San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


Thanks for the link. Very much appreciated.



Colored pic. ( but a LOT went wrong :frowning: )

First off I couldn’t find a color I liked for her skin so used color picker on a Lana’thel pic. I found online and got the current color which reminds me of Forsaken skin but it will have to do.

Second thing wrong is the bat forms skin color. I had a hard enough time trying to get a color for her so I just found a gargoyle pic. and applied it. I remember reading a couple posts that players liked the gargoyle so I just used that but it doesn’t fit imo but not I’m changing it since it’s taken OVER 24 hrs just to do what I’ve done so far.

Third thing wrong are the wings. Part of them are suppose to be bone but the yellow you see is an actual bone color and it looks wrong. Hoping the shading and highlights will fix a lot of the blah colors. The wings should be see thru also but they are not at this time.

The fourth thing wrong are her wings and high collar. Both are see thru and I can color behind it on another layer but for some reason there are artifacts/anomalies in the see thru part and I can’t fix it without remaking it on another layer. Rookie mistake, I should’ve NEVER combined her see thru layer with the basic color layer.

Final mistake was I tried to save time and because the program I use (Krita) seems to be off by 1 pixel when mirrored I decided to color one side and then flip it and merge them. Well, there are now a crap ton of artifacts/anomalies on both sides that I have been cleaning up and still need to clean up.

If I am in the mode I will make a new see thru layer for her wings, high collar and the bats wings. I tested out coloring underneath and it adds more depth and is far nicer to look at. Next is basic shading and then basic highlights. :crossed_fingers:



Thanks for the link. Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

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No no, that’s not how you do that.



Either way is fine but thanks. Always appreciated.


Wanted to say I love the art, it’s simply fabulous and coming out to be gorgeous. The style in general is amazing, and the amount of work you’re putting into this warms my heart :slight_smile: Really, it means a lot to me and this community. I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet, I’ve been exhausted in real life not getting much sleep, and mentally not all that there. Hopefully it will resolve by the weekend at least a little bit.

But yeah the black and reds, that’s always going to be my favorite colors for sure ^^ All in all just amazing, and I absolutely love seeing artists here. The creativity is what I love the most about this community, and with monster races like this, there’s so much elbow room for it.

Sidenote, the bat monster is simply epic. I really wish there was(/hope something comes out) lore on San’layn mutating enough magically to be able to turn into a bat monster. A lot have speculated that it’d be cool if San’layn were the ‘transform’ race for the Horde, like worgen, where combat would be the bat monster, or there’d be a toggle.


Thanks again for the very kind words. Take care of you and then come check on your baby when your better. Baby as in this thread and not me, lol.

The black and red do go well together. So well that I actually thought of removing that bat form and giving her red wings. Wish I had given her some red to go with all that black tbh. I actually can change it and just might since she does look like she was way too much black, as if that was a thing, lol.

And I got half the idea from this thread but also the vampire movies I’ve seen some have a bat monster form. Plus, if Worgen can change why can’t San’layn? We have to be able to alter both forms separately like Worgen though. :wink:

Thanks again.


I may be in the minority here, but I actually hate that about Worgen. If San’layn do get a monster transform, please don’t make it the only form they can use in combat.


It’s likely that I’ve mentioned something similar to this, but a thought recently occurred to me regarding Death Knights. If Silvermoon accepts Blood Elf Death Knights back into the fold, which I assume that they do, then why would San’layn be any different?

Blood Elf Death Knights and San’layn more or less became the Lich King’s slaves, ending up in the same boat in terms of their situation. If Blood Elf Death Knights were able to gain their free will back, it doesn’t make much sense why this wouldn’t apply to the San’layn.

The only thing I can think of could be that they’re thralls to a higher power, something related to how vampires can turn others into vampires who become their underlings. I’m not sure what said higher power would be, since we did beat up Arthas, and I don’t know if something like a Blood Queen/King would have control over other San’layn and make them act the way they do.

Then again, it’s questionable in terms of a Blood King/Queen, because if Lana’thel was still alive after the death of Arthas, wouldn’t she gain back control of who she was? Wowpedia doesn’t have much on her, but mentions a little bit of her backstory:

"Much of Lana’thel’s life is unknown but what is known is that she was friends with Thalorien Dawnseeker and she lived in relative peace until the Scourge came to Quel’Thalas. Following the destruction of Quel’Thalas, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider returned from Dalaran and renamed his people the blood elves in honor of their murdered kin. As the blood elves began regroup and rebuild, a battle-hardened Lana’thel stumbled upon Quel’Delar, the sword once wielded by her friend Thalorien.

After Kael’thas promoted Lor’themar Theron to Regent Lord of Quel’Thalas and ordered him to safeguard their people, he took a force of blood elves with him to aid the Alliance against the Scourge forces in Lordaeron. Lana’thel would be one of the countless blood elves under his command as a series of events led them to Outland, making Illidan Stormrage its new ruler, and then being sent to Icecrown to destroy the Lich King. Lana’thel readily followed her prince throughout all these dangerous adventures and was eager for revenge against the Scourge.

However, in the icy hills of Northrend, Arthas ultimately defeated Illidan and Kael’thas, and the expedition’s few survivors were scattered across the frozen wastes. One by one the Lich King sought out those who had challenged him, and Lana’thel found herself cornered. Using Quel’Delar, she struck at him with all her might, but Frostmourne’s evil powers overwhelmed her. Through his blade, the Lich King chose Lana’thel to serve him in undeath as blood-queen of the San’layn, a group responsible for overseeing the Scourge’s operations across Azeroth.

Blood-Queen Lana’thel eagerly carried out her new duties, but every time she looked at her blade, maddening anger would swell within her as she remembered her former mortal life. She could not afford such distractions, and with a scream that echoed throughout Icecrown, she shattered Quel’Delar and flung the fractured pieces as far as she could."'thel

So if she was completely different before she was turned, and then was “eager” to serve Arthas afterwards, and given that Death Knights got their free will back…why would this be different with the San’layn? Why wouldn’t some be of free will again and not be monsters?

Not to mention that if Silvermoon accepts Death Knights, why couldn’t they accept San’layn again if they join the Horde? What is different here, assuming San’layn reverted back to who they were with free will?

It all just confuses me the more I think about it, since I just see the San’layn as being more than what they’re shown as in-game. :bat:


K, changed bat wings and her wings and high collar to different layers with about a 20% transparency so anything behind it will still show up. Side by side of old and new. Unfortunately can’t change the neck color without having to erase and redraw that awful design.


@Bagzak I still think the Nerubian cities, even one we never explored, could be a great place to find a hold out resistance of San’layn that never surfaced being that they are at war with the Nerubians. And Kael could have some type of connection with them that we get to explore in Shadowlands. As always your stuff is insightful. :slight_smile:

:+1: Bagzak

EDIT: Would love to see some secret that allows us to unlock the San’layn. I think I mentioned this already but I’d love to have a whole quest chain like the Lucid Nightmare. Would love to have a crap ton of lore to explore while unlocking the secret San’layn.

Maybe one of the puzzles is one Lana’thel use to enjoy doing. Maybe some of the letters with the codes in it are love notes between her and that other elf I can’t remember, lol. Maybe we stumble across a Star Wars type datacron that shows us the time Arthas made them. Maybe we ride on the hidden/lost Blood King’s mount and some how we can share memories and we learn about him that way.



Once again . . . . thank you, lol.

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So…when this push for Vamps first started, I didn’t participate and I mocked from a far. “Never going to Happen”, “They’re practically extinct”, “bunch of wishful thinking” and probably 99% of the arguments against went through my head.

They were an interesting addition in Wrath and that’s it.

But…I got bored at work and decided to just browse this thread today since it’d been bumped up. And after reading through everything in the “For” category of the original starting post-I want the San’layn. They’re so much better for the RP for Clairol than Belfs are and tbh the “jokes” sub-category for them was what did me in. Then the optional customizations.

I’ve been converted by one of these stupid threads.

High-Elves are never going to happen though. Blood Elves = High Elves. Fight me.


Here’s something to think about! Void Elves=High Elves, due to the fact that: Void Elves=Blood Elves=High Elves

That’s a lot of text for an argument that can be dismantled in one line.

After surviving the Alliance assassination attempt on his life, Nathanos decided to reside in the War Quarter of the Undercity, where he trained Forsaken rangers.

Undead hunters are dark rangers.

Cool. Give us the model then.

It doesn’t dismantle anything.


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You have the model. It’s literally just any given forsaken with the Hunter class.