San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I would love to see San’layn introduced as an Allied Race. There’s more then enough lore and potential for it to happen. I don’t think making them a customization for Blood Elves would work. I would except it, but I would prefer them being there own thing. Besides I want to use a flirt like… Do forgive my staring, but you look good enough to eat. the emote would have to have the San’lays casually wiping their mouth.


That’s fine, I’m neutral on the matter to be honest. Not for or against them in that case.

And yeah I of course do as well.

Going to be frank, I would way rather see darker themes like San’layn & FELBLOOD ELVES as felblood elves with their Real wings as opposed to the ‘saturated with light’ stuff. Again, and this is just my personal opinion, but unless we’re talking getting both ‘variants’ (…even though the light one doesn’t exist in lore but alright…), we should have true Felblood elves before anything like the ‘lightforge’ stuff.


This would be by far the most ideal situation, for sure. I suggest customization and ideas however just in case it really is never, ever meant to happen if that makes sense.

But in the end? I 100% most definitely really want san’layn as an Allied Race and have especially since seeing them almost join the Horde in the war campaign. Ugh it still bugs me to this day that such a story went nowhere.


I didn’t call it cringe. I just started my reaction.

This was after a several hour rant about how Undead Elf options are going to corrupt the themes of the entire race so it was more shock then anything.

That said, I’m not going to bring any arguments here as this thread and it’s regulars deserve better.

Felblood elves were the result of the group that joined the Legion, and though I like them I do understand they aren’t around or maybe even alive. The person who brought up the light wings thing was trying to be friendly even though the person proposing it was using it to try and push a narrative about Blood Elves. Personally I think Blood Elves should be further diversified. Minor fel and arcane, and major light and death themes are all appropriate. Undead high elves have been running around a lot in BfA, with a number of named characters/potential racial leaders…and I don’t think people are going to be happy with just getting jewelry in the divorce.

I hope this is the case, I look at the character options in the wowhead dressing room with the Dark Ranger skins turned to on often enough it makes me hope so.


I’m confused about what you mean there I will admit :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry! Not clicking;

But yeah I know, however still we all thought San’layn were completely extinct (which is wrong because of the missing blood princes but what do I know) and yet they showed up again in Battle for Azeroth. Felblood elves are very easy to make, you just drink up some demon’s blood for a few days and BOOM! Felblood elf. It’d be cool to get along with Ereadar and Felblood orcs. HOWEVER the big issue there is lore. We do see friendly demons so I see it as possible myself, and besides, Sand Trolls of whom were previously Horde aggressive are hoppin’ on the Horde train.

Now, I’ll just say I’d way rather see Felbloods than something out of the blue, but that’s just me. Do I have any cards to play in the game, truly, on that end? No, I don’t run a felblood thread or anything like that, I have plenty on my plate with my vampires. I just do think they’d be a cool addition to Blood Elves, even if just warlocks, if that makes sense. In fact, felblood-themes for warlocks in general would be cool. There’s Greenfire already though… so I have a feeling that would be majorly back-burnered.

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You’re talking to Drede, who used the very themes you want for Blood elves as insults, and attacks on Blood elf players in the past. Don’t get it mistaken Fallyn, he is not supporting your cause out of the kindness of his heart, he’s doing it because he sees your customization request in a negative light.

It’s weird that he would bring up the idea that I supported “light wings” as hypocritical, when I’ve never said I was against undead elves in the first place, I merely pointed out his contrived motivations.

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They casually flip through them and the chat erupts with joy that they might be an option.

Same with the eyes.

All Blizzard has to do with Dark Rangers is flip the switch and make them playable.

San’layn require a little more work as they need Ear/Fang/Claw options.

Ideally that would be a San’layn themed quest in Revendreth so you get all the lore and immersion at the same time.

It could be done as simply as having a San’layn NPC in Murder Row who says “Man, it’s weird to be home.”

The Sunfury rejoined the player Blood Elves at the end of TBC. They had some Felblood in their ranks.

Would be nice to get a better explanation. For all the Subrace options getting added.

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Then where are all the Felblood elves? For someone who tried to discount Farstrider tattoos because they aren’t visually present, you do seem to have no problem believing Felbloods reside among Blood elves without any visual evidence or representation of them on the horde.

But then again, you’re pretty known for your bias-logic when it comes to this sort of stuff so I’m not very surprised. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Lets not derail the thread.


I’ll just say:

  1. I think Felbloods would be a cool addition is all, some additional lore would be nice to justify them like San’layn. If we never get them, that’s fine.
  2. I’m not against light themes, I just really favor Darkfallen/vampyr in general more, but that should be obvious because duh.
  3. Getting both would be pretty fun, the more options the merrier.
  4. Unfortunately right now we’ve not heard of Darkfallen since 8.0, which is disappointing but we might see them in prepatch
  5. San’layn have this lore-hole issue unlike the other customization being added because they never actually joined the Horde, it was implied that they wanted to but failed (though… that was never clarified). We’d need that hole filled up before we get them as an Allied Race or Customization, if that makes sense.
  6. Point (5) would be the best thing people could say against San’layn, which I acknowledge entirely, however the solution is indeed to add lore to that and the vampyr curse.

Then keep the topic about San’layn, and not about unrelated customization requests.


They kind of left them hanging after the war campaign.

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Exactly, which is the major issue there. It’s open ended which is great I suppose as opposed to something clearly saying, “Nope, they failed and are now all dead”. So it could go any direction from here. Like I said, I’m really hoping for clarity when it comes to prepatch, as it involves the ex-scourge.

And no one is against undead themes either, the only problem people have is from those who feel undead/dark themes are the only things appropriate for requests while arguing and mocking anyone who makes a suggestion in-line with light themes, which arguably make more sense with their narrative.

Wings are one of the few light themes suggested, so why is that being targeted for being Cringy or unrealistic while the same person is suggesting ridiculous things like void elf paladins?


My perfect scenario is a bunch of them defend Silvermoon when the Scourge Event drops.

With Sylvanus gone and similar Darkfallen running around, they’re a shoe-in.

Hopefully we get that and not just big jewelry.

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Some of us like it…

But yeah I’m hoping that it’s not the only thing.

The important thing is that as customization even it would fit the Blood Elves as a second distinct theme. One that’s been much asked for by other Blood Elf fans. So I hope you are correct what ever files you mentioned lead to Dark Ranger / San’layn things. We have the Dark Rangers who stayed behind in Orgrimmar as citation for them, and as Fallyn pointed out we need lore for San’layn.

And I am holding out hope something is done as it’s something I’ve wanted for a very long time as well which ties into both the player agency Blizzard promised, and the theme of having customizations being tied to long requested things.