San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Well yes, I said I hope they’re looking into this thread as we’re speaking in it right now, wasn’t trying to imply they shouldn’t also look at others too.


Sorry for the confusion. I was speaking generally with regards to hoping they pay attention to megathreads, including this one. I apologize if I gave the wrong impression, and I will try to word my posts better in the future. x- x


All good, I just didn’t want people to think we don’t support the other allied races is all! There is a lot to add in regard to lore and what people really want to see anyway, and things requested far before San’layn.

It’d be cool if at some point they released several allied races at once, but that was only in the start of bfa as an expansion feature.

Still… I feel like they might be able to do it for patch hype maybe, who knows.
(Also this is random but I really hope we do step away from Shadowlands and do stuff on mainland Azeroth for once during a patch…)


Hmm no darkfallen news but it seems we will be able to use both male and female models freely in shadowlands! Via barbershop. Which I am sort of excited for since I frequently use disguises and stuff. More transmog options and options to use all customizations for your race via barbershop! You may see this avatar changing forms xD

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So I was taking a screenshot of a Saurok staring longingly at Orgrimmar as the sun sets when I figured…this would actually look pretty awesome with a San’layn.

The result:

A Blood Prince stares at Orgrimmar from a distance with much on his mind. Is joining the Horde best for his people? Will the Horde accept them as members? So many things to contemplate…but how best to deal with the cards that reality has dealt him? Perhaps fate has things in store for the Darkfallen…

I tried to take a good stance with the camera when taking the screenshot, but with the 5 minutes on the glyph of disguise timer and running one of my Horde Rogue’s to this spot, I had to be fast.

Anyway, just wanted to share this screenshot I took. Ideas and inspiration can occur suddenly, so it’s best to strike while the iron’s hot. :bat:


I was thinking that considering that the blood elf skins are being added to the void elf it would be great that if sanlayn is added they can also have the void elf! sanlayn are not part of the horde or the alliance so they could join both thalassian factions !! this way they would not be restricted by the faction and everyone could play them!

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I did like reading that they plan to keep continuing the customizations as they see what players like and don’t like.

It was also said there is definitely no new class this expansion, but nothing of the sort was said about races, but I’m unsure if that’s because they weren’t asked about or what.

Was part of some interview stuff posted on MMO-champ.

More races, since they’re technically additional customization, would be great.
Such as…points to thread title


Just personally but that’s my favorite scenario by far, is the missing Blood Prince? I like that scenario a lot and new characters I’m sort of liking, Umbric, Taelia, Talanji, Thalyssra, Valtois, Occulteth, Delaryn, Velonara. I like the new characters they’ve been introducing and see potential in that route, but I know Kael is another option, etc.


That is an awesome screenshot, I love it! Not to mention the flavor you brought to it. Oh man, it reminds me of some of my screenshots that I took a while ago with the toys I bought. I think I shared them in this thread at one point, but new people stop in all the time, so I think I will again just for funsies.

Haha! These were just for fun back two Halloweens ago. Man, so much time has passed, it’s crazy.


It feels strange to think that BfA launch night was almost 2 years ago.

I had so much fun that night. Hate this expansion, but that was a really good moment.

especially the zandalar intro cinematic, that made me blush in green



Created another San’layn character (yes I have an addiction to alts).

This is what she looks like.

This art is brought to you by the hope for playable San’layn :stuck_out_tongue:


Time really flies, doesn’t it? For all its faults, I did have fun with BfA. The allied race system was one of the main reasons I got back into WoW and was excited when it was announced.

I still remember going back and trying to get exalted with older reps in case they were utilized for future allied races. They weren’t used at all, but the idea of the Horde and Alliance seeking more allies to combat each other was a pretty neat theme. I’m overall pleased with the majority of allied races we got, though there are a few races I wish got to become playable. Perhaps in the future…

Not to mention that it brought a lot of people together in supporting the races they wanted playable. It’s something unique that still has plenty of possibilities, given the room on the new character creation screen for new races.

With luck, we’ll see more races added sooner than later. Maybe after we beat up Sylvanas and the Jailer, we can go back to Azeroth and start recruiting for the Horde/Alliance again.

I’ve been getting into trying to take screenshots as art for awhile. It has been a lot of fun, though the 5 minute timer on the Glpyh of Disguise can make things a bit annoying to work with. Ah well, I try to make lemonade with the lemons I have.

Having a visual on how some races look among the Horde/Alliance members is one of the reasons I’ve been taking screenshots, even if those NPC models would likely differ from what would be their playable race counterpart. I think it really helps to inspire ideas of “what could be” with these races. Not to mention that I really love seeing screenshots of the events that people have done with these forms, such as the Vulpera Foxtober in Orgrimmar and the Sethrak gatherings in Stormwind. It’s something I’m interested in trying out one of these days with Ogres and Saurok, even if it wouldn’t be especially big. I’d still have fun with whoever joined it.

I’ll be taking more screenshots as inspiration strikes me. I’m happy I can at least do that since I can’t draw worth anything. :bat:


Two more San’layn because I’m on my weekend and did some art practice today!

As you can see, bat-like ears or ripped ears demonstrated here would be simply lovely to have as customization for our 'layn. The dual colored hair on Asher also is an idea for implementation.


Is it bad that I’m biased to Zephyr :heart_eyes_cat:

I love them both of course though!!!


If they became a playable race…i DOUBT they could be paladins, but my main of 14 years would change real fast…


Not bad at all :smirk: He’s one of my new characters, like Asher and Hemlock. Far more social than his brother Asher, open minded, willing to learn and listen. Very curious. All in all a kind character who came about in the middle of a battle due to having honor, oddly enough! I turn NPCs into characters all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

Fair :stuck_out_tongue: I still think if races have warrior/priest (which is pretty much all), they should have paladin. Especially since the light is about having willpower, and while it’d be very painful for the undead paladins, it’d still be quite honorable they put themselves through that for the will and to fight for their people (hopefully a good cause).


Aye I wish that were so…else id be an undead paladin, but from my understanding of blizz lore, priests merely wield the light, whereas paladins become imbued with it, which is why some races can’t be pally…but this game is old enough, that I really think it should just find a reason to lift race class restrictions. Let us go nuts. Let me be a fox pally!!! Until I can be a sanlyn pally…


Well San’layn seem to be a more powerful type of Undead, so I could see them handling the negative effects of the light better than a more basic Undead like the Forsaken.

Being former Thalassians I could also see them being able to tap into the Sunwell and channel the Light as a source of magic rather than requiring faith, which San’layn would likely have less than if any as a people.

This would also bring back the darker Blood Knight themes, which I certainly wouldn’t be mad at.


Yeah you have an extremely good point there, honestly. I really love the idea that it takes a ton of willpower and sacrifice to be an undead light-user, holy priest or otherwise. It means that you could have a San’layn character that’s a paladin, right, and they suffer every time they cast, however they’re doing it for what they believe in.

I always like to think, in some cases, it’d be for the Horde or others they’re trying to defend. These elves are undead Thalassians, and it’d be nice to see the ‘brighter’ (HAH!) side of the undead. Many people see it as ‘blasphemy’ or whatever, but if you take a look into it, the concept is really cool.

It’s why I dislike ‘lightforged undead’–there’s no nuance, there’s no pain, there’s no sacrifice. Just benefits. Whereas in this case, you’re making a sacrifice. Yes, you’re very powerful, but you’re suffering for your people and you’re going to do it because it’s what’s for justice (whatever that may be based on your morality). It brings in the idea of a species that needs to bring harm, but can do it upon enemies and ultimately be a hero (or in this case, anti-hero) if they go back and fight for the Horde and Silvermoon.


First I wanted to say I really like your art style :smiley:

Second still showing support for San’layn!

If absolutely nothing else at least give Blood Elves a skin tone and eye color of the San’layn or Forsaken undead elf options at bare minimum.