San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Think I deleted mine while cleaning out my bank…

Oh, ouch. My sympathies.


That’s good to know! I think I may be leaning affliction in all honesty I’m unsure as of this moment. I leveled on demonology and had fun, but when destruction and have been for awhile, affliction I don’t know much about but it just seems to fit if I go with the Necrolords as far as vibes and theme.

I do love shadow priest also… I’ll be playing my shadow priest as my Alliance main I think. My warlock takes precedence though xD

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Yeah I wish worgen got more customization too. I think blood-tinted muzzles would be really neat. And tails, what’s up with that? Why do werewolves not have tails? That boggles my mind, I want them for the worgen too.

I have a Death Knight I believe but like… I dunno, I think I’ll roll a hunter. Plus I think? Worgen have red eyes now? So that’s a must for me.

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I managed to finish up my transmog. She looks the way i envisioned minus the red eyes and a bit more either jaundice or grey skin.


Scars should be separate from faces and there should be an option for body scars.

Since almost every Worgen became one by being scratched or bitten by another it just makes sense.


I kinda feel like they could use more but they did make out better than most…most fell a bit short. Night elves were a good start, so hopefully they do keep adding more as they said.

Out of my characters, most didn’t get any changes. Used to how they look.
My female draenei priestess got a longer tail.
My oldest character, which was a male night elf hunter, he got the most changes. I couldn’t see his face good when I made him, so he’s had this older weathered looking face as I noticed what it was up close well after making him…this was before it zoomed in on the heads. So he got a new face, new hairstyle more like my real one…a very long pony tail. Went from a regular blue to a darker blue. Also got a sweet beard. And blue eyes.

One complaint on the beards…the vine beard should be an option without the vine. It’s really odd it’s not.

NE druid got some good options as well, gave him a fully viney beard, and some to his hair. Change or eye color and it’s really nice being able to pick your animal forms. I wish he could be a Night elf worgen with wolf forms though. That’s my biggest wish for him.

I’ve got other lowbies that I plan to overhaul as I get to leveling them. Trying to decide if I wanna give the new zone a go or wait a week for my niece.

I kinda think green and red eye options would have been a neat option for Death Knights, colors to match the specs.

Speaking of body options…after seeing a great undead skin option on twitter, I’m really surprised it’s not a thing…there was one of a body that had the patchwork stitching at various seams like it’d been stitched together.
Male and females should both have that as an option. One of the variants also had some of the different skin patches having different skin tones.
It’s also interesting that female undead have a face option that would match it great but males don’t.

There was also some stuff where undead had regular human hairstyles and beards which looked great.

There were also some female gnome mockups using kultiran female hair that was really nice looking.

Also speaking of worgen, they need to fix the eye options to be consistent. The heterochromia eyes swap when changing forms and the human form is missing one of them.


Me to blizzard on this topic right here:

(Though it’d be nice to not be spec locked even though I only play blood anyway :P)


I’ve wanted red eyes for forever, there’s an NPC with them in Acherus (and I’m 99% sure there’s other DKs with them), I’ve been jelly of her eyes for so long.


Ok this is random but hear me out. I love biology and often watch documentaries. I stumbled upon this.

APPARENTLY OXPECKERS DRINK BLOOD. So… they’re yet another vampire bird, like the meat-eating Kea.

Also, if we want an example of a pretty monster, we can look directly at nature. Great Gray Shrike. >:)

Just look at the adorableness!

…Yeah it impales its prey on thorns and rips it apart with its beak.

People can miss me with “Pretty/cute = / = vicious”


Purple is also sometimes used to represent unholy magic, so it would be a cool colour to have too. Fiery orange like Bolvar’s would be cool too.

I’d also love the option to turn the glow off, like some NPCs such as Thassarian have.


So Hero Forge updated recently to allow colors to be applied to your figurines you design on their website. I attempted to remake the San’layn I did awhile ago and play around with the colors. The result:

I tried to play around with the colors to have something fitting that went together. I’m not the best at doing that, of course.

I also didn’t see how to remove the eye pupils. I really need to play around with it more to see what I can come up with.

If anyone is interested, you can design your own creations at the official Hero Forge web site here:

When you created a hero, move your mouse to the top right of the screen where it says “Hero*” to see a drop down list. One of the options is “screenshot,” which will take a screenshot (be sure to play with the zoom in/out option to get the whole figurine in frame first) you can download as an image file.

I’ll be playing around with it more to see if I can do better, but for now, I wanted to show off what you could do on the web site now. :bat:


Looks neat! Not a fan personally of the look and design of them myself, so I won’t be playing around with it, but I know others might appreciate it!


It says your a DK, but I think you’re a Priest…

since you just read my mind!


I took a picture of the new character creation screen to share in the different megathreads:

It seems as if there is room for 6 more races on both sides before a new column has to be made. The important thing to note, of course, is that there is plenty of room for new races.

It’s cool to see new races in general in WoW. Seeing both factions grow over time with new members is great for them to evolve as a whole, and having more options is also good for players. Hopefully, we see races people have been wanting in general added to that screen.

Not to mention that I know a few races that would love to help fill up the space on the Horde side. :crocodile: :japanese_ogre: :bat:


I sincerely hope that Blizzard hasn’t abandoned the idea of Allied Races. Fingers really crossed for San’layn, of course, and any other races too that are asked for like Ogres, Sethrak, Saurok, etc. Plus it also looks like a few can fit in both columns going toward the bottom as well in the first ones. One for each on that side.


I don’t think they’ve abandoned it. I just think that any future allied races will be more like the Vulpera in that, while they may use the rig of another race, they are unrelated to that race and are their own thing. They aren’t a derivative of another race.

For example, of the Shadowlands races, the Night Fae (both male and female) use the Draenei female rig, but they aren’t related to Draenei in any way. They’d be a prime candidate for being an allied race (assuming Blizzard had any intention of making allied races from the Shadowlands covenant races, which they very well may not).

Other examples might be for the Horde to finally get Ogres by using the Kul Tiran rig as a base. Or Saberon for either Alliance or Horde (I’d lean Horde for the cats vs. dogs theme) using the Worgen rig.

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True, though more I hope they didn’t abandon allied races that people have been asking for too. I know San’layn use the blood elf model but still believe they are unique enough to warrant the AR, like how Zandalari trolls were just hunched trolls way back when but got their own unique rig in BfA and such like that (And pandaland but again prior to that were old models).

As for covenant Allied Races, maybe it’s because I’m selfish and sincerely dislike the Venthyr, but I really hope they don’t become playable. Beyond my own bias, it’d feel very strange lorewise for guardians of the afterlife to suddenly abandon that post and fight with the living. The only reason we’re going to help them is that someone from our realm completely messed things up, and I’m assuming we won’t be able to return again after this expansion (after all, being able to always freely visit the realm you go to when dead seems… off. I like how we can during the expansion to participate in battle, but beyond that, no!)

I’d, of course, just deal with it regardless though if we got like fangs/claw toggles, undead skins, and red eyes (pure black like Lana’thel though would be SICK) for blood elves (with lore explaining how San’layn joined the Horde of course.) I wouldn’t ever roll a venthyr and dislike their lore quite a bit, but might lighten up a bit if there’s some connection to the vampyr curse on Azeroth. Who knows.


Plain and simple, the Venthyr, as presented thus far, aren’t what I think most people would consider traditionally attractive. I believe that Thalassians, even the undead ones, are, for more people than not. So I’m totally with you in hoping that the Venthyr aren’t an allied race, as I’d much prefer the San’layn over them purely because of the aesthetics.

It would seem strange to me for any of the covenant races to end up as allied races though. These are spirits of the dead, with a purpose in the afterlife. I can’t really imagine why they’d get involved in the living world except where it impacts the Shadowlands and their roles in it. And that doesn’t even get into choosing a faction.

I also think it would be weird leveling a Shadowlands race… in Shadowlands content, because you know Blizzard wouldn’t just start them at 60 or let them join any covenant that isn’t “their covenant”.


The thing with them is far beyond any sort of model thing, too. Aside from the fact that they’re ugly, and I don’t like ugly vampires (which people are endorsing because ‘NO MORE ELVES’), San’layn were here in Lich King era, and the stories I’ve created around my characters are for San’layn and vampyr that they already established in wrath.

As opposed to actually expanding upon that, they just shove it aside for this new nonsense with the same exact theme. Venthyr could be the most beautiful things in the world and I’d still hate them, because the lore and stories I enjoy were for San’layn and the vampyr curse.

So unless it’s connected in some way, I’m going to continue to hate them and being pushed aside for nothing. The void elf and high elf debacle might feel the same, but the thing is, void elves and high elves have different themes.

High elves are already a part of the Alliance, and they don’t have a connection to the void–void elves took the model, but not theme. (Though their frustration was understandable too, even if I like the style of void elves better). From what I’ve seen from the community, more natural hair colors and a smidgeon of lore would be really satisfying.

We’re going into a death expansion with 1/4 of it being a vampire theme with no sign of San’layn lore whatsoever or hope of even customization for Blood Elves. And it’s not a matter of model sharing like the Kelfin/Vulpera, because in that case, they weren’t lorewise replacing anything. Kelfin got their lore and need their customization, they’re already in the horde. Plus using the same model really isn’t a big deal, as we’ve seen, should Kelfin still be on the table for an allied race.

The problem with San’layn is they never got lore saying they joined the Horde or expanded story at all, so even if they added customization, it’d be not enough because there’s 0 story behind it at all.

Therefore, I’m frustrated after working on this for 3 years sharing ideas and stories only to have no word or response whatsoever and have this entirely new race come out of the blue, be loved because “it’s not an elf”, and all that.

It’s just so tiresome, and now people come into my thread saying this replacement ugly race with out-of-the-blue lore should be added as opposed to San’layn. I keep telling people to go make their own thread and community, but it keeps happening in this thread.

All of my art, all of the stories, and vampire themes are for San’layn, and for many people too, only to have this vampire theme snatched away and likely replaced by these things. Even void elves didn’t do that, they didn’t replace high elves, they had a different theme. Venthyr? Same theme, but far uglier and ‘not an elf’.

If San’layn are destined to be customization (with fangs and claws, no slacking on that) that’s fine, but I just have a feeling that if there’s no sign of them and this out-of-the-blue race of which is a complete theme replacement is added, even asking for that will get people to FLOOD this thread and say: “YOU HAVE PLAYABLE VAMPIRES ALREADY SHUT UP”.

It’d be far worse than the “no more elves” mantra.

Edit: Oh wow this was a long one, well… I guess my feelings on this are very clear.

Edit 2: And after years of trying to push this and being insulted to the ground for liking vampires, now suddenly there’s a gigantic boom of support for the theme, but because they’re “not elves” even though they look quite a bit like elves, but are ugly. So not only does the above happen, but to see the same community that relentlessly was the way it was turn around and say “Yeah they’re awesome” after being so bitter here just makes me very frustrated.