San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Practice makes you better every drawing. It’s even better when you have a medium and subject you enjoy to draw.

Love the new art! Keep up the great work! :heart:


Appreciate the kind words! Thanks so much ^^

I have more art today as promised :smiley:

This piece is super special! I might be a beginner but I really like how this came out.

Meet my main–Fallynn! THIS toon :smiley: I made her a Blood Princess outfit too:

And this is her baseline (yes, she does wear a flower crown because I can’t mog my sunglasses yet BLIZZARD :stuck_out_tongue: )


Considering Garrosh is my least favorite character in the game next to Garithos, have to admit I’m not really excited for tomorrow. People love an orc that wanted to purge any non orc from the horde though I guess. Only thing that would make it remotely pleasing to me is if he got tossed into the maw.


I’d be honestly surprised if it focuses on Garrosh. I was expecting it to focus on Kael’thas, seeing as the Venthyr area focuses on him, as well as him both being an important lore figure and having some ties to Arthas. Guess we’ll see what happens tomorrow.


Just a quick reenfocement of my support for Ssan’layn as an AR!


The new Afterlives video is up:

Will post my thoughts after I see it. :bat:


Denathrius is a huge jackass.

I love him.


Still not a fan of the Venthyr, but I enjoyed the cinematic(somewhat. Pretty art for the most part). Also HAH to all those orcbros constantly screaming that ‘Garrosh did nothing wrong’ unironically. Glad to see him tortured forever, I hope he never gets a redemption arc. Worst Warchief ever and deserves to rot there forever. Trying to purge all non-orc races, yet of course some praise that nonsense. :roll_eyes:

But yeah, was interesting I guess. No Kael’thas, so kinda… eh. Also not a fan of Venthyr, so also… eh. Pretty colors, a villain to dislike and that’s fancy though, so all in all it’s decent. The fae cinematic blows it completely out of the water though.


My problem with Garrosh isn’t what he became, it’s what he could have been. I’ll always be a Thrall fanboy but whenever I see Cata Garrosh I blush green IRL

Blizzard even teased me in the Mag’har unlock when the bronze dragon said the Garrosh in our universe was the worst possible version of him and in other universes he was the Horde’s greatest warchief

No no, his attitude reminds me so much of me there’s no way I could dislike him, that’d be like disliking myself and that’s practically illegal

I like this term, still prefer greenbois tho

Red = Good


Yeah that’s fair. I didn’t hate Cata Garrosh, I was pretty apathetic. But then beyond, in MoP is when I truly began to hate him. And those that follow post-Cata Garrosh I’m not a fan of especially. It gets really tiresome saying “WHAT YOU PLAY DOESN’T BELONG IN THE HORDE” on a regular basis.


I enjoyed the way the video was set up. I’ve seen a few video game trailers that are similar in theme, where the bad guy in power acts with good intentions but is obviously selfishly motivated.

I feel the same way as well. It was disappointing to see Garrosh become more or less insanely evil when there could have been some interesting things done with him not becoming comically evil. I’d be interested in seeing the other universes where he did become a hero.

Anyway, I was surprised Kael’thas didn’t show up at all, but otherwise I did enjoy the video in general. Makes me feel pretty set on sticking with the Venthyr for my covenant when Shadowlands launches, though I do hope we see some Horde San’layn stuff appear. :bat:


garrosh the milk maid. 10/10


Well with the prepatch dropping and the End-October launch, maybe we’ll get news about San’layn and lore… in several months. Or so.

Also this is from the Sethrak discord in regard to the fae campaign!

Little tidbit but I hope Hi’reek is OK and finds happiness/is a good guy again. He was a loa that initially was a good one until corruption.


Now I wonder where Shadra is. Danuser confirmed she wasn’t dead forever back in '18.

Torga was also resurrected, wonder if we’ll get some more info on how that happened.

Lunch is over for me now, have to hop, can respond later


For many sore about Garrosh its often more (and so in my case) about how his arc was abandoned between cata and mists. Cata was seeing him become more even handed and he was still trying to do what he thought was right for the Horde. It looked for all the world like he was following a Varian arc.

Then they just villain him up in mists and that story is gone.

I don’t know if he deserves redemption but I understand folk wanting him to have been treated better as a character.

That said, he was still a bad person and shouldn’t be looked up to as any sort of good standard.


Oh yes that’s very fair. That I can sympathize with. But it’s the people who praise post-cata Garrosh and say, unironically, that “he did nothing wrong” that I can’t stand at all. I don’t think his story went well and they could have done a way better job with it. It’s why I say Sylvanas is ‘Garrosh 2.0’. They ruined 2 beloved characters. Garrosh could have embraced the ENTIRE horde instead of trying to purge all non-orcs. He had potential, even if I was apathetic to him before, I didn’t outright HATE him.

But what he became I most definitely did, and I don’t get along very well with the people who think the race I love in the game should be eradicated/kicked out of the Horde. It just gets so tiresome :confused:


I’m so glad to see post Cata Garrosh get what he deserves - being milked of anima for eternity.


Now, it has been confirmed by the guy who wrote the Cata Stonetalon story that he was out of the loop for was Blizz wanted to do with Garrosh

But like

I just can’t believe the Garrosh we saw at the end of Stonetalon, the Garrosh who forbid Sylvanas to use bio-weapons, the Garrosh who fought the Grimtotem because of Magatha’s treachery, despite it saving his life, was the same Garrosh who then rapidly became okay with dark shamanism, consorting with a dead old god, killing civilians, and playing god with flesh creation in just a few patches

There was no explanation as to how he went bananas, it was too quick to be a natural arc of becoming too obsessed with power, or at least, a believable one

That’s what makes me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: about it all, how much potential he had to then just get deleted

And then came the Mag’har unlock and Blizzard taunting us with how this was the worst possible incarnation of him and how he was so much better in other universes

If Garrosh doesn’t get redeemed, fine, whatever, I don’t care about that, I just want an explanation as to why he went crazy, even if it’s supremely dumb it’s still something


I feel like some of that may have been reactive to how people weren’t too happy with him replacing Thrall in Cataclysm. Especially with this bit:

Not sure if that was someone at Blizzard throwing shade at our complaints or what, but it was a weird thing of text to include.

As for his sudden heel turn, I feel like the Sha stuff going around in MoP could’ve affected him to some extent, but he never really snapped out of it. A shame, really, but what’s done is done.

Getting back to San’layn, I originally thought the pre-patch event was going to be something similar to the Legion pre-patch event, where certain areas of Azeroth would be under attack by rampaging undead. Doesn’t seem to be the case, but a thought did occur to me…

Would Silvermoon be under siege by the rampant undead again? I’m assuming the undead in that area didn’t just up and disappear after the Blood Elves joined the Horde, even with Bolvar controlling scourge forces. It wouldn’t surprise me if Silvermoon was in a bad situation again with all the undead in the area. If so, it seems like another good opportunity to bring the San’layn back in the storyline and help their Blood Elf kin in defending Silvermoon. Not to mention the San’layn stationing themselves in the Ghostlands afterwards to help protect Silvermoon against any other undead threat or Alliance trying to attack and take over Silvermoon.

I’m sure it has been discussed before a few times, but it’s a fun idea that deserves looking at again, in my opinion. :bat:


If memory serves, it was stated officially that the Sha / old god whispers did not influence Garrosh, and that him being evil was all his own doing. So they had a possible explanation for his random madness, and specifically chose not to use it. :confused: