San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I wonder if blizzard would consider us to unlock customization options based on enemies we fought. Somehow like a soul mirror in shadowlands. So moving on we could get customization options whenever like the elune eyes. And being enemy units wouldn’t have to affect playable character visual options. We already wear our enemies cloth/weapons/armor that we rip off there armor xD.

I like the red skins on night elves.

What about red skin on blood elves? :stuck_out_tongue:

Team FELBLOOD! (Yes I know their wings are feathered, my toon has a different thing going)


They have some.

Yeah I know, I meant I would love a felblood skin for playable characters :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same been wanting to play a demon character. I loved demonology on my troll warlock because of turning into a demon. I had wanted eredar warlocks. But felblood elves would be a nice contender.


This is partially a customization thread. So that wouldn’t create “more elves.” Don’t troll an appreciation thread. That’s low class.


Considering we literally have no vampyr curse lore, I think we should definitely talk about what would be cool for elaboration on the matter, just in case they’re looking to expand with community ideas. So here’s my questions:

  1. How does the Vampyr Curse spread, exactly?
  2. Who can be afflicted by the vampyr curse?
  3. What does the vampyr curse entail?
  4. What disadvantages are there to those with the vampyr curse?
  5. What advantages are there to those with the vampyr curse?
  6. How does the vampyr curse mutate you?
  7. What are the tiers of vampyr?

Here are what, if I was on the writing team, my answers would be. I’m going to pretend to be a dev. How exciting! gets attacked by those that hate my guts on these forums :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. The vampyr curse spreads via a specific spell, or cursed bite, that only specific vampyr have. You need to be a powerful vampyr to gain this ability, which in San’layn society is called “Blood Prince” or higher. Different vampyr species (for example, humans) might have a different naming convention. This spell requires quite a bit of effort to go through, a ritual per say. The one turned is bound to the sire at least temporarily, where for a time the turned vampyr will be more inclined to obey commands, or be found by their sire. A vampyr with low energy or of whom is hungry cannot turn a victim. Once this process is completed, it is irreversible. The curse is undead in nature, you are slain.
  2. All races can be afflicted by the vampyr curse, however it is far more rare to see a worgen or forsaken with the curse than others, because it slightly conflicts with both of those states of being. A highly powerful vampyr can indeed turn either of those races, like how the Lich King can turn worgen into Death Knights.
  3. The vampyr curse kills the one turned, and they become undead, much like a Death Knight. There is a requirement to feed upon the blood of humanoids–the more related the species is to you, the higher the ‘nutrient’ content, or blood, is to the vampyr. This means that animal blood is not effective. Whereas Death Knights have a need to torture, vampyr have a need to feed. Vampyr can drink stored blood, however this does not satisfy hunting instincts. “From the vein”, or siphoned via spell (see the Blood Prince from the Old Kingdom and his stunning spell) is the most satisfying way to feed. Vampyr that maintain hygiene do not rot, just like Forsaken or Death Knights. The act of feeding also ensures no rot, as vampyr are as close to ‘living’ as an undead can get. Their organs can operate if they choose, meaning they can ingest food, but they derive no nutrients from it. Little known fact: Vampyr do not need to kill their prey, so can drink from willing victims. However, drinking from enemies is the most viable tactic, as the enemy is therefore not wasted and left to rot. (Well, the blood isn’t.)
  4. Contrary to popular belief, the vampyr are not afflicted horribly by sunlight, but they do tend to operate at night. Rather, they are susceptible to light magic like other undead. Utilizing light magic upon them causes a terrible burning sensation. Like Forsaken, if they choose to use light magic, they go through a great amount of agony when casting. If a paladin therefore is afflicted with the vampyr curse, they suffere in a similar way to Zelik. Without the mind control, of course. Hopefully. There is a stigma against vampyr, and they give off an aura that can offput the living not used to it. If you do not feed from the living, you will begin beserking. You lose control of yourself and attack enemies and allies alike. If you are restrained and starved for a long period of time, you will begin to ‘rot’ or ‘wither’. You can restore yourself should you feed, but if you don’t, you’ll starve to death (pretty straightforward).
  5. As a vampyr, you gain unholy strength and speed like a Death Knight. Should you be a priest or other mind-magic user, your abilities become greatly enhanced. (Blood Princes, for example, are extremely good at mind control as seen in some quest chains via Borean Tundra.) You can detect people via the scent of their blood, meaning hidden enemies are more easily seen, and it’s harder to be ambushed by a living target. This applies to hearing as well, via breathing and heart beat.
  6. The vampyr curse has a variety of mutations that varies from individual to individual. However, in the case of those with pointed ears, they become more bat-like (wider). Some vampyr gain a deep crimson eye color, others will obtain a gleaming amber, and others still will have eerily dark eyes with merely a small red iris in the center. All vampyr have claws rather than nails, sharp enough to rip through flesh. All vampyr have fangs, but the number varies. Sometimes it is two, sometimes it is four, and sometimes it applies to every single tooth. If these teeth are ripped out, they grow back, as they are essential for the vampyr to feed. Often, the vampyr’s skin will grow more pale (should they have fair skin) or grey (should they have dark skin). This isn’t always the case, and depends on the person/how often they feed.
  7. The lowest tier of a vampyr is a freshly turned, or Neophyte. After quite a bit of training, they advance and grow in power, turning into a Blood Marquis/Marquees. These are regular San’layn soliders. “Bloodbearers” also apply in this case. They are more powerful than Neophytes, and on par with enemies player characters face. The next tier is the Blood Prince/Princess (which might be an exclusive naming convention to Thalassian Vampyr.) These are dungeon-boss power levels, therefore more powerful than the player character (since 5 people need to take them down.) The top tier are the Blood Kings/Queens, and they are extremely rare. They run ‘covens’ of San’layn and command armies (Like Lana’thel). They are raid-boss tier and need many to take them down. A Blood King/Queen would lead a faction of vampyr on Alliance or Horde. They don’t necessarily control all in their coven, however have earned their respect. This status/power level is extremely rare.

Good read.

Well done.


All of a sudden…FELBLOOD ELVES! Let’s make our voices heard!

The Shadowlands reveal stream will now be occuring on July 8th:

Will be watching this and keeping an eye out for anything San’layn related. Don’t know of the chances, but you never know. :bat:


Don’t forget to manage expectations.


I didn’t know they were marked as NPC at first. I thought Ion just said they were for NPC that one build, I didn’t know that they were actually marked NPC that one build. Nice to know.


No worries, to be honest I’m not expecting much. But hopefully the ideas we have been sharing are being looked into!


“We have heard and understood the feedback and ideas you have been sharing regarding allied races over the past few months. That is why we are very pleased to announce that, in the upcoming pre-patch, Lightbound Undead will be available to the Alliance, with Night Elf Worgen being added to the Horde.”

“Wait, no, please don-”


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I feel like there’s a certain group of people that would support that just to see those on this thread explode.

I’d just give a simple, “I’m done” and vanish to be honest. No long rant, no farewell (aside from thanking my community for its support, of course :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Just… aaaargh. Night elf worgen do sound cool though, however horde ones don’t make sense unless they’re exiles like void elves are to blood elves.


Don’t even…


How dare you, sir! throws white glove at your head.


I just hope the stream isn’t just repeating everything we already know from Alpha. I feel like that might unfortunatly be the case. I really hope for more customization reveal, especially blood elves since I still think they got the really short end of the stick compared to the huge variety other races have been getting. Gaudy jewelry that clashes with transmog of which I personally won’t ever touch leaves much to be desired.


I’d be surprised if we got new allied races out of this. I’m moreso just keeping an eye out for San’layn activity in general.

Truthfully, I don’t really know what to expect with this stream. I’m also losing more interest the more I see and read about Shadowlands, so I’m trying to keep an open mind until I actually play the expansion. I’m also not sure what the “reveal” part of it is when we’ve seen a bunch of things about it already.

I’ll try to keep an open mind until we see what we get, though the more I see of Shadowlands, the harder I find it to do so.

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I think they will be going over systems they have yet to highlight in Shadowlands and maybe a beta date.