San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

We’re invading Pandaland! >:D

Still wish we could choose what we turned into with the transmorpher beacon :frowning:


I think maybe the topic could given new life by bringing in the dimension of “Forsaken Sin’dorei” in the title of the topic :smiley:

Eh to be honest though I’m only interested specifically in vampire elves as opposed to just dead elves with red eyes. I know there’s a Dark Ranger thread for that anyway at least. But zombie elves and forsaken in general… Not a big fan, sorry!

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I mean same, but to be fair we have zero lore for what Forsaken Elves do to survive/maintain undeath, especially in the case of Banshees who regain their body, they might just be San’layn by another name :stuck_out_tongue:

a “lore clarification” I’d be down with

The way Maldraxxus and Revendreth functions, technically it would seem all the San’layn are just in Shadowlands now. Resurrected on the flip side.

No alliance got smurfs no vampires for you! You can have the studdering teen girl.

I have no idea what the pally means by that and at this point I’m too afraid to ask


Void elves >.>

I believe the bit about the girl might be a Twilight reference???


Hey guys how’s it been.

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Boggles my mind that people still think for one moment (most) of this community likes that trash. Personally I hate it. Think it’s to get under our skin, but at this point it’s blatantly pointless.

And no I’m not fun at parties.


I think I barely got through the first one, but I never enjoyed that series. I grew up on Buffy/Angel which will probably always be my favorite vampire series. I also enjoyed True Blood and Interview with the Vampire and didn’t mind Queen of the Damned.


Fair! I listened to the first True Blood audiobook and it didn’t hook me, sadly. My favorite series of all time is Castlevania on Netflix for sure (sadly never played the games). I really like Dracula Untold as well, which the community tends to be pretty split on. I enjoyed the first Underworld movie, think the second one too.

If someone wants to be a bully to me, they could at least do it correctly and cite the fact that I enjoy the Vladimir Todd series or L.J.Smith’s Night World. Like yes, I enjoy paranormal romance too (boggles my mind as to why that’s a target of bullying but people are pathetic these days, lonesome, and sad, so those that like romance are thrown under the bus).

But Twilight not only takes the bite out of vampires & makes them sparkle, it also depicts a very toxic relationship. The lore in general there is very meh. That’s why it’s now ‘weaponized’ per say against those who enjoy vampires. Alls you hear is “OH YOU LIKE TWILIGHT” or “OH SPARKLE SPARKLE”. It gets bloody old.

Newsflash to those whining about things that look nice: You can depict non-ugly monsters that are still absolutely violent and powerful.


I totally forgot Underworld, that’s a series I enjoyed as well. I still haven’t seen either Dracula or Castlevania.

The Twilight jab is pretty much the vampire equivalent to the girly jabs Blood Elves always get. I get sick of those and generally the scrutiny anything remotely Elven. I suppose people really double up on it with throwing vampires into the mix as well.


I don’t know, you seem at least as fun as this guy.


Just me again :grin: dropping by to say hello to my favorite vampires :raising_hand_man::vampire:t2::bat:

Also still holding out hope for vampires in wow :pleading_face:


I would be Blood Queen Lana’thel every time the CD was up.


Support for San’layn.


People forget that Vampires can be awesome too like Underworld, Castlevania, and Queen of the Damned.

Are some people still doing the while Twilight thing still? Like personally they got nothing other than being bunch of trolls.


Spoilers from the San’layn discord:


Apparently there’s an animated series for Shadowlands coming out. Personally I love the animated series. Though the Venthyr of course caught the eye of one of the discord peeps, and I have to say in here they look NOTHING like in game or other art. They actually look decent. I was like: “Those bloody liars, that’s not how they look.”

They can make they look as beautiful/handsome as they’d like though, even nicer than elves, and I’d stick to my guns for the San’layn personally :stuck_out_tongue: Now if there’s a connection they make in lore that allows us to finally play SAN’LAYN through the Venthyr, then I’ll dislike them less. Maybe. (Don’t count on it, I hate Nosferatu)