San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)


I hope Blood Elf customization is a topic as well.


Only if they use the bastion angel forms O.o… that’s just something personal I’d want. (Angelic lancer)

Yikes so stuff I really have no interest in to be honest. Hopefully stuff like lore and customization will at least be discussed as well. Only having stuff in Alpha and not knowing what’s confirmed, what’s not, and if we’re getting no more customization on those like blood elves is annoying.

I’m hoping for some prepatch info too.


This thread is 2 years old and i’d just like to pop in and mention that the male san’layn use a modified blood elf model, not night elf. They have all of the blood elf animations besides the idle pose.

The model itself is a modified night elf, the animations are blood elf.


There were a large amount of High Elve killed in the scourge invasion, Ive never understood why there isn’t a representation of undead elves in game. San’layn or darkfallen work well for this.


They would have had to re-rig the night elf model with all of the animations of a blood elf, when it would have been 100 times easier to just rig a blood elf to stand differently.

Trust me, it’s the blood elf model.


If that’s the case, it’s a heavily modified blood elf model even as far as back then. It’d be neat to get those in particular as playable in that case considering they do look vastly different enough to trick us (including me) into thinking it’s a modified night elf model :stuck_out_tongue:

Imagine if it was actually updated, like the Zandalari models. Pretty interesting thought, regardless.

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I mean i see where you’d think that, because of the hair, the eye color, and the face (the half you can see), looks like sort of like a vanilla nelf face.


… Didn’t blizzard literally say it though?


They did? Now I’m confused D:

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Wowhead posted an article over some Kael’thas related voice-overs, including audio for said voice overs:

Figured I would link it since we’re keeping an eye on Kael’thas. :bat:


Clawed Kael’thas.

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I need this in my life. Give it to horde and alliance for all i care.

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Throwing in my support for this, Fallynn. Keep up the good fight.

I would love to play as a San’layn/Darkfallen. Loved them since being introduced to them in Wrath. What better time than a Death expansion? I can envision one wearing the transmog I use for my BE paladin.

Edit - Gasp My 1000th post!


I would love a San’layn “take” on an order of Blood Knights using Blood Death Knights.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Well to me it is. Might be the sign of that (in my opinion) terrible Lightforged undead nonsense coming to pass. I don’t think they listen to those that actually like undead at this rate meaning the chances of them caring about our ideas might also be very low.

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Icy Veins has a habit of stretching things though. I would wait to make that call.


Oh really? I didn’t know that. I’m used to looking into WoWhead but saw that brought up. Still, seeing her there with Horde leaders is kinda yuck.

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Yeah, I threw up a little when I saw her. Still super annoyed with the Helm of Domination thing. If they don’t fix the helm and crown a new lich king in addition to making her leader of the Forsaken I’m quitting WoW for good.