San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

True, but I don’t think every single person would end up rolling a vampire and play them nonstop anyway; we don’t see that with worgen for example, and while there’s many elves, there’s still a variety of races other people play depending on reference.

In reality, this community is very small especially compared to things like Vulpera and High Elves, so it might be a rep of how there wouldn’t be as many as people would think, if that makes sense.


that was more along the line if it just became a customization option you could unlock for everyone lol.

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Oh I see, fair enough :stuck_out_tongue:

I like polite disagreements.


Screw you I hate them go get your delicates stung by a swarm of bees for thinking otherwise.

Them being (Polite disagreements)

Dark Rangers and a petition for the customization were mentioned in the latest Taliesin and Evitel video but I think they were just mocking us. :confused:


Join the club, they mocked people wanting San’layn a while back too. It really sucks honestly, and would be nice to not be constantly belittled by the community for seeking Dark Rangers and vampyr. But people will tote making fun of the darker gothic style while still praising the “Gothic girlfriend” (you know the one) meme on a regular basis.

It is incredibly…incredibly… frustrating.


You should claim their videos on youtube. They are using your ideas as content.

I found a tutorial awhile back on how to claim something was greatly amused.

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While I disagree with their attitude and what they did, I don’t believe in tit for tat. Thank you for your helpful suggestion, though. :smiley:

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But revenge tastes so sweet.

…okay Maybe I have been hanging around Genn and Sylvanas too much.


I noticed they didn’t mention undead skin… their entire version of the request is just red eyes. Which I wasn’t sure if just an oversight in their end or if they just didn’t understand the full request.


They’re a bad influence, we wouldn’t want you corrupted now would we?

You can be polite and vengeful. Polite revenge is the most evil kind. Cause you can be wounded but not even allowed to be mad because they was so nice about it!


You’re onto something…

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Honestly, the youtubers have never been here for our community. They jump on the hot topic trend and even make fun of people like us who want playable vampires. I know I sound very cynical and in general pessimistic, but really, after two years of running this community, sharing my ideas, my art, my stories in hopes that perhaps someone will listen and put in a story with depth for this race and allow them to be playable, I think I have leeway to be a bit annoyed.

I’ve clashed with people on the forums here before who are rude and just don’t get it, been made fun of in various ways by very rude parties, and the like. It’s the forums. That’s going to happen and I get it.

But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit here and not be annoyed every so often, especially when the only thing big youtubers do is laugh in our face. Forget that. And you know if they added suddenly they’ll pretend ‘oh it’s fine and dandy, we’ve been on their side the entire time, look at these cool goth kids’ yeah no.

We’re the ones who put all the work into these ideas and this community, and we are the ones who should get a nod. Not the bloody youtubers that jump on the silly hot button topic flavor of the month.

Sorry, /endrant -.-


It was talked about in some other threads and it looks like she actually wants Dark Ranger stuff, but the petition part was a joke.

Like the “Skillshare link in the description” earlier in the video.

She just has no inflection whatsoever.

At least that’s a way of looking at it that makes me feel better.


how about no? how about less customizations and more focus on classes and specs? world of cosmetics btw

That’s good, hopefully that’s the case. I mean yeah, petitions are jokes because Blizzard doesn’t listen to them, they have the forums to go to and other forms of media to see what’s being talked about.

If she genuinely does want dark ranger stuff, and isn’t making fun of people that do, then it’s nice to not have someone poke fun at the idea for once :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool go talk on a thread where that’s relevant then. Couldn’t care less about any of that stuff. Also educate yourself on the fact that there’s different departments for different things, and your ‘contribution’ by saying that is literally pointless.


I rewatched it a few times and that seems to be the case.

Again, she has no inflection.


“couldnt care less about any of that stuff” this is why retail is retail btw. Also this is in general discussion - i can give any opinion i want on this matter get off your high horse. It’s high time people stop begging for every little surface level addition.