San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah I’m neutral on the ordeal, I’m happy some of my friends got what they wanted. To me personally, high elves are particularly boring and I’m not a fan of either them or the Alliance in general. I definitely won’t be playing a high elf, and my void elf will remain voidy.

Just like how, I’m sure, there’s plenty who dislike San’layn and would never play one, but support the idea so people can have fun, if that makes sense. I’m that stance with ogres too, definitely not interested but hopeful they get added for the people who are nice and decent (though there’s some who are absolutely rude and of whom I cannot stand for one moment on these forums, but I won’t get into that.)

It just bugs me that we’re going into an expansion with a zone dedicated to vampirism… and there is no sign, at all, of any San’layn lore or being able to play them. It’s like they abandoned the concept for the Venthyr, which is why I truly can’t find myself liking Venthyr (even if they looked decent). All of this lore and tidbits from Legion and BfA, all seemingly leading to… nowhere.

It’s so frustrating. Blizzard gave the high elf community at least part of what they wanted–they can play their characters as high elves. Now people would like some lore, even tidbits of that would suffice. But it just feels so disappointing that they don’t say even a thing about this request going into an expansion where it would be perfect to add them in, at least in my personal opinion.

They say “Yeah we’ll see” for Allied races for the covenants in an interview, but regarding the requests that have been floating around for years now? Especially one that’s really relevant? Meh.

And no, we’re not entitled to anything, but even a “Yeah we see, but there’s no plans.” Of course, they don’t do that because stringing us along will allow us to stay even if they say nothing. Just frustrating I guess, is all, when they do make an entire post with other things spotlighted yet no one else is acknowledged at all.

Yeah I can see this especially if in some sort of quest or recruitment scenario, the San’layn defend Silvermoon City and such like that.

Orcs I feel would be the big ones that would hate the San’layn, they seem to dislike forsaken and DK in general too (sorry orc players :P)


Something to point out is that we’re looking at about two or so years of this expansion, likely to have multiple patches throughout its lifespan. It may not be a guarantee that we’ll see San’layn stuff pop up during Shadowlands’ duration, but it’s possible we could see something appear with one of the patches, similar to how we ended up going to Mechagon and Nazjatar in BfA. Regardless, I’ll assist in keeping an eye out for stuff as we go through Shadowlands, and will be here with y’all for better or worse depending on our findings or lack thereof.

One of the drawbacks from the allied race system, from a marketing point-of-view, is that any brand new NPC races they show off in future expansions will get questions on if they’ll become allied races. It’s likely something they needed to comment on, whether or not they actually have plans to make any of the covenants as playable races.

I’m still of the opinion that because they’re beings of the afterlife with their own ambitions and such, that they may not become playable at all. It’s hard for me to imagine them having interest in the whole Horde/Alliance war in the living world, even if a bunch of members of each covenant somehow get stuck on Azeroth after the events of Shadowlands. As I said, it’s just my opinion.

I get the frustration all too well. I feel like a few races were dangled as a carrot-on-a-stick for potential allied race candidates, only to just have their storylines suddenly drop and be forgotten about so we can spend the next year or so with the “Sylvanas’ Super Happy Crazy Apocalyptic Fun Time Power Hour of Death!” in a world I can’t really get attached to.

Not to mention my usual frustrations of a huge war going on between the Horde and Alliance and Horde Ogres not being a part of it at all, yet instead of getting the Stonemaul’s debt to the Horde repaid, we’ll bend space and time again to get some AU Orcs, once fierce enemies until “DRAENOR IS TEH FREE!!” was stated, who may or may not remember us and have their own thing going on to assist us in this war that the AU Orcs may or may not care about and may or may not want to get involved in. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Mag’har Orcs are playable, but the writing there just boggles my mind. But I digress…

It’s hard to say what’ll happen in Shadowlands. Maybe we’ll run into Dreven as members of the Horde, get his side of the story and realize the chumps he drained were Sylvanas’ lackeys, get him a rez, and get his people to join us.

All I can do at this point is hope we can drive Sylvanas batty with our own bats. :bat:



Just to show I have toons that are not vampires, here’s some art but there’s blood in it.

She’s a monster hunter that works WITH San’layn though… so… yeah I mean it works :stuck_out_tongue: I wonder if there’d be ‘monster’ or ‘vampire’ hunter organizations. I know there’s one on Alliance side. I wonder what they’d think of San’layn.


Also check out this super neat screenshot >:D

LOL Lightforged San’layn (sorry had to hekhekhekhek)


More San’layn art today ^^


One more :stuck_out_tongue:

Wonder who this could be…

Can we have playable San’layn now Blizzard? Here’s a concept for Kael to return!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Me too

The second I saw a sethrak on my first loading screen to Zandalar I wanted them instantly. After the storyline in Vol’dun I was even more excited because they seemed prime candidates for a being a Horde AR. Then they had the HoA animation datamined and I was even more excited.

And here we are now, lol. I’m disappointed but still hopeful, sethrak are my favorite race introduced this expansion by a huge margin, and one of my favorite ever in WoW.

BfA was prime time to make a very good few old races like the Stonemaul and Mok’nathal playable.

And again, here we are. So, so many races I would’ve loved to see as playable this expansion.


Speaking of San’layn- a new Art Piece for my San’layn character!

https:// i.imgur. com/ dRItgeh.jpg

(Spaced out since I can’t post links :C )


You don’t have to space out the link. You can surround it with `, the key to the left of 1.

Like this:

Also, I’ll post it for you with my Level 3 powers.

Very nice art!


Thank you, oh mighty Level 3 Forum Goer!



Wow that looks amazing!! I love it! The realism is gorgeous, I love realism pieces so much x.x I have some of mine but there’s blood involved so I don’t wanna risk getting slapped on the wrist by mods. Who is the artist?

Haha it makes me so happy that we’re turning into a thread that loves sharing art and creativity. I love seeing art so much! It’s clear we’re passionate about this and it really does keep ideas flowing and spirits up.


The artist is Bellabergolts! They do incredible portrait work.


The more fanarts the better.

Share them in all the threads!


I forgot to respond to this XD You’re one of the nicest orc players I know and I appreciate that ^^ Some will come in and scream at us for liking/playing elves. It drives me nuts. I do think orcs that follow Thrall or have his ideology will be open minded though especially to the San’layn who genuinely want to fight for their city and the Horde in general. I think it’s extremely important to point out there 100% should be characters (even at a large amount) like that, because breaking the mold and not being scourge puppets or ‘death to the living’ mentality is important.

I miiiiiiiiight have had quite a bit of fun on that project x3

Oh yeah, that’s right… what the heck? My gods we should just have them playable already, I would roll a Sethrak in a heartbeat :frowning: Ugh such a disappointment. I love Vulpera too but I think Sethrak would make an amazing allied race. And Arakkoa, come to think of it. Both I’d roll right away.

I feel for you guys :frowning: I wish we got them too for your sake, and plus it’d bring so much to the story and roleplay, the aspect of the game I obviously treasure the most. My guild is a diverse ‘city of monsters’ and having some ogres to party with us would be so much fun, ugh.

I’m not confident enough to do that if I’m going to be honest XD Just a beginner. Besides… I feel like people would be like “STUPID VAMPIRE LOVERS GET THAT NONSENSE OUT OF HERE” and just be toxic in general. In this little corner of the forums, I feel like we can best support each other and just be happy with our vampire/elf/undead art if that makes sense.


In all honesty, it can be challenging to be positive. On the other hand, venting here and there can be useful for just letting it out and at least giving some constructive criticism. Usually, I try not to go all RAWR like I did several posts ago. I tend to lean towards using humor to vent as well, which is more of a fun read.

Still, it’s important to keep up spirits and be positive, hard as it may be. You never know what Blizzard may be planning in the future, given they plan out two expansions from the current one. We don’t know what Shadowlands will involve through its lifespan, so it’s a great time to keep up the San’layn support. Maybe we’ll see them appear, maybe they’ll be among races as pre-order bonuses for the expansion after Shadowlands, maybe they’ll appear after Shadowlands, or any other possibility. Showing support is still important, even if it seems like nothing really is happening.

I also recall Gnomest on the forums here mentioning that Blizzard looked at different types of artwork, such as fan artwork, when considering and designing playable races they want to add. Now, I doubt my artwork of San’layn stick people would inspire anything, but it’s a reason I try to do screenshot artwork. Thus, it’s important to share things like that, as it could potentially cause inspiration.

The stance I always stance is that no race is guaranteed to become playable, but some support is better than nothing. It’s a reason why I keep going for Ogres and Saurok on the Horde, and why I’ll continue to support other races like San’layn as best as I can.

I suspect we may have more moments that will make us bash our heads against the wall (San’layn treatment in BfA for example), but you never know if the seeds we take care of will yield the fruit of our labor.

Regardless, I feel like we gotta try and see what the future holds. Hopefully one with bats on the Horde. :bat:


Eah, can’t let them bother you.

But understandable.

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Keep talking

I took those recently, had I been shown those in the first few months of BfA I would’ve been so excited, because I would’ve thought they were actually coming.

Ogres and Mok’nathal when probably never ;(

Rexxar is my high school crush
I don’t RP but I do like making some backstory and themes for my characters and my main is supposed to be a Mok’nathal

Need Mok’nathal race


Just me again :wave::grin:

Dropping in to check on my favorite sun fearing elves :vampire:t2:

I know Blizzard hasn’t said anything about San’layn (yet) but just wanted to point out that void elf grey skin + Venthyr transmog looks pretty close. Especially the cloth set with the red eye glow on the helm :heart_eyes: