San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Someone has to have seen this by now. I reckon we will get this without a doubt.


That’s exactly what I do with Falls, and –

Oh dear, let’s not get too hasty here, I just remembered I DO like orcs! Especially the pre-WoD animated cinematic (Dead serious, though if I’m going to be honest I really wish people like Khadgar had gotten more rich character arcs… like anti-hero sorta but nah he was raid fodder :frowning: )

Oh wow, that’s an interesting art design choice. I did not know that, no! The more you know indeed. I don’t think I’ll go searching and will take your word for it, though :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah! We’re also so close to 400 likes which sure might not mean much, but I dunno it feels like a milestone when we hit that.

Haha yeah we’ve been here for two years, granted we’re not really as active/loud as other communities for sure, or threads that get replied to on a regular basis, but that’s OK. Smaller communities sometimes get their wishes, even if it’s an uphill battle. See Mechagnomes. I did put a lot of work into this thread/my ideas/the community so there’s that, hopefully it shows (not that it’d have any influence, but we’ll see).

I do think if we ever get San’layn as an allied race and some of the styles we’re looking for, I’ll be leaving the forums for good. It’s been swell, but finally being able to step away for good will be/would be nice. I’d still be on our discord, however. (Well, I’ll post to support other allied race and customization ideas depending on the thread/people in it of course, but not much and not here.)


If I get lucky enough to get playable Ogres and Saurok for the Horde, I’ll likely still be on the forums interacting in a few of the megathreads. There are some races I’d like to see playable, but I don’t think I could champion for them nearly as hardcore as I have been for Ogres and Saurok. If I get my Lizardmen Discord up and functional, I’ll likely be there also.

Maybe if we get the races we want playable, we can go out on a high note and ride off into the sunset to Orgrimmar to begin our new alts’ journeys:

Would make a great photo shoot to be on alts of the races we championed for hanging out in Orgrimmar and such. Until then, I’ll be marching for my wanted races as best as I can. :japanese_ogre: :crocodile: :bat:


Yeah. I might here and there. But I’m so tired of various things on the forums and get along with some people, whereas others I clash heavily with, and so I’d rather just walk away from it when I get the chance.


Blizzard needs a permanent ignore function on the forums again.

Would solve SO many problems.


At this point, I agree. I’m tired of trolls trying to derail my threads and this one. I’m also sick to death of rude and mean people.


I’m going to be at work exactly when the stream starts tomorrow. So I guess if I come back here and take a glance, and see 50+ replies, I know something relevant to us was said, in the very least. :stuck_out_tongue: Hopefully a positive thing.


I like how the Dark Ranger and San’layn communities are all together on this stuff.



I love that most people in my DR community are nice, reasonable people. They also have a lot of great idea.


Dark Ranger skins for belfs!
San’layn for AR?


So I had an idea for a questline to show a bit of a softer side of San’layn.

Imagine you come across a bat that is in a cage somewhere. Turns out this is a San’layn who, for one reason or another, is stuck in bat form and needs your help to be able to change back. You free them from their captors and then have to gather some ingredients to perform a ritual to allow them to change back to their original form.

Was it a botched experiment? Perhaps a curse from a jerk NPC that got the jump on them? Regardless of what caused the predicament, it could be written to be a humorous quest just to show off the softer side of the San’layn, who would not be amused at being stuck as a bat and put into a cage.

This image in particular inspired me to think of this type of questline:

Just an example of fun quests you could do with San’layn. :bat:


Here’s to hoping we get San’layn options, in tomorrow’s big reveal!


I like how your story makes them more ‘human’ and relatable. That kind of stuff is nice.

I have an idea that during the upcoming Scourge invasion you see a line of San’layn defending Quel’thalas against the other undead.

One has a dialogue saying “I died for this place. I’m not letting it get torn apart again.”

It would be a really simple way to include them in the Blood Elf story and set them apart from other undead.

Kinda like how NPCs talking gave us new classes in Cataclysm.


Come to think of it, I wonder if Silvermoon is going to get besieged by undead again as a result of Sylvanas’ actions. It would give a good reason for the San’layn to appear, wanting to earn a place in the Horde as promised by Rokhan and to help their former homeland. It would give another reason for them to take residence in the Ghostlands.

I’ll be curious what the prepatch in general will involve, but much as I can imagine possibilities for it, it may just be brief events that don’t really lead to much other than “fly here, kill things, get rewards, go elsewhere, repeat without much thought” stuff.


I love this idea so much! It sounds like such a cute side quest. Heck I could imagine my character being the one to actually be in that situation, because she can be goofy. There’d need to be plenty of cheesy bat or vampire jokes in this, that’s for sure :stuck_out_tongue: I love the idea of seeing the lighter side of races, those quests are the ones to make people smile.


Developing “life as” was something missing from their appearance of the San’layn in the war campaign. Other than wanting to join the Horde they lacked development. By now they should be a little more developed.


Looks like nothing relevant to customization in general was annnounced. Have to admit, not even one of the recap points I read was even remotely interesting. Ah well. Think I’m running thin on ideas in general at this point and with no word it’s becoming tiresome.


Nothing about customization or classes, I’m disappointed. I was excited at first though I’ll admit, the covenant systems sound really fun.


Fair! I don’t really pay attention to systems or care about them anymore I will admit. I only play now for my community which is pretty much just roleplay. BfA killed my desire to bother with anything else.


Vulpera and void elves got some stuff. Eye color and skin color respectively. Datamined just now.

Do belfies have this one? That seems way paler than the ones we have, I’m not 100% sure. I like it though.