San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Not sure but I’m going to be brutally honest, I couldn’t care less about void elves being made less interesting and blood elves getting pretty much nothing even remotely interesting in return. Like even more hairstyles at bare minimum would be nice.

I’m just tired of seeing increasingly nothing interesting at all going into the expansion. A vampire section with no trace of San’layn whatsoever. :confused:


I have two void elves and both are remaining as blueberries. Blueberry is superior, unless you’re a warlock, then it’s a bad tank pet.

I hope Nathria doesn’t turn into another Uldir. The only fight in Uldir I enjoyed was G’huun and that’s because I was a warlock and got carried because I had gateway. I hated the rest.

Either way, I’m disappointed and not excited. I’ll stay hopeful though.

New female orc stuff too now.


Well, I wasn’t expecting much, but I feel even more apathetic to Shadowlands than I did before. The only thing of interest was a throwaway line of getting feedback for race customization options, though whether it holds any weight has yet to be seen.

Anyway, I’m going to type my general thoughts. I do want to stress these are all my opinions, flawed as they could be.

As for the features announced…I can’t get excited for any of it. All these things, like with previous expansions, will eventually get nerfed and either removed or become obsolete. Having yet another mission table of some sort just made me roll my eyes, and likely having more skills to put on my already full skillbar which will only see use in this specific expansion just annoys me in general.

All of these design decisions go into my theory that there is too much focus on the short-term with little regard of the long-term, in which I’m sure I could write another thesis paper on. All of the work that goes into these features will just end up being wasted and forgotten in the end as we move on to newer expansions.

I think about the Garrisons from WoD and wonder why that just didn’t become more of a player housing thing that people have asked for. Imagine instead of being WoD focused, you could build a garrison somewhere with some theme, where there is just one mission table. As expansions come, more features get added to your garrison, more followers from each expansion theme, one centralized place to do things, put up trophies of mobs you killed or achieves you accomplished, hold parties for your friends, and it just keeps getting used and isn’t forgotten. It doesn’t replace adventuring in the world, but it acts as a fun activity that you can even utilize offline.

Instead, from what I understand, I have to go to several different areas to manage multiple mission tables with the only real reward being achievement related, aside from the ring heirlooms from the WoD shipyard, and having to gather multiple currencies to be able to even use any of this. It’s all an utter mess and continues to be as we keep adding these kinds of features.

Not to mention that Sylvanas is pretty much skipping through the Shadowlands and going tra-la-la with ill intentions, something I could’ve easily stopped in BfA, and instead of making progress in taking her down, I’m having to schmooze with covenants and being a glorified errand boy. I have to wonder if I’ll even remember there is a constant threat and there are things at stake as I get to have parties with the Venthyr.

Regardless, I want to go into the expansion with an open-mind, as I usually have a different view seeing things unfold in front of me instead of just reading about it or seeing videos on Youtube. Still, I’m getting a WoD vibe, and that’s not a good thing. WoD really did a number on my interest in WoW while Legion killed my interest altogether. BfA, for all its flaws, got me interested again, but all I feel for Shadowlands is just general apathy. I don’t want to feel this way, but this may be an expansion I just work towards unlocking flying and making doing other stuff when I’m higher level in other expansions and just plow through it that way.

As I said, I’ll try to keep an open-mind, but the more I hear about Shadowlands, the less interested I get. I hope it’ll be more fun than I’m expecting, but at the very least, I have y’all and the megathreads to post on, which I still enjoy writing for very much.

Anyway, I’m sure I’m forgetting stuff and can write more, but my brain needs a bit of a rest. It’s been hectic as I’ve been trying to finish this summer class. x- x

Still hope for Horde San’layn stuff to appear at some point. :bat:


That livestream was a complete and utter disappointment.

I loved watching the dislikes skyrocket from 5% up to 12 or 13% when everyone realized they didn’t have anything else to say besides. HERE IS YOUR NEW TABLE AND WORKFLOW report.

I saw more than a couple people even screaming San’layn!!! in chat. Which is just sad.


Well, the thing is that the stream was suppose to be a focus on the expansion’s features, but as I mentioned, it’s all stuff that the first thing in my mind is “what happens to this when we move on to Shadowlands?” It’s a reason I can’t get into caring about gear, as the first item that drops in the proceeding expansion will replace whatever I would have gotten from any point of the expansion I was leaving, even if it’s the big-bad weapon of doom from the main world-ending threat of the day.

I also want to be clear that no new races, while a disappointment, isn’t the big reason why I’m so mergh towards Shadowlands. It’s the features and overall theme of the expansion primarily.

In fact, thinking about Calia, I can’t help but feel like all the stuff with her is just to be a contrast to Arthas, who I would be really surprised if he didn’t show up at all somewhere in the expansion. Maybe in some showdown or attempting to redeem him, and no, I don’t want Arthas to get saved from that meanie Sylvanas and come back as a Lightforged Undead and be redeemed of all his evils because I’ll likely just give up on anything story-related at that point. <- <

Shadowlands in general just feels like an excuse to bring back big named Warcraft characters who died for the soul…erm, excuse me -ahem- SOLE purpose of marketing. While I understand that Warcraft has a lot of important lore figures, sometimes I wish the game would revolve around the world instead of these characters specifically.

Anyway, sorry for all the RAWR and stuff. I kinda needed to get my thoughts out on text pixels. I’m sure I’m forgetting more things, but I’ll type more as I think of things.


Absolutely agree, the world and the players. This has always been the “need” and always has been for any MMO.

Look at all the expansions that have come and gone of recent that added things then took them away.

WoD - Garrison (abandoned player housing - sea vessels dock we couldn’t really use. In the trash)
Legion - Artifact Weapons (straight in the trash)
BfA - Necklace, azerite gear (straight in the trash)
Shadowlands - Covenants (in 2023/24, straight in the trash)


Each expansion feature you listed pretty much have become forgotten or, in terms of BfA, will be forgotten with its effects removed. Some of those are items that just take space up in our bank slots, while Legion Artifacts and Class Halls hinder the addition of future classes potentially (one of the many reasons I really did not like Legion). As I said, so much time and resources into making these things only to abandon them eventually…

In terms of being a world, I honestly miss the days of classic Everquest in terms of feeling like you’re in a world (by which I don’t mean plunking down in random spots mindlessly killing mobs for hours on end). Something where you traveled through the world, had reasons to visit and go places, and the world was dynamic and would change reflecting on events. Even WoW Classic through Lich King was somewhat like this.

Instead, we have a fractured timeline where different parts of the world are in different times, making no sense at all and seeing no changes to the areas ever occur, giving little reason to ever want to go to those areas. Nowhere ever feels important and it feels more like a game than an actual world. I feel like even if they attempt something of a reset button like a timeskip, it’s still going to be a mess at the time of creation and going forward.

It just says a lot when the only exciting thing I’ve seen for Shadowlands is the new character creation screen having more room for races, as well as the possibility of new tribes or clans of existing races as customization options. Everything else either isn’t appealing to me or is something I can’t get invested in because of how temporary it all will be.

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Pardon the double post, but I just now found a Wowhead article of some of Kael’thas’ voiceovers. Since we’re keeping an eye on him, I’ll post both the article with the transcript of the voice lines and the video for you to hear them spoken:

Didn’t see much of interest in terms of San’layn, but figured it was important enough to share.


It is a step in the right direction, nevertheless!


“As you can see, Magister’s Terrace was merely a setback.”

He did it, y’all! He said the thing!


His voice lines make him sound like he is not an enemy. But I do believe he will be a raid boss by what I heard which may be like the Azshara fight were we fight to free her. I think Kael mentions him being controlled by the lich king which is interesting since the San’layn were once controlled by him? Perhaps a very small clue. Signs are pointing to anything San’layn perhaps after his involvement. Perhaps we may seem them as allied or enemy forces in the Tower or story.

Beta is coming next week! Perhaps more to test will come and perhaps the storyline at max level.



Getting genuinely angry here.


Alright so I’ve been at work and unable to react to virtually anything I’ve seen today, however now that I’m on break, it’s time to share my thoughts. They want feedback? I’ll give them feedback. I don’t even know if they bother looking in this thread or at the things I say but I might as well, because I am not going into that other thread and tolerating toxic people. It’s muted, I’m done with it.

This is me but without the hopeful part, it just keeps dying x.x

Yeah, that basically sums up my thoughts on this expansion, which is a shame. You would think that the ‘vampire section’ and undead theme would be interesting, but leave it to Blizzard to make it the least interesting thing possible. Maybe if we were actually able to play these themes and have some variation in the races we enjoy… but…

This is one of the few things where we’re vastly different :stuck_out_tongue: Legion I actually loved, it’s my favorite expansion since I joined in Cataclysm. It was the first time the game actually interested me, and the first time I did quite a bit of PvE.

Not me and not at all x.x

Really? There’s more than just our tiny little hole in the wall in the forums, though? That brings me the tiniest bit of hope, I suppose. I always feel like there’s myself and a select few members, so much smaller than most other communities, just screaming into the void. It’s nice to know the outside communities are at least asking for San’layn and that we’re not alone.

Nah, I hear you. This whole thing is one big disappointment after another, and I’m kinda down about it too.

I feel like they’re not really listening at all, at least to Blood Elf player feedback, but I’ll get to why in a moment.

Yeah, he’s certainly interesting. I wish he had some link to the San’layn but that seems to just constantly be shoved into the trash.

It is indeed the one thing that made me smile today.

And now see THIS is what I wanted to comment on. I am just constantly let down by what we see being ‘given’ to blood elves. This time its even more useless bracelet items that now inevitably every non-blood-elf player is going to scream, “SHUT UP YOU HAVE SO MANY OPTIONS STOP ASKING FOR MORE!”

Guess what? Quantity = / = Quality, and personally, I think pretty much most of what blood elves are getting is trash. We’re supposed to be able to have variety with our characters. Trolls, Dwarves, Orcs, etc. etc. actually have different styles in one race, so I don’t want to hear for even one bloody moment that adding different STYLES of jewelry, hair styles, tattoos, or piercings would “change blood elves away from what they should be”. People gaining the options they want to make their character actually different as opposed to looking gaudy and similar like everyone else would not affect those who want those options.

I just want some variation in what blood elves are getting, apparently that’s too much to ask. Apparently we should be getting the same cookie-cutter boring nonsense that’s being handed to us, and apparently we should shut up because ‘blood elves are getting tons’. I’ll say, and speaking for myself, I am not happy with what we are getting, at all, and won’t use any of it because guess what? I actually wear transmog.

Evidently, though, most of the Blood Elf Community is just fine with all of this nonsense jewelry, wants all of their elves to run around with no armor in the middle of the battlefield, and think that every blood elf should be the same shade of ‘valley girl’. So who am I kidding, guess once again my voice is in the minority and won’t be heard.

Gods, I’m just so frustrated with both seeing this as all Blood Elves are getting, the fact that there’s no sign of the vampire elves we’ve been talking about for two years in an expansion with an entire vampire covenant, and no sign of any remarkable customization for those that like darker themes/undead elves because apparently that’s ‘corrupting things’.

Yet void elves get ‘normal skins and blue eyes’ which have nothing to do with the themes in the upcoming expansion. Good for them, and it’s great for the community, but really? Mechagnomes had an extremely small community and an uphill battle, yet they got added in because thematically they were relevant. Sigh


Sad to see y’all so upset. Nothing wrong with tempering expectations. You never know if maybe the patches add something or maybe next expansion.

Consider that the undead nelves from darkshore like delaryn are getting expanded on in the book and consider themselves part of the horde (somehow). They’re probably trying to seed more lore justification for further customization I assume.

Hmm I really wanted the body jewelry : / and tattoos. I am glad at the other races. But the blood elf stuff looks a bit lackluster. The skintones and hairstyles are good. Just the jewelry is real bad. The body jewelry was the most awesome one they had but they removed it. Although I do like this arm bracelet.

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Personally disagree. I hated the body jewelry too. And I wish we got more hair styles.

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I liked it. Something about chained chestlaces that are appealing especially for the males.

Glad you did. I’m sharing my opinion though and it definitely not changing. To me it’s entirely useless like the rest of the (in my opinion) trashy jewelry we’re getting. Not even chokers which is seen on the BC cinematic, but night elves are.

So yeah. Good for you. You’re getting stuff you want. Me though? All nonsense.

I want something other than jewelry for ONCE. What about tattoos? Scars? Ripped ears? More hair styles? Piercings? There’s no variation and they’re pushing customization as a main point. I kinda wanted to be able to have more options than stinkin’ jewelry.


Whelp I’m trying them out in the Dressing Room. It seems like the jewelry is layered on top of gear so it will always show. Which is at least good for some transmogs. And the technology may help with other races too and San’layn/Darkfallen customization down the line. I have to think blizzard is holding out on that stuff since it is heavily requested.

Couldn’t care less about the jewelry going over armor because it doesn’t change my thoughts on it.

I sincerely hope you’re right. Although I expected them to give some word or indication that they’re indeed going to add those things and are listening but they’ve been dead silent aside from “blue eyes”. I do hope they’re just taking a while because they’re putting more effort into variant options.

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