San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I don’t feel like any of the extant ARs could or should be baked into their parent races, but in the future similar concepts should definitely be folded into the parent races as customization options and perhaps even access to a new class.

For San’layn it would be harder to come up with a new class, but if they want to use that as a reason to give Blood Elves Druids I certainly wouldn’t complain. But for example they could further fold High Elves into Void Elves giving way to Paladins which would ofc be for High Elves lorewise but player agency and the ability to customize racials would justify this. Another example would be Krokuul/Broken bringing Warlocks and Rogues to Draenei, or Taunka for Tauren bringing Mages and Warlocks.

I would call these subraces. Unlockable via questline and a heritage set for each new subrace. Having the ability for a racial tag as well.

I also like the idea of different skeletons and voices. Krokuul and High Elves could use the voices of their existing npcs while Sanlayn could recieve new ones and the ability for different rigs, such as either the Draenei based or Tauren for Broken and the more athletic Night Elf derived one originally developed for High Elves via Talendrions fanart, but usable on Void/High Elves and Blood Elves/San’layn.

They really should have a subrace setup if they want to do subrace/group within current core races.

Where it allows you to select the race (say Blood Elf) but then you have a selection for blood elf, San’layn, Dark Ranger and such.

If you select San’layn the racials change to fit and it changes the classes available. (probably removing DH and Paladin)

The way they’re doing it now will be odd for some combinations.


I had considered that as well, for example with Void Elves, you could grant them access to High Elf racials/appearance and the Paladin class, but you couldn’t use a Warlock with the High Elf racials and couldn’t use a Paladin with the Void Elf racials as tradeoffs.

But ultimately I decided this would cause
a lot of problems and imbalance so I’d rather they chalk it up to player agency. Plus there are reasons that San’layn could roll a Paladin.

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I’m a fan of just going with player choice in the matter.

That said I’d love the option for… Optional racial replacement, especially for San’layn. And where applicable I also think they should add a class or two to some races still.


Indeed. I would love a questing experience for each unique addition to a race to unlock these extra features. Nothing major or rep related, just a nice little questline. A mount would be lovely as well as the addition of heritage sets for hitting 60 with one of the applicable subraces.

i still find this thread to be amazing. look at how many people viewed this thread alone… majestic.


Me waiting for wowhead to post something, anything to do with customizations regarding this thread.

Today’s wowhead news - Axe Toss Interrupt
Bellular: Blizzard has finally done it!, This is game changing!


In his defense we’ve been asking for this for about 14 years


Yeah crazy to think we’ve been here for 2 years now (counting the time on the old forums prior to the new threads here.) It’s cool to see people have stopped in to take a look even if they don’t comment. I’m really happy how I was recently able to update the first post too, it looks so much better.


FREEDOM! Glorious freedom, for I have finished my summer class! Huzzah! \ ^ o ^ /

What better way to celebrate with another screenshot story? I got suddenly inspired to take another screenshot similar to the last one I took, only this time, I went to the Silvermoon gates:

A Blood Prince stands a short distance from Silvermoon. It has been a long time since he was able to walk down the streets of it…so many memories…he wonders how the Blood Elves are doing. Will he be able to walk the streets again? Would the Blood Elves accept him and his people back? He contemplates many a thing on his mind, wondering if joining the Horde is the best thing for his people…

I had to find an area in front of the gates that wasn’t blocked by trees, then I had to get the disguise and position the camera while hoping the low level lynx mobs don’t try to think my illusion looks tasty and attempt to nip me, causing it to break.

Anyway, just another inspiration screenshot I wanted to share. Hope people like it! :bat:

Edit: Forgot to add some contemplation music to go with the screenshot:


two years later, boy do i have a surprise for you!

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I understand you may not understand our most tragic of shortcomings being fixed but let me tell you it was a momentous occasion.

darkfallen blood mage would be awesome btw

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Love your creativity as usual ^^ Hopefully someday we’ll be able to nab screenshots with our characters as San’layn! Also hoping we see something on San’layn in like the next patch or something, I’m not sure. I feel with beta coming out, we’ve seen what there is to see about story, unless there’s untested side quests I suppose (which I’m not sure how common that is)


Not counting our chickens before they’re hatched, but would you have any in-game events like a photoshoot in mind if we ever got San’layn? I’m sure there would be plenty of role-playing opportunities as well that would make for some amazing screenshots. :bat:

It was really cool to see the Vulpera and MechaGnome megathreads get their wanted races and seeing everyone happy in there. The Vulpera photoshoot event was really fun to watch, though I was unable to attend it sadly. Still, I’m hoping other megathreads get their wanted races, as I’d love to see their celebrations in-game and on the forums. I should plan a few things if we get lucky enough to get playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde.

Although with new races, I’m getting closer to the 50 character cap. I have 40 alts, 4 reserved for an Ogre and some Saurok characters (1 could be a Sethrak though), and then 6 left for new races or classes. I really hope I don’t get to a point where I have to get another account to try out new races and such. I don’t want to delete any of my characters. x- x

Well, even if we don’t see anything San’layn related, it doesn’t mean we can’t ever see them either later in the expansion or afterwards. It’s also why I suggest not worrying if we see any San’layn among Sylvanas’ mooks, as there could be covens that would be more likely (and smarter) to not follow her and go to the Horde instead. Who knows? Maybe some will infiltrate her posse and act as spies for the Horde.

Still, I’ll help keep an eye out and we’ll discuss our findings (or lack thereof) as we come to it. :bat:

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Perhaps it will lead to something, who knows. Here’s to hoping. Vampires on Azeroth itself were only briefly mentioned in passing in that statement though, which somehow is more disappointing than them not being mentioned at all. Oh well.


Vethyr may be running the vampire show in the Shadowlands, but regardless of what we find or lack thereof, there will still be vampiric races like the San’layn on Azeroth. Likely, they’ll have their own things going on still that we could potentially explore in the future, though a lot will depend on what goes on in future expansions.

Still, it does sound like Revendreth is a place for us to keep an eye on, since there is a specific mention of blood magic origin. Maybe there will be mention of the blood curse there as well. Seems like there are plenty of potential things to explore and report back here with findings.

Wowpedia does have an entry for Revendreth, though not much is on there. Still, they’re usually good at providing source links for what they put there, so it may be a good idea to occasionally check it:

I did see that the official WoW web site has a section for Revendreth, posted April 22nd, 2020. There’s even a spoiler tab you can click on to see more stuff. I’ll go ahead and link it in case those with a more keen eye happen to see anything of interest:

I’ll continue to help keep an eye out for anything of interest to share here. :bat:


origins of blood magic



Yeah if the vampyr curse is directly mentioned in this supposed lore they’re exploring, then we have one piece of the puzzle completed, hopefully as to how the curse is spread as well. We’d know how both San’layn and human vampyr are created, and possibly what other races can be afflicted. I don’t know if that’s too much to hope for though, considering I keep getting my hopes up only to have them be destroyed x.x

But in an ideal situation, that’d answer that, and then for either customization or Allied Race, we’d only need explanation as to how they’d be accepted into the Horde.


I wonder how all this blood magic will end up looking on Chinese versions of WoW. I saw screenshots of blood rituals in Nazmir, they were less blood rituals and more fruit parties.


Maybe a bunch of blood oranges will be involved? :v

Which reminds me, maybe San’layn could bring some new food with them…

Blood Orange - “Squeezing this fruit slightly makes you realize these aren’t the blood oranges you’re use to. No wonder the San’layn love these.”