San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Jaheira is back in the act, but as a Night Elf, and on a different server! I used to be the Worgen Druid, Jaheira, who would frequent this thread. I hope I can continue to do so, on my new rendition of Jaheira.! I may be ugly now, but when Shadowlands hits us, Jaheira is going to be beautified!


What are your thoughts regarding Venthyr vampires?

Would you accept it despite lacking the San’layn element of it? I think Kael’thalas (SL vampiric form) might give light for San’layn’s connection with venthyr.

So far I can only think of San’layn being Undead-living vampires in the reality vs Lich nosferatu vampires of Venthyr’s that seems to absorb anima as a sort of Blood fusion,

It’s so bloody confusing…

Nope, I despise the Venthyr. I would 100% not accept it and likely leave the game if we got those things and no sign of actual San’layn. Though if there’s a connection via lore and we got playable San’layn through them, sure, though I still don’t favor them by any means.


Getting Venthyr over San’layn would be like asking for Dracula and getting Orlok.

Yes, they’re both vampires, but the similarities end there.


Yeah it’s extremely obnoxious to get told “Sit down you got more than ‘xyz’” But when you look at what we got, it’s literally just appealing to Alliance players for the most part. ‘Blue eyes for blood elves!’ was the highlight of this nonsense. Can’t we get something that, I don’t know, would help us meld with the Horde more as opposed to less? The stupid body jewelry is utterly useless unless you play naked which I 100% do not. The necklaces are meh, I mean they’re bulky and will likely clash with most transmog unless you go stereotypical blood elf (which is so annoying). The bracelets are literally bracers, they are the most useless thing ‘added’. Ugh.


Perhaps Venthyr might be the ones resurrecting brings back to the mortal world through “profane” acts in which the undead being would be “San’layn”. A similar process like Night Fae’s but unholy

I don’t see the Venthyr or any other Shadowlands denizens able to come to reality, let alone have preferences for factions and any mundane desires,

A silly theory

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I would really like the San’layn, Dark Rangers and Fel Blood represented in some sort of playable fashion. However I’m not exactly sure where we could slap in Fel Blood.


Aren’t Fungarians in Maldraxxus, though?
We also see them in Kul’Tiras, so it seems like they might be able to.

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It’s overwhelming to know till Blizz announces some clarity, even then, might be a retcon,

Blizz and their “retcons”…


Dreadlords maybe?

They seem vampiric

I love the black hair with the red highlights!


Did you say Dark Ranger :pleading_face: :crossed_fingers: I AM SO HYPED FOR DR CUSTOMIZATION IF IT COMES!

Big agree across the board, San’layn, and Fel Blood!


I think Alleria inspired Tattoos for Void Elves and Rommath inspired Tattoos for Void Elves.

Unfortunately in the thread there are a lot of people who get offended at the idea of a Undead or Felblood Elf.

People need to understand that just because someone has the option to play a “Corrupted” version it doesn’t make yours “Corrupted”.

As always if you want something you need to speak out.

I like em but I do kinda play my Blood Elves stereotypically…


I can say out of all of those jewelry options the necklaces are the most appealing. I do hope we get more styles and colors though (and chokers :frowning: )

As for the art piece compliment, thanks! I’m so happy with how Galder depicted Falls. Was a very big treat. I plan on drawing her myself when I’m a bit better.

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I would like more and some ankle/arm options. Some thin and some big and gaudy. Also more colors.

Kinda fits a Mage more than anything else.


We need more female elves in chokers in this game. Flipped my tentacles when I saw it on wowhead.


The problem I have with ankle/arm options is that we already have bracer transmogs for it, and just adding in cosmetic bracelets that are moggable would not only allow every race to use it, but not waste what otherwise could have been useful customization for Blood Elves. That’s the thing that gets me the most.

Yeah I agree. I guess if we do get San’layn as an Allied Race, it’d certainly be a good option to keep in mind for hoping.


Belf customization feels pretty uninspired when compared to the new amazing nelf stuff.


I think the best way to do San’layn and Dark Rangers as a customization option is to have the Red Eyes and Undead Skin be separate options and to have the Ears/Fangs to be a linked option.

So you can be a Dark Ranger, A Fresh Dark Ranger, a San’layn, and a Fresh San’layn.


Yeah exactly, that’s how I feel. Of course when any blood elf fan brings it up, we’re met with “NO SHUT UP YOU GOT PLENTY NOW GO LIKE IT”. We get a free pass because this is the ‘goth elf thread’ I think though (as in no one has come in here yet to scream at me for complaining), and so it makes sense we’d feel a bit meh about not getting punk/goth options like that :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I agree, like they already have shown they do different ear shapes, and one of them on the female blood elves looks pretty bat-like. However, most will just say they’re ‘half elf’ style or just ‘shorter’ ears. Which also makes sense, but still–bat-like! And they could potentially add more options, like shredded ears or what have you.

Eye color being sep from all seems to be a great idea for me. DK are the only ones, ironically, that’d not benefit from that. However, if I could equip fangs/claws, I’d have to deal with it :sunglasses: (had to add the glasses there).

But yeah! Night elves have fangs and goblins have a mouth FULL of sharp teeth, so I don’t see why it’d be a big issue in my opinion. Claws could just be ‘nail length’, though I’m not sure if they’d go that far, but it’d be nice for sure.