San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Sí señorita.

Would you like my Btag to invite around the time? Yes and no both’re fine, just makes things easier on my end.

I’m curious on the details.


Sure, DES#12770 is my battletag (this is public knowledge, as it’s on my guild website which is also on a public forum post, so I don’t mind contact.)

Yeah I run a “City of Monsters” RP guild on WrA. We do a lot of discord roleplay but are getting back into game and doing so more too. We have an Alliance side guild as well, since we are entirely neutral. (Site:

The event itself is the city’s reaction to the prepatch sky shattering, which is in 2 parts; one large battle where I’m DMing several scourge bosses (I won’t be roleplaying my toons at the time, I want my attention entirely dedicated to being an event runner as opposed to my own character development) invade the Fjord and Keep (City of Monster)'s territory. This event is in game.

The other event is raw reactions in discord to what’s going on, and how the realm shattering is affecting people’s magic and mentality. It’s exciting! Finally something in the outer world to play off of.

In case anyone asks, yes, there’s San’layn in the mix and we also have a coven in Sholazar (not normal San’layn, they’re rebels and like to party.)

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San’layn should get a Bat form, basically exactly like druid flight form. Instant cast.


I was looking at the in-game achievements tab, and I noticed that Shadowlands achievements are listed for all the different sections on live servers. I glanced through them and didn’t see any that were San’layn/Darkfallen related, but maybe if someone else goes through them, they might see something of interest.

I’ll take another look through them when I can in case I overlooked something. :bat:


Blizz better have something up their sleeve because Shadowlands is not looking good so far.

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Quality work.

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They should just unlock some customizations mid-expansion. So once we save Kael’thas or w/e we unlock those sweet customization options he is using in Revendreth.

Basically, maybe we need to advance the story first before they unlock.

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Uhhh okay

Sethrak event on Horde is actually at 3 PM CST not 9 like the Alliance one


Hope that still works~


Oh ok I’ll try to make it then prior to mine in that case!

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My mind is going crazy

“Oh my god, I’m going to have to get up that early? Seriously? I hate people sometimes, who the hell scheduled that, I hope their house burns down”

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And they still say that there are no vampires in warcraft.


I’ve been hearing rumors that all the dark ranger NPCs around the world have had their models updated. Or perhaps it’s just their eyes. Has anyone noticed this and if they remember the models before prepatch are they actually different now? I suppose this would be a positive development if that were the case. A perhaps, maybe… maybe… we get those beautiful red eyes/skin tones. xD

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As far as I know it’s just the eyes that changed and it’s only Night Elf Dark Rangers.

Yeah when people say that, it makes no sense to me. I really hope we get expanded lore on the vampyr curse in general. That questline in Stormheim got me so excited. Revendreth… not so much, and not at all. >< At least the aesthetics are alright, but that’s about it.

Holding out hope for the origin of the ancient curse to be in Shadowlands, and maybe for an Allied Race or customization to go along with the lore that we get. Who knows!


Also there’s rumors stemming from certain members spreading misinformation (again) on us, so I want to make things clear here.

I don’t mind if people disagree or hate San’layn, think Venthyr are better, or don’t want them in the game at all. That’s fine. People are free to share that opinion here. Naturally, I’m going to disagree–do people really expect me to be like “You know you’re right, because a few people are saying they don’t want it, my outlook is changed and I no longer want my favorite race in game to be playable.” Of course not.

But I ask that people who do come in here to do so remain respectful and don’t insult. That’s the thing. If you’re rude and insulting to the things that I say or the suggestions I make to get your idea farther? Yes, I’m going to point it out, and you’re getting the same respect you gave me to begin with.

So yeah, if people have issues with the community here, that’s fine. I never will encourage thread spamming or saying “San’layn should come before this and that” or griefing people that are genuinely kind with sharing their opinions even if they disagree.

The problem is, many come in here and are insulting/rude when presenting a disagreement. So, please, if you’re going to dislike San’layn/say they should not be added/disagree with this thread? That’s fine. Please do it in a polite manner, or you’re going to be treated in the same way you treat us.

It’s that simple.


I hate the false accusations, I feel you, especially when its so skewed and the real situational context is them being the problem starters.

And this very much ties into how I see what I said above xD

Everything you said is fair, and I see it as so unfortunate because San’layn fans across the board are friendly and respectful both in their desires for San’layn, but also just on various other issues that are indicative of being good people.


I glanced through the in-game achievements and didn’t really see anything of note. There is a “Treasures of Revendreth” achievement that has multiple items, although there is less listed in-game as criteria compared to the Wowhead link:

Was caught my eye was a “Lost Quill” treasure as a criteria, thinking about the Quill of Lana’thel…only to find that it is just a magical quill that can talk and become a battle pet:

Looking at the comments, a poster there has posted the text of it talking to you:

"St – stay back !

Oh, you’re not here to force me to
commit those awful acts to parchment?

Those venthyr deprived me of my ink for
refusing to transcribe their “research.” If
you can even call it that.

Can you help me? Without my ink I am

If only that Quill of Lana’thel could talk…maybe we’d finally learn more about it.

Anyway, I’ll glance at the in-game Shadowlands achievements again when I can, though I didn’t see too much of interest. Most of it involved Venthyr stuff, with a few “fun achievements” regarding bats in some ways.

I did see that there were four reps in Shadowlands so far, one for each covenant, and a fifth one involving some NPC in the Maw. There is also an achievement for getting exalted with all the covenant reps. I assumed that we would only have access to one rep at a time when we joined a covenant. It makes me wonder if you can work on rep for the other ones on one character without joining their covenants or if it’s meant for you to either bounce between covenants or play multiple alts to get exalted with them all.

Anyway, I’ll continue to keep an eye out for any potential San’layn stuff in Shadowlands. :bat:


Yeah I was so disappointed that this led to no more San’layn lore. Like I saw the name of it, got super excited, then got let down. Oh well. If they do visit San’layn lore in the future, I think obscure questions could be answered if they wanted to look into it:
-What’s the origin of Lana’thel’s quill? Why is it named that?
-Thal’ena–I’d love to know more. Is she Lana’thel’s daughter by blood, or because Lana’thel turned her?
-The vampirates questline did touch on ancient tablets and cursed objects, I believe. Could the vampyr curse also spread by ‘radiation’ from that, per say?

And now, I could be wrong about something, but here’s a little odd tidbit I noticed.

When I originally did the vampirates questline waaaay waaaaay back, I recall the mobs being “humanoid”, then mentioned to my lover: ‘Hey that’s odd. I thought they were undead because vampires?’

When I did it again on my worgen yesterday, they were “undead”. Maybe I’m remembering wrong, in that case.


Good luck with your event.

And yay me for saying we should do one of these on Horde, apparently it was the first but I have my doubts about that.