San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I managed to get the 150 mounts achievement and went to see the reward for the 200 mount achievement, and saw it was this:

The reason I bring it up is because the colors on it look really neat and kinda something that a San’layn could use:

Bat mounts make a bit more sense for San’layn, but seeing as they were former Blood Elves, I wondered if some of the dragonhawks they rode on also got converted into a dark undead version. Maybe the San’layn would have a few of these types of dragonhawks along with some bat mounts.

If you want this mount, you’ll need to collect 200 mounts:

Just something I found and wanted to share. If we get playable San’layn, it could possibly go well with their theme in some ways. :bat:


Gotcha covered! Thanks for the idea, was a fun photo-op. Hm, I should use this for one of my Silvermoon-City-Dedicated characters. It certainly matches Falls, however she uses the blood tick, typically. Still, this is a good match up, I will say. Awesome idea.


On a similar note to mounts, likely something that was discussed here before, but assuming San’layn get a bat form, would it function like a druid flight form spell, instant cast with the ability to interact with things like herbalism nodes without breaking flight, or something with the cast time that would have more limitations compared to the druid flight form?

Since it would be magic related in some form, I could see it having a short cast time to utilize but still functioning roughly the same as the druid flight form. I don’t see it working in combat at all, nor do I really imagine San’layn having a ground form either. I’m not sure the best way to balance a bat form as a racial, but I still think San’layn being able to turn into a bat would be both really cool and give them something unique and defining.

I’m sure San’layn will be able to drive the Alliance batty regardless. :bat:


Even if it moved at walking speed, this would be mind bendingly OP for a racial.

I’d say a bat form would probably function more like a unique, San’layn only mount. Like Running Wild, but with flight capabilities.


Yes please. I’m going to bring this image up again.

Having a flight racial, which would be the San’layn’s mount, would be BLOODY EPIC. Come oooooon x.x And perhaps the Alliance counterpart could too. Like Arakkoa. Besides–the ARs don’t have to particularly match in theme. Mechagnomes and Vulpera? Mah’gar and Dark Irons? Thematically, not really on par. So like, I dunno, it could work.

And yeah having it be like running wild I think, but flying, could be great.

Other suggestions: Bloody mist

Heck we could even have both of these options be stuck on the ground, that’d be fine, but the aesthetics would be so. cool.


I love this pairing. Turning into a Dwarf on my Orc with Orb of Deception is awesome.


The Ardenweald Afterlives video just went up today, which means it is just seven days until the Venthyr one is released (September 17th). I guess they’re saving the best for last, eh? :bat:

I had a video of real life vampire bat facts pop up in my youtube recommendations, so I thought I’d share it for fun. You never know if it could inspire any San’layn ideas. Here it is:

Bats in general have some interesting facts about them. :bat:


Indeed. I like how fruit bats are also know as flying foxes.

Wait… no…!


Scishow has some amazing content. I think my favorite thing about vampire bats is the obscure fact no one seems to realize–they exhibit reciprocal altruism beyond just their family groups, but with friends too. It’s fascinating and something in biology I simply love. Social species, like our own as well, are wonderful, and intelligence plays a key role in this too.

You wouldn’t think vampire bats of all things would have bonds like that, but they do! Just goes to show not to judge a book by its cover, not ever. I love nuance and things not being as they seem.

As for the Ardenwald cinematic today, it made me cry for sure. I wonder if Hi’reek is there too, and if his soul needed to be destroyed to preserve the area. I hope not. I also kinda hope it’s still not perma-death… I dunno. I’ve never liked the concept of perma-death, that our consciousness is finite. That’s getting into spirituality though so I won’t wander too far into it, but I just hope it’s not the total end of the road.


If vampire bats have reciprocal altruism, then surely it would be possible to incorporate that into the playable San’layn faction.

Think of it like this: You’re a former Blood Elf who died at the hands of Arthas. You were not only raised into undead servitude, but one with a constant thirst of feeding on the blood of others. Then, when us players beat up Arthas and he kicks the bucket, you’re free!..then what?

You’re still undead, you still more or less a blood junkie in a sense, and everyone else considers you a monster while other San’layn might either be insane or obsessed with power. In that case, why would you not form your own brood with those that want to survive and kinda stuck in the living world as cursed undead?

This is something that could be utilized to show playable San’layn having emotions other than a “noone understands me rawr emo angry edgelord blabber garble I take your blood rawr!” personality. Sure, they can be conceited in some sense, I mean Blood Elves and Nightborne have that personality to an extent, but they can show some form of hum…err…elfmanity of sorts and at least show they’re trying to survive and helping out each other. It’s actually needed for them to survive at all.

It’s a way of getting players to show sympathy and having them see that, on the Horde side at least, they’re not all just monsters that hang out at Hot Topic all day. Having a Blood Royalty member who realizes their predicament and actually takes measures for their people’s survival, kinda similar in sorts to the Forsaken, makes for a great story and introduction to Horde San’layn.

Not to mention that such personality traits would translate well into both helping their Blood Elf kin and the Horde in general. I’m sure I’ve harped on this subject before several times, but it’s worth typing about again, in my opinion.

I’ll likely type more again as I sit and think more on the subject. Sinus headaches plus several exams this week = brain wanting to rebel. x- x


This got me thinking of how Gnomanity works perfectly as a Gnome substitute here, and now I’m suddenly lamenting the word elf’s lack of the letter m…


I’m here to renew my support for the thread.
San’layn need more love. And Blood!


I’m tired of being anxious for customization news. Really tired.


So recently, I came across a website known as “Hero Forge.” This is a website that sells custom miniatures you design for tabletop gaming, and it has a really awesome and elaborate creator program you can use for free. It even lets you take screenshots of your creations and such.

I attempted to make a male San’layn Mage within it. The result:

Unless I missed it, there isn’t an option to add color. These minatures are meant for you to paint, so they appear in black and white.

Anyway, I’m not the best at designing models, so this one could use some more work in some areas. The orb in the hand I pretended to be a blood orb of some sort, which I felt was fitting. I’ll have to play around with it some more and see what else I can come up with and even improve my creation up there.

If you’re interested in trying it out, the website is located here, where clicking it loads the creator program right in your web browser:

Should be pretty useful for different race megathreads to provide some character customization inspiration. I want to see San’layn characters running around Orgrimmar even more, now. :bat:


I just wanted to pop in and say I made an in game suggestion for these customization options. While I personally don’t have a stake in this (no pun intended), I do recognize the enthusiasm and interest, and see this thread pop up often!

And well, why not support eachother? :heart:


Playable Sethrak, please!

San’layn and Darkfallen customization options, please!


Yeah I definitely want playable Sethrak too ^^ I favor a San’layn allied race more than customization, but if we get lore with eyes, fangs, and claws, that’d be alright too. It’s funny, I’ve said before I think Sethrak and San’layn would make a good pairing due to their similarities, even if they’re not linked lorewise (though we did see one in Vol’dun, but that was means to an end.)

Hoping we get to play both at some point in time.


Excuse me, yes. I’m here for the San’layn Drust Druids.



(or dark anima druids)


Heya, it’s the weekend so I’ve been working on some art.

This is one of my San’layn in another outfit I designed.

Next toon up is Falls, the one I’m posting on. I’m hoping to be able to get anatomy down better, and have her design be fun too. We shall see! Her base will have her sunglasses ^^


As per usual, disclaimer: I’m just starting off with art so am not great yet, but like sharing designs anyhow.