San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Aw thanks so much! That means a lot especially since I’m very new to art and just a beginner trying to find her ‘art hands’. Slowly getting better ^^ But yeah thank you for your support! I’m hoping we get claws & fangs as well if they’re meant to just be customization. Fingers crossed!


Yes, it’s a very unique concept for Paladin and a badass one at that. It’s like being Wolverine and feeling the pain every time he uses his claws, gritting their teeth every time they use the Light, only to nourish themselves with Blood later to heal.

It would also make for the ultimate redemption arc as well, as they died for their people once, being under the control of the Lich King could be considered failing their people and they finally get the ability to fight for their people again and come full circle.

Another good point is that the Lich King likely has little to no control over them anymore as he was shown to still have a degree of control over the Scourge back in Legion, but the Scourge is likely going to run free or be roped in by the Ebon Blade at this point, so that being said this is also a great opportunity to feature more San’layn as well and provide them the ability to function more as a people rather than just agents of the Scourge.

An ideal scenario could also be the Ebon Blade sending the San’layn to the Shadowlands, they encounter Kael’thas in Revendrath, and once Kael finishes his redemption arc in Shadowlands involving the San’layn, they help bring him back to the world of the living as a San’layn and boom, on a meta level you as a Blood Elf player are granted access to fangs, claws, bat wings(yes wings) and San’layn skin, eye and hair colors akin to the Night Warrior experience.

Back to the story, we get Kael’thas back and the San’layn are made wardens of the Ghostlands, being granted their former homes and safeguarding Quel’thalas from exterior threats, again the ultimate redemption arc.

Kael’thas never again would have dominion over the Sin’dorei, but his status as a noble would still be recognized and the Ghostlands would be renamed Sin’thalas or San’thalas, possibly leading into a much needed, much overdue update to Quel’thalas as well. If not renaming the Ghostlands as a whole, maybe just Deathholme.


I’ve been thinking about Death Knights and new races in the future, and I was wondering about how they would handle San’layn Death Knights.

Death Knights are a natural class for San’layn, and if they became their own allied race, I’m assuming the most likely thing to occur for them would be to plunk them in the new Death Knight starting area. It may not make much sense time-wise, but then again…time never really did make a lot of sense given how we go from past and present repeatedly. I would hope they wouldn’t withhold Death Knights as a class for new races, only to make yet another time-locked area for them in another starting area as a pre-order bonus or something again.

On the other hand, if San’layn became customization options for Blood Elves, then they would likely have to go through the original Death Knight starting area …which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, given that the San’layn were all under control of Arthas at the time.

Anyway, just a thought I had. San’layn should be able to be Death Knights, and for new races in general, I would hope they would just utilize the new area for them, even if it may not make too much sense time-wise. :bat:


Just my thoughts but I think in general hopefully Blizzard doesn’t hold out on classes for the reasons you stated above. If anything they may have solved the problem slightly by the technical start point in lore being Exiles Reach? It would only be player agency that has you choose to do the old starts?


This is going to be a bit confusing since I’m going to mention the level squish.

From my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong on anything here), Exile’s Reach doesn’t involve allied races and hero classes (Death Knight’s and Demon Hunters). Death Knights are suppose to now start at level 8, likely becoming level 10, then you choose what expansion to level in until you have to do BfA at some point, then you do Shadowlands from 50 to 60. It’s either that or you do BfA soon as you’ve done Exile’s Reach or it’s an option for veteran players to choose it or other expansions to level in.

So regardless, there is going to be time traveling shenanigans for any new races going forward in some fashion. Death Knights (old races and new/Pandaren), again from my understanding, won’t go to Exile’s Reach and will be time hopping in some fashion.

Again, please correct me if I got anything wrong. Honestly, there is a lot of confusion on the level squish and new leveling paths, and the whole time-line is so confusing in-game, it’s a surprise it hasn’t tried to divide by zero and destroy the world already. I don’t envy the Bronze Dragonflight at all for maintaining it.

I believe you got it right.

Though like any random time travel that occurs its considered non canon and gameplay only.

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I have a really interesting idea that could solve this particular issue. San’layn Death Knights could have been in the Horde back in Wrath–after all, we saw that Death Knights, intelligent undead, had free will, so why not San’layn.

But San’layn Death Knights would have a unique story–it’d be very Vampire the Masquerade-esque, in which they would disguise themselves as regular Death Knights and work for the Horde and with the Ebon Blade up until they finally get accepted into the Horde. After all–we have liches working with the Ebon Blade, so if THEY can do it as someone mentioned, I think vampyr are also entirely reasonable.

The Ebon Blade I feel would neither care so long as they work, nor would they rat them out. They’ve not struck me as ever being concerned about the factions themselves, and rather have their own agenda.


I think vampires should remain rare. It would lose that if they became a player thing. Which would make encountering one feel less special.

I respectfully disagree with your conclusion there, however thank you for being kind about the opinion.


I disagree as well. If we’re allowed to have Werewolves (Worgen), we should be able to have Vampires (San’layn), to balance it out, and to fulfill the entire Werewolf vs. Vampire fantasy!

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I see no reason why anyone would be rude about your want of this to be part of the game. Just makes no sense to. Different people want different races and classes in the game all the time. Do they always make sense? No, but who am I or anyone else to judge what is right, or not right for the game except for Blizzard themselves.


Werewolves was never really ever Rare in WoW. You encountered them pretty much everywhere. But I also don’t like that they became a thing. This one was solely made for the amusing name.

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I like that mentality, honestly; while we all can disagree and have different opinions, yeah it’s nice to be polite and respectful of one another. Honestly, I really appreciate it. But yeah, unfortunately people have gone out of their way to be rude when disagreeing, and so I always try to make it a point to sincerely thank people like yourself who don’t, if that makes sense.


That much is true. Grizzly Hills, Duskwood, the Vanilla version of Pyrewood Village and Shadowfang Keep dungeon. Vampires in WoW are rare, I agree. Worgen were an opportunity that was taken by other races that could’ve been with the Alliance. To that extent, and spoken testimony, I do agree with you here.

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At this point it doesn’t really matter.

San’layn have very recently shown that they’re trying to find allies. Now would be the time to add them, and there is a fairly good sized group of fans who want to play them.


The problem with the rarity issue is, in my opinion, two things;

  1. Blood Elves are a very good example of what is rare but still playable, with Void Elves following in suit as a subsection of an already nearly extinct species (90% of Blood Elves were wiped out). Mah’gar are another example of this–a tiny group of them survived the purge from Draenor to make it here.
  2. In that case, it would be a subjective opinion, in that something that’s seen as rare should stay rare. Personally, rare or not, things aren’t that special to me whether I see them once or a thousand times. I look at character, not species. A creature could be the most rare thing in the world but if it has no personality or substance behind it, I won’t really be that interested. Meanwhile, a human, someone I see all the time, could strike as interesting because they might actually have a really in-depth backstory that grabs my attention.

Fair point but it really isn’t my only issue with them right now. ATM the game has too many elves as well. 2 on each faction out numbering any other race type. It would be nice if they would atleast wait until after the other races have the same amount of options before introducing yet another elf.

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I know! I am a fan of San’layn… Yet, so far, they’ve been a missed opportunity that is not being made.


That’s very fair. It’s why I’m thinking if they do add San’layn, it’d be something more like a “Night Warrior” questline for unlockable customization. While yes–naturally, as the thread runner I want them as an Allied Race more than anything, if they can pull off lore and customization (at least fangs + red eyes) even if just a tiny smudge, I’d deal with it.

I’d say ‘vampire customization as a special reward for Venthyr faction’ too but that directly clashes with your rarity seeking unless it was only given to blood elves and humans or something :stuck_out_tongue:


It really would ruin the entire feel of the game for me If I ended up seeing nothing but vampires around every corner. I mean to each there own… but that just wouldn’t feel like warcraft.