San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’s interesting you mentioned san’layn and spidermancer in the same post. I only mention it cause the guild i’m in. Their San’layn/vampyr RP has this arcing RP with a spider goddess - but it’s not the zanda one, just home brewed lore. Even the guild tabard has a spider on it. Though, I haven’t gotten seriously involved with that aspect of the guild lore yet. It’s got a culty side… :slight_smile:


Hehe ironically Salder is indeed a void cultist! That sounds interesting, yeah cultists/void cults can be interesting as well. Salder is supposed to be evil but he’s on an arc that’s going to turn him into an anti-hero soon I bet. That’s just because I suck at keeping my bad guys bad.


Same, I love Irony.

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Wowhead has posted a questline involving Kael’thas. Since he is one of the things we’re keeping an eye on, I’ll post the article.

Obvious spoilers within:

Will continue to keep an eye out for more things to report. :bat:


Never thought I would SPOILER


Be leading Kael’thas around on a leash.


I mean his ensemble reeks of BDSM.

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset anyone.


You didn’t at least for me :stuck_out_tongue: Though I’d be careful, not sure if you’re allowed to say that on forums. In regard to that though, it very much doesn’t bother me for reasons I will not mention of course.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oops I mean I’ve never heard that terminology in my life, I have no idea what it stands for at all.

But Kael’thas does look rather excellent in chains, perhaps one day we’ll get a reverse quest.

If anyone catches my implication.

/quickly hides my copy of



“This also explains parts of Azeroth we’ve seen before, from the blood trolls of Nazmir to Blood Queen Lana’thel and her servants in Icecrown Citadel. We’ve seen the powers of the Venthyr before; now we get to meet them up close.”

They at least mentioned Lana’thel, I mean it’s a breadcrumb but still something. Really, really, really hoping we get a bit more and an arc or questline with San’layn… please Blizzard :frowning:


| ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wait that’s a thing?

I need it.


Hehe yes indeed, there’s quite a few of them actually!

There’s totally not going to be a stigma against this community now that the can of worms is open though. Totally not.

But… do I mind?

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)



I know about those but

Elven bondage


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I like this attitude


This is getting weird…

This is why we call Alliance boring ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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To be fair, we’re not the ones who put Kael in chains :stuck_out_tongue: Given the opportunity, I’d give him fangs.

Sadly, there’s no indication or connection to the San’layn (yet).

…But see, the thing is, they were loyalists to him prior to their deaths. It’d be nice to have that addressed.

Edit: Had a ranty moment in this section but removed it, not necessary and just spreads negativity. So I’ll say something positive instead.

Remember how the Ren’dorei have the joke: “Drink blood? No that’s San’layn, the other emo/gothic (forgot which word) elves!”

Still hoping that leads to something :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait What

I’m checking rn

Okay so

“No we don’t drink blood! That’s the San’layn, totally different emo elf.”
they call themselves emo


As someone who knows nothing about Shadowlands, how much of a presence do the San’layn/Darkfallen have in Shadowlands

Sadly the answer, as far as we know right now, is none. Vampirism was briefly mentioned via Lana’thel in that interview thing I shared recently, but that’s the only thing. Otherwise there is no sign of them.


I wanted San’layn so bad, and I was anti-High Elf too! Look what happened! High Elves and no San’layn… How sad!

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I’ve been doing some thinking of the different members of the Horde and wondering how some would react to San’layn becoming members of the Horde. Specifically, what members would likely be supportive of San’layn joining.

This is all under the assumption that San’layn would be all for being part of the Horde and would be more than just some “evil monsters for the sake of being evil because EVIL!” malarkey.

Blood Elves are the first to come to mind. Likely, I would see many of them being supportive, seeing as the San’layn consist of their own. Not to mention that the Blood Elves likely are fine with the Dark Rangers in general, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t be entirely supportive of San’layn who are wanting to survive and potentially reconnect with them.

Nightborne I can see being supportive, given what they’ve been through and that they’ve become close to Blood Elves (and I don’t mean their leaders). I don’t see why they wouldn’t provide assistance and support for them.

Tauren, if I recall correctly, were supportive of the Forsaken back in the Classic days to the point of wanting to help look into how to assist with their situation. I need to double check that whenever I get a chance to dabble in Classic again, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t be supportive to San’layn in the same way.

Forsaken could also be supportive, seeing as they more or less gone through the same process and were mostly slaves to the Lich King, aside from the ones risen later on. I don’t see why they wouldn’t work together and provide support.

The Darkspear Trolls in general might be open to San’layn joining, given how Rokhan was towards the situation.

That’s all I can think of at the moment. I know some members, like Talanji, would need some convincing, which is why the Horde champion can solve this by grinding some rep to…err, I mean can solve this by speaking for the San’layn joining after hanging out with them and assisting them with different tasks. I mean, the Horde totally owes me a few favors, so I don’t see why I couldn’t sweet talk them into giving them a chance along with a few other races. <- <;

Anyway, I wanted to open discussion to see what others think. I don’t think it’s a huge barrier myself, and it could provide some fun storyline possibilities to help the San’layn join the Horde to become an allied race. :bat: