San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Lol, wtf? I wish she was sporting that when I fought her. Only six tries left so I hope it works otherwise I’ll be 0/23 this go round. Thanks for the blessing.

My your nights be filled with blood and wicked dreams. Oh, wait, that is the daytime. At night you are the quintessential Blood-Queen. :bat: :bowing_man:


I do hope they do look at the feedback and consider adding a lot of the races people have been asking for. I’d think to an extent, they look at feedback and consider it for the future.

On another note, I found something really cool regarding a company supporting fan feedback in a way. Recently, there was a Mortal Kombat 11 DLC announcement with a few new playable characters. One of them is Mileena, a character people really wanted to return and there were fan movements to show support for her, both on the toxic side but also some very positive fans. The latter of which got addressed by the voice actress of Mileena in character, with some very short personalized voice recordings for a few of those specific fans who were apparently known in the fan support:

I thought it was a really cool thing to see Netherrealm Studios, the company that owns Mortal Kombat, do something like that for the fanbase. I wouldn’t expect Blizzard to do anything like that, and I don’t particularly need any recognition for my support (just playable Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn on the Horde of course), but it was a cool thing I wanted to share.

Although I’m not a huge fan of the gratuitous blood and gore that Mortal Kombat prides itself on, its storylines in the single player modes are actually really interesting and aren’t focused on or filled with the whole blood and gore motiff the multiplayer stuff has. I’m also happy to see Rain playable, who was one of my most wanted characters. Just need Reptile to go with Rain and Sub-Zero, who are my favorite characters.

Anyway, just a cool thing I wanted to share. :bat:


Not a San’layn but rather vampire-like because she drinks demon’s blood.

This is my felblood elf, Vix’yl. Admittedly I wish we got these folks aside from Blood Elves, or at least had customization for them. They are soooo cool. (Yes I’m aware they’re supposed to have raven’s wings, this character drinks a lot of felbats.)


I’m sad we didn’t get fel orcs and felblood elves. There’s fel orcs that are a part of the Horde in Blasted Lands and IIRC some felblood elves rejoined Quel’thalas in BC.

Also, props for being destro, that’s the best spec because it’s what I’ve always played


I love Destro. Fav Warlock spec.


Seeing all of the meta switchers this patch is a bit upsetting to me because a lot of them talk about how fun the spec is and how satisfying it is, when to me it feels really boring compared to what it used to be. I started in 5.3, and started warlock same patch, playing the spec now and comparing it to older versions makes me feel like I’m having my soul sucked out. Still one of my favorite specs because of the memories I have with it.

And while I love modern demo, it doesn’t compare to pre-DH for me.


Out of all the warlock specs, destro is indeed my favorite. I wish I could get into Demo more, because I just love the concept, but I suck at it. That doesn’t mean I don’t suck at destro, though. I could never get into casters, it’s a playstyle that I severely lack skill on. Melee DPS (frost) and tanking (Blood) is what I’m used to now and enjoy, along with hunter (BEAST MASTER ONLY) of course. But yeah I had fun with the fire and staff there for sure. In character she’s technically demonology, but I worked my butt off to get “of the Black Harvest” so her having a bit more power is entirely fair, I say!

I wonder if felblood elves could even become San’layn. Much like I wonder if Void Elves can become San’layn. That’s how I think a neutral race would work (AS LONG AS HORDE GOT SAN’LAYN!), is if high elves or void elves could be turned (high elves really wouldn’t have conflicting magic at all so, and I doubt void elves would considering Void Elf Death Knights).

I feel like the vampyr curse works similar to a mixture of the Death Knight state and the Forsaken curse in that it can afflict a huge amount with exception of things like worgen (in the case of forsaken, not DK).


Warlock is for emo kids who probably work at Hot Topic, so don’t sweat if you can’t get into them too much.

More seriously, I too have a hard to getting into the other two caster classes and I’ve always preferred enhance to ele on shammies. Mages and priests are too squishy for me, my head was exploding leveling both of mine through BfA to the point I gave myself a headache lol

Oh that’s really coo-

You see if you actually tried the other two specs that’s fine, but way, way too many people only try BM or only try one of the others for like 3 seconds before saying they don’t like hunter or only like BM.

I am super jelly, I would have tried but I was so young my reaction time had like a 3-4 delay and I had a tiny mental capacity so I never would have gotten it.


What?! They dare go after my title of edge while I’m playing a Death Knight?!

(But Falls, you play a rockstar, how is that–)


Anyway yeah that’s fair. I tried mage but it feels off to me too. I have a few alts of every class (altaholic) but stick to melee dps, though I wish rouge was more fun for me. Would do better in the arena, especially in the upcoming expansion.

I’m an animal lover though is the thing (you know the classic ‘lol women play hunters for the pets’? Yeah… oops) and LOVE collecting beasts. It wouldn’t feel the same without my spirit beasts or other exotics. If a blood elf druid was a thing, that’d probably be one of my mains.

Aw am sorry to hear that D: Yeah it was very hard at the time for sure. I wasn’t good at lock either, making it double hard. Hopefully they’ll add in later titles for things like that.


No no no, emo, not edgy. Edgy is DHs (thank god I’m not one of those, who could imagine?), DKs are a halfway in between.

The warlock emo is even more pronounced as a void elf, less so on orc warlock which is my main, which is something else that’s still super suiting for me.

Yup, same.

Generally same, after the experience of leveling priest and mage it’s gonna be a while till I have that level of masochism again.

Since Blizzard is refusing to give us forest troll skins, a part of me thinks they haven’t ruled them out as a race possibility, and if blood elf druids became a thing they’d take away forms from existing forest troll druids and that would damage the chances of forest trolls happening, which are my main >:('s with it.

I’ll be sure to give 9 year old me an angry stare if I ever see them again.


My favourite Hunter spec is Marks, but I usually play BM in the open world since it’s easier to get my pet to tank that way.


Powershot :sob:

MM is my favorite overall too but I dislike the BfA iteration a lot, looking forward to what SLs brings.


The art in this thread has only deepened my anti-Sanlayn sentiment.

Not always the case!

Theres just something about Warlocks that makes me feel like a dangerous Elf!



Go eat a corpse.


Maybe a San’layn corpse, how bout dat.

Considering I just started working on art in March of 2020 from NO experience whatsoever, I’m fully aware my craft isn’t remotely good yet, but I suppose being hateful is the route people like to take on the forums.

And if it’s in regard to the art sharing and commissions we’re getting, you can keep your sour grapes.

My response to this, of course, is to share more San’layn art.










The art’s fine in all technical and compositional aspects.

Not vibing with the presentation.

I have nothing else to say, reasonably.

You dislike the art we share and that I make, which is fine. You dislike San’layn. Also fine.

We disagree on a number of levels.

Nothing more for me to add in that regard.


They aren’t going to happen. BG 3 lets you play a vampire of sorts though…