San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The pre-patch is going to be a slaughter. On the PTR, there’s skeletons everywhere

I am currently trapped and waiting for my hearth to get out

Okay I got out, there’s a DK that sided with the Scourge somehow
if that’s a class thing have fun DKs, I didn’t get to side with the Legion as a warlock :angry: :angry:

Okay now we’re taking Valley of Strength back for the Horde

also oh my god the lag

Okay edit

The Barrens isn’t safe either

There’s way more if you go yourself

And we got a ZOMBIE DRAGON attacking Razor Hill now too


Brings back memories of the Scourge Invasion.

And just how many haunted momentos I threw at people…


We’re pushed into the main gate and most are hanging back by the Argent Healer. Minus the occasional renegade the ghouls come in swarms (and almost killed the healer o_o)

It looks worse “in person”.

I can’t change mog now either lol, I just wanna change the axe

Got ganked, they killed the mogger, had to run to a healer and turtle to not die

I went into the PvP area
Little did I know

insta ded


Man this stuff is going to be really interesting on a roleplay server, I will admit. How will we play that out “In character” I wonder? It’s gonna be crazy, my goodness. Not to mention how utterly shaken my toons IC will be at hearing the blood princes and Lana’thel are back, even if only temporarily.


Wait holy heck, this reminds me of the wotlk invasion. My expectations and hype for the prepatch just went from 0 to 100. Still not gonna get my hopes that much up though.


Its good that this pre-event is showing just how much of a threat the Scourge still is. Hopefully, we go into Shadowlands to try and fix things, including the helm so we can get back to an Azeroth at war with a new Lich King and take care of this wonderful, beautiful mess.


I hope we see Bolvar do good and stay good though. It’d be nice to have the ‘heroic’ side of the undead on display for once. We got it driven to the ground that “Oh no undead are evil horrible fiends” when Sylvanas burned the tree and ruined it for the rest of us.

It’d be nice if the Ebon Blade, and hey San’layn, were able to indeed fight alongside the living against their enemies.


Wowhead has posted Week 1 of the pre-patch questlines. I didn’t notice too much of interest, but I figured I’d link it here just in case someone with a better eye notices something.

Obvious spoilers within:

There are links to various quests involved throughout the article.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything of interest, as well as any potential San’layn stuff. :bat:


Finally found one. I doubt it means anything (probably just in the pre-patch to be forgotten about again like all the other bosses) but they’re in Icecrown, dropped by winged figures from the Shadowlands, which I assume means these:

I tried getting a close up shot and this is the best I got:

I’m like 99% sure Lana’thel comes in like that too but I’ve yet to see her.


I think before Prepatch drops I’m gonna get all my toons onto the walls of Stormwind’s trade district… give them a fighting chance. lol


Since we have some time before Shadowlands comes out, I’m trying to read up on San’layn lore and such so I can be more knowledgeable and possibly more helpful as I help look for San’layn stuff during the expansion.

I did come across a San’layn banner on Wowpedia that looks like it would work well for a San’layn tabard:

In which the symbol is very similar to the Blood Prince symbol:

I’m still planning to go Venthyr for my covenant since, as I’ve mentioned before, it seems like the best place for possible San’layn stuff. Maybe I’ll bring a magnifying glass with me and try to interview the Venthyr once I get exalted with them. Perhaps some fitting music will help my investigation in the Venthyr area:

I’ll do my best to explore and share stuff as I find it once the expansion is live. :bat:


Yeah, I remember our entire community being tricked on discord with that banner by a certain horrible individual (of whom I still despise and for good reason). We thought it was a new asset for Allied Races via ‘datamines’. All a bunch of lies.

If San’layn ever do become an actual allied race though, it’d be a good candidate. (Sorry to be a downer with that story, I just remember that upon seeing it XD)

Truth be told the banner is right there and ripe for using in the emissary building.


Isn’t it just a recolored blood elf? Should be easy

It’s interesting that a lot of the undead entities from WOTLK are going to be in Icecrown as rare elite mobs. Especially the Blood Princes in particular are being named as being active in the zone. Makes me wonder if what they said is actually true, “we are the lich kings immortal soldiers…” So can they really not die? And if that’s the case, is Lana’thel still alive somewhere? Maybe they’ve taken Naxxanar and have moved it to a secret location. I’m betting they still retain some control over the undead even after the destruction of the Helm of Domination.


Mardrigala sitting in her garrison enjoying a glass of the peaked Dalaran red Khad’gar loaned her and some Dalaran sharp cheddar “I feel a great disturbance in the aether, almost as if a great multitude of auctioneers and shop keepers were being slaughtered by mindless undead. I haven’t felt this since- oh dear.” teleports to hall of the guardian


Is it… am I on?.. Oh!

The Argent Dawn is at your side my lady!
wings of light burst forth and the ground radiates with the glow of the light
We will push these wretches back!


And people thought we where mad for keeping our garrisons running!

Look who got apocalypsed!


Hi I’m here with more San’layn art kind of. This is a human vampyr but we know those exist. It’s one of my characters from the novel I’m writing, however I do have him as a roleplay character too (I do that sometimes but you know, adapted to the game’s lore.)

This is by moonscentedart.

So here’s the key points to take from this:
-Jewelry for MEN AS WELL is just fine, Blizzard.
-Vampire customization would work IF we got lore not only on how the curse works, BUT how they’d fit into the factions.
-Facial and body scarring for ALL RACES would be wonderful, thanks.
-Also I just wanted to share more vampire art :rofl:


I am reinforcing my support for this suggestion of san’layn to the horde.


It’s weird seeing the San’layn Princes being alive again during the scourge event. So… are the rest alive in hiding in the Forgotten Kingdom? :bat: