San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Cool. Go ask for what you want then. No one here is stopping you.


says the one who told me to go speak somewhere else - i use gifs haHAA

I mean, wouldn’t you rather ask for what you’re looking for rather then try to stop others from asking?

No one forces you to be here.


Yeah, I’m actually wondering what he’s still complaining about and why he’s still here. Clearly it means he secretly really supports San’layn but doesn’t want to say it, otherwise why hasn’t he left yet? If he’s so obsessed with other aspects of the game, he shouldn’t bother with threads like this and is perfectly capable of muting them.

Yet another one for team bats.


I rather enjoyed that scene in that movie…


Anyway, that aside, Dracula Untold is one of my favorite movies. I think it’s actually my favorite vampire movie, and I know some dislike it, but I enjoy it quite a bit. The cloud of bats thing is super cool and something I think would be a great racial mount for San’layn.

Huge same here!


I also feel it wasn’t necessarily to make fun of anyone nor with ill intent, but their videos seem incredibly busy trying to fit so much stuff in there every time, so yes I feel it was somewhat flippant as they only mentioned eyes, but they tend to take more time on things they’re legitimately trying to joke about and are much more pointed.

I’m sure if they were against the San’layn and Dark Ranger communities they would have used the baby :poop: pic and quoted people from the forums, which is usually what they do when throwing shade about something.

And again with the inflection thing, she mentioned Night Elves in the next breath in a similar regard and iirc she mains a Night Elf?

Oh well, as I’ve learned from pushing High Elves, any publicity is good publicity, regardless of any trolls you make encounter on the way.


I liked the ending of that movie most of all. Ungrateful kindred turning on their master’s decision and he burns it all down by letting the clouds clear and the sun roasts them all. Then that “familiar” of sorts saves him in the 0 hour.


Yeah true! The ending is fun too because it heavily implies a sequel that we sadly don’t look like we’ll ever get. I LOVE urban fantasy myself and was hoping they’d do another in modern day. Sadly urban fantasy STILL isn’t taken seriously even though the setting is so immersive because it’s our world.


Awhile ago, Wowhead posted the first two chapters of choosing the Venthyr as your covenant. I wanted to share it since Venthyr are, in my opinion, the most likely of the covenants to have anything related to San’layn. I also wanted to share it for those who are more knowledgeable on the blood curse in general, in case it shows something of interest.

Obvious spoilers are within:

I’m still planning to go with the Venthyr as my covenant, since it’s still the most likely place to see anything San’layn related. The only other covenant that seems to come anywhere close to that may be Maldraxxus, which was talked about awhile ago, though I don’t know what the chances of that are.

I’ll keep an eye out as always for anything possibly San’layn related and share it. As I mentioned, those who are more knowledgeable of San’layn and vampires in general may find something within. :bat:

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I don’t see any jokes about it but I also don’t see any links to a petition which may be the joke?. It seems like it supports the Dark ranger customization. The Art Director also confirmed more customizations will be released as Shadowlands progresses…

Indeed, they just squeezed a lot of info into the video, but Dark Ranger eyes were mentioned briefly and with no link to any petition. So no, I personally don’t think it was a joke either, just that there was a lot of ground to cover so they likely forgot.

To me it seems more likely we will get some sort of undead blood elf customization during shadowlands if not at the start. I am sort of hoping we get San’layn. I do want Dark ranger customization too but there is a distinction between plain undead and Darkfallen. I have to wonder if they are considering adding San’layn as a night warrior thing connected with Kael’thas.

Speaking of customization…

I did more art today :smiley: Ok so this is his ‘vampire’ version, not so much “San’layn” (my vampires are a living, biological humanoid species) BUT I still think this hair style should be offered for Blood Elves pretty please :stuck_out_tongue: And hair dye!


I really hope so too. If we’re doing both concepts ideally, they’ll just add Undead skins and red eyes and any applicable Dark Ranger aesthetics as a default option, with a Night Warrior questline for San’layn, adding features and geosets not part of the default Blood Elf model with claws, fangs bat wings, special ears and anything else not part of the original model.

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(insert developer mediocrity)
Bellular: “folks, Blizzard has finally done it, this is game changing!”

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I am sort of conflicted if I want San’layn as an allied race vs customization. I would love it as customization as it would open up to classes like demonhunters and paladins. But we would miss out on dances, emotes, jokes, voice lines, and possibly unique attack animations. But if blizz somehow started doing that stuff for customization I wouldn’t mind. The good thing about it being an allied race would be some oddball combination opportunities like a vampire druid, or dark/blood shaman. My hope is that San’layn do appear and will join the horde somehow. And I personally hope they have great customization options. I also hope we get dark ranger and undead night elf customizations. I will hear the audio book soon!


Indeed, the ideal implementation would be as an AR, but there seems to be a shift on the focus of adding such things as customizations as unfortunately the ARs weren’t handled in the best manner which is why unfortunately they seem to be farther off with no plans for them in Shadowlands.

So the problem is that the earlier we get them, the higher the chance they may be watered down whereas if we wait for an AR, we wait longer if we ever do get any more ARs.

Not necessarily opposed to having them as an AR, but the safer bet is to graft them into Blood Elves as customization options.


Customizable aesthetics and customizable racials are all that is needed. Allied races would never be required again. And new classes can be added when it fits.


It’d be nice if we could sort of select voicelines too. Perhaps if they ever just combine Allied Races with the core races (but that’d come as a problem with things like Blood Elves v. Void Elves and Night Elves v. Nightborne), which originally I was strongly against, but feel it could work if their racials became cosmetic or chooseable.

You choose a core race, then a subrace, then your subrace could come with voice lines. There might not be voice lines added yet for your subrace, but maybe it’s additions that Blizzard could plan on doing and of course it’d build hype. Now voice lines aren’t willy-nilly easy, there’s voice actors/actresses to be paid and all of that, but still a very fun thought nonetheless.

I do love the idea of having our own dance though, however again–imagine if we had a core race skeleton, then you could select from a few dances (…RIP dance studio). Then again, KulTiran and Humans have different skeletons, so that’d be difficult.

But, at the same time, can a dance be applied to a different skeleton, or…?