San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I love the second to last one and the one behind the one behind the second to last one. Man my speech is really on point tonight huh

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Would probably be fine with the San’layn if they lean more into the vibe they already established in Wrath. Or at the very least, as far away from the hot topic vampire vibe as possible.

I’d say lean in toward the classical vampire if that wasn’t already being handled really soundly by the Venthyr.

They aren’t my first choice for a new race but there’s very little about Wrath I disliked overall, and Lana’thel was dope.

I understand what you mean, no worries. Yeah they’re great pieces. I’d love if we got wings.

Least we can agree on that one. Best of luck advocating for Venthyr, regardless. Definitely not a race I like even remotely, but I’m sure someone will put in a lot of work on an advocacy thread for them which is always admirable. Not something I’ll contribute to myself, but still respectable when people do.


I rather like the art, some of it has made me want a San’layn, though my main character I just want to be an undead Elf, but I can work with San’layn in that regard as hopefully different features of them whether in the form of an AR or customization with added lore would come with toggles.


I was really excited for Mileena myself. On a note related to both the San’layn and Mortal kombat, MK11 brings a thematic skin to 3 characters for every one of their competitive seasons, they even had one based on their sanguimancer, Skarlet who next to their actual vampire, Nitara was actually somewhat vampire esque.

Now as far as wow goes it would be neat to see a number of races get skins like these that are thematically relevant with certain patches in a similar manner. Like vampiric skins for Blood Elves and Humans for example.

I suppose my main point is that in addition to the large amounts of customization options we’re getting it would also be nice to see small additions here and there, more often.


Yeah I think this is a great idea. If we got a questline for lore in this case, it’d be perfect, and could be something you work for/earn. We could learn solid info on the vampyr curse afflicting the San’layn and humans in Stormheim in that manner, and get the customizations we want. I still think something like that as unlockable for all races would be super neat as well. Many say it’d devalue it to have it avalible to all, but there’s Death Knights (which, granted, as a class.)

So who knows! Even if it was a questline that took months, I’d be all for it.

Random but somewhat relevant, I hate that people automatically just insult being goth as a style just because it’s not their forte. Or jumping right to “twilight” (horrible book series in my personal opinion) when we talk about vampires that don’t look ugly as heck just to look ugly.

It’s an insult to those who are beautiful as well, as if suddenly we can’t be brutal/merciless and are useless. The most terrifying monsters are the ones that can blend in, lead you on, and look like the ticket to perfection when in reality, deep down, they’re truly monsters. That’s why I like pretty monsters the most, aside from aesthetics. The mind games that can build a horrifying monster.

I mean, look at this:

I still LOVE this so much. Toreador has to be my favorite VtM concept. You can be as pretty as you want, but deep down? You’ll always be a blood sucking monster. And I love that. I don’t understand why there’s a concept of “all monsters have to be ugly as sin to be monsters”. We can have different types.

It’d be nice if blood elves embraced that concept but sadly the nuance and dark parts of them have been pretty much removed and replaced with these light themes. (No offense to those that love them. It’s just be nice to have multiple themes and some darker aspects too.)


Yup, I’d love to tie the Blood curses together and have a questline and arc dedicated to it.

I also love the idea of the subtleties the San’layn and possibly blood cursed humans could bring, which is probably the main reason I will always prefer San’layn to Venthyr, as the latter will never have the same duality and struggles the San’layn have.


I don’t think I’d like this because it would kinda feel like giving Nathanos customization to the Alliance instead of to the Forsaken.


I did not get Invincible. 0/270+ runs. But as I was running through I had a lot of time to look at the Darkfallen. Um, San’layn and Darkfallen not the same thing?

The Darkfallen just look like DK’s with the blue glowy eyes but the San’layn I’ve seen look vampiric. So I’m assuming they are two separate groups or Darkfallen are not full vampire yet and that is why they look like DK’s instead of San’layn.

Well, this is probably officially my last post on the forums. One of my posts got flagged for no apparent reason that I could see. It was about being WoW poor, which is subjective, and they must’ve thought I was some high roller or something. Only word that could possibly offend was dafaq but I’ve written way worse stuff and never got flagged. Tired of this crap.

:+1: Playable San’layn

Big F to the forums.


Exactly this. The Venthyr have the same story told numerous times in WoW, the “Evil ruler is horrible to his people” thing. Which is fine, but is it lore I’m even remotely interested in? Nope.

Even if they were the most beautiful things in the world and not ugly (and before someone gets all offended? It’s my personal opinion, you can sit right down, people insult elves all the time and I don’t bat an eye) I would not be interested. Because it’s the lore of San’layn I fell in love with. They were established in wrath as powerful and intelligent, former loyalists to Kael’thas wanting to do right for their city. They died and were turned into monsters for their city, in the army to take down Arthas himself. They were left there when Illidan failed. They have a direct link to Sin’dorei, Silvermoon city, and the forces of Azeroth.

This out-of-nowhere new race (venthyr) once again has nothing on that. They’re not elves, they’re ugly. Those are the two main things people point out, either to spite people that like San’layn (one of the reasons why I resent them as well), or that they legit enjoy that style of vampire, which is far more valid and fine.

But, in terms of my preference? I want the vampyr that have been established in lore. They come from a mysterious ancient curse, and that was expanded upon in the Stormheim questline. It might have just been a side quest, but to me it was so much more, and very exciting. It still disappoints me so much that there’s no new information on it, an AZEROTH race here since Wrath. Maybe in further patches, who knows. But the vampyr theme has been here far longer than the Venthyr concept, and it’s the Azeroth vampyr lore that I fell in love with and crafted my characters around.

Oh yeah… that’s a fair point, hmm… Alliance did get pretty much most of what blood elves have now, aside from some hair colors and styles (which they likely will based on the feedback they’re getting. Not opposed to it aside from the fact that I want de-tentacled void elf hair for blood elves as fair exchange.) so Horde getting human models doesn’t really seem unfair at all. Technically they could do both, but there’d need to be lore. I suppose if “vampyr” was a neutral race, where you could choose elf or human, that could work. Or if Alliance got human vampyr and forsaken could still pick the Nathanos model.

They are, think of old troll models and actually many old models in the game itself. To be honest… it was Blizzard being lazy. The Blood Princes and Lana’thel have special, done up models, but they didn’t modify the elf models (death knights) that were San’layn. We know San’layn can be multiple classes, as seen in Borean Tundra and ICC.

This is a “Sanguine Reveler”, not any of the named princes (though in a similar outfit). We can see the shorter ears there, and red eyes.

With this guy, we see fangs and claws.

All of the above, granted, are from Hearthstone, but the designs are reflective on the named NPCs in game. Hearthstone might not be lore accurate, but the designs? They’re based off of WoW.

So that all comes down to Blizzard not making the custom models. It’s happened on many occasions where what you see isn’t really reflective of how it’s supposed to look. We know the vampyr curse is a mutagen based off of the named NPCs.

They didn’t update them in BfA as clearly they weren’t meant to play a big part, sadly. That became very apparent when they just… abandoned the ship thing all together. It’s disheartening. Should we ever actually get model updates, that’d be a good thing.

But yeah, I highly doubt the models of lesser San’layn were even remotely accurate.

Fair. Some people spam flag and it’s dismissed, I’ve had that happen to some of mine and haven’t gotten disciplined. The forums community is in general extremely toxic, as seen just on a regular basis by the nonsense spouted in GD. There’s few here that I respect. I get annoyed when it leaks into this thread too. Luckily it’s never devolved terribly, yet.


So the prepatch will be hitting live servers tomorrow. I imagine it may be a bit chaotic, and hopefully the maintenance and servers afterwards will run smoothly. I’m unsure if the forums will go down at all, since with all of us going down in levels because of the level squish, I’m not sure if the forums need to be worked on to have it display properly as a result.

I know there isn’t too much in the prepatch that we may not know about, but if I see any San’layn related stuff, I’ll be sure to report it back here. :bat:


Really weird to think it’s been 2 years. I am definitely not where I was 2 years ago, crazy how much as changed.

I’m happy to say goodbye to this expansion, though there were some things I enjoyed. Launch night was super fun this time around.

All in all though thank god its over omg
I dont care how OP my main spec was this expansion, my 3 favorite specs including my main one got dumpstered in terms of fun
I so hope SLs fixes that but I havent payed enough attention to know if it has


Been around 3 years for me at this point lol. At least on the subject of Allied Races.

Where does the time go?


I know this pain.
We no longer have the downvote. Then mass report, via multboxes.

Ps. Playable San’layn, please blizzard.


It’ll likely be dropped from what you describe.

I wish you luck.


BfA in general was…quite the ride. It had some questionable moments, but I did enjoy it for the most part. It certainly got me back into WoW after hating WoD and Legion, both of which having left sour tastes in my mouth. It’s funny how BfA seemed to drag on and on at times, with long periods of information droughts, but now it seems like it came and went…well, without a bang and more like a damp squib, but still.

I will say that the allied race system really did renew my interest back in the game and got me to play a lot of the content. It let me create a lot of new characters, some of which were characters from previous MMO’s I played that I was very happy to be able to recreate. It also opened the door for possibilities for some races to be playable in some fashion we wouldn’t normally see have any chance at being playable at all.

Not to mention seeing all the different communities and support for several races to become playable. It was really cool to see all the passion people had for various races, and it was a goldmine of marketing research to see what races people want to see playable.

In all honesty, I’m going to miss BfA. Not all of it, but some of it. Especially since Shadowlands isn’t really doing much for me. Kinda says a lot when the most exciting features of it are new character customization and the character creation screen having room for several new races.

Hopefully Shadowlands will be better than I’m expecting. As I said, I’m trying to go in with an open mind, but it remains to be seen what exactly to expect in terms of a storyline and such. Not to mention we’re looking at a couple years or so of it.

But regardless, the march of support for my wanted races continues on, and I hope everyone does the same for their wanted races. Hopefully, we’ll see more new races that people have been asking for sooner than later.

Whatever happens in the future, we’re in this together. :bat:


Wow, it really has been this long, hasn’t it? I remember, I made this community in the April prior to expansion release. It was a month before ANY San’layn content was revealed in the beta of the pre-patch! Can you believe it? Also shortly after we found out about the Allied Races–meaning the anti-elf sentiment was extremely high. (It’s never passed either).

I saw the Vulpera megathread, and the High Elf one. I wondered to myself: “Oh cool! I can’t wait to find the San’layn thread and community!”

“Where is it…?”

And thus, well… I decided if I wanted something done, I needed to put the effort in and do it myself. We’ve had our ups and downs in this community, and I’ve lashed out in anger before as well. I can admit my mistakes. Not to mention, I have a habit of being sassy/sarcastic from time to time. But all in all I’ve worked hard to cultivate a community that’s respectful and open, including to those against the ideas. Honestly, as long as people are kind with what they say and don’t come in here being incredibly rude, then I’ll nod, disagree of course, but be thankful that they’re presenting their view in a polite fashion.

As for BfA, I hated the storyline for the war campaign, but I did love the zone stories and art. I wish that as more of a focus, if I’m going to be honest. I didn’t like the mogs, but some of the mounts I enjoyed which is nice. Grinds were crazy though, and the systems I flat out hated.

I’m slightly bias against Shadowlands for obvious reasons, and feel pretty meh about it since it’s just disappointing to see no sign of vampyr curse lore in a death expansion, and not enjoying or using any of the customization the main race I play.

I am a collector and do love the mounts/pets I see, so there’s that!


Yeah same

No matter how painful the city, Zuldazar will always be a gorgeous zone, I’ve adored the place since I first went on launch night.

I love the rain, too.

And we have brontosauruses that have an actual animation to eat leaves, when I saw that on launch night immediately turned the main Jurassic Park song for maximum immersion and I still geek whenever I see them doing it.

Stop making me share with priests and mages for the love of god

I’ll miss twilight devastation but not corruption.

Running around one shotting bosses with it in normal dungeons and carrying people is really fun.

Impartially though, thank god corruption is gone, I hate it.

And I miss my artifact.


I quite like hivemind even though I never use it. I remember when I got it the day it came out I had a whole bunch of people staring at me and I knew they had the “wtf” look irl


Hearthstone makes some of the coolest designs for the ingame cards, it’s actually a shame that almost none of them get added into WoW :confused:


Wow last time I was in this topic it was post 2962 its not my post just where I left off reading. good job guys keep up the love for our undead brothers and sisters