San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Any luck with the mount?

Which one?

Your eyes! So blue! But why…?

DKs need a red eyed option.



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Ohhhhh… No. :frowning: I’ll likely be farming that darn thing for a while.

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I’ve wanted to play a mogu ever since getting that mount.

I also play in WM, I have a good memory where I went in to get a kill in and got ganked by 3 Alliance, right as the mob spawned, so I put an pre-made group up and we killed them.

Nothing to do with anything, just something the mount makes me think of.

Oh and btw, I’m 99% sure you don’t have to do the cloak questline to farm that, you just have to be 110, I think. I was able to farm it on my 120 warrior who still doesn’t have the cloak.


Yeah I farm it on a few alts at this point. It’s annoying though and I hate how it’s only up during mogu invasions. They really were obnoxious with both RNG and event focused nonsense. It’s already annoying enough farming mounts, they just keep making it worse.

And yeah I expected Mogu to be an AR candidate due to their relevancy and skeleton being usable I think.


While not San’layn related, I came across an interesting mention about blood as a power source doing some questing recently.

It involves this quest on Isle of Thunder, which requires being exalted with Sunreaver Onslaught:

There is a scripted text thing after turning it in. Interestingly, Lor’themar briefly wonders if the animus golem you bring back and possibly the idea of blood as a power source could’ve come from the titans. You can see the scene here:

Edit: Of course the part of interest isn’t voiced in the video. Gargh! I’ll type up what is said then:

“Blood as a power source…a very powerful form of life magic. The work of the titans, perhaps? How does it work?”

The whole thing is Mogu related of course, but seeing the idea of blood as a power source made me think of the San’layn, who likely use blood as many different power sources. Seeing the mention of Titans made me wonder if there could be some sort of connection between the San’layn utilization of blood magic and the Titans in some form.

I assume there is an Alliance version, as the quest gave me a Horde and Alliance specific toy, but I was unable to find it to see what is said there. Likely, it’s under a different name, assuming you do the same thing as this quest.

As I said, not really San’layn related and is more blood related, but I figured I’d show it off just in case it interests anyone. :bat:


I think a lot of fan ideas for AR’s are far better than bliz’s, sorry bliz, half ogres, san’layn, blood trolls (tho prolly better off just an appearance thing), etc would be more fun to play than… erm… mechagnomes? like why?


We’ve already seen the Blood Elves utilize Blood Magic. It would be interesting to see the Dark Rangers and Sin’dorei attempt to unite with the San’layn by perhaps creating something of a Bloodwell to help sustain the San’layn as allies of the Horde.


As long as they’re getting blood from an actual source like enemies of Silvermoon it’d be interesting! Artificial stuff kinda makes them less monsterous which defeats the purpose of vampires imo. But a “blood of the enemies” reservoir could be useful.


Our peoples have always had a thirst. Doesn’t matter the vein… arcane or blood. We desire it.


We’ve seen Blood Elves getting it from the Blood Trolls supplies in the Nazmir Invasion so it’s not that far of a stretch.

Wait… The Blood Elves have been using those golems for years now… Where have they been getting the blood?!


let me see here…

okay, blood elves are toreador. some are tremere.
night elves, tauren, hmt, pandaren, vulpera and worgen are gangrel.
darkspear trolls are ravnos.
forsaken are nosferatu. some are the ministry.
nightborne are LaSombra.
zandalari are ventrue.
void elves, gnomes and goblins are malkavian.
mechagnomes are tzimisce.
orcs are tremere.
humans, kul’tirans, draenei and lfd, are giovanni/hecate.
dwarves and dark iron dwarves are brujah.

lol that was crazy.

  • reference: white wolf’s vampire the masquerade

Here to show more support, for San’layn/Darkfallen customization options!


Yeah I’d be fine with customization (WITH FANGS TOO) if we got lore as well, even if just a little bit to explain how they joined Horde. Naturally I want an Allied Race above all, but something would be better than nothing (though red eyes w/o lore is not something I would settle upon by any means, again, at least fangs. Night elves have them so it’s NOT a stretch to say so can blood elves if they are vampires).

Also woo! Got me the bat from Island Expeditions finally. Although I am extremely excited for the saber-toothed-bat coming out :slight_smile:


My fiance loves Vampire the Masquerade. She played a Toreador for a few years.

ah i dont play it but i hosted a creative writing forum for it and several scifi universes at one point. there was star wars, star trek, dune and vtm. dune was amazing. people who wrote for that rpg were seriously good writers. star wars had gems too but not like dune. star trek was kinda boring and slow and vtm was low pop, likely because most of the games were scifi. seems scifi and vtm dont have alot of crossover, or didnt at the time

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That’s an interesting point and leads me to an idea: What if the unlock scenario for San’layn as an allied race is rekindling their relationship with the Blood Elves, who also with their knowledge of blood magic can help the San’layn with their thirst for blood or so? You work with both of them to create something to sate the need for feed the San’layn would have, thus letting them become members of the Horde.

It would help to give them more character to have them ask you, who gets exalted with them, to help reconnect with their Blood Elf kin, in which both you and the Blood Elves could help speak for the San’layn to become members of the Horde. Not to mention the quests to gather ingredients and possibly make a blood well or something for the San’layn.

It also can help lead to the San’layn taking residence in the Ghostlands in some fashion, both to continue to work with reconnecting with the Blood Elves as a whole along with helping protect Silvermoon from Alliance invaders or any other undead shenanigans that occur there.

There is quite a bit you could work with here with this line of thinking. :bat:


So it sucks being a beginner artist :sob: But I mended some of my anatomy issues this time around with some help of my art friends. Here’s a blood prince of mine with and without the outfit.