San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I want that beard!


Yes! I like how they made the Venthyr, at least in the animated series, look more like a San’layn. They are more attractive, than their in-game counterparts.


So that’s where they’ve been, eh? Sounds like we need to form a rescue expedition in order to get them out of there and on that Horde character creation screen!

What do you say, Fallynn? I’ll track them with my leet hunter skills, we’ll get a group together to fight our way to them, and you mediate and sweet talk them to our side when we reach them!

We’ll be sipping blood wine in an epic Orgrimmar party in no time! :bat:


I’d still prefer the San’layn option as the allied race. If they want to use the Venthyr model give us racials that let us change our form to Bat Gargoyle, Spider Elf from Suramar, and a Venthyr feral looking form. Don’t force us look like Venthyr.


Definitely same here. I don’t want a Venthyr allied race myself unless we get San’layn, lore included. And proper customization, not just red eyes. I prefer San’layn as the AR above all.


Well folks, we got an official date for Shadowlands’ launch:

Oct. 26th for NA, Oct. 27th for Europe

I look forward to helping search for and reporting any San’layn findings, mentions, and the like. Even if we don’t find anything, we have a long time with multiple patches for stuff to be added. Maybe we’ll get lucky and have new areas added as well, similar to Nazjatar or Mechagon.

Regardless, it’s going to be a fun Halloween time. :bat:


Yes, give the horde a San’layn race. I do want to slay some more vampire scum. Because for now I’ll just have to target people part of the venthyr covenant and that makes me sad.

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Found the launch trailer from Gamescom. It says Oct. 27th because it’s referring to Europe:

I thought I’d post it in case something within it catches someone’s eye.


It’ll be about few weeks which will be the month of Halloween. Can’t wait.

Seeing Arthas in the recent animated Bastion video got me thinking. We all know that Arthas is going to play some role in Shadowlands in some fashion, in which we presently don’t know exactly what role he’ll play. However, since he will likely show up, I feel like introducing Horde San’layn is very fitting.

According to the Wowpedia entry for San’layn, it mentions this:

“A few remained lost and scattered in the frozen wastes of Northrend, but Arthas sought out one by one those who had challenged the Lich King. He shattered their forces and raised the most powerful ones into the Lich King’ service as San’layn. Among those survivors was Lana’thel, wielder of the draconic blade Quel’Delar, who was no match for the power of Frostmourne. She was chosen by the Lich King to serve him in undeath as the queen of the San’layn.”

If Arthas is the reason San’layn are a thing, then it seems like they should have some involvement, seeing as they have a bone to pick with him over their vampiric status. The way to Shadowlands is opened, so I don’t see why some San’layn wouldn’t consider traveling there to get some revenge.

Ideally, they wouldn’t follow Sylvanas with the idea that they see her as more-or-less the Lich Queen. Seeing as how she treated the Forsaken and the Horde in general, I don’t see why they would think being on her side would help them survive. Not to mention the whole “reconnecting with their Blood Elf kin” thing that has some amazing story potential. Also, if say they wanted revenge on Arthas, likely the Horde wouldn’t be too happy that he’s back in some fashion (and likely the Alliance as well, but less so with people like Jaina around). There could be a shared goal between San’layn and the Horde that forms a partnership where they assist each other. The San’layn would still be seeking survival while the Horde, having been a bit wrecked from the beginning of Shadowlands and the whole world (of Warcraft!) being threatened, could use the help in the Shadowlands.

As I mentioned before, we likely have a lot of time with Shadowlands with a number of content patches that will come with it. I could see a new questing area, similar to Mechagon and Nazjatar in BfA, where the Horde outpost is maintained by San’layn. We could see a new rep there to work with that is San’layn related, which could tie into getting exalted and make a great unlock criteria for them as an allied race.

I’m sure this sounds like wishful thinking, but I do see some opportunities to bring Horde San’layn during Shadowlands. I feel like talking about it and sharing some ideas would be a good thing. You never know what it could inspire. :bat:


Wowhead posted an article about the schedule of the Afterlife series. Revendreth’s will be on September 17th:

I suspect it’ll focus on Kael’thas, as evident from the Bastion one focusing on Uther. Still, something to keep an eye on just in case anything of interest pops up. :bat:


San’layn would be a dream come true


Reiterating my support for San’layn!


honestly shadow lands would be a perfect fit for them now.

They certainly have more character than blonde haired blue eyed elves.


You still have my support!


Thanks ^^ Haha I should do a San’tober/Vamptober or something, where it’s a challenge to draw in a theme over the course of a month. I don’t think I could draw every day though. Hopefully our art sharing is sparking some ideas for Blizzard. At least now I can contribute a bit more than just ‘blah blah blah’ and actually create some visual concepts to share, even if I am a beginner.

Am happy there’s many sticking with it and hoping for San’layn. Maybe someday we’ll be able to get them, who knows. I just hope that someone in Blizz is possibly taking ideas from the thread for San’layn (and NOT applying it to Venthyr) so eventually we’ll see our dreams come true.


I’m in it for the long haul, myself. I’ve no plans to go anywhere and will always support playable Horde San’layn as best as I can.

I’ve even gone ahead and reserved one of my few remaining character slots for a San’layn character, complete with a name and even some backstory, though I’m still working on it. While I’m leaning towards a Fire Mage, I’d have to see what classes they would have if we get lucky enough for them to become playable.

Though, if they become a customization race, it will depend how Blizzard treats them. If they have their own identity, I’d likely go ahead and make one. I would prefer them to be their own playable race slot, though, as despite being former Blood Elves, they have their own culture, personality, and backstory and deserve to be treated more than just cosplaying Blood Elves.

Still hoping for some signs of Horde San’layn during Shadowlands. As I said before, I’ll help keep an eye out for stuff and report it as I discover things. :bat:


I’ve been blessed with good luck :smiley: It’s gotta be a good omen for us!

Falls got Lana’thel via Transmorpher beacon for the first time and I nabbed some screenshots ^^

There she is with Elisande, interesting pair :stuck_out_tongue:

Lana’thel with a guitar. ENOUGH SAID.


I think this is a sign, BLizz, that you should add another guitar transmog that drops from Lana’thel >:D in prepatch!


Lana’thel and Elisande? I’d ship it. :ship:

This is probably my favourite 2-handed axe. My nelf DK never uses any other 2-hander, and even has a rocker mog built around it.


We’ve got some encouraging hints (maybe) on the Dark Ranger customizations too. You know the Velonara quest that was datamined in 8.1? It wasn’t scrapped. While all prior instances of the quest were removed, a “newer” version of the quest exists in the Shadowlands Beta database and it now not only has a name, but Velonara’s student does as well now.

As for San’layn they should really be their own race, but if they come to us via customization and they’re done right by I’d be one of the happiest women on Earth.