what you must. The forsaken on your ship are fully aware of their purpose. Do you want a home for you people or not, Prince Dreven?”

Dreven: “…I do, my Lady. As you wish.”

BOOM, we have a solid reason there. Oh and Nightborne never did experience the horrors of the scourge, so they would be more open minded too. Especially since Death Knights played a part in helping free their city. As did all classes.

I mean, lol, you’re already waaaaay ahead of me with your shading, though, to be honest. I mean, I looked at that and just was in awe, and heck, I learned a bit from looking at your piece myself, about how I myself need a bit more bend to my shading, methinks. Also, that bit of cheek on her right (our left) that shines in the light, and has a splotch missing from the shadows. I haven’t been doing that at all myself, but it logically makes a lot of sense. A lot of what I see there makes sense.

That makes sense! It’s why I really like drawing in 3/4 perspective now–and ROFL, I HATED it initially. Now I want to do it way more than front facing. But yeah, honestly, I think the piece really pops and you’re doing so well with it.

No, and it’s why people make fun of those that love vampires with it, because it’s used as “THE” vampire movie. And it’s OK if people like it–that’s fine. But to shove all of us into that box and claim all vampire lovers are "“Twilight lovers” bugs me so much and gets me riled up.

I’m, plain and simple, a gore writer and lover. I LOVE writing intense action scenes, with tons of bloodshed, and I love my vampires to both look nice and be monsters. It’s the concept that everyday people are monstrous (SCOOBY DOOOOOO) and even if you look either beautiful or adorable, you can have much darkness inside.

And that looks are deceptive. My characters have this gothic/punk style but tend to be anti-hero in nature and have strong morals despite being highly violent.

That’s a good way to go about it, I feel! From what I’ve seen so far, you’re doing such a wonderful job with it.

HAha yeah I recall that as well! I was surprised to see you put in this much for San’layn since you initially didn’t like them. And that’s just fine, you came in here and weren’t rude, and that’s all I ask. However it’s super cool to see you’re enjoying the concepts now, and I’m honored you’re with us as an important part of the community :slight_smile: Plus, bless your art, I LOVE art quite a bit and yours is so well done. You all know I both am learning art and get art of my characters on the regular, so it’s amazing to see art in general from the communities.