San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

oh awesome Fallynn! Very similar to vamps in my contemporary fantasy series (fangs/claw-like nails) <3

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Love this idea. I hope it’d be the cloak, to be honest. Like void elves are attached to the chest piece, and I’m sitting here like “Come ooooon I wish it was shoulders or cloak!” So… fingers crossed for cloak-wings if that ever comes to be. Also yes, the “devoted San’layn” concept is something that sounds lovely.

Ugh… if only we got heritage titles!! Like each Allied Race and Base Race could get a title as well. And San’layn’s could totally be: “Blood Prince/Princess”. Wouldn’t that be super neat? I suppose Count/Countess will work for now.

Ah you’re a writer too? That sounds super awesome, and the fact that you have similar aesthetic! I will admit, I adore the character that I shared (ok, I adore all of them) but he’s the best example of an anti-hero I’ve written. Big baddie at first, but then back-stabbed for the good guys and had a change of heart. Big softie for his lover. I could go on and on about my characters/work though so I’ll stop there.

But yeah, super cool to see another fantasy writer! What’s yours about? (don’t have to share if you don’t want of course, I understand ^^)


And weapons.

Seriously, I need a totem for my tauren. On my back is cool and all, but I want to smash puny Alliance with one, like in the Vanilla cinematic and even some NPCs in game like the Thunder Bluff guards.

That one blood elf thing that all the guards use and shield would be dope too.

Can you imagine the orc heritage titles? I’m turning green thinking of possibilies

Not quite the same thing but since it’s in the same park

I build languages, either for someone else’s story, or I’ll do it for fun and give it a small backstory

So since it’s fantasy involved I guess it counts


Contemporary fantasy (our world but with fantasy/horror elements). Basic premise is that witches in my setting are the descendants of a tribe who allied with the Fae and are basically human/fae hybrids, and vampires and demons come into the picture because their magical blood makes them extra tasty and addictive to them. If you’re interested the first two books in the series are on Amazon (The Book of Witches and The Storms of Sorrow ). My more vampire-oriented book is Blood Dawn, but that’s a separate series I’m sorely neglecting working on because I’m a lazy wench who spends too much time playing computer games instead of writing XD


Oh yeah, I definitely agree. I hope they don’t just abandon the system D: It’s nice for lore and such. (ʍou ƃuıʇsǝɹǝʇuı ssǝן ʎɐʍ sǝʌןǝ pooןq ǝpɐɯ ʎǝɥʇ ɥƃnoɥʇ uǝʌǝ)

Yeah I can imagine :stuck_out_tongue: “of the ‘x’ clan” or “Chieftan” would be interesting I think.

That definitely counts! Any form of writing does, in my personal opinion. That’s super awesome. I could never do that one myself, I struggle with my own spell language and regret just not making it gestures :rofl:

Oh my gosh, that’s what I do too! Dark urban fantasy (dystopian now, though). That sounds neat, I’ll have to check it out. And it’s ok, I’ve been doing the same, along with trying to learn how to do art :stuck_out_tongue: Mine’s also sci-fi in a way, but via strictly biology–I have a compendium on my website for the lore of my creatures and try to explain how they work via a mixture of both.

I love urban fantasy. I didn’t know contemporary was another word for it. That sounds super neat, I wish there were more books in that setting and that it was taken more seriously in the fantasy world. Imagine an MMORPG in an urban, city setting–with elves/orcs/trolls/vampires/dragons and more. That’d be sooooo neat.

(sorry I repeat descriptors a lot when typing too fast for my own thoughts)


When I saw this my first thought is that it was Greek but then I realized

I stood on my chair and turned my head upside down to read this, my neck hurts a bit now

If you do the Frostwolves rep in WoD you get one of these

So I imagine they wouldn’t do that because of that

Although, “of the Dragonmaw” for my main would drive me insane, especially if they finally gave us pre-existing assets
Dragonmaw would also be one of the Horde’s WC2 things that it’s still lacking, along with forest trolls/ogres/Blackrock orcs

literally no reason to not make these playable, like, they’re pre-existing assets, still a part of the Horde lorewise, and they’re one of if not the most chad things in this game
come on blizz

Well, I was raised bi-lingual, and I learned to speak two relatively distinct versions of one of those languages, so I’ve always had a head start over most people

I’m also still in school and I’m a linguistics nerd so having studied some languages that made my head want to explode has also made things a lot easier

There’s my semi off topic “rant” for the day


etymology freak here. i love researching the history of ancient languages via their root words, and track their spread across continents


I think urban/contemporay fantasy are basically synonymous (with the understanding that urban fantasy is just, well, a fantasy novel based primarily in a modern city (though if it’s mainly vampires/werewolves etc I think people are moving towards the ‘paranormal’ genre label.) My understanding is that contemporary fantasy just means fantasy in modern day world/setting. My magical blood series I class as contemporary fantasy and my blood dawn series is urban fantasy because it’s vampire/shifter focused and based mostly in big cities.

Honestly it’s one reason why I was so bummed the World of Darkness MMO was cancelled. I love that setting (especially vampire the masquerade) and it would’ve been awesome to have an MMO set in it. Sadly Secret World is the closest thing to it on the market (and it has vampires/demons/fae etc in a modern setting).

We should really make our own thread in one of the off-topic forums so we don’t keep derailing this one XD


my one and only salute to horde blood elven san’layn. i photo manip’ed her in defense of thalassian vamps vs. venthyr vamps. she’d be toreador

got myself in trouble for not being a fan of venthyr female models.


Oh yeah–very true. Whoopsie. Hm… I bet you’d have some awesome ideas for some orc titles though :stuck_out_tongue: And yeah that’s fair about the Dragonmaw. My main, Falls, adopts dragon’s whelps, so if she saw Dragonmaw orcs she’d probably not get along with them. Would lead to some interesting conflict.

I’m so jealous! I’m a monolingual silly-goose :frowning: I wish I knew more than one, but it didn’t click properly, and now I’m balancing far too much to learn something new right now (what with me trying to learn art, and writing at the same time, which takes up a lot of my time along with me being distracted so much. Like right now.)

No worries, that seems to happen :stuck_out_tongue: Also why I tell people to start their own threads, because guaranteed if Blizz is looking through here, they’re prolly looking for things to do with San’layn, and if it’s a semi-individual idea that works on its own, it’d be more likely to be seen someplace else. Off topic doesn’t ever bother me though, if I’ll be honest.

Let’s continue our conversation on there :stuck_out_tongue: I started a thread there. Also looked up your book but couldn’t find it, but again we can just talk more on that thread since there’s a lot more depth we can go into.

That looks interesting! Yeah I’m hoping for San’layn, I really don’t like Venthyr. Even if they didn’t look meh(to me, personally), and looked very nice, I’d still not like them because it’s the lore I’m looking at. San’layn were here since Wrath and have been slowly expanded, and there’s so much that can be done with them as opposed to this out of the blue race.

It’s alright if people want Venthyr playable, naturally. I would never play one, and yeah, I don’t like how they look too. We all have preferences. I get put down a lot for enjoying “pretty” races. People shouldn’t be screamed at for liking either, or preferring either. Me? I don’t like, nor do I prefer, Venthyr, and will always support San’layn as an Allied Race, never the Venthyr.


gotta admit though, the female venthyr has a great walk. she struts, very elegant.

i timestamped it


Schääne joun vun dänne ork! Isch bin e Pälzer vun Määnz, de beste toil vun Daitschlond

Hier gibt’s kää anda Pälzern, is nur mir, 's soll nit so soi.

Age makes it harder, so whilst I have an advantage over most, almost anyone can if they try.


Someone suggested moving the Void Elf heritage wings to a barbershop option… that same suggestion would work just as well for San’layn heritage bat wings!


That would be nice. Although I wish wings would take up a cloak slot for transmog. I don’t ever use cloaks because they just don’t seem to do much for me. No good cloak physics like Dr. Strange’s cloak.


lol bossy clothes
i’m a fan of ben. he’s a great sherlock too

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This is an awesome idea. I love this. Yeah I’d love it for my void elf too! I like her chest piece but I’d love to be able to switch it up a bit for her and still keep her void wings.


I prefer it not tied to the cloak because sometimes I DO want to use a visible cloak but I might not want to use the heritage cloak. That’s why I like it better as a barbershop option, because it doesn’t tie up any of your gear slots. Failing a barbershop option, a simple race specific toy, with no cooldown, that applies a no duration buff that gives the wings until you click it off.


I am down for the barbershop option. Btw. I just don’t see it happening. It’s too cool lol. Unless maybe if the covenant stuff becomes customization for that slot. It seems they are going for transmog for that slot. I also predict clipping issues which is why I suggest the cloak slot in the first place.

Say Fallynn, since you are a roleplayer, I wanted to ask if you were going to incorporate Shadowlands’ story with your characters’ journeys. Specifically, your characters’ reactions and covenant of choice, and whether your San’layn characters may choose Venthyr to seek more info about their vampiric status or to try to find other San’layn members.

Was curious as I like to see what people come up with for their characters in terms of backstory and ongoing stories. :bat:


Man, I am 100% behind you making a new ogre thread even if it’s name is “blank” ogres where “blank” just means Stonemaul or whatever and not an explicative, lol.

Don’t know Zurogrusel but he/she has got to be better then the current one. I know that you come off as fair and seem decent so I would definitely contribute to that thread unlike the current one in which I NEVER even look at due to past head butting with the OP of said thread. I’d even be willing to post my drawings/models and take any criticism or advice to improve them. :slight_smile:

:+1: New Ogre thread
:+1::+1: To San’layn (Core race > AR)