San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This was one of the biggest tragedies of The Burning Crusade in my opinion. They introduced a nuanced take on the typical Elves that were distinctly darker and different.

They were pragmatic, morally flexible and dangerous; but in the very same expansion that they were introduced, their central conflict was easily and lazily resolved.

And they didn’t even do it themselves, it was one of their enemies taking pity on them for no specific reason.


More art, and now I have three blood princes >:D

Above is a picture of Apollo, my gothic cowboy bard. He came about after listening to ‘Country Song’ by Seether.

Aaaand I put the three of them together, here’s my council:

(Modified from the original picture due to a rude gesture if you will on Apollo’s hand :stuck_out_tongue: …well you can see it in the file name. Oops?)


I’m in for a bloody good time. Trust level 3 powers, COME FORTH!

As usual, please give Fallynn the likes since these are her pictures.


Also this makes me have an idea, what if we had San’layn options on either Allied Race or customization (At this point though pass on customization if Blood elves are going to not get any punk/goth options like everyone else seems to -.-) which included eyes like in my art pieces? Pure black with a small red orb in the center. It could be eerie, unique, and cool. Red eyes, sure, fun, but eyes like that could be really distinct, and Lana’thel did have jet black eyes if I recall.


I believe I saw black option in something on wowhead? I’m not sure whether this is something they had prior as npc assets or if this could possibly be to incorporate at least some San’layn options as they did High Elf aspects for Void Elves.

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Huh, I haven’t seen that one yet! Would be cool. I just really want fangs & claws as well, true vampires as opposed to just half-baked ones if that makes sense. But yeah if that might be a thing in the future I wouldn’t mind.


Indeed, which is why I hope that the Undead representation for Blood Elves is confined to Dark Rangers, as I do feel like San’layn could offer more and are a bit different a concept, being an Allied race or perhaps a sub race in the future.


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just saw what night elves got. I’m super jelly they got leaves in their hair. I would’ve loved if blood elves had gotten that too. I’d also like some tattoos like Alleria’s, but maybe with more than one color variation, like red. I’d love if blood elves got those two things and the other obvious thing I want since I’ve posted 27 times in this thread now. By the current looks of it blood elves are basically finished, only a few things left. Subject to change though. Hopefully, to change.

I’m gonna make a thread about orcs sometime today, probably. I might be a lazy greenboi and say I’ll make it today and actually make it 3 days later like I did with my forest troll thread.

But It’s been two months since we’ve seen anything orc, and I’ve said several times here and other places, I’d be tied over for a month with two skins and an eye color that already exist. That’s not all I want, though. But I’ll rant about orcs in my own thread.

Black with some dark grey, and then the obvious white glimmer from light.

Yeah, there’s a black option with a red glow.

I think that was datamined and not pre-existing, but I’m not sure. Looks really cool in my opinion, even though it does look unfinished (I’m a big sucker for the color red, thank god they made red the Horde color).

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Oh gods I hope not, there’s virtually nothing I’m interested in that they’re getting. Especially when it comes to hair styles. And the crown is entirely pointless–we have a crown mog. Same with the stupid bracelets, we have bracelet mogs.

I’ll just say yeah… I’m pretty salty :confused: The night elves got exactly what I really…really…really wanted for hair styles on blood elves, and how quite a few of my characters look. Especially the half mohawk on males, that is my favorite hair style, and I play blood elves, not night elves. Plus it looks like they’re getting chokers too. A bunch of goth/punk options… meanwhile Blood Elves just look even more stereotypically boring by the second. I’m so disheartened it’s not even funny. Not to mention, Void Elves are getting virtually everything blood elves are too, and I have 0 interest in stupid blue eyes on blood elves -.- I’m a bloody DK, I have blue eyes. I don’t even want them.

It’s alright. I think a few Horde players are salty, and we’re also told to shut up and be happy with what we got. Well, what we got is a big pile of ‘nope’. ARGH I just am pretty jealous, I will admit.

I can’t help it, though. I run a San’layn thread, basically goth/punk elves. Even if we got vampire customization, the style certainly would not reflect if we’d be stuck with blood elf nonsense. Unless we get more hairstyles that don’t look generic and barely different from the ones we already have, of course. But who knows.

Ah… yeah I don’t like those, it looks like the glow is either painted on there or it’s raw flesh and the eyes are sunken in like beady rodent eyes. Might just be the image itself looking off to me though, maybe it looks different in 3D.


I’d like to get some wavy/curly(er) hair. Female blood elves have this pretty bad looking (imo) “curly” hair style, and that’s all on Horde (to me it looks really fake and unrealistic). I’d be happy with what void elves got, just the smallest bone. It’s just got the slightest bit of wave. This night elf style:

I assume is something you’d want on blood elves. Or at least, something along those lines. Maybe (probs) more punk.

I love how chokers look. Sad nothing on Horde yet in terms of them. Blood elves are seemingly the only race they’d make sense on too.

I guess maybe trolls or orcs might get something similar, like bone necklaces, but I doubt any will be chokers, probably just necklaces. If even. I strongly doubt we’ll get those.

Nah, it looks basically the same in 3D. Glow looks painted on, not like an actual glow like with the other eyes. Though, at least I think, several of the new eye colors look like that, especially blue ones. They’re probably just unfinished. I can’t say for certain, though. Those eyes are NPC only, the other two NPC only options also looked either painted on like the black eyes, or halfway glowy halfway painted, as with a purple eye color.

I looked back a bit, and there is a dark green eye color that was datamined as NPC only:

But it’s not black nor in the beta dressing room like the actual black one. Probably means nothing but figured it was worth mentioning for some reason.

And regarding this statement of mine regarding the weird glow of the black eyes:

Here’s two blue colors:

The “glow” isn’t quite as “glowy” on the two blue ones as it is on the black one. But it still looks unfinished and painted on the two blue ones which are at the moment meant to become playable, which is almost certainly because they’re new and it’ll most likely be fixed.


N.E need fix texture of all new ears… So ugly! =/

Yeah, I agree. It’s nice to see I’m not the only one disappointed with Blood Elf options. We get teal eyes. Big deal. We get bracelets and body jewelry that most of us will never see unless we transmog ourselves to be nearly naked or wear those ugly low res bikinis. Yay. I didn’t get anything I wanted for my favorite race. When I express my opinion, I’m told Blood Elves get all the attention and they have a lot already. For me it’s quality over quantity. I don’t get to fulfill any of my racial fantasies.

Blood Elves should have gotten tattoos at the very least, some piercings, damaged ears like Night elves have and undead skintones with red eyes for those of us who wanted to be dark rangers. Instead we get more of the “all blood elves are pretty, princesses and there are definitely no deviations.”

I really like what the night elves get though. I am super excited about the vines and damaged ears.


Stuff like what Alleria has would’ve been cool. I would’ve liked that with teal/crimson/lime color variations, and then the style of the tattoos/paint could’ve had 2-3 variations. Maybe void elves could’ve gotten purple void tattoos. Arcane tattoos could also make sense like what nightborne got. Hopefully nightborne ones become more visible though, they’re basically invisible as they are.

If void elves got void tattoos then tear marks and maybe large scar wounds like the one Sylvanas is supposed to have for undead blood elves could serve as a counter on Horde.

Have a-symmetric ears would’ve been cool, where one is halfway cut off and the other is fully intact. I wanted broken tusks like that for trolls and orcs, one tusk broken and the other intact.

Damaged ears night elves get is cool but I won’t use it since I would prefer more a-symmetric damage. The fact they get leaves in their hair I am super jealous about. I would’ve loved that for blood elves, especially in the orange color of Eversong woods, and maybe a few others, like plants glowing blue/purple because of exposure to arcane energy.

Maybe undead elves could get grey twigs or deathly blue variations like what’s seen in the Ghostlands.

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Void elves? Gonna have to respectfully, but strongly disagree. I want Horde Dark Rangers not Alliance. I don’t want to play void elves for a fantasy that belongs on the Horde side.

I’m saying if void elves got void tattoos undead elves on Horde getting tear marks and the like would serve as a good counter.

I’m not going to take a group that only exists on Horde and ask them to go Alliance. Wording there was a bit fishy, so my bad.

Oh sorry, I was confused by your last statement. I meant no disrespect.

If dark rangers/undead blood elves went Alliance I’d be severly disappointed and angry. I have a character on reserve for if Horde gets them, if Alliance get them (which they won’t, but if they did) it’d be a slot freed up for me and a bunch of “nice job blizz.”.

None taken, even if it might’ve seemed like it.


Oh good. Because I like you and didn’t want you to be upset with me or think I was upset with you. I hope my post didn’t sound disrespectful because that was furthest from my intent.


Nah, but I can appear snap-y sometimes and might’ve there because I’ve voiced support for Horde undead blood elves in a few places. I probably didn’t specifically state Horde though, since I figured it’d be obvious.


Nah, neither of those happened.


I made a quick and dirty mockup using Rommath’s tattoos, just as an example.
Even something like that would be better than nothing.