San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

When we watched the live stream of the data mine. There was a folder with the Blood Elves which had a grey skin texture and red dot (signifies eyes) in the lower corner.


Were they marked as NPC?

The folder wasn’t opened, but other things marked as NPC are being migrated over.

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Strange that they didn’t open it on the datamining stream. Really, I didn’t know that things marked as NPC are being migrated over. Can you give me an example? Sorry to pester you.

Felbood would come with demonhunter’s in my opinion. They could easily use demon hunter customization and some other felblood colors like the shadowsword of sunwell plateu. Bringing Illidan/Kael’thas could also allow for felblood customization in my opinion. Maybe we find some felblood elves souls that would like to join the horde and therefore blood elves get the customization unlocked.

Right now you can use a felbood disguise via darkmoonfair toy. The process to get felbood is gruesome, but again shadowlands can have us unlock cosmetics of dead races just for fun. Make some lore up or something of how we can use there past live images or something so more races can unlock former enemy looks.

The illadari are basically felblood already so allowing other Illadari to be felbood as seen in the Illidan raid we see felbood of various classes. It would also add more flavor and add distinguishing elements of void elves vs blood elves. Faction exclusive looks.

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Blue Eyes for Void Elves and Blood Elves.

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As it should be.

Are you here to spread negativity or are you going to actually put in an argument as to why these ideas are not viable? Because if this is a case of ‘I dislike them so they shouldn’t be added’, then that’s a shame in your case but these ideas have enough traction to actually happen.

Therefore I suggest you start coming up with a logical response to back yourself up real fast.


We don’t need yet another variety of elf, and we’ve already got broody edgebois.

Soon you’ll be arguing we make Fire-elves because someone left an elf too close to a camp fire for half an hour. Oop, gotta make a new race!

Cool so it is indeed a case of “I don’t like it so it shouldn’t be added”.

Heard, acknowledged, and of course disagreed with.

Wellp if that’s your contribution, have fun, we’ll continue discussing our ideas regardless. Have a nice day.


Oh right, definitely need to add this


Good luck with your Deviant Art project.

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Thanks! It’s going quite well actually, I’m on day 44 of my art journey now and just learning. I’ve improved quite a bit since just starting if I compare my old pieces to my new pieces, and am indeed using Deviantart to track my progress, along with Twitter and Instagram.

It’s actually inspired several people to start trying to learn art for themselves too. I love it when creativity and imagination can spread, don’t you? :slight_smile:


I would love these elves for the Horde


looks left

looks right

Fire elves… actually sound kind of cool…



They are already sort of playable though… Night elves have the skin tone on npc only options… Druids of the flame btw…


We could even reuse Teldrassil.

Yeah, I’ve always loved those guys. Still working on getting that fire kitty form!

The eternal formula for comedy: :evergreen_tree: + :elf: + :fire: = :rofl:

It hasn’t quite reached the lofty status of Mankrik’s wife just yet, but mark my words, we’ll get there.


It was a joke at first but now that I think about I think it would be pretty neat.

I don’t think we have a group of elves with a connection to the elements. Ashen elemental guardians would be pretty cool.

Orc + mud hut + eating rocks = :joy:

Alliance’s turn for a dumb joke this is payback for the years of racism against green people

There’s a reason orcs have a saying, “It’s not easy being green.”


That’s not true! We have…

searches entire roster for a single instance of a green person on the Alliance

… Holy cannoli, you’re right…

All we have is that one goblin in SI:7…

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