San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Wow! That looks really close to a San’layn! Closer than I thought possible! Blizz just needs to bite the bullet and enable the options for Blood Elves imo.


Dang that’s cool.


San’layn do actually have a variant of amber eyes so that makes sense:


I had been considering race changing my DK to a velf, but wow nelves made out like bandits! :heart_eyes:

(This is Somand)


Psst, pssssst hey

Nice guitar :smiley:

Also yeah that reminds me, I’m going to log into my night elf and play around a bit with her as well. I love the half-mohawk style (I WANT THAT FOR MY BLOODY HORDE ELVES BLIZZARD) so I’ll prolly nab that for her.

(I’m sure it comes as a surprise to NO ONE that my night elf is getting the tree)


I love the Arcanite Ripper. I’ve had it since the Scourge Invasion pre-WotLK when you had about 2 weeks to get it from Prince Tenris Mirkblood. It just looked like an Arcanite Reaper with a built-in Unholy enchant back then.

I’m actually glad that they made it re-obtainable in some way. I hate appearances becoming unobtainable.


I’ve always loved affliction. It was always my go to spec then in Legion they killed it and then made it worse in BFA. I do love the concept of Demonology, I just wish they would go back to allowing them to have a permanent doomguard or infernal. It’s weird to me that infernals are destruction specific now. I’ve never been a huge fan of destro, I like the concept of the volatile fel energy like chaos bolt… but it feels so limited with only 1 spell that plays on it.

I really miss warlocks in MoP. Each spec was so fun and unique.

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Oh I’m actually trying out a new warlock spec I’ve been destruction primarily, do you find affliction or demonology more fun atm?

If I go to Maldraxxus I feel like affliction may be on brand? It doesn’t matter but I did want to switch it up anyways so any excuse to pick one of the two I hadn’t played is fine by me!

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That’s why I like destro

Yeah BfA destro feels horrible

In SLs we’re getting some more spell diversity, instead of spamming chaos bolt during infernal we spam rain of fire, they managed to make that spell actually fun for the first time since they made it cost soul shards in Legion

Though by the end of SLs I’ll probably be really tired of RoF like I am of chaos bolt right now

I miss soul swap and Kil’jaeden’s cunning. I also loved how you could jump pretty high up with metamorphosis on demo.

I like spec specific big CD demons but I’m don’t think infernal should be the one for destruction, they’re iconic to locks as a whole, them being destro only is dumb imo. It’d be like making doomguard affliction only.


It really depends on how you like to play.

Affliction is about managing your DOTs on targets and keeping them applied. Demonology is about building an army and popping CDs during certain windows. Both can be fun. I’ve always just played affliction on my lock as it’s very similar to shadow priest for me and I really enjoy that playstyle.

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I miss soul swap… soul burn… metamorphosis…

Oh I really miss when you had max embers you started to burn. Or when you had max demonology fury you started to undergo demonic changes. Ugh that was so cool.


I am soooooooo ooooo ooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous of night elves.

You don’t know how badly I want scars and facial piercings for blood elves. And this hair style. Anyway, this is my druid, she looks amazing. Night elves really got pampered, oh my gods.

(This is Fallynn x3)


Yes… they are unbelievably customizable now. It’s very unfair :sob:

Also I want that hairstyle as well.


Yeah like I saw the gigantic amount of options, then compared it to blood elves and their ugly (again, my personal opinion for those that want to get offended) jewelry. Yes, I gave it a chance, I looked through the blood elf jewelry and my gods is it terrible(once again in my personal opinion).

Like I really want facial piercings on all characters, I don’t know why it’s so difficult. I myself have spider bite piercings on my lower lip, as do many of my characters (including this one).

One bright side: There appears to be a TON of room. So like… that’s something we got going. Hopefully they add more based on feedback.

I even bet there’s room for “claws & fangs” as an addable option :wink: Imagine, going further: All of your teeth fangs, 2 fangs, 4 fangs… a woman can dream.


I’ll use the jewelry on certain mogs. Like the golden stuff looks decent with the blood elf heritage armor. Although if it didn’t that would be a huge oversight lol.

I’m also really hopeful since they pushed back the release of SL we’ll see more customization options showing up. There are an unbelievably amount of options they could do for blood elves.

I’m a little perturbed that night elves got like a feral ear option.

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For a brief moment I wondered: “Wait a minute, don’t most races have piercings?”

Then I thought about it, and realized just how inaccurate that thought actually was.


Very fair! I might have if there was more colors. And RIGHT?! I saw the ripped ears and was like “WHAT I WANT THOSE TOO” darn it XD Well at least they’re thinking about ears for elves, which is nice.

All good, I am jealous of humans and night elves though I will admit :stuck_out_tongue: If humans could be druids I’d probably roll one… wait, did worgen get access to all human models, or just separated? I was considering rolling a worgen too.


They get all of the new customizations that the non-Kul Tiran humans get now.

So no big model, but new hairs, face shape, colours, etc.

The Human DK colours are a part of this as well. You can roll a Worgen who has Human DK colour in their human form.


We got all human customization.

It’s nice. But I wish we’d gotten more for our Worgen forms.

Also tails…

You should roll a pup. We’re neat.


In all honesty, it feels good to see storyline progress in WoW beginning again. Granted, it’ll be awhile yet before Shadowlands comes out. It feels like it has been a long time since the ending of BfA occurred, and seeing the cinematic actually felt good to see the game’s story continue…although, I’m dubious about the directions the storyline can go in Shadowlands.

Of course, I’m still having fun checking out old content, so I’m still able to keep busy in the game. I also need to check out the new character customization options for some of my characters. So I have plenty to keep me busy until Shadowlands comes out.

When Shadowlands does come out, my current plan is to go through the storyline stuff on this character (going Venthyr), and once I get to a point I’m farming rep and such, I’ll work on my three other characters I’ve chosen to check out the other covenant storylines. I’ll only focus on those characters until I get flying unlocked and reach exalted with reps, doing story questlines, and so on. Then I can level alts as the mood strikes me.

Feels good to feel like we’re finally going forward. :bat: