San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Me too! I love using it to melt packs of pirates.


Maybe a venthyr and darkfallen combined race.

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I’ve been trying to remember a quote I heard regarding monsters and heroes, but I can’t remember it exactly and where it originated from. Still, I decided to work with the quote some to come up with some sass you’d might see from a San’layn leader towards the Alliance:

San’layn Leader: That’s the thing with your Alliance. You have to create monsters to justify having heroes, prancing them around to remind your people just how “righteous” your cause is and how they’re fighting for “good and justice”…how ironic that the very heroes you revere are worse than the “monsters” you despise!"

Something about the San’layn originally dying as the result of the Alliance, be it abandonment in Northrend or something like Garithos in Warcraft III sending them to their doom, and becoming what they are as a result leads to quite a bit of storyline opportunities. Not to mention that the Alliance would view them as monsters and would hunt them down, so if another war breaks out, you can be sure the San’layn would happily help the Horde and their fellow kin if they ever joined the Horde.

Just an idea I had for San’layn contempt towards the Alliance. :bat:


Yeah I’d be fine with this, they’d have to craft lore on how they’re connected still, and explain why a Shadowlands race would want to fight and participate in mainland Azeroth events. While I’m not a fan of Venthyr at all, a race of “vampire” which would encompass San’layn as well would be acceptable. I assume Kael’thas could be the representative leader there too. Would likely be a neutral race.

I like this a lot! Always enjoy the ideas and characterization you bring :slight_smile: Heck if by some miracle Dreven comes back from the dead (which… we know is very possible now, looking at prepatch and the princes/Lana returning once more) that could even be him. Though I know some don’t like the idea because he munched on some Forsaken.


If San’layn options were to be given to the Blood Elves, it might entice me to roll a Blood Elf Shadow Priest, seeing as lore-wise, Blood Elves are normally Holy Priests.

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You can easily write around it. I gave the idea before of the Forsaken there being under command by Sylvanas to make Dreven pledge loyalty to her cause and bend the knee, and him refusing because he didn’t want his people to be slaves to a “Discount Lich King.” Then the Alliance hero comes and Dreven goes “Nuts to it!” and then munches them because he’d have nothing to lose even if he won the battle.

The cool thing with these ideas is that you can still utilize the San’layn as “monsters” for the Alliance to kill. For Alliance players, they might play that up with the San’layn because…well, it’s the Alliance’s point-of-view. Of course they’d see the actions of Horde San’layn as chaotic and just ebil, blood sucking beings for their own cause that would burn orphanages, kick puppys, and other not-so-nice things.

On the Horde side, however, you’d see they’re more than that, and that they have good reasons to do what they’re doing because of what the Alliance did to them long ago. The whole “Alliance abandoned me and let me turn into this and suffer and now they hunt us down!” thing both allows players to connect with them, showing they’re not all the monsters we saw in WotLK, and also gives them a reason to fight against the Alliance.

It also gives a cool thing for people who play both factions to see two sides of the story. :bat:


At this point, with all the various void spells and such that were made, they really need to make a void based caster of some sort. My vote would be a void knight…but it’d be neat to go the paladin priest route and have both a knight and a cultist :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m still a bit bummed that shadow isn’t an aspect of Light, instead of Void. Make more sense for the priest class too…then spin the void aspect of priests off into another cultist class or a void retheme of the entire class. Regular shadow being the dps spec of the regular priest.
Light and Shadow vs Darkness and Void.

Figured this might also be interesting to share, someone linked it over from the EU forums.

I remember commenting much earlier on in this thread that I was hoping for something like it for the customizations for SL.
Click your race, then choose the subrace…allied races and some of the new customization options would be grouped under the subraces, but they could always be a little loose with overlap or something.
My main complaint with some of the newer customizations is that there’s some that really need a new voiceset.
I’d like to see voicesets as a customization option to further differentiate your character.


I love this Race>Subrace Menu-like thing! Would be awesome to have it implemented, in say, a future patch?


I agree, a vindicator spec for priests that focuses on using the light to damage would be cooler than shadow imo. I’d rather shadow be part of a void themed class.

I don’t want Blizzard to remove shadow from priests though, because it already exists. Given my history with Blizzard removing specs I like I’m not a huge fan of the idea, even if the spec was moved to another class.

Yeah, I’ve seen this. I want this too. For trolls, they could have Zandalari/Darkspear/Revantusk under the same race but still have them be distinct through voicelines/heritage/druid forms/classes, etc.

If Blizzard decides to give us ice trolls, I’d dig whatever druid forms they’d have as well, should they have druids.


It would be cool if there was a cosmetic toggle for Shadow to make it into a Holy Fire / Holy Light flinging spec, similar to green fire for Warlocks.


Looks like the Pre-Patch cinematic is up (click the image to load the video in a separate youtube page if it isn’t embedded):

Figured I’d share for those interested. :bat:


Could be applied to a few other classes too.

Or as race specific for some.

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They put the true warchief in the cinematic 10/10

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Man… the blood elf customizations are even more underwhelming than I thought. I really hope they listen to feedback. At least the switchable options shows though that there’s room for a LOT more. Hopefully.

Gods we need a chance to trim the ridiculous blood elf eyebrows ><


Yeah I’m bummed out, trying to make the best of a lackluster situation though.

But I feel you 100%


Same. The only things I’m making use of is the dark tan skin tone for my Sunfury warlock, the actual black hair, and the separation of eye color from face, everything else already existed.

Oh, I guess I’m using blue eyes for my mage.

Customization as a whole was underwhelming for me, this is my most changed character and I changed a whole 3 things; broke my right tusk, added a scar on my eye, greyed the hair.

Once I start getting into alts I’ll start experiencing more of the stuff I suppose, but changing my existing characters was pretty meh.

I will say though, I’m digging my warlock’s look and I’m not wearing her final mog yet, I’m just using a leveling mog.

I’m also going to appreciate that the warlock soul shard glyphs are class wide now and not spec wide, I only have to buy one instead of three


Got some cool photo ops though with my cloud serpents :stuck_out_tongue:

“Look to the heavens. The sky… it betrays us.”

“See you soon…”

(Without the serpent)

Imagine if this were an actual cloud serpent color!


I managed to make my elf look somewhat undead or at least dabbled in too much fel for customization. Ala Sunfury Elf from Sunwell Plateu. Wish I had red eyes.


I really wish we’d gotten fel skins through the Sunfury for blood elves, same with orcs through the fel orcs in Blasted Lands.

The dark tan skin can substitute pretty well, though, at least imo.


It’s a shame we didn’t get any Darkfallen options, but there is a pale skin and a darker yellow eye colour that look pretty good with the right hair and gear.

I was able to put this together on my lowbie Blood Elf Warlock with them.