San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I have no doubt you will be up to unlimited like capability soon.

I agree.

Pluss there’s the simple fact that it’s been established that you can be taught/transformed to be a San’layn.

So the theoretically large population of Undead Elves can easily be converted.

Unfortunately it’s looking like they might do some kind of Grab Bag of Undead Elves with the way Darkshore is turning out.

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I will say I hope not, but if they do, it won’t be the end of the world. I personally don’t think Darkshore says a lot in terms of what might happen for allied races, but even if undead elf customization were to be added, it wouldn’t ruin the chance of San’layn because they are indeed so different, especially if they consider the appearance and making our suggested modifications.

But if, in the end, we never get them and just undead elves, I will be heavily disappointed but at least I could, at that point, play San’layn still. The problem is the lack of lore for the vampyr which I’m really hoping they expand. And hey, regardless, we’ll be here unless they tell us to hush up!

Darkshore is interesting, I feel like there might be repercussions for what’s being done there, but who knows. It’d be weird to give night elves & blood elves even more extra customization after they just got some, but they always could, especially if it was in a package with other races too in order to be fair.

The last thing the Horde needs is another Night Elf based Elf when they are not even a main race for us.

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Whether or not San’layn end up an allied race, I think there’s a few things worth considering when thinking about what kind of chance they have:

  • We’ll probably get an undead-themed allied race

  • Dark Rangers, undead elves, have been a popular request for years

  • San’layn are undead elves with a strong theme to flavor racials around

  • Undead elves should already be playable, it’d be hard to write a story unifying them as an allied race; San’layn still have a story to tell

All that considered, I think they have a pretty decent shot! If they showed up as a counterpart to junker gnomes, you’d have the bonus of getting two throwbacks to Wrath.

Besides, that one void elf joke just isn’t the same without these “totally different emo” elves playable!


Aw thanks, I appreciate you mentioning this stuff, it makes tons of sense! And yes, about that joke? It’s a MUST. If San’layn do become an Allied Race, there has to be a corresponding joke, otherwise where would we be?!


One thing I have been thinking about is the starting zone and also who the last remaining San’layn are (the ones we haven’t killed) and I think it would be cool if they were off the coast of a Human area on a forgotten island which has an old castle on it that they have taken up home in, here are some ideas on what it could look like.

  • Small island

  • Creepy dead trees

  • Mist

  • Rundown castle like SFK

  • Crows, bats, and spiders are the only animals/critters on the island

  • Vampire slaves

  • Human Cattle (for drinking)

  • Uses blood magic to get to and from there kinda like the void portal in SW

  • Always night with either a blood moon or full moon


Not really. One small group of San’layn supposedly betrayed some members of the Horde and then got killed off by the Alliance. For one thing, because everyone is dead no one knows about any betrayal to begin with. And I highly doubt that small group is all the San’layn left. To be honest, it makes perfect sense for them to join the Forsaken. The Valkyr did, so why not the San’layn? It makes sense, but I don’t think it will happen because there are already many elves in the game and I think the anti-elf folk will throw a fit if they add another elf race.

Which is why the best solution would be to add it in as a customization option rather than an allied race. Though I would prefer them as an allied race.

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When you really think about it there is as many humans as there is elves.

Night Elf
Blood Elf
Void Elves

Undead (as only the human model is playable)
KT Humans

Trolls are just far enough removed not to be called Elves.


if not San’layn what other undead race could we get as an AR? Dark Ranger style undead elves? Lightforged/Lightbound Undead? ghosts similar to the Night Elves from Legion? out of all the possible choices for an undead AR recruited by Nathanos, San’layn make the most sense.


You used to be the “Unofficial San’layn Discussion Thread.” Now you’re official?

Congratulations on your promotion. I always knew you had it in you.

Oh I agree. See for me, there can never be too many elves. :slight_smile: But I have run to some pretty rabid anti-elf people (in particular anti-blood elf) on both these forums and reddit. I don’t see why these people must throw fits over elves, they can just…not play the elves? But apparently that’s not enough for them. shrugs

I mean I think humans are pretty ugly, but you aren’t going to hear me telling people they should be purged from the game. I mean why? Let people play what they like, how does that hurt anyone? You play what you like, I play what I like and we all live happily ever after. At least, that’s how it should be.


if you act like you belong somewhere long enough, other people think you belong as well

the ones hordeside feel like the horde is “not their horde” anymore and is overflowing with elves. they simply have not accepted their new Elven Overlords

If you want your Horde elf-free then classic WoW is waiting for you.


I think Lightbound undead are a given as an allied race. Though the Alliance will probably get them. I would really love undead elves either San’layn or dark ranger style. So I do hope Blizz ignores the anti-elf crowd.

They will probably take the easy way out, and just recolor humans as fresh undead, similar to nathanos. Players have been asking for forsaken without the ripped clothes/bones sticking out forever.

Yeah but the model already exists on Chinese versions of the game client. Patching up the exposed bones could be as easy a toggle as the orc posture.


Hm good point, but to be fair! I never said ‘official’ or ‘unofficial’, just “megathread”. There’s no parts anymore at all, due to no more cap limits, so… this will remain forever until it’s abandoned I suppose!

I agree entirely there. And yeah I see the people parading around being anti-elf, it’s annoying. I think anyone that is upset about what people play really should take a break, because it’s really obnoxious. I’m not suddenly going to go play an orc because someone doesn’t like that I play elves.

I’m not a fan of lightbound undead, I will admit. However, if they’re a counterpart to San’layn… I won’t have room to ever complain, and will have to accept them then. Also, if there’s a huge following for them and people really like them that much, I’d have to deal with that too. I just… I don’t know, it just seems like being undead without any of the drawbacks, and to me it brings nothing all that new. I thought the forsaken players wanted paladins forever, too, which would also feel a bit unfair. I suppose we will have to see for the future–we still haven’t seen them in the game yet, have we?

I agree. I think, if anything, Nathanos undead would be customization like Night Warrior for night elves.

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I will always be against the notion of “lightforged undead” for three reasons.

  1. I get that “lightforged” is a purely speculative name, but the fact that its existence is derived from the already in-game Lightforged Draenei says a lot about how uninspired the race would be. If they were to be given to the Alliance, then that’s two races with the exact same aesthetic gimmick.

  2. I would much prefer for there not to be any more cross-faction models. I want Nightborne and Void elves to be the exceptions, not the rule. If models, skeletons, and animation packages were identical across the factions, then faction choice would boil down to your preference on palette swaps and racial abilities. So much of each faction’s unique identity would be lost here, and Lightforged Undead would only exacerbate the problem.

  3. There is absolutely no reason to assume these guys even exist. Calia, according to the lore, actually doesn’t look any different from a human. She hasn’t suffered any form of decay. She’s probably biologically dead, but visually she should appear no differently from Turalyon. Undead such as Alonsus Faol have already demonstrated the willpower to wield the holy light without having to be lightforged by a literal naaru.


I don’t like the idea of lightforged undead either, but the second I heard about Calia I became convinced the whole reason they shoe horned that into the book was so they could set a precedent for lightforged undead. As crappy a precedent as that would be. Remember, void elf lore is hot garbage (sorry velfs, Blizz did you a great disservice) so I don’t expect lightforged undead lore to be much better.

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