San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m not the one who said ‘cringey’, I just shared my personal opinion on it as not being something I find that enjoyable. Again, it’s just my opinion on it, if it’s added, great. However, I was saying if people were yelling at those wanting undead themes while at the same time trying to push light themes, that would be not cool at all, since Void Elves are getting dual themes.

I don’t wander into that thread, so since it’s clarified that it’s the case, I’m glad to know it’s just a menagerie of suggestions rather than one being shot down in favor of another.

As I said, I’d rather have ‘xyz’, however am not opposed to additions as long as they make sense and have lore backing to them (For example, Felblood Elves and San’layn WOULD need additional lore, that I won’t argue against. Whereas something like, say, Kelfin for goblins would not, as they joined the Horde in the Naz patch).

If they add things like light wings and all that for Blood Elves? Sure, that’s fine. I just would find it silly IF people said that while at the same time as shooting down undead ideas. Since that’s not the case, and it’s been clarified, then I appreciate all of the suggestions.

What we have for blood elves right now I’m not very satisfied with, but that’s something I already talked about above and don’t need to again. I think I also brought it up in that thread.


These guys were so hype. I don’t even play the Horde, but I’d definitely roll one of them in a heartbeat.

Their blood teleportation trick and blood siphoning abilities would make the craziest racial talents. Blizzard could do so much with the San’layn, and I personally don’t know if just customization options would do them justice. Hopefully Blizzard will announce something about ARs soon.


To summarize, and prevent any further derailing I simply advise taking everything Drede says with a grain of salt, as the very person he was trying to imply was being hypocritical has never claimed, or denied wanting undead, or vampire elves for the Horde. He has huge tendency to flat out lie or twist information to suit his position in a conversation, this being an example of those instances.

We’re both Blood elf players, and we both want themes for our races reflected, what Drede is doing is the same thing that you’re complaining about from players who are trying to stand against the themes you want. Don’t confide in someone who’s sole purpose in even interacting with you revolves around serving his own agenda by standing between players and the cosmetics they want.


Starting to get the feeling they are done with ARs sadly.

All the ones that got added they clearly planned from the start and they basically waved off Shadowlands as an Xpac we could get them.

And the massive push for customization options representing entire races.

I HOPE it is not the case. But right now it looks like it.


The reason I probably say ‘customization’ more is because the ‘no more elves’ people just constantly bombard the point :s I think I let them get to me far more than I should, and am like “Blizzard probably listens to them so there’s a lower chance of them being a separate Allied Race”.

Yeah, I’ll try not to let the thread derail into other subjects because the core theme is indeed San’layn (well, and Dark rangers get brought up often, but they sometimes go hand in hand). I was just talking about those things in the context of what I was given is all, which has been modified now.

All in all, I’d love to get some lore for vampyr and have them be playable, hands down. If that’s via customization + lore, covenant-specific customization (vampire options for all/most races), or even (best case scenario specifically for San’layn fans) an Allied Race.

I’ll complain sometimes about what blood elves are getting because if San’layn are a customization, it’s unsatisfactory to me in terms of hair styles and jewelry (especially with how hard it clashes with transmog) to not have a mixture of themes. And after what night elves got in terms of hair styles and jewelry, yes, I’m pretty jealous. I’d love a gothic theme for Blood Elves as well if San’layn/Dark Rangers are destined to be customization only.


To that end I liked your idea involving more hairstyles as well. I already know my picture perfect San’layn/Dark Ranger. One of the new hairstyles fit me perfectly. But I have an incredibly unique view of my idea of Undead Elves too, so for the fan of the gothic theme I’m really rooting for you guys to get some stuff on that end too.


Void Elves have a lot of Gothic Haircuts so it would be pretty easy to add them to Blood Elves since they are already modeled for them.

I’m also of the opinion that Nightborne Haircuts are very Vampires and it would be a nice addition.

Haircuts aren’t something I feel should be majorly exclusive across races. Anyone can shape their hair.


Thanks I hope so as well! Everyone keeps saying ‘Wait and see, it’s not over yet’ so there’s that. Perhaps we’ll learn more in the stream, if they do actually have it.


Well now is the time to put the gas on it.


I really hope that San’layn get more lore in Shadowlands as while they don’t necessarily have to be associated with the Venthyr, it would be interesting if they had a presence on Revendrath, preferably with Kael’thas somehow. I am wary of missed opportunities though, seeing as how Void Elves weren’t used during the campaign against N’Zoth.

I do hope we get Undead Blood Elves in any capacity be it San’layn or Dark Ranger, but preferably both, which is why I am both hopeful and expect both to be implemented together as they would provide a broader player agency and all it may take is the Dark Rangers association with the Horde.


I saw some flavor text on a magic the gathering card that would work great as a silly for San’layn.

Drink from the vein? Oh how provincial.

I would love for them to take San’layn in the noble vampire route. They are still blood elves after all. If there is anything we have it is definitely class, etiquette, and decorum.


What folder? Could you elaborate? You have me very intrigued.



Loving the pics! Looks like a bad@$$ coterie of Gangrel there!

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Thanks so much! Appreciate the kind words :smiley: Yeah it’s kinda funny because Elias (center) I never thought as a Gangrel but then looking at him there I was like “Man you REALLY look like a Gangrel and I never realized it before”. That’s one of my top three that I love (though I only know bare minimum of the lore). It goes Toreador, Tremere, Gangrel in my case, though I think Tremere and Gangrel would be relatively equal.

Actually if we ever do get vampire options for all races, if worgen do actually get them because ‘vampyr curse’ is found to not be conflicting with the worgen one, those could be the Gangrel hahaha.

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I can see this being a great idea for a Venthyr reward for a 9.1 or 9.2 patch. You just make your character a Vampire no matter what.

Similar things could be done for all the Covenants TBH.

Now that begs the question, what is more horrifying? A Vampire Worgen with large amounts of sharp teeth or a Vampire Mechagnome with a mouth full of mechanical blood extracting aperati?

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both would suck

get it?


Especially in an expac about death or undeath. It’s the perfect time to add them. If not now, when?


That just… made me shudder, to be completely honest. That’s one way to make mechagnomes utterly bloody terrifying.

Vampyr Vulpera: “Now do you take me seriously since I can rip your throat out? I mean, I could have before too. But now it’s more fun.”

nose smack! I do :stuck_out_tongue:

This is exactly what I was thinking pretty much! It’s why no signs of it is disheartening. But… they could be saving a big surprise so who knows? But then again I’ve gotten my hopes up so much over these past couple years of me running this that I don’t want to have them crushed again ><


The whole Borg thing kinda adds to anything really.

Scratch what I said, Vampiric Vulpera that emerge en mass from the sands are the most horrifying.

Especially if they echolocate.

All you can do is run through the moonless dessert away from the shrieking that keeps changing location.

They can see you in the dark!

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Just me again (on my warlock)

Saying hello to my favorite elven vampires 🙋🧛🏻