San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

still better than the High elf thread, actual depth and character (no punn intended) development shown here.

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Just wanted to wish everyone a fun and safe Halloween, one of the most fitting holidays for San’layn stuff. Hopefully, we’ll be able to have playable San’layn someday and do some fun events and such for Halloween in-game. :bat:


I would love to have San’layn but I doubt we will get them. Instead I suspect we will get the Vanthir instead.

Happy Halloween. And I’ll likely be done with this game if Venthyr are added and there’s no sign of San’layn, I’m not going to lie. I’ll simply just… stop playing. Went into depth as to why: San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} - #6946 by Fallynn-wyrmrest-accord

But yeah, it’ll mean that all the work we’ve put in and the lore I’ve fallen in love with is shoved aside for this new race that I utterly hate and will never play.

Edit: And I’d be fine if both were added, I just don’t want San’layn to be forgotten/tossed away.


Yeah, no hate for those who like the Venthyr, but it’ll be a lot of waste to toss aside the vampires they already had for new ones.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween. I ended up having a party with some other writers over discord, which was a blast. I did put some fake fangs in, but no contacts this year–I saved the ones I have (they last 5 years unopened) for when hopefully things calm down.

Here’s to hoping for some good or interesting news anytime soon. I doubt we’ll get new lore until 9.1, but some say there’s always hidden quests not in beta, so there’s always that to consider. It’ll be interesting to see Lana’thel and the blood princes active again, even if for a short period of time and kill-fodder. I’m sad the prepatch event was nerfed, so I’m not going to put much into it (we’re not getting anything new, and the gear looks like trash… so pass) aside from the baseline lore quests.


Halloween for me was spent mostly helping my dad move downed branches from the yard from an ice storm that occurred a few days ago, with several move to move still. Mostly spent Halloween evening exhausted while playing WoW while watching spooky-themed youtube videos. I actually think I should look into getting some of my favorite candies for the future to munch on during Halloween, as it’s the only holiday I would look into eating candy and is something I don’t really do at all since it is fattening.

I did want to ask, since we’re going to be going through several patches of Shadowlands, if there might be places on Azeroth to keep checking to see if anything San’layn related shows up. It’s likely the focus will be on Shadowlands areas, but it wouldn’t hurt to check up on some older areas, items, and such in case something does pop up, similar to how the Unshackled are on the beaches of Durotar at the end of BfA.

I’m not really sure where or what to check, myself, which is why I was hoping to get some ideas. Seems like it is worth keeping a list of things to check on during Shadowlands just in case. :bat:


So I attempted to do some San’layn/Darkfallen work. The main idea behind them is a female San’layn with her vampiric bat beast side behind her. It is, hopefully, going to look like she has this look like “Betch you don’t know what dark things I have inside.” while her transformation is hinted at behind her. Right now it just looks like some thing is attacking a female.

This is my second attempt at digital art, the first being my scanned ogre. This is just the basic sketch phase but I already did not like some things which I’ll mention below in the first attempted pic.


  1. I did not like that she was wearing what I consider male San’layn armor.
  2. Her chest is a little too big
  3. The armor is at funky angles and both shoulders don’t look right to me.
  4. Her necklace is too big.
  5. Couldn’t get her fangs to look right with a closed mouth.
  6. And her hair, which I suck at drawing, looks bad.

For my 2nd attempt I changed the elf. She has a more innocent look but that makes it worse because now she looks even more helpless then the first.


This 3rd pic is the same as the one above except I changed/fixed some things. Worked more on the bat side and I like what it is turning into. Fun fact about the bat creature’s head in first two pics: it’s an outline of Valeera Sanguinars’ head from a pic I found online.


  1. Added eyelashes which will probably go since I am not digging them very much.
  2. I changed the shape of her head so it is more pleasing to the eyes imo.
  3. Thickened the bats arms, changed its fangs, added more facial detail.
  4. Added clothes to the elf and a BE Insignia.
  5. Added slight facial lines which look terrible and need to go.
  6. Changed her man hands to a more feminine version.

I’m thinking of changing the elf again because she is not giving off the vibe I want.


Here’s the images! (No idea why it cuts off the bottom parts, that’s annoying. But people can click the images to see them in full.)

I think you did a great job to be honest, the third one is really great. Her looking out at the audience, along with the monster, shows that the bat-monster (her form) is not attacking her at all, rather is showing that it’s a duality. Could emphasize this with pinpoint pupils on the monster for specificity! I enjoy that concept.

Your hair looks great on the third one to be honest, I think you do have a great grasp on hair. Thanks for sharing! That’s awesome! I also like the ear shape on yours, I usually go with large bat ears but those small ones also apply to many species of bat.

A lot of people have said it’d be cool if San’layn were like worgen and had 2 forms, one being monsterous. I like that idea. Imagine if there was added lore for it, in which they’d turn into those gargoyles from Revendreth (gods I love those models). As an even further advancement of the curse, of course, because that window is very much open still.

Edit: Oh yeah and the fangs on the third one’s monster are epic, I llove those and the expression a lot


The largest instance of San’layn is in the Temple of Temple City of En’kilah, a choke point in Borean Tundra. This is where the scourge had quite the advantage, and we saw prince Valanar for the first time. Also where we learned that San’layn can greatly manipulate the mind based on the trickery with Thassarian’s sister–and where it’s also emphasized that Death Knights have emotion (he expressed love for his sister and caring.)

The other oddity is Silverpine forest–in a vision, this is where we saw the missing blood princes, and otherwise nowhere else. That’s the only spot they were active and ever seen (Atherann and Theraldis).

Weird spots would be both Voldun and Nazmir–as Dreven was in Voldun and killed the gnome there, so who knows if there’s some scatterings of his followers. Nazmir would likely have the largest instance of current-day San’layn, as the alliance hero tracked down and killed quite a few of them. I don’t doubt there could be a few left, and we don’t know where Dreven came from anyway (existed since wrath v. turned by another.)

Now then, there’s also the classic Icecrown, which I assume will be scoured quite a bit, so there’s that. Finally, dungeon instances of San’layn are from Utguarde Keep (the home of my guild, fun fact! :smiley: ) and Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom. It is doubtful we’d see any activity in old dungeons. I don’t believe blizzard has ever gone back and secretly added to those before.


Thanks for linking those. Much appreciated. It’s just the beginning of the sketching process. I think it took about 8 hours to do all that. I have changed the elf about 3 or four times now. If you think it works I’ll try to continue on with her.

I was hit with some inspiration just now. I really liked the high collar on the first elf but it is associated more with the males. So I had this idea in mind for her high collar cloak and searched online for references. Didn’t find any that had the style I was thinking of so I’ll have to make it from scratch but ran across this awesome site that gave me a crap ton of ideas. It’s called Etsy (WARNING: Not G rated) and they even have a vampire culture section, though not sure how I ended up on it, lol.

Her original hair, not pictured, was long but I couldn’t get it to look decent. The hair she has now is not my own idea it is actually 4 different styles I found online. The braids are one and they were actually only on one side of her face. The sides from another the top from yet another and then under the top braid yet still another, lol. I have to extend the top braid down further on either side I think.

Her ears are pointing too far out to the side imo. I prefer them to point more at a 45 degree angle or more upright.

The third ones fangs are the best but I might alter them a little because they seem ever so slightly off to me but not sure how tbh.

And her nose is a little too wide for what I think an elf’s nose should look like.

Just had another brain storm. Maybe I’ll change her pose to mimic the bat forms pose. That might work better then the steepled hands. And I can change her look to a more mouth open and fangs out version. Or could even add a third form to the two current ones that’s in between the two that is an in transition half elf, half vampire form/pose.

Thanks again.

Side Note: Nazmir has ALL those bats flying toward Zandalar so if they are the travel form of San’layn then there are a crap ton of them. :wink: And did I mention they were “Heading toward the Zandalari main city/pyramid”? Working with the trolls maybe?



The Blizzcon in February (BlizzConline) will be free to watch according to this Wowhead article:

Something to keep an eye on for sure. :bat:

(This is Warsnarl’s AMAZING art piece!)

Ok so if I open image in a new tab, and copy that url, it actually shows the entire thing. I’ll remember that for next time. But WOW look at the detail on her! You did an amazing job, and that linework is gorgeous. Your lines are glorious. I really love how you drew her, and that outfit design too. I see what you mean. Yeah that’s a perfect outfit design for the San’layn and I LOVE the hints to spider (and spider itself on her chest.) Those lashes look perfect too, honestly, you did a beautiful job with them. Hah your symmetry is far better than mine too :stuck_out_tongue: Though I usually draw 3/4 view lately because I just… ended up really liking it :stuck_out_tongue: I’m learning quite a bit just from looking at your piece alone, like better lip and mouth shape for frontal view.

Your hands though? I AM SO JEALOUS. You have hands down so well, that’s amazing, like wow o.o Pretty much most things about this piece look amazing. It’s an honor to have you work on this, and to have an artist in this thread. I hope you share that. Do you have an art account anywhere? I usually follow and support artists.

I love our art sharing so much ^^ I’ll have to try my hand at orcs and ogres sometime and post it in the ogre thread since I’ve gotten a bit better.

I drew this today! It’s one of the demon characters from my books. I tried to make my shading darker (I use the paint brush to blend). I also tried doing more shines this time, and changed how I did teeth which I feel came out better than before. Using pure black lines for teeth makes it uncanny, someone told me, so I tried to mend that in my coloring phase (also played with coloring various parts of my lines too.)

Edit: WHY ARE MY MOGS NOT UPDATING! Context for those who think Falls looks silly: I put on a roleplay concert in game and this is one of the costumes. :stuck_out_tongue: But she looks like she’s not wearing much in the bloody profile picture on forums right now.


This so much. Hands are hard to draw. Warsnarl did an amazing job here.

I’m actually digging this outfit of yours.


You honor me far more then I deserve. Thank you for such kind words and posting my pics… And I don’t have an art account anywhere. This is my 2nd attempt at digital and I guess I am doing pretty well, lol.

I get my line work to look rather decent by drawing a thicker line and then erasing it till it is straight. So I get to erase either one side or the other depending on which way I want the line going. I normally start out with a 2 pix brush but when my lines don’t look good, which is about half the time, I switch to a 5 pix brush width and erase it straight.

I actually thought her lashes didn’t look that great tbh and was going to change them. But I do like the new animal like eyes. And changed her ears to not be so out to the side. Her mouth is so so imo but I need to lower her jaw since her mouth is now slightly open.

And the outfit design was part something I thought up plus something suggested in this forum, as in the bat wings, plus I saw something on that clothing website that had wings. I’m still thinking of altering the shape though with more curves in the wings. Have to add detail to her chest too.

My hands took quite a while since I keep drawing them wrong and I did each individual curve until it looked right. The whole redesign from my last pic. took around 4 hours but I can’t remember doing anything the first hour except looking at ideas/references online.

Keep sharing your art. I love seeing others art. Great job on the highlights and shadows with this newest piece. They now pop more which is great! And I like the background with the fade. Keep sharing and drawing. :+1:

EDIT: I use a free program called Krita and a cheap XP-PEN ($50 - $75 I think) so any artist can use anything even cheap stuff. I did start out with GIMP but it doesn’t have the nice brush selection like Krita and it is more photo manipulation rather then an art program.


Bump because I play vampires in every game and i’m just trying to main one in wow too and if this ever happens i’ll have a small heart attack.


Naga/ Vrykul for the alliance, cmon now

There a thread going for those? I’ll add that to my list if there is!

no sorry, my bad, just ideas lol

Finished basic sketch . . . . finally, lol.


Probably won’t start doing the basic (flat) color till Friday since tomorrow I’m busy. Followed by basic shading and basic highlighting. The coloring I am actually dreading because the very first version I did with the elf in male San’layn armor I tried a flat color and hated it. Just got to remember it won’t start to look decent till basic shading and highlights are added. :crossed_fingers:

EDIT: Just took a good look at it and bats forearms need to be thicker. They are too thin from what I can tell. DOH! And need to thicken the line of her high collar on her left side near her face. Also probably changing her hair style to a long ponytail that comes behind her and over her shoulder on her left side. Still not liking the lashes either.