San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yea. I at least want the blood elf tattoos they supposedly have in lore. They were supposed to get stuff similar to demon hunters. But we still have time in alpha for options like that to appear hopefully. Magic tattoos fit the blood elves well.

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Sorry to hear that. Good luck though! I appreciate people who disagree with me that can do so in a kind manner, which has happened (rarely) on this thread. But much of the time people jump to just being rude.

Meh to me they aren’t attractive, they’re boring. Then again, I’m goth, so. :woman_shrugging: Everyone made goth women a meme and seems obsessed with us while at the same time completely putting us down. It gets annoying.

I’m gonna nab a tinfoil hat and dance around real quick, ok so…

The reason why we’re not seeing brutal options right now is that they’re collecting data, right, and from this thread and other undead elf threads. On next Friday or at some point before the expansion, they’re going to reveal that big theme all at the same time along with more lore for San’layn, Dark Rangers (what they’re doing since Sylv left), human vampyr, and whatever else.

That’s gotta be it. Right? …Right? :frowning:


I sure hope that is the case.

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It’s about a week until the big stream. I’m not getting my hopes up by any means, in fact I’m expecting to not really learn anything new/exciting. However, holding my tongue as to what I’d love to see talked about or announced is a silly idea, so here’s my wishlist:

  1. I’m hoping they go back on the ‘no Allied Races planned’ thing they said recently. They went back on 2/3 of the ‘nos’, as in ‘the blue eyes are for NPCs only’ and ‘Allied Race customization isn’t being a thing that’s touched for a while’. Therefore, there could be a chance they might be considering an Allied Race and setting one up for the expansion release, or even sometime prior to the expansion release to build up hype. San’layn would be a perfect candidcate. This is highly unlikely.
  2. Some clarification/additions on customization, and whether or not they’re actually listening to people who want more brutal/fierce looking options for Blood Elves. I think many would be thrilled to have the addition of red eyes and dark ranger skins as well. It would not satisfy me at all, by any means, as someone that wants specifically San’layn, but I definitely would be very thrilled for all of my friends who have desired for Dark Rangers.
  3. This is a longshot, but the vampyr curse being brought up again and perhaps a bit of lore to be explored wherever it originated, be it through the Venthyr or as a special weapon via Maldraxxas.
  4. The ability to choose body types for multiple races. I really want muscular female elves. Blood Elves aren’t just casters, there’s melee elves too, including women. I’d love to see the ability to add toning (heavy or otherwise) onto our characters.

This so much! :heart_eyes:

Why do I have to be a Demon Hunter to have abs? :sob:


Last fire will rise behind those eyes, black house willl rock, blind boys don’t lieeee!


If I can’t have San’layn, then I’ll settle for Dark Ranger options!

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Cry little sister! Awesome song and awesome movie! Lost Boys ftw!.


I’m not expecting a whole lot myself, though I will say my disinterest in Shadowlands as a whole is part of that reason.

New allied races before Shadowlands would be neat, but I’m not expecting that at all since they’re likely using all available resources to focus on getting the expansion worked on. I will say that I kinda expected at least one more pair of allied races and to tie that in with Shadowlands pre-orders. Having Death Knight Allied Races as a pre-order incentive just felt…like a flat note to end on, in my opinion.

For customization, I wouldn’t mind seeing some more tribes of existing races as customization options. I’m still hoping there will be some form of story explanation given for customization races, such as why Sand Trolls would join the Horde, or anything I’ve mentioned in my customization post several posts ago…but I’m not holding my breath.

The only other thing I can hope for is the increase of the amount of characters per account. I’m getting dangerously close to the limit with four slots being reserved for if we get Ogres and Saurok playable, and with new customization options and room for new races on the character creation screen in the future, it would be great to have more slots.

As I mentioned before, I’m not expecting a whole lot out of the stream. I’ll try to keep an open mind as I watch it, but I have no idea what to really expect for it. Still, would be great to get some Horde San’layn news out of it. :bat:


i would love to see darkfallen as a playable race :frowning:


More San’layn art? More San’layn art.

This is Soul.

One of my San’layn. I would enjoy this hair style on Blood Elves by the way, Blizz <3

(I’m just going to continue to improve my art and post it and maybe one day I’ll be able to play these characters as San’layn :P)


Orc back on sub, that mean me back to posting

Obligatory female blood elf wearing cindercloth pant(ie)s, of course :wine_glass:

Two skimpily clad pretty elf ladies fighting, Zurogrusel like very much

Fun fact, did you know green orcs actually blush in purple?

also btw poor cat ;(

I do wish DHs got permanent wings like that. Or at least, as an option. I do also hope and wish warlocks get more demonic class customization too, but I’m very doubtful that will ever happen for warlocks for several reasons.

We need more Lor’themar stuff for blood elves. Lor’themar should be the main inspiration for most blood elf things imo.

One flower in one color, I was hoping for a bit more, but I’m happy male tauren get at least something flower-y nonetheless. Stuff isn’t finished, either, so more might come regarding male tauren flowers, or just tauren flowers in general.

Big agree, as someone who’s main was orc warlock for years. I’m a hunchback warlock, yet somehow I’m ripped :face_with_raised_eyebrow:?

Female Man’ari also have abs, yet female Draenei don’t. That one’s most disappointing to me.

One of my elfies is a DK, getting some more muscle on her would be great.

Though sadly, I do feel that body types aren’t going to happen, as much as I’d love them to.

They officially went back on this with void elves and nightborne have had the tiniest bit datamined. I hope at the very least all ARs get eye color and face style separated. That has bugged me for years, especially on my main shaman, I can’t have blue eyes without constantly looking pissed.

I’d like more, but that’s the main thing and I’d be fine with just that at launch and waiting for more stuff for ARs to come later.

At least, pre-existing assets that are easy to add in and don’t require updating. Dragonmaw/Blackrock skins for orcs and forest trolls for Darkspear. Undead skins/red eyes used by undead blood elves. All they have to do for those three things is toss some underwear on the skins, and boom. And they already make perfect lore sense.

Grimtotem stuff for tauren I’d also like, but the characteristic thing of the Grimtotem is their unique style of paint, which is a part of the skins they use, not a separate option (at least at the moment). I’d like for their paints to become paint options along with the paint options tauren are already getting (which look amazing). Whilst the Grimtotem tribe itself is no longer in the Horde, several Grimtotem defected from the tribe and stayed with the Horde. And whilst it wouldn’t be the easiest thing in the world, it wouldn’t be crazy difficult to have the Grimtotem rejoin.

I’m sure there’s plenty of other pre-existing assets that already make lore sense and just need to be thrown our way.

Ditto. I’m mostly expecting some basic stuff. Announcing the beta, some more class changes, and maybe, just maybe, a release date. I won’t hold my breath for the last thing there though.

omg me too

I am excited

oh i was expecting government frequency mind control china world order crooked hillary reptilians summoned by the mayans egyptian pyramids and aliens built them

I cannot describe my sheer levels of extreme disappointment.
Another long Zuro post, let’s see if I end up editing it 7 times within the next hour or if I’ll actually be happy with it

It’s one or the other, I either hate it for no good reason and spam edit or it’s fine and only change typos/wording.


Happy 4th my beloved vamps. :slight_smile:


Happy 4th!


Hope everyone had a good day yesterday for those that celebrate and stayed safe too! Things have been pretty quiet on many fronts in terms of WoW news relevant to this thread, sadly. Won’t be too long now until the stream, though.

Very fair :stuck_out_tongue: I think most of my characters like Falls here don’t fight with very little armor, but I’m someone that loves exaggeration (To a point) and really intricate armor sets.

Huh, I did not. Good to know!

100% agreed

Heck yeah! Nearly all of my lady elves aside from my casters would have some muscle, but especially my plate wearers. And yeah sadly it most likely won’t happen :frowning:

Yeah exactly, I’m thinking since they went back on both of those things, maybe, just maybe, they’ll go back on ‘no ars’ too based on community feedback. Waves the San’layn flag Also yeah I think eye color is now separate

Nah see a tinfoil hat theory that’d be fun is that there’s vampires hiding amongst us making posts and promoting more vampire stuff in game so we (I mean they) can eventually take over the world of course.


Ditto. Of my current 120s, only two fight with little armor, my two Mag’har warriors. One is a basic old warrior from the Redwalker clan, the other is a blademaster from the Burning Blade clan. Orc blademasters have been shown with a very wide spectrum of armor heaviness. Some are very heavily armored, others are just pants and a necklace with the obligatory blademaster banner, and there’s all sorts of in between. I needed an excuse to finally play a bare chested orc, and I ended up with two. And in no way am I complaining about it, I /swoon every time I look at either, I couldn’t even imagine both in the same room :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

I used to be the same, but I mained warlock for years, and if you know anything about warlock sets it’s that basically every warlock set is flashy with a lot of detail. I still love and use flashy-detailed sets but I have a much bigger appreciation for toned down sets more now.

I think the DK would be the only highly muscly one. I’d put something into my rogue and blood knight but not as heavy as the DK

If we ever get some class glyphs to switch theme and blood elf pallies could be spellbreakers I’d put some muscle on that one too but again, not as much as the DK.

Speaking of things wanted that probably won’t happen, there’s a particular slider we’re missing.
It is, of course, the shoulderpad slider.

I don’t care about no boob sliders, I need that look in my life

if im being honest though i would love full body sliders
and yes, that means a boob slider ;­) no particular reason for that i swear

Please, god please, fix male nightborne faces. They only have, ONE, semi okay looking face, the rest make them look like cave creatures. I have no idea how nightborne even reproduce, any sane person would run off screaming the second they see a male nightborne face, it makes for poor bedroom stories. Some new hairstyles and skin colors I’d look too. The female running animation could use tweaking. Females could also use some new faces, they have one bad one and the others look really “meh.”. Some different eye colors would be cool, varying shades of white-ish blue and white-ish purple.


Any one could be a Vampire!

It could be you! Or you! Or * points at the camera* you!


Hahaha, same with me and my elves, glad to know toons can look great to other people too :stuck_out_tongue: While I’m not a big orc fan myself, I can understand the appeal!

I might just be vain in a way. I mean, I am an elf player, so there’s that :stuck_out_tongue:

Me: Not all elves are prissy and rude to everyone

Also me: I love how my elves look and want them to be fabulous!

Fair! My male death knight (san’layn) is highly muscular, he’s like a beserker. (He’s the shirtless and gored character I shared before.) Granted, I think his musculature works fine, because male blood elves have quite a bit, but my female blood elves do not.

I don’t care about those ones either, granted (and this might be assuming a bit about those attracted to ladies but) I’m not into that sort of thing, or down below either, so :stuck_out_tongue: I want MUSCLE sliders! I do like my elf men but it’d be nice to have darker themes on them too, like scars. Maybe then they’d be taken a bit more seriously :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a huge complaint I see on the regular, and I agree. And yeah the female nightborne need more hairstyles too, I will stick to my guns there :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t complain about that! I still think if each covenant had some sort of ‘unlockable customization’ with lore it’d be neat. I don’t know what they’d do for others, aside from Kyrians of whom would be light-themed naturally. But then I’m not sure what LFD would get…


There was this one scene in an anime where a guy who just became a vampire was out at dawn and he just burst into flames and ran around through a bunch of seagulls screaming.

Something like that.


I definitely don’t look at the transmog used by my main hunter and shaman and sit there thinking about how good it looks and how good I am at making unique transmogs. I also like t-

Did you know female blood elves are the only race in game to have a visible ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) under their underwear? I discovered that back in 2015 when I was having fun with WoWModelViewer. You can view it on Wowhead if you’re curious, enable NPC only options, skin tones 11-17, it’s pretty subtle, but it’s there.

Also, thread hit 6,000 posts